Zone1 "Does anybody really love anyone at all"


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
These are the words or a paraphrase thereof to a song I heard in the 80s or 90s.

But I found myself asking this Q a long time ago, maybe b4 the song came out, can't recall.

You see the high divorce rates, the acrimony during divorce proceedings, you see all the violence and then you look at the Christian communities, both C and P and you see all this selfishness, materialism.. not helping the poor much or at all

and you ask this Q (in OP)

People here at the forums, and this is what prompted my Q here, don't even listen to one another. They think they know it all already, and boy, don't be part of a Church (or "church") that doesn't believe EXACTLY as that person does! OMG! Total deafness ensues!

Now I know people here will pounce on that and say that I am one of the worst offenders. But no, I am objectively NOT. And also there is this pesky little truth: I do indeed belong to the Church Christ established. I can provide much evidence to support that contention, and yet... again, few listen to me or anyone else. And then there is also this: While I may not listen to what someone says when/if I perceive it is WRONG, I do listen to sincerely held assertions and commentary when I perceive I am dealing with a person of good will. If i think that the person in question is being deceptive in any way... yes, I ditch that person until he or she asks a valid question or appears to be seeking knowledge/truth.
True love includes judgment (discernment) which is often rendered in rude ways during disagreements.

However, what is said in these forums is likely not a true reflection of the nature and character of most of those posters.
True love includes judgment (discernment) which is often rendered in rude ways during disagreements.

However, what is said in these forums is likely not a true reflection of the nature and character of most of those posters.
Well, that last thing is highly debate-able

You can tell the essential bent of a person by what they say, and esp on internet, where they are free or feel they are totally free to say whatever comes to mind.
These are the words or a paraphrase thereof to a song I heard in the 80s or 90s.

But I found myself asking this Q a long time ago, maybe b4 the song came out, can't recall.

You see the high divorce rates, the acrimony during divorce proceedings, you see all the violence and then you look at the Christian communities, both C and P and you see all this selfishness, materialism.. not helping the poor much or at all

and you ask this Q (in OP)

People here at the forums, and this is what prompted my Q here, don't even listen to one another. They think they know it all already, and boy, don't be part of a Church (or "church") that doesn't believe EXACTLY as that person does! OMG! Total deafness ensues!

Now I know people here will pounce on that and say that I am one of the worst offenders. But no, I am objectively NOT. And also there is this pesky little truth: I do indeed belong to the Church Christ established. I can provide much evidence to support that contention, and yet... again, few listen to me or anyone else. And then there is also this: While I may not listen to what someone says when/if I perceive it is WRONG, I do listen to sincerely held assertions and commentary when I perceive I am dealing with a person of good will. If i think that the person in question is being deceptive in any way... yes, I ditch that person until he or she asks a valid question or appears to be seeking knowledge/truth.
Are you 'really' capable of being objective and discuss your issue?

It's simply the human condition running amok in America, due to dysfunctional politics.

I dare not take sides so I'll suggest that the problems are generic to both. But fair to say that the issue is blown far out of proportion to reality on this board.

The problem with varying religious beliefs is on the churches themselves. They have interpreted the bible differently and that should have never happened. The writing is above questioning and it's only the churches that have found disagreement.
True love includes judgment (discernment) which is often rendered in rude ways during disagreements.

However, what is said in these forums is likely not a true reflection of the nature and character of most of those posters.
It's still a reflection on the attitudes of Americans and the huge unsolvable problems that exist.

Guns and racism seem to be at the root of it all.

As a Canadian I can only offer by help and advice on coming to accepting some answers.
Racism has nothing to do with much of anything

We are in a total societal breakdown/train wreck due to one thing


no one fears God anymore. But God is not mocked. Whatever one sows, one will reap

eventually, sinners reap all that they sow
Racism has nothing to do with much of anything

We are in a total societal breakdown/train wreck due to one thing


no one fears God anymore. But God is not mocked. Whatever one sows, one will reap

eventually, sinners reap all that they sow
SIN is correct but that doesn't explain in any detail, the questions you're asking.

If you can't talk about it to me then you're out of luck on this board.
The SIN is: Americans relying on war to solve all of its problems.

And now the rise of competing superpowers that make that solution impossible.
The SIN is: Americans relying on war to solve all of its problems.

And now the rise of competing superpowers that make that solution impossible.
Then we can put you down as voting for Trump or whomever the R candidate i?


These are the words or a paraphrase thereof to a song I heard in the 80s or 90s.

But I found myself asking this Q a long time ago, maybe b4 the song came out, can't recall.

You see the high divorce rates, the acrimony during divorce proceedings, you see all the violence and then you look at the Christian communities, both C and P and you see all this selfishness, materialism.. not helping the poor much or at all

and you ask this Q (in OP)

People here at the forums, and this is what prompted my Q here, don't even listen to one another. They think they know it all already, and boy, don't be part of a Church (or "church") that doesn't believe EXACTLY as that person does! OMG! Total deafness ensues!

Now I know people here will pounce on that and say that I am one of the worst offenders. But no, I am objectively NOT. And also there is this pesky little truth: I do indeed belong to the Church Christ established. I can provide much evidence to support that contention, and yet... again, few listen to me or anyone else. And then there is also this: While I may not listen to what someone says when/if I perceive it is WRONG, I do listen to sincerely held assertions and commentary when I perceive I am dealing with a person of good will. If i think that the person in question is being deceptive in any way... yes, I ditch that person until he or she asks a valid question or appears to be seeking knowledge/truth.
You are asking this question to what end result?

Because if you know the scriptures (as you claim to do) you know the answer to your questions already.(really spelled out clearly)

So...what fruit do you expect by asking on this forum?

What do you hope to gain?

The current religious environment has been so precisely predicted its kinda ridiculous to rail against it....but you are doing so anyway. Why?

Or are your claims of superior scripture knowledge not as much as hyped?
These are the words or a paraphrase thereof to a song I heard in the 80s or 90s.

But I found myself asking this Q a long time ago, maybe b4 the song came out, can't recall.

You see the high divorce rates, the acrimony during divorce proceedings, you see all the violence and then you look at the Christian communities, both C and P and you see all this selfishness, materialism.. not helping the poor much or at all

and you ask this Q (in OP)

People here at the forums, and this is what prompted my Q here, don't even listen to one another. They think they know it all already, and boy, don't be part of a Church (or "church") that doesn't believe EXACTLY as that person does! OMG! Total deafness ensues!

Now I know people here will pounce on that and say that I am one of the worst offenders. But no, I am objectively NOT. And also there is this pesky little truth: I do indeed belong to the Church Christ established. I can provide much evidence to support that contention, and yet... again, few listen to me or anyone else. And then there is also this: While I may not listen to what someone says when/if I perceive it is WRONG, I do listen to sincerely held assertions and commentary when I perceive I am dealing with a person of good will. If i think that the person in question is being deceptive in any way... yes, I ditch that person until he or she asks a valid question or appears to be seeking knowledge/truth.
The concept of love has puzzled philosophers, poets, and ordinary people for centuries. It is a complex and elusive feeling that is often difficult to quantify or explain. So, the question arises: does anybody really love anyone at all? While some may argue that love is just a fleeting emotion, I believe that genuine love does exist, and it is not as rare as some may think.

Firstly, love can be seen in the deep connections between family members. The love that parents show to their children is undeniable and unwavering. It is a selfless and unconditional love that is evident in the sacrifices they make for their children's well-being. Similarly, siblings often share a bond that withstands time and distance. They support and care for each other through thick and thin, reflecting a genuine love that is not easily broken.

Moreover, romantic relationships are another arena where true love can be found. Although it may seem that love is often confused with infatuation or lust, many couples experience a love that goes beyond physical attraction. It is a profound emotional connection that grows through trust, understanding, and genuine care for one another. Couples that have weathered the storms together can attest to the authenticity of their love, as they have shown commitment and dedication despite the hardships they faced.

In conclusion, while it is easy to question whether love truly exists, there are numerous examples of genuine love in our lives. Beyond the romantic notions depicted in movies and books, love can be found in the strong familial bonds and deep friendships that endure. Love is not always flashy or dramatic; it is often quiet and steadfast. So, does anybody really love anyone at all? Yes, they do. Love may not always be perfect, but its existence is evident in the connections we form with others.

Edit : Some people love each other( marriage ). But that does not mean they need to stay with each other( divorce ). They still love each other . :)
Then we can put you down as voting for Trump or whomever the R candidate i?


No, I'm Canadian and I wouldn't have any preference anyway. Both sides are on a road to disaster IMO.
Americans only know how to solve all their problems by war.
"Love" is the most overused word in the English language (particularly in the US). Even its reference in I Corinthians is a debatable substitute for "charity" (aka agape love). I think there are at least three distinctive aspects of this concept:
Internal Emotions, External Incorporation, and Devotion to Others. The first is hormonal/pleasure oriented. The second is the psychological inclusion of others in one's sense of well-being. The third is a moral decision to sacrifice one's well-being for the benefit of others.

P.S. Don't ask for a link, I just dreamed this up.
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."

I make it a point to teach new tenants how to stop an overflowing toilet. These are graduate students, the best and brightest, the hope of the future, that don't know how a toilet works. They also don't know how to read basic building instructions (or they don't believe they apply to them).
It's still a reflection on the attitudes of Americans and the huge unsolvable problems that exist.

Guns and racism seem to be at the root of it all.

As a Canadian I can only offer by help and advice on coming to accepting some answers.
Never mind love towards others. Most are unable to act in their own self interests. To love others, one must love themselves.
Forget the concept of Love and concentrate on a spectrum of energy frequencies which can fluctuate with changing conditions .
Immediately all your problems disappear and you understand the reasons for the changing composition of people and things .

Which Is why I am so full of "love" and known as Lovely Luiza
These are the words or a paraphrase thereof to a song I heard in the 80s or 90s.

But I found myself asking this Q a long time ago, maybe b4 the song came out, can't recall.

You see the high divorce rates, the acrimony during divorce proceedings, you see all the violence and then you look at the Christian communities, both C and P and you see all this selfishness, materialism.. not helping the poor much or at all

and you ask this Q (in OP)
It is possible we have forgotten an essential element of love, and that is considering the greater community(s) of which we are part.

Marriage is a good example. It is not just loving your spouse, but loving the marriage and what it is. There is now a responsibility and love of the marriage. When there are children, it is not just love of children, but love of the family unit. When divorce occurs.... Listen to all the excuses, which is a walking away from the love promised to spouse/marriage, children/family. And it is done in the name of self. Self is not happy. Self is overwhelmed. Self wants freedom from responsibilities. Self is bored. The community(s) crumble. Walking away is not love, so it is possible we all need to relearn love and how to love.

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