Court sides with pharmacists against emergency contraceptives

I get it now, only pharmacist have this mysterious ability to impose their views on others by not selling something. Do they have form of telepathy that they learn in pharmacy school, or do they use drugs?

Its because is has to do with abortion, and for some people, ANYTHING that interferes with that is a no go, personal choice (ironic isnt it?) and morality be damned.

It's not the fact pharmacists don't want to sell the pill. It is the precedence they are setting. The fact that anyone now can refuse work on moral grounds is very ambiguous at best. See my post above for examples. The way to get around it would be for the pharmacy itself not to stock the pills, this way the pharmacist don't have to make that call. As an aside though, the morality of the pharmacist is questionable at best. They are not the only pharmacist working at the pharmacy so some other pharmacist is selling the pill. Funny how their morility comes into play when they are asked to sell the pill, yet they won't quit that pharmacy and work for one that doesn't sell the pill. On moral grounds of course.

If the employer has no problem with it, why do you?
Lol I remember, I believe we bickered over that before.

You think it is hard not to get pregnant? I would point out that millions of women go through their entire lives without getting pregnant, do you think they are smarter or stronger than the rest?

Considering half of all pregnancies in America are unplanned, I'd say it's not quiet as simple as some men seem to think.

Considering that the definition of unplanned used in studies to determine that statistic includes women who plan to get pregnant next month rather than this month, or even last month rather than this one, I would say it is probably just as easy as I think it to not get pregnant, don't have sex and you can't get pregnant. Parthenogenesis does not occur in humans.
You think it is hard not to get pregnant? I would point out that millions of women go through their entire lives without getting pregnant, do you think they are smarter or stronger than the rest?

Considering half of all pregnancies in America are unplanned, I'd say it's not quiet as simple as some men seem to think.

Considering that the definition of unplanned used in studies to determine that statistic includes women who plan to get pregnant next month rather than this month, or even last month rather than this one, I would say it is probably just as easy as I think it to not get pregnant, don't have sex and you can't get pregnant. Parthenogenesis does not occur in humans.

I remeber how you dislike the way the CDC calculates that number.
Fine...but they should make sure they put this in big letters at their pharmacy so people don't bother to go there. Let the market determine.

I, personally, have no problem with that. I would point out that the Supreme Court has actually said that forcing people to say things they don't want to say is a violation of free speech.
It's not the fact pharmacists don't want to sell the pill. It is the precedence they are setting. The fact that anyone now can refuse work on moral grounds is very ambiguous at best. See my post above for examples. The way to get around it would be for the pharmacy itself not to stock the pills, this way the pharmacist don't have to make that call. As an aside though, the morality of the pharmacist is questionable at best. They are not the only pharmacist working at the pharmacy so some other pharmacist is selling the pill. Funny how their morility comes into play when they are asked to sell the pill, yet they won't quit that pharmacy and work for one that doesn't sell the pill. On moral grounds of course.

Forcing someone to do something against thier beliefs is a far worse precedent.

One should convince others to beleive in what you do, not force them by governmental fiat, and not for things that only lead to a momentary inconvience, or a little bit of uncomfortableness on the part of another person.

Everyone has a choice to do or not to do something. It is the consequences of that choice that are being brought into question. As a person looking for a job one should always decide if they can do the job before they accept the position. The owner has a responsibility to explain what the position entails before the hiring process continues forward. If the owner explains that the pill is offered and sold here the employee should voice their concerns then turn the job down.

The thing is, that is not what happened here. What actually happened is that, after pharmacists had their jobs, the government stepped in and ordered the pharmacies to sell something. The job changed because of the government, not the employer. Should the employer be forced to fire people that disagree with government decrees?
Fine...but they should make sure they put this in big letters at their pharmacy so people don't bother to go there. Let the market determine.

I agree, I think there is an assumption when you visit a pharmacy that they will dispense you whatever medicine is prescribed. Any pharmacy that wishes to not dispense on religious/moral grounds should have a posted sign saying so.

I always assume that they can only dispense meds if they actually have them. Could that be because I understand that magic only works in books and movies, and that, in the real world, my ability to give you something you ask for requires me to actually have it before you ask?
Fine...but they should make sure they put this in big letters at their pharmacy so people don't bother to go there. Let the market determine.

I agree, I think there is an assumption when you visit a pharmacy that they will dispense you whatever medicine is prescribed. Any pharmacy that wishes to not dispense on religious/moral grounds should have a posted sign saying so.

I always assume that they can only dispense meds if they actually have them. Could that be because I understand that magic only works in books and movies, and that, in the real world, my ability to give you something you ask for requires me to actually have it before you ask?

Most pharmacies get daily deliveries of meds, and if they don't have your script on hand can still fill it same day.
I have to agree with you to a point. No one should be forced to go against their religious beliefs. You however must admitt that when it comes to tolerance, religion is the last place you should look for tolerance. Do they tolerate gays? Do they tolerate a womans choice to choose? and so on and so on. If you support the boy scouts right to decide who can be a scout master or not you have to support the right of a pharmacy to decide to fire a pharmacist for not selling the pill.

Well first religions dont say they practice a blank, undefined tolerance.....that's where liberals go wrong, to get people to support gays they have this huge over arching view of tolerance, but dont practice it.

And then we can get into details, tolerating gays. what does that mean? you let them get married? let them do their thing? or let them live? Some people believe in those ideas. I as a christian will let them live and do their thing (privately), but marriage no.. .So am I intolerant?
So compared to a mullah in Iran, I am tolerant? correct?

But comapred to a liberal, maybe not on this issue, but lets look at all issues, and you'lre be quite suprised that the people wanting gay marriage arent really that tolerant of other points of view, even less so then most conservative christians....

As a Christian it is pretty much written in stone that you are to be intolerant. Christians should embrace that intolerance, it's who they are. They should stand up and say that in their opinion gays should not get married, adopt children, serve openly in the military, and this means that christians should embrace the fact that they don't support equality. It's ok to be intolerant, and more christians should stand up and identify themselves as being selectively intolerant. I say selectively, because as a non christian, Christians look as though they are zealous in their persecution of this one sin above all others. They seem to tolerate divorce more than gays, maybe I'm wrong but they are not pushing for legislation to outlaw divorce.

First, you would have to explain how that is intolerance. Then, you would have to prove that Christians are demanding that thieves and murderers not go to prison. Since you can prove neither, you are obviously a blithering idiot.
interesting. If they take on the job of handing out pills and such, and then decide to pick and choose which they will hand out. Thats not doing their jobs correctly. Why bother get into that field anyways if you are not going to do the job correctly?

If i decide at my job not to sell Cigarettes to customers because i choose not to i will be fired. ( this excludes under age or no ID ).

If you own the store and decide not to sell cigarettes should the government step in and force you to sell them?
Considering half of all pregnancies in America are unplanned, I'd say it's not quiet as simple as some men seem to think.

Considering that the definition of unplanned used in studies to determine that statistic includes women who plan to get pregnant next month rather than this month, or even last month rather than this one, I would say it is probably just as easy as I think it to not get pregnant, don't have sex and you can't get pregnant. Parthenogenesis does not occur in humans.

I remeber how you dislike the way the CDC calculates that number.

Btw, I've never been able to find anything that suggests that the CDC counts women who are attempting to get pregnant but conceive before/after as "unplanned".... So I'm mostly just taking your word for it.
So you could say they are the "Silent majority", who stand back and let the rabid Chistians ruin their good name. For evil to succeed good people must do nothing.

When you see rallies and protests for gay rights, you're seeing Christians.
When you see bills purposed that give rights to homosexuals, those bills were written by Christians.
When you see calls to give equal rights to gays, many of those calls are made by Christians.

We are a majority Christain nation. They are the majority in both the things you agree with, and the things you disagree with.

Is it possible to support Gay rights and be a christian at the same time?
How is that for a poll question?

Considering half of all pregnancies in America are unplanned, I'd say it's not quiet as simple as some men seem to think.

Considering that the definition of unplanned used in studies to determine that statistic includes women who plan to get pregnant next month rather than this month, or even last month rather than this one, I would say it is probably just as easy as I think it to not get pregnant, don't have sex and you can't get pregnant. Parthenogenesis does not occur in humans.

I remeber how you dislike the way the CDC calculates that number.

You should too. Calling a pregnancy unplanned because the woman gets pregnant a couple of months early is stupid.
I agree, I think there is an assumption when you visit a pharmacy that they will dispense you whatever medicine is prescribed. Any pharmacy that wishes to not dispense on religious/moral grounds should have a posted sign saying so.

I always assume that they can only dispense meds if they actually have them. Could that be because I understand that magic only works in books and movies, and that, in the real world, my ability to give you something you ask for requires me to actually have it before you ask?

Most pharmacies get daily deliveries of meds, and if they don't have your script on hand can still fill it same day.

That depends on the script, the location of the pharmacy, and whether they just got robbed.
I always assume that they can only dispense meds if they actually have them. Could that be because I understand that magic only works in books and movies, and that, in the real world, my ability to give you something you ask for requires me to actually have it before you ask?

Most pharmacies get daily deliveries of meds, and if they don't have your script on hand can still fill it same day.

That depends on the script, the location of the pharmacy, and whether they just got robbed.
Barring extenuating circumstances of course.

However I don't know any functioning pharmacy that doesn't get daily deliveries. Medicine is tricky, many small pharmacies choose not to keep much of the high dollar stuff on hand, and a lot of the liquids have a very short shelf life.
Most pharmacies get daily deliveries of meds, and if they don't have your script on hand can still fill it same day.

That depends on the script, the location of the pharmacy, and whether they just got robbed.
Barring extenuating circumstances of course.

However I don't know any functioning pharmacy that doesn't get daily deliveries. Medicine is tricky, many small pharmacies choose not to keep much of the high dollar stuff on hand, and a lot of the liquids have a very short shelf life.

I know of quite a few. Most chains use a central distribution warehouse to hold drugs that are not ordered often. This allows them to keep more common drugs in stock and still have access to unusual items when needed. As for rural pharmacies, why would they go to the expense of getting drugs delivered every day?
That depends on the script, the location of the pharmacy, and whether they just got robbed.
Barring extenuating circumstances of course.

However I don't know any functioning pharmacy that doesn't get daily deliveries. Medicine is tricky, many small pharmacies choose not to keep much of the high dollar stuff on hand, and a lot of the liquids have a very short shelf life.

I know of quite a few. Most chains use a central distribution warehouse to hold drugs that are not ordered often. This allows them to keep more common drugs in stock and still have access to unusual items when needed. As for rural pharmacies, why would they go to the expense of getting drugs delivered every day?

I've never worked at a rural pharmacy, but I'd assume that if they are actually making money, it's because people get their prescriptions there, so they would need stock just like anyone else.

Btw- yes chains have a warehouse but the ones I know of all get daily deliveries of drugs.
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I think the judge made the right choice.

However I plan to refer back to this thread the next time someone who's pro-life spouts on about how women shouldn't need abortion because every pharmacy sells emergency contraceptive :)
You won't have to do that with me. I'm the guy who says women shouldn't need abortion because it's so insanely easy to not get pregnant to begin with.

Lol I remember, I believe we bickered over that before.
I really don't see why. It really is easy to not get pregnant.
This is as it should be. If the guy does not want to sell it fine, if he does, cool.

If a pharmacist doesn't want to sell emergency contraception, he shouldn't be a fucking pharmacist.
That's like going for a job in a butchers shop but refusing to sell meat.

You do know there are drugs besides abortifacients, right? :eusa_eh:

My wife got some antibiotics at a pharmacy last week. They had them in stock. Because far more people need antibiotics than the morning-after pill.
Doubtful. If it was in a heavily (R) area with a "whites only" sign in the window, it would likely be the most popular business in the town.

8 rep points? What a terrible burden. Let me lighten your load.

Apparently a bunch of idiot progressives piled on to build it back up. It was, however, nice to see it drop again when I negged him.
No enemies on the left. They support each other no matter how stupid they get.

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