Court sides with pharmacists against emergency contraceptives

This is as it should be. If the guy does not want to sell it fine, if he does, cool.

If a pharmacist doesn't want to sell emergency contraception, he shouldn't be a fucking pharmacist.
That's like going for a job in a butchers shop but refusing to sell meat.

Horrible illogic.

A pharmacy refusing to sell one medication out of thousands of medications is like a kosher deli refusing to sell pork.

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^why do you think its okay for a pharmacist to force their religious beliefs on others?

Jesus! You really are a pile of logical fallacies, aren't you?

You do not have to go into that pharmacy. They are not forcing a thing on you.

If Jewish deli does not serve non-kosher food, are they forcing their beliefs on you?

What a dipshit.

But the STATE was forcing pharmacies to sell something which is against their religion.

It amazes me there are loons who think it is okay to force someone to go against their religious beliefs. You believe the government should not only force you to BUY something (private health insurance), you also believe they should force you to SELL something (morning after pill).

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Court sides with pharmacists against emergency contraceptives

This decision could be a 2 edged sword for Luke Vander Bleek and Glenn Kosirog - I suspect that anyone already owning a pharmacy will be extremely vigilant not to hire them or any other pharmacist that holds these kinds of religious beliefs.
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In looking at the article, it seems there is disagreement as to whether this decision applies to anyone but the two pharmacists involved. That means there are facts upon which the decision is based that affected the ruling. Without seeing the decision, there is no way to know what the court held.
Obviously, the court held that the two pharmicists' decision to not provide emergency contraception was covered under existing Illinois law: the Health Care Right of Conscience Act.

Rotten Rod Blago, D-Corruptionland, decided that his decree overrode existing state law and ordered all pharmacists to dispense the morning-after pill.

He was wrong about that.

I will. Freedom is a good thing, is it not?
Kind of like the rabid rightwingers running around saying the PA Voter ID law was upheld when it wasn't but was instead remanded to the court below for certain inquiries.
Wasn't overturned, was it?

there was no constitutional determination. the conscience act controls in this particular case. that's true. and no, it was not obvious from your link.
Yes, it was fairly obvious.
A lawsuit by Luke Vander Bleek and Glenn Kosirog challenged a 2005 executive order by then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich requiring all pharmacists to fill prescriptions for the so-called morning-after pill.

They argued they were protected by the Illinois Health Care Right of Conscience Act. That law says health professionals cannot be punished if they refuse to offer a service because of their conscientious convictions.​
I thought you said there was no constitutional determination...?
The circuit court found plaintiffs had sincere religious beliefs preventing them
from dispensing emergency contraceptives. The court found the Current Rule unconstitutional
and invalid
[Note: The Current Rule is Rotten Rod's anti-freedom decree -- daveman] under the Conscience Act and the Religious Freedom Act and issued a permanent
injunction, enjoining defendants from enforcing the Current Rule.​
and no, i don't think that someone should take a job if they can't fulfil the obligations of that position.
The pharmacists who filed suit were the owners of the pharmacies in question.

Did you read the decision? :eusa_eh:
The corporate plaintiffs have ethical guidelines that prevent the pharmacies
they own and operate from dispensing emergency contraception.​
kind of like muslims and orthodox jews shouldn't have jobs where part of their responsibilites include handling pork.
If they own the butcher shops, they can handle whatever kind of meat they want, can't they?
see how that works?
Far better than you, apparently.
and no, the rabiid religious right shouldn't be keeping other people from exercising THEIR fredoms. But i know that's irrelevant to you. So keep talking about freedom... You don't believe it applies to anyone who doesn't share your beliefs..
So: You believe forcing others to compromise their beliefs is okay as long as you disagree with those beliefs.

It's funny the way you pretend to have the moral high ground. :lol:
Can I start a business and refuse to sell my products to Christians? Or would they bitch and complain about being discriminated against?
I guess its okay for Christians to discriminate, but not okay for anyone to do the same to them.
Can I start a business and refuse to sell my products to Christians? Or would they bitch and complain about being discriminated against?
I guess its okay for Christians to discriminate, but not okay for anyone to do the same to them.

Seeing that you live down under, my guess is that the answer to that is no. I would also guess that anyone who came into your business and had to prove they were not Christians would be a lot more upset about your rigamarole than the Christians you are trying to keep out.

well yes you are. Nobody has been arrested nor any laws created,but i see you needed to move to another thread in order to promote your bullshit.

The Obama administration has backed a UN resolution calling for an end to blasphemy. That, like it or not, makes my statement entirely true.

link.....The UN doesn't create our laws nor would our courts allow it. This should be fun to see what you come up with.

Still who has been arrested or laws created?
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well yes you are. Nobody has been arrested nor any laws created,but i see you needed to move to another thread in order to promote your bullshit.

The Obama administration has backed a UN resolution calling for an end to blasphemy. That, like it or not, makes my statement entirely true.

link.....The UN doesn't create our laws nor would our courts allow it. This should be fun to see what you come up with.

Still who has been arrested or laws created?

Why do people always ask for links instead of looking for themselves?

U.S. Joins Egypt in Call for Exceptions to Free Speech in the Name of "Religious Tolerance" - Hit & Run :

Just say no to blasphemy laws :: The Legal Project

Just say no to blasphemy laws | EuropeNews

Tell you what, why don't you explain how we get from "The state believes it is a crime to insult Islam" to your rantings about actual laws. I suggest you start by looking up the definition of belief. After you do that you can explain why any president of the US would support something that you clearly believe is facially unconstitutional. After that you can join me in telling Obama to back off on his call to limit free speech.
The Obama administration has backed a UN resolution calling for an end to blasphemy. That, like it or not, makes my statement entirely true.

link.....The UN doesn't create our laws nor would our courts allow it. This should be fun to see what you come up with.

Still who has been arrested or laws created?

Why do people always ask for links instead of looking for themselves?

U.S. Joins Egypt in Call for Exceptions to Free Speech in the Name of "Religious Tolerance" - Hit & Run :

Just say no to blasphemy laws :: The Legal Project

Just say no to blasphemy laws | EuropeNews

Tell you what, why don't you explain how we get from "The state believes it is a crime to insult Islam" to your rantings about actual laws. I suggest you start by looking up the definition of belief. After you do that you can explain why any president of the US would support something that you clearly believe is facially unconstitutional. After that you can join me in telling Obama to back off on his call to limit free speech.

because in the world of message boards when you make the assertion you may need to back up that claim. It helps provide substance to your post, instead of you just shouting out unclaimed crap.

I was wondering if you where going to link to the 2008 non-binding U.N resolution Which we don't actually see as law.

I see what you are doing here. You are taking the U.N resolution and Obama condemning the movie maker and making it into one giant issue. You see them as linked when really they are not.

Again no laws have been made here in the United states ( U.N doesnt count as an authority here) no has The president restricted the mans freedom of speech.

So again what laws have been passed that will make what this man said illegal?
What things has Obama done to restrict this man freedom of speech?

You could finally just admit you have nothing but your bias opinion and loose ended connect the dots ala Political Chic pathetic threads.

I doubt you will, your not that type to admit you are wrong. You will either punt, deflect, or just ignore the questions like usual.

Its amusing when people link shit and i actually take a moment to read it. The difference from what actually is happening and the spin is also fun stuff.

You keep on trying with that non-binding resolution.
Can I start a business and refuse to sell my products to Christians? Or would they bitch and complain about being discriminated against?
I guess its okay for Christians to discriminate, but not okay for anyone to do the same to them.

Seeing that you live down under, my guess is that the answer to that is no. I would also guess that anyone who came into your business and had to prove they were not Christians would be a lot more upset about your rigamarole than the Christians you are trying to keep out.

But its my business, I should be able to deny service to anyone I like.
Court sides with pharmacists against emergency contraceptives

This decision could be a 2 edged sword for Luke Vander Bleek and Glenn Kosirog - I suspect that anyone already owning a pharmacy will be extremely vigilant not to hire them or any other pharmacist that holds these kinds of religious beliefs.
These two own their own pharmacies.
Can I start a business and refuse to sell my products to Christians? Or would they bitch and complain about being discriminated against?
I guess its okay for Christians to discriminate, but not okay for anyone to do the same to them.

The two pharmacists did not refuse to sell to a set of people. They refused to sell specific products, and would not sell them to anyone.

There is no discrimination here, no matter how hard you want there to be.

Meanwhile, you ignored all the questions about butcher shops. I don't blame you -- they really point out how wrong your arguments are.

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