Abortion... It's Murder.

Vigilante -

Yes, I would suggest that you get 'your shit straight'.

The figures you have just posted are for rapes REPORTED TO THE POLICE - not ALL rapes.

I'll ask again - do you think all rapes in countries like India are reported?

The Swedish police record each instance of sexual violence in every case separately, leading to an inflated number of cases compared to other countries.Sweden also has a comparatively wide definition of rape.This means that more sexual crimes are registered as rape than in most other countries.For example, in 2005 Sweden reformed its sex crime legislation and made the legal definition of rape much wider, which lead to a marked increase in reports. Additionally, the Swedish police have improved the handling of rape cases, in an effort to decrease the number of unreported cases.For this reason, large-scale victimisation surveys have been presented by criminologists as a more reliable indicator of rape prevalence. An EU-wide survey on sexual violence against women, published the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) in 2014, placed Sweden below Denmark and Finland,and a previous assessment by Brå have placed Sweden at an average level among European nations.

Rape statistics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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Vigilante -

Yes, I would suggest that you get 'your shit straight'.

The figures you have just posted are for rapes REPORTED TO THE POLICE - not ALL rapes.

I'll ask again - do you think all rapes in countries like India are reported?

You're the genius, tell us how many aren't reported making Sweden even worse than reported!
Abortion is not murder.

Thanks to the military, I know what murder feels like. Thanks to my own choices, I also know what abortion feels like.

I felt nothing when I had an abortion. I felt incredible when I took human Life, I mean, it had to be the biggest rush of my Life.

Abortion and murder are nothing alike.​

Murder is the morally unjustified taking of a human life.

Now you claim that you didn't 'feel' like when you took the life of your pre-born baby, what was justification for stripping that human being of its life?

Wrong again, Keys. Murder is the illegal taking of human life. Abortion, not being illegal, is not murder. Also, under the law, a fetus is not a person, so you are wrong on two counts. Also, your religious beliefs on the issue carries absolutely no weight under the law, so you are wrong on three counts. However, if you want to go to a Muslim country, where Muslim beliefs are also the law of the land, you might feel more at home.

Wrong. It is against God's law and that is enough. Abortion is murder. Children are a gift from God. The bible tells us children are a gift from God. No one has the right to take the life of an unborn child. No one.

I have every damn right.

Vigilante -

Rape is a far, far worse problem around the world than many people realise. It is an everyday occurence in countries like India, the Philippines, DR Congo and Russia.

This is one reason why so many people consider abortion a worthwhile option for women who have been raped.
This is a very interesting case that defines the foetus under British law.It makes it clear that until birth the foetus is not a separate entity. Mother who drank heavily when pregnant not guilty of crime court rules Law The Guardian
Israel has some of the most liberal abortion laws in the world. these are based on the Religious laws passed down from God
If the woman has difficulty in child birth, one dismembers the embryo within her, limb by limb, because her life take precedence over its life. However, once its head( or its greater part) has emerged it may not be touched, for we do not set aside one life for another.
ohalot 7:6

So rabbinical law makes it quite clear that you cannot murder a foetus.
Now they are almost certainly even higher as Muslim immigrants continue forming a larger percentage of the population.

How high a % is that?

Is Sweden 20% Muslim? Maybe 30%?

Or would the real number actually be more like 2%?
Well doing a cursory search we find Sweden has a population of 9.6 million in 2013 and of that population 424,000 were from Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Assyria, and Turkey, I would believe that 99% of them were muslim, and as it's almost 2015 it should be significantly higher!
I don't like abortions and personally would not ever have one, but at the same time, I have to think of what would become of all those poor unwanted children, and then I think about parents who abuse and some who actually kill their own children. Which one is worse for the poor kid? I don't know, and it's kind of awful to think about.

EVERY LIVING BEING deserves a chance at life...we who are here got our break, we should make sure all that follow have theirs!.... I Mean being a BIG LIBERAL as I am, it's the ONLY FAIR thing to do!

You people on the right condemn abortion over concern of human life. But once that child is born, you'll fight to make sure that no taxpayer funding goes to the child's upkeep or even keeping it alive no matter the inability of the mother to do so. Look at repiglican governors in red states denying medicaid. Right to life. Sure.
Abortion is not murder.

Thanks to the military, I know what murder feels like. Thanks to my own choices, I also know what abortion feels like.

I felt nothing when I had an abortion. I felt incredible when I took human Life, I mean, it had to be the biggest rush of my Life.

Abortion and murder are nothing alike.

wow, I feel sad for you. you felt nothing when you killed your own offspring.

In my World, my Life comes first before everyone. There was much that needed to be done and I couldn't allow something like that to interfere with my plans.

I also understood that I didn't truly destroy Life when I had an abortion, I prevented it. Even if I did view it as murder, which I don't, I never regret anything. I have the Willpower to stand by my choices no matter how extreme, and I choose to focus on the present, rather than dwell in the past.

Vigilante -

Rape is a far, far worse problem around the world than many people realise. It is an everyday occurence in countries like India, the Philippines, DR Congo and Russia.

This is one reason why so many people consider abortion a worthwhile option for women who have been raped.

I have no say in othe countries but MANY in this country have a say!
Now they are almost certainly even higher as Muslim immigrants continue forming a larger percentage of the population.

How high a % is that?

Is Sweden 20% Muslim? Maybe 30%?

Or would the real number actually be more like 2%?
Well doing a cursory search we find Sweden has a population of 9.6 million in 2013 and of that population 424,000 were from Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Assyria, and Turkey, I would believe that 99% of them were muslim, and as it's almost 2015 it should be significantly higher!

Currently around 2% of Swedes are Muslim. Some 87% of the population are Lutheran.

THIS is the problem when you believe hysterical nonsense from some nutcase blog, rather than check the facts.

(btw. Assyria is not a country)
This is a very interesting case that defines the foetus under British law.It makes it clear that until birth the foetus is not a separate entity. Mother who drank heavily when pregnant not guilty of crime court rules Law The Guardian
Israel has some of the most liberal abortion laws in the world. these are based on the Religious laws passed down from God
If the woman has difficulty in child birth, one dismembers the embryo within her, limb by limb, because her life take precedence over its life. However, once its head( or its greater part) has emerged it may not be touched, for we do not set aside one life for another.
ohalot 7:6

So rabbinical law makes it quite clear that you cannot murder a foetus.

Uncivilized heathens, what else would you like to know...how about a vast majority of SCIENTISTS say human life begins at conception....
Now they are almost certainly even higher as Muslim immigrants continue forming a larger percentage of the population.

How high a % is that?

Is Sweden 20% Muslim? Maybe 30%?

Or would the real number actually be more like 2%?
Well doing a cursory search we find Sweden has a population of 9.6 million in 2013 and of that population 424,000 were from Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Assyria, and Turkey, I would believe that 99% of them were muslim, and as it's almost 2015 it should be significantly higher!

Currently around 2% of Swedes are Muslim. Some 87% of the population are Lutheran.

THIS is the problem when you believe hysterical nonsense from some nutcase blog, rather than check the facts.

(btw. Assyria is not a country)

Assyrians are a muslim dominated people that are in Sweden ! And of 2013 it was close to 5%!
I don't like abortions and personally would not ever have one, but at the same time, I have to think of what would become of all those poor unwanted children, and then I think about parents who abuse and some who actually kill their own children. Which one is worse for the poor kid? I don't know, and it's kind of awful to think about.

EVERY LIVING BEING deserves a chance at life...we who are here got our break, we should make sure all that follow have theirs!.... I Mean being a BIG LIBERAL as I am, it's the ONLY FAIR thing to do!

You people on the right condemn abortion over concern of human life. But once that child is born, you'll fight to make sure that no taxpayer funding goes to the child's upkeep or even keeping it alive no matter the inability of the mother to do so. Look at repiglican governors in red states denying medicaid. Right to life. Sure.

When you have so many ILLEGAL ALIENS applying for Medicaid, and a feckless president that cares more about NON CITIZENS than citizens, what would you have us do... how about DEPORTING all those that MILK THE SYSTEM that don't deserve to get it!
Abortion is not murder.

Thanks to the military, I know what murder feels like. Thanks to my own choices, I also know what abortion feels like.

I felt nothing when I had an abortion. I felt incredible when I took human Life, I mean, it had to be the biggest rush of my Life.

Abortion and murder are nothing alike.​

Murder is the morally unjustified taking of a human life.

Now you claim that you didn't 'feel' like when you took the life of your pre-born baby, what was justification for stripping that human being of its life?

Wrong again, Keys. Murder is the illegal taking of human life. Abortion, not being illegal, is not murder. Also, under the law, a fetus is not a person, so you are wrong on two counts. Also, your religious beliefs on the issue carries absolutely no weight under the law, so you are wrong on three counts. However, if you want to go to a Muslim country, where Muslim beliefs are also the law of the land, you might feel more at home.

Wrong. It is against God's law and that is enough. Abortion is murder. Children are a gift from God. The bible tells us children are a gift from God. No one has the right to take the life of an unborn child. No one.

I have every damn right.

Next time perhaps you'll die... one can only surmise!
Abortion is not murder.

Thanks to the military, I know what murder feels like. Thanks to my own choices, I also know what abortion feels like.

I felt nothing when I had an abortion. I felt incredible when I took human Life, I mean, it had to be the biggest rush of my Life.

Abortion and murder are nothing alike.

wow, I feel sad for you. you felt nothing when you killed your own offspring.

In my World, my Life comes first before everyone. There was much that needed to be done and I couldn't allow something like that to interfere with my plans.

I also understood that I didn't truly destroy Life when I had an abortion, I prevented it. Even if I did view it as murder, which I don't, I never regret anything. I have the Willpower to stand by my choices no matter how extreme, and I choose to focus on the present, rather than dwell in the past.

Saved as the PERFECT description of a self absorbed liberal cu*t!

“It is against God's law and that is enough. Abortion is murder. Children are a gift from God. The bible tells us children are a gift from God. No one has the right to take the life of an unborn child. No one.”


Subjective religious dogma such as the bible is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant, and is completely devoid of merit or authority when the state seeks to restrict a protected liberty. As a fact of Constitutional law an embryo/fetus is neither a 'child' nor 'person,' where the state may not compel a woman to give birth against her will.
Assyrians are a muslim dominated people that are in Sweden ! And of 2013 it was close to 5%!


Assyria is NOT a country - and whatever group you mean likely makes up less than 1% of all Swedes.

You know the largest migrant group in Sweden - Finns!

  1. 23px-Flag_of_Finland.svg.png
    Finland (161,129)
  2. 23px-Flag_of_Iraq.svg.png
    Iraq (128,946)
  3. 23px-Flag_of_Poland.svg.png
    Poland (78,175)
  4. 23px-Flag_of_SFR_Yugoslavia.svg.png
    Former Yugoslavia (68,554)
  5. 23px-Flag_of_Iran.svg.png
    Iran (67,211)
  6. 23px-Flag_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina.svg.png
    Bosnia and Herzegovina (56,804)
  7. 23px-Flag_of_Somalia.svg.png
    Somalia (54,221)
  8. 23px-Flag_of_Germany.svg.png
    Germany (48,987)
  9. 23px-Flag_of_Turkey.svg.png
    Turkey (45,676)
  10. 20px-Flag_of_Denmark.svg.png
    Denmark (43,198)
Demographics of Sweden - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Assyrians are a muslim dominated people that are in Sweden ! And of 2013 it was close to 5%!


Assyria is NOT a country - and whatever group you mean likely makes up less than 1% of all Swedes.

You know the largest migrant group in Sweden - Finns!

  1. 23px-Flag_of_Finland.svg.png
    Finland (161,129)
  2. 23px-Flag_of_Iraq.svg.png
    Iraq (128,946)
  3. 23px-Flag_of_Poland.svg.png
    Poland (78,175)
  4. 23px-Flag_of_SFR_Yugoslavia.svg.png
    Former Yugoslavia (68,554)
  5. 23px-Flag_of_Iran.svg.png
    Iran (67,211)
  6. 23px-Flag_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina.svg.png
    Bosnia and Herzegovina (56,804)
  7. 23px-Flag_of_Somalia.svg.png
    Somalia (54,221)
  8. 23px-Flag_of_Germany.svg.png
    Germany (48,987)
  9. 23px-Flag_of_Turkey.svg.png
    Turkey (45,676)
  10. 20px-Flag_of_Denmark.svg.png
    Denmark (43,198)
Demographics of Sweden - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

From the SAME Wiki article

The number of Assyrians in Sweden is about 100,000-120,000.[18][19]...now add up the muslims!

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