Why are Democrats against Voter ID?

I'm sorry for calling you a liar, but what you posted from the heritage foundation and from your own posts was, in my strong opinion, not true.
Well, no offense, but your opinion does not make the facts I've posted with links - lies.
Why has Biden flooded the USA with illegals?

They are votes for him. Even if he gets half of them, they are his voters. He welcomes illegals. Watch this video and tell me if Chris Cuomo is a Democrat or Republican. Listen to him go all out to have no voter ID. HE knows who they vote for.

This is a discussion among those who want no Voter ID vs those who want it and explain why it is needed.

You're deranged. Illegal aliens can't legally vote in federal elections.
You're deranged. Illegal aliens can't legally vote in federal elections.
Bank robbers can't legally remove funds either. So do you claim Banks don't get robbed?

You are pleading that the illegals obey laws. I wager you believe voters are suppressed??
More bullshit. EVERYONE has to show ID in order to register to vote. Once you're registered, then you can vote.
No, not everyone.

Key Takeaways​

  • Thirty-six state laws request or require voters to show some form of identification at the polls.
  • Fourteen states and Washington, D.C., do not require any documentation to vote at the polls.
Key findings include:

  • Nearly 29 million voting-age U.S. citizens lacked a valid driver’s license and over 7 million had no other form of non-expired government-issued photo identification.
  • In states with strict photo identification laws in 2020, over 3 million voting-age U.S. citizens did not have a current driver’s license, and over 1 million did not have a non-expired government-issued photo identification.
Ok. did they attend school? How can they buy groceries? There are just 35 states that require ID be presented. How do they manage to comply with law?
Why do Democrats oppose such a common-sense requirement as voter ID, even though most civilized nations have the same requirement, and even though you have to show a photo ID to buy alcohol, cigarettes, etc.? Because they want to make voter fraud as easy as possible.

BTW, RFK Jr. supports voter ID laws.
Because...um... history.

The same people who brought you Poll Taxes and Literacy Tests (all of which sound nice in principle) now want Voter ID, as yet another scheme to keep disadvantaged people and people of color from voting.

Buying alcohol isn't a right. Voting is.
Why do Democrats oppose such a common-sense requirement as voter ID, even though most civilized nations have the same requirement, and even though you have to show a photo ID to buy alcohol, cigarettes, etc.? Because they want to make voter fraud as easy as possible.

BTW, RFK Jr. supports voter ID laws.
Have a look at what Canada accepts as ID. Have a look at what a lot of States accept.
Bank robbers can't legally remove funds either. So do you claim Banks don't get robbed?

You are pleading that the illegals obey laws. I wager you believe voters are suppressed??

The onus is on you to prove it. Show illegal aliens voting in federal elections.
No, not everyone.

Key Takeaways​

  • Thirty-six state laws request or require voters to show some form of identification at the polls.
  • Fourteen states and Washington, D.C., do not require any documentation to vote at the polls.

Idiot, do you know what voter registration is? All 50 states require it.
Because...um... history.

The same people who brought you Poll Taxes and Literacy Tests (all of which sound nice in principle) now want Voter ID, as yet another scheme to keep disadvantaged people and people of color from voting.

Buying alcohol isn't a right. Voting is.
You sure make colored people look stupid.
Thanks for admitting you couldn't find even one illegal alien voting; no less in any large numbers.

Oh you thought I screen for illegals? Or you think I am in the FBI? Sorry.
No, I think you're an idiot who moronically thinks illegal aliens can vote in federal elections.
They are criminals. Well blow me down. Criminals can't come up with ways to vote. Because you said so.
Because they can't register to vote. If you can't register, you can't vote. You don't know this because you're a moron.
Some states have protected themselves and some do a lousy job. Democrats know which states do a lousy job and deny illegals vote to keep them able to vote.

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