Harry Reid Will Not Run Again!

ROFLMAO You mean like they would retain it in 2014? What a shellacking that was....and you clowns still haven't figured out why it happened

....yep, and since taking over both houses of congress, their approval rating is slightly better than child molesters.
(BTW, how does your post jive with the accusation that democrats only win when they STEAL elections?)

Oh and it was so wonderful under Dem control? Just stop already
Hispanics are not blacks. They dont vote Democrat all the time.

Sure......only a mere 71% voted democrats in 2012. (lol)
Not in Nevada, brainiac. ooops.
Latino votes no longer a sure bet for Nevada Democrats Las Vegas Review-Journal

"Hispanics lean heavily toward the Democratic Party by voter registration, but many are unhappy about record-high deportations by the Obama administration and frustrated by long-stalled comprehensive immigration reform."

lol, and which Republicans will be running to the left of the Democrats on those issues?
Which is why the Left touts "free health care" all the time, right?
You are one pathetic poster.

Take it up with Kaz........Health care is a necessity, a photo ID is not.

healthcare ain't free either, someone has to pay. before ACA those who paid for insurance covered those who did not, no one was denied medical treatment in the USA. There was NO healthcare crisis.

But since you brought up ID, why do you object to proving who you are before voting, you have to prove who you are before getting your foodstamps and welfare checks.

We all know the answer, because vote ID reduces voter fraud and the dems are afraid that they cannot win without fraud.
Feds are funny, they are fighting voter ID, but I had to produce a photo ID AND a Social Security card, to get my free tax preparation that is available to seniors.

Pretty funny, having to produce TWO ID's in order to PAY the fuckin' IRS.
The only real conservative Hispanics (not really Hispanics, btw) are Cubans in Florida.
The only real conservative Hispanics (not really Hispanics, btw) are Cubans in Florida.
MY GFs wealth Guatemalan neighbors had Romney signs and Thom Tillis signs in their yard.

I guess they were faking it to keep from being run out of the neighbourhood, amirite?
MY GFs wealth Guatemalan neighbors had Romney signs and Thom Tillis signs in their yard.

I guess they were faking it to keep from being run out of the neighbourhood, amirite?

As RARE as Log Cabin republicans......
There are benefits to the aging process. Culls out some real morons.

The New York Times - Breaking News World News Multimedia

What about putting an actual subject in the thread?

Good riddance to the horses ass of the Senate. Mr Obstruction. The angry dwarf is actually the caricature the left portrays the Republicans to be

You forgot to add "but I'm not a Republican". :rofl:

Why would a libertarian like Harry Reid? You may now proceed two write irrelevant, asinine idiocy
And how hard do you think liberals would find it then to get a free ID? Wow, that problem would go away...

Dingbat, the IDs are NOT free for the state's budget, when it is estimated that it will cost WI taxpayers more than $6 million dollars to implement the new law......
Is that concept too hard for right wingers to grasp?

Strawman and moving the goalposts

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