Climate Alarmists are Meeeellllltttting.....melllllllttttttinnnnng

No attempt to debate anything
I debated it all in detail. Then the inevitable happened. You pissed yourself and ran.

They make 'em extra-gutless in the WUWT cult. That pack o' cowards sits in their SafeSpace crying at each other all day, shielding themselves from reality, censoring any contrary opinions, so they're helpless if they venture out into the real world. When they try, they get their asses handed to them, like I just did.

Let's do what you hate most, and go back to what send you running.

Willis claimed that there was:
1. An increasing linear rate of change of sea level.
2. Followed by a more strongly increasing linear rate of change.

A normal person would call that "acceleration", because that's exactly what it is. When the first derivative in increasing, that's acceleration. But in the Willis kook world, if you just redraw the acceleration curve as a series of straight lines, it becomes not-acceleration.

What a freakin' dumbass. To think the WUWT losers wonder why nobody pays any attention to them.
All her (mammy's) arguments are
Something you've never even tried to refute. I'm that good, and you're that gutless. Your cult told you to deflect from the science in any way possible, preferably with butthurt personal attacks, so that's what you do.

After receiving his asswhupping, SunsetTommy just whimpered and crawled off. Maybe you're brave enough to step in for him.

Do you agree with Tommy's argument that the acceleration of sea level rise really isn't acceleration because someone broke up the curve into multiple straight lines?
you who claimed you have a PHD is Physics at another forum
Never happened.

You. Are. A. Liar.

And yes, we know why you lie.

1. The cult tells you to.

2. You know you can't face me on the issues, so you need reasons to deflect.

3. You're a sad deviant who literally gets off on lying.

You'd best hope the atheists are right, or your afterlife will be toasty.
There's a reason her avatar is a cat. She's a total pussy.
Not all deniers have issues with women, but most do.

Like this:

Your time of the month ?

Yeesh. What a sad specimen. Deniers are not well-adjusted people.

I'm a guy, of course.

Yes, the abuse will go down after I mention that. Denier types generally think they can bully women.
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Meanwhile you still ignore post 107........
Ah yes, the post that showed sea level had essentially stopped rising before AGW accelerated it.

Just as I said.

Thanks for proving how right I was.

And yes, I will be rubbing that in your face for a long time.

If you disagree, post IN YOUR OWN WORDS what you think post 107 proved.

That's the part that gets you. You can't explain anything in your own words. You're a parrot who doesn't understand what he cut-and-pastes.
Both are clear examples of raging insecurity and the need to be right at least once in their lives.
That happens to the noobs. They've never been challenged to back up their beliefs before. It comes to a shock to them to find out that the propaganda that they were all spoonfed is nonsense.

So, they get obsessed with me. Multiple whining posts that are just personal attacks. That never turns out well for them.

Dude, pull out of the sanity death spiral. Do you want to end up like tommy/ding/skook/westwall/etc? I won't even get into the ones who just vanished from the board. I don't know their fate, but it worries me.
That happens to the noobs. They've never been challenged to back up their beliefs before. It comes to a shock to them to find out that the propaganda that they were all spoonfed is nonsense.

Well, since that hasn't happened yet, it will be interesting when it does.

In the meantime you can continue your imitation of the Monty Python's Black Knight.
I realize you've never called a guy a pussy because you'd probably wind up in the hospital.
Woot! Internet tough guy alert!

Anways, 4 stalky posts in a row. Let's see how many more he has in him.

Edit: Yep, he pushed it to 5. Now 6! Can he bust the record? Yes, he hit 7, besting even P@triot's stalky butthurt!
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After receiving his asswhupping, SunsetTommy just whimpered and crawled off. Maybe you're brave enough to step in for him.

I still see him around and nailing you right and left.

If anything I worry that you've bored him to death.
Internet tough guy alert!

By the way, everyone.

This thread is about what is happening in terms of people becoming less inclined to listen to the AGW Chicken Littles.

Crick just hides behind...."Well, I'm I am right" Strange connection and he certainly can't support the first assertion.

But that does not matter.

As near as I can tell, the world could be 10 ft under water and a lot of people are still going to tell AGW idiots to shut their pie-holes.

The story of the little boy who cried wolf is almost a perfect analogue to what has happened in the AGW Banshee Community.
You need to try to make the case that the gap SHOULDN'T be widened.

Go ahead and widen it. Your success rate at bringing CO2 under control isn't anything to write home about.

You need them. Or maybe you don't think you do...which is why you are not writing home.
Go ahead and widen it. Your success rate at bringing CO2 under control isn't anything to write home about.

Oh yeah?


All my doing. Said so yourself.

You need them.
Who? The church?
Or maybe you don't think you do...
I've been doing without the church for a long time.
which is why you are not writing home.
Writing home? My parents are both long dead. To whom would I be writing?

Good fucking god are you stupid.

In your linked video, we do not see or hear Al Gore nor is his name mentioned even once.

There is no date given for the comment about Florida being flooded.

There is not a single false, exaggerated or mistaken statement in the entire report.

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