Abortion... It's Murder.

I don't like abortions and personally would not ever have one, but at the same time, I have to think of what would become of all those poor unwanted children, and then I think about parents who abuse and some who actually kill their own children. Which one is worse for the poor kid? I don't know, and it's kind of awful to think about.

EVERY LIVING BEING deserves a chance at life...we who are here got our break, we should make sure all that follow have theirs!.... I Mean being a BIG LIBERAL as I am, it's the ONLY FAIR thing to do!

You people on the right condemn abortion over concern of human life. But once that child is born, you'll fight to make sure that no taxpayer funding goes to the child's upkeep or even keeping it alive no matter the inability of the mother to do so. Look at repiglican governors in red states denying medicaid. Right to life. Sure.

When you have so many ILLEGAL ALIENS applying for Medicaid, and a feckless president that cares more about NON CITIZENS than citizens, what would you have us do... how about DEPORTING all those that MILK THE SYSTEM that don't deserve to get it!

By reading your posts I don't get the sense of a person who cares much for his fellow man. Why do you pretend to cherish the unborn?
Prepare to be blasted by the baby killers. They have no respect for human life, especially the unborn.

Yeah, those who send people to die in made up wars have a very high regard for human life. Those who want to cut food stamp and other programs that help the needy have a real regard for human life, but only so there are others to lord over. Go Fuck yourself you two bit piece of shit hypocrite!

Are you this stupid in real life? Soldiers voluntarily sign up to protect our freedoms to fight evil and tyranny. Women who murder babies knowingly choose to murder an INNOCENT baby with no say in the matter. How about if one of those ABORTED babies had the cure for cancer or another disease?
I don't like abortions and personally would not ever have one, but at the same time, I have to think of what would become of all those poor unwanted children, and then I think about parents who abuse and some who actually kill their own children. Which one is worse for the poor kid? I don't know, and it's kind of awful to think about.

EVERY LIVING BEING deserves a chance at life...we who are here got our break, we should make sure all that follow have theirs!.... I Mean being a BIG LIBERAL as I am, it's the ONLY FAIR thing to do!

You people on the right condemn abortion over concern of human life. But once that child is born, you'll fight to make sure that no taxpayer funding goes to the child's upkeep or even keeping it alive no matter the inability of the mother to do so. Look at repiglican governors in red states denying medicaid. Right to life. Sure.

When you have so many ILLEGAL ALIENS applying for Medicaid, and a feckless president that cares more about NON CITIZENS than citizens, what would you have us do... how about DEPORTING all those that MILK THE SYSTEM that don't deserve to get it!

By reading your posts I don't get the sense of a person who cares much for his fellow man. Why do you pretend to cherish the unborn?

I care about what I can do and say about MY COUNTRY, all others have to fend for themselves as I have NO VOICE there. As you can see, there are many that agree with me. and even polls show abortion in rejected by the majority, although some put caveats on it!
I don't like abortions and personally would not ever have one, but at the same time, I have to think of what would become of all those poor unwanted children, and then I think about parents who abuse and some who actually kill their own children. Which one is worse for the poor kid? I don't know, and it's kind of awful to think about.

EVERY LIVING BEING deserves a chance at life...we who are here got our break, we should make sure all that follow have theirs!.... I Mean being a BIG LIBERAL as I am, it's the ONLY FAIR thing to do!

You people on the right condemn abortion over concern of human life. But once that child is born, you'll fight to make sure that no taxpayer funding goes to the child's upkeep or even keeping it alive no matter the inability of the mother to do so. Look at repiglican governors in red states denying medicaid. Right to life. Sure.

When you have so many ILLEGAL ALIENS applying for Medicaid, and a feckless president that cares more about NON CITIZENS than citizens, what would you have us do... how about DEPORTING all those that MILK THE SYSTEM that don't deserve to get it!

By reading your posts I don't get the sense of a person who cares much for his fellow man. Why do you pretend to cherish the unborn?

I care about what I can do and say about MY COUNTRY, all others have to fend for themselves as I have NO VOICE there. As you can see, there are many that agree with me. and even polls show abortion in rejected by the majority, although some put caveats on it!

You mention polls about those who reject abortion. I sense in you a nasty little person who cares for very little for others. Why do you pretend to have concern for the unborn?
Prepare to be blasted by the baby killers. They have no respect for human life, especially the unborn.

Yeah, those who send people to die in made up wars have a very high regard for human life. Those who want to cut food stamp and other programs that help the needy have a real regard for human life, but only so there are others to lord over. Go Fuck yourself you two bit piece of shit hypocrite!

Are you this stupid in real life? Soldiers voluntarily sign up to protect our freedoms to fight evil and tyranny. Women who murder babies knowingly choose to murder an INNOCENT baby with no say in the matter. How about if one of those ABORTED babies had the cure for cancer or another disease?

If you were ever in the military you wouldn't be this naive as to think your fellow enlistees were so noble.
EVERY LIVING BEING deserves a chance at life...we who are here got our break, we should make sure all that follow have theirs!.... I Mean being a BIG LIBERAL as I am, it's the ONLY FAIR thing to do!

You people on the right condemn abortion over concern of human life. But once that child is born, you'll fight to make sure that no taxpayer funding goes to the child's upkeep or even keeping it alive no matter the inability of the mother to do so. Look at repiglican governors in red states denying medicaid. Right to life. Sure.

When you have so many ILLEGAL ALIENS applying for Medicaid, and a feckless president that cares more about NON CITIZENS than citizens, what would you have us do... how about DEPORTING all those that MILK THE SYSTEM that don't deserve to get it!

By reading your posts I don't get the sense of a person who cares much for his fellow man. Why do you pretend to cherish the unborn?

I care about what I can do and say about MY COUNTRY, all others have to fend for themselves as I have NO VOICE there. As you can see, there are many that agree with me. and even polls show abortion in rejected by the majority, although some put caveats on it!

You mention polls about those who reject abortion. I sense in you a nasty little person who cares for very little for others. Why do you pretend to have concern for the unborn?

I see you took debating, I doubt college, but perhaps.... Please, your lame attempt to misdirect is beneath even a liberal piece of shit! It's a shame that the actuality that killing a fetus IS killing another human being is indisputable, both ethically and scientifically, and aren't you liberals the ones that always quote that the right rejects science... here you idiots are doing exactly that!
This is not a case of liberals believing that the fetus is not a human being, common sense tells them it is. This is a case of them not CARING that they are killing a human being.
Liberalism is so fucked up its sad. Good is evil, evil is good. Look at abortion vs capital punishment. The think the latter is bad and the first is good

They think law abiding citizens having guns is bad and criminals having guns is good.

They think school choice and vouchers are bad and failing in a miserable liberal school system is good.

They think going to war and helping our allies is bad and not getting involved is good.

They think eating what you want is bad but eating what big gubmint tells you is good.

They think having ONE media outlet in the center-right is bad but ALL lib media is good (for 50 years).

They think two people staying together to work out their problems is bad but divorce on a whim is good.

They think a two parent traditional household is bad and 2 gays "parenting" young confused innocent kids is good.

etc etc etc etc...

I could go on and on.........
From the SAME Wiki article

The number of Assyrians in Sweden is about 100,000-120,000.[18][19]...now add up the muslims!

Yes....it's still around 2% of the population, isn't it?

And Assyria still isn't a country.

it's over 4%! Assayrians are muslims.... or do you always OCD over the insignificant?... as most deranged liberals do!
Vigilante -

I'll come back to this thread when you have stopped spamming it with mindless garbage.

And I'm glad to see you admit that the number of Muslims in Sweden is less than 5%....so those rape stats reflect the 95% of Swedes who are white a lot more than the few thousand people who are not.

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