Harry Reid Will Not Run Again!

I think he thinks Schmuck Shumer will replace Dingy Harry as leader of the Senate after 2016 elections.

I think the whole country goes so far right in the next elections Dems will need a free Depends program.

To ensure that such would happen, I'd advise you to sacrifice a few tea party virgins to the cause.....and place two tea bags over your eyes.
I'd call this a leading indicator that the Dems are going to be creamed in 2016.
Should be interesting to see who becomes Senate Majority Leader when the Dems take back the Senate in 2016
Probably another retarded do nothing lib like Reid. Keep dreaming. Good riddance to the idiot.


Whoever the Dems nominate as new Senate Majority Leader is going to be despised and vilified by the right. So why would it matter if it is Reid or someone else?

Projection. It's what you moonbats eat for breakfast.
Should be interesting to see who becomes Senate Majority Leader when the Dems take back the Senate in 2016
Probably another retarded do nothing lib like Reid. Keep dreaming. Good riddance to the idiot.


Whoever the Dems nominate as new Senate Majority Leader is going to be despised and vilified by the right. So why would it matter if it is Reid or someone else?

Projection. It's what you moonbats eat for breakfast.

I wouldn't call that much of a projection
Schumer would be a good pick

Republicans hate him

Agree.....and a feisty sob when he wants to be.

One thing I hated about Reid was that he had no balls

Schumer will mix it up and make Republicans long for the days of HarryReid
Reid invoked the nuclear option and blocked debate on most bills. I'd call that balls.
Schumer will have a tough time serving in the Senate while serving a prison term.
Poor Harry was cut off from graft in the public sector after the republican landslide last fall and he sees that democrats ain't ever going to get the majority back so he is going to concentrate on crooked real estate deals in Vegas. No surprises here.
Poor Harry was cut off from graft in the public sector after the republican landslide last fall and he sees that democrats ain't ever going to get the majority back so he is going to concentrate on crooked real estate deals in Vegas. No surprises here.

I said last year he'd retire if the Republicans won the majority in the Senate. That combined with his recent injuries are likely the two driving factors behind this move.
There are benefits to the aging process. Culls out some real morons.

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What about putting an actual subject in the thread?

Good riddance to the horses ass of the Senate. Mr Obstruction. The angry dwarf is actually the caricature the left portrays the Republicans to be

I guess that training accident convinced him that losing is not tolerated by the socialist hegemony currently in charge.

He looked like a couple of guys worked him over within hours of losing Congress
You right wingers sure are a "fun" lot....and very, very eloquent in your profanity, hate-mongering and all around impotence.
You right wingers sure are a "fun" lot....and very, very eloquent in your profanity, hate-mongering and all around impotence.

Had the man not been such an incredibly mean-spirited, crooked and partisan douchebag... perhaps we'd feel differently. Harry Reid is reaping what Harry Reid has sown.
I guess that training accident convinced him that losing is not tolerated by the socialist hegemony currently in charge.

He looked like a couple of guys worked him over within hours of losing Congress

Hegemony is usually the domination of one nation over others....but good for you to practice new words whenever possible.

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