All Day, Every Day


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
I realize that there will always be some cowards, weaklings, and idiots who are racists; but some of the defectives who frequent this part of the forum seem to spend every second of their lives in abject terror at the world around them. That kind of unremitting obsession has got to be exhausting.
I realize that there will always be some cowards, weaklings, and idiots who are racists; but some of the defectives who frequent this part of the forum seem to spend every second of their lives in abject terror at the world around them. That kind of unremitting obsession has got to be exhausting.

Yo, when people tell the truth? Which the ""Socialist Democrat Party"" can`t except? It`s not Racist to tell the people of the U.S.A. about it!!! Your Party loves to throw around the word Racist? You might want to check your Parties History!!!

I realize that there will always be some cowards, weaklings, and idiots who are racists; but some of the defectives who frequent this part of the forum seem to spend every second of their lives in abject terror at the world around them. That kind of unremitting obsession has got to be exhausting.
You realize that/ racism is the n
I realize that there will always be some cowards, weaklings, and idiots who are racists; but some of the defectives who frequent this part of the forum seem to spend every second of their lives in abject terror at the world around them. That kind of unremitting obsession has got to be exhausting.
You realize...what? Racism is the bright and shiny new form of McCarthyism. Just allege something without any proof. And the deed is done, hurt and slander. Cowards idiots, weaklings? Harsh. Living in a world of abject terror? How theatrical. Hyperbole. Perhaps you are the one in fear and obsession. I leave this open ended, because, of course, it will never end.
Cowards idiots, weaklings? Harsh......

No, accurate. You feel uncomfortable because you want to wallow in your own irrational hatred for Latinos without being called on it. Too bad.
You've been called on your racist bullshit too many times, and you think you can whine and cry your way to a free pass.
You've been called on your racist bullshit too many times, and you think you can whine and cry your way to a free pass.
Wow. Racism is an allegation, but proof? Just like old gunner joe, allegations and slanders. What standard of proof do you have? Just because you say so doesn't work. Prove IT. You CAN'T and you know it. So give it up.
.... Racism is an allegation, but proof? ... What standard of proof do you have? Just because you say so doesn't work. Prove IT. ...

I despise Islam. Islamaphobia? Where are ALL the GOOD Muslims? Bitching and whining about a anti Muslim backlash instead of stepping up and facing the vile dark hearted face of evil Islam is. Disgusting ideology and religion. I hate Islam. I revile IT.

But, Mexicans, they are a tad different. ....

Why does a bigot like you think so?
That isn't very intellectual of you. People on other boards think...(you are creepy). Please don't go there. I live with these assholes, and they don't treat Americans very nice.I can vouch for that first hand. And why, brother, do you defend them? That is my #1 question. Why?

I have seen how violent and disrespectful black youth can be first hand, particularly with whites and white cops....

I do NOT like gays Sam I am, I do not like them red or green, if you know what I mean. I just don't like queens or liars or in betweeners...

Blacks need to get over this racism stuff ... Get over IT.

I am so disgusted with "teachers", what is up with them anyway? ....

Meanwhile back at the ranch...Mexicans are taking over the place, they ignore past and the pre- existing dominate culture. Poles, Germans, Jews, Italians you name it, they all acclimated without government protection like what dear Obama did with wettbacks, WHY? they need special protection? No they don't. You are deluding your self if you think so.

... I have had to deal with all the Hoochies from gacamoleland, .....

... My next door neighbor used to feel pity for feral cats. Fed them, put out shelter. Compassionate. Until they practically took over the place, she was forced to do what she should have done in the first place. Called in Animal control and had to haul off the lot of them, after years of kitties breeding more kitty cats and poo in the garden and all that. Mexicans are like that, not to trivialize the issue. Sometime, you have to be cruel to be kind. And I pity people that don't see the comparison and feel the pain.

And there are a few thousand more like that...
I realize that there will always be some cowards, weaklings, and idiots who are racists; but some of the defectives who frequent this part of the forum seem to spend every second of their lives in abject terror at the world around them. That kind of unremitting obsession has got to be exhausting.
I'm afraid of haters like you.
I realize that there will always be some cowards, weaklings, and idiots who are racists; but some of the defectives who frequent this part of the forum seem to spend every second of their lives in abject terror at the world around them. That kind of unremitting obsession has got to be exhausting.
I'm afraid of haters like you.

And who do you imagine me to hate, fool?
I realize that there will always be some cowards, weaklings, and idiots who are racists; but some of the defectives who frequent this part of the forum seem to spend every second of their lives in abject terror at the world around them. That kind of unremitting obsession has got to be exhausting.
I'm afraid of haters like you.
And who do you imagine me to hate, fool?
You're always calling everyone names, like you're 12 years old. You probably have a dog just so you can hate it as well.
he looked in the mirror and saw all that crap on his head and face.He also wonders why the yaps he's trying to portray laugh their heads off everytime they see him.
I realize that there will always be some cowards, weaklings, and idiots who are racists; but some of the defectives who frequent this part of the forum seem to spend every second of their lives in abject terror at the world around them. That kind of unremitting obsession has got to be exhausting.

There are Realists and Idealists. Realists aren't afraid, that's simply the way you choose to frame them as if name calling held any merit in an argument. Realist simply observe and point out the way things are and act accordingly. You are an Idealist. You see the world the way you would like it to be, but not the way it is. That's perfectly fine. Many people hold your view. It just so happens that idealists are wrong about 99% of the time because they overlook the truth in an effort to create what doesn't exist In order to fulfill their world view or political agenda.

The fact still remains: there are different people of different cultures and ethnicity's who value different things, act differently, and are more prone to negative behaviors in certain categories than others. No one disputes this fact but idealists.
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I realize that there will always be some cowards, weaklings, and idiots who are racists; but some of the defectives who frequent this part of the forum seem to spend every second of their lives in abject terror at the world around them. That kind of unremitting obsession has got to be exhausting.

There are Realists and Idealists. Realists aren't afraid, that's simply the way you choose to frame them as if name calling held any merit in an argument. Realist simply observe and point out the way things are and act accordingly. You are an Idealist. You see the world the way you would like it to be, but not the way it is. That's perfectly fine. Many people hold your view. It just so happens that idealists are wrong about 99% of the time because they overlook the truth in an effort to create what doesn't exist In order to fulfill their world view or political agenda.

The fact still remains: there are different people of different cultures and ethnicity's who value different things, act differently, and are more prone to negative behaviors in certain categories than others. No one disputes this fact but idealists.

You, of course, have it exactly backwards. Fatuous, illogical thinking and basic weakness of character and mind lead to erroneous conclusions like yours.
I realize that there will always be some cowards, weaklings, and idiots who are racists; but some of the defectives who frequent this part of the forum seem to spend every second of their lives in abject terror at the world around them. That kind of unremitting obsession has got to be exhausting.

There are Realists and Idealists. Realists aren't afraid, that's simply the way you choose to frame them as if name calling held any merit in an argument. Realist simply observe and point out the way things are and act accordingly. You are an Idealist. You see the world the way you would like it to be, but not the way it is. That's perfectly fine. Many people hold your view. It just so happens that idealists are wrong about 99% of the time because they overlook the truth in an effort to create what doesn't exist In order to fulfill their world view or political agenda.

The fact still remains: there are different people of different cultures and ethnicity's who value different things, act differently, and are more prone to negative behaviors in certain categories than others. No one disputes this fact but idealists.

You, of course, have it exactly backwards. Fatuous, illogical thinking and basic weakness of character and mind lead to erroneous conclusions like yours.

What was the error in his logic?
... Realists aren't afraid....

Racists aren't "realists," they're cowards. That's why I call them what they are. Fundamentally, racism is an expression of fear. Real men and women don't live their lives prisoners to their fears, but racist do. It is what it is.
.... Realist simply observe and point out the way things are and act accordingly. You are an Idealist. You see the world the way you would like it to be, but not the way it is. .....

Wrong. Racists do not "observe the way things are," they view things through the irrational lens of their fears. They cannot see or think outside that flawed and fearful paradigm. Everything is thus distorted so that the worldview these weaklings have vested themselves in makes 'sense' to them. To clear-thinking adults it is simply ridiculous.
.... Realist simply observe and point out the way things are and act accordingly. You are an Idealist. You see the world the way you would like it to be, but not the way it is. .....

Wrong. Racists do not "observe the way things are," they view things through the irrational lens of their fears. They cannot see or think outside that flawed and fearful paradigm. Everything is thus distorted so that the worldview these weaklings have vested themselves in makes 'sense' to them. To clear-thinking adults it is simply ridiculous.

I have interacted with people of all 'races,' religions, languages and creeds all my life from athletics to personal relationships to professional collaboration learning, teaching, and working with, for, and among every kind of people and every kind of person you can find. I have been around this blue meatball many times, and any peoples I haven't lived with and among abroad have come to me here from literally every corner of the globe. I see with clear perspective how all peoples are essentially the same and how all individuals are essentially distinct. Some people, out of fear, stupidity, or a desire to categorize and control, cannot or will not see people as individuals and that is where all the bullshit starts.
I realize that there will always be some cowards, weaklings, and idiots who are racists; but some of the defectives who frequent this part of the forum seem to spend every second of their lives in abject terror at the world around them. That kind of unremitting obsession has got to be exhausting.

There are Realists and Idealists. Realists aren't afraid, that's simply the way you choose to frame them as if name calling held any merit in an argument. Realist simply observe and point out the way things are and act accordingly. You are an Idealist. You see the world the way you would like it to be, but not the way it is. That's perfectly fine. Many people hold your view. It just so happens that idealists are wrong about 99% of the time because they overlook the truth in an effort to create what doesn't exist In order to fulfill their world view or political agenda.

The fact still remains: there are different people of different cultures and ethnicity's who value different things, act differently, and are more prone to negative behaviors in certain categories than others. No one disputes this fact but idealists.

You, of course, have it exactly backwards. Fatuous, illogical thinking and basic weakness of character and mind lead to erroneous conclusions like yours.

What was the error in his logic?

Is that clear to you now?
I realize that there will always be some cowards, weaklings, and idiots who are racists; but some of the defectives who frequent this part of the forum seem to spend every second of their lives in abject terror at the world around them. That kind of unremitting obsession has got to be exhausting.

There are Realists and Idealists. Realists aren't afraid, that's simply the way you choose to frame them as if name calling held any merit in an argument. Realist simply observe and point out the way things are and act accordingly. You are an Idealist. You see the world the way you would like it to be, but not the way it is. That's perfectly fine. Many people hold your view. It just so happens that idealists are wrong about 99% of the time because they overlook the truth in an effort to create what doesn't exist In order to fulfill their world view or political agenda.

The fact still remains: there are different people of different cultures and ethnicity's who value different things, act differently, and are more prone to negative behaviors in certain categories than others. No one disputes this fact but idealists.

You, of course, have it exactly backwards. Fatuous, illogical thinking and basic weakness of character and mind lead to erroneous conclusions like yours.

What was the error in his logic?

Is that clear to you now?

All you did was repeatedly express the fact that you disagreed with him and insulted him.

At no point did you support your claim that he was wrong with anything other that self serving assumptions and once a general reference to personal observations.

YOu claim "racists" do NOT see the world as it is, but though a distorted lens.

Can you support that claim with anything other than repeated assertions and insults?

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