If you are one of the 164,997,000 that paid Federal taxes are you aware that $3,987.95 per person was used to

Not complaining jackass.

Just pointing out that he did indeed do that
Yes, you are complaining. Every time people bring up the “8 trillion” increase in the debt, it’s a complaint. You all forget that more than half of that was Covid spending, but you don’t care. You see the number and that is a talking point for you. So perhaps Trump should have just vetoed the Covid spending. Would that have made you happier?
Yes, you are complaining. Every time people bring up the “8 trillion” increase in the debt, it’s a complaint. You all forget that more than half of that was Covid spending, but you don’t care. You see the number and that is a talking point for you. So perhaps Trump should have just vetoed the Covid spending. Would that have made you happier?

Please see posts 16 and 17.
Once again:

Look who radically increased government spending as a percentage of GDP, BEFORE Covid, and then crowed about GDP growth:


Please see posts 16 and 17.

And again, much of that was Covid spending..spending that even democrats demanded.

Also, who was in control of the house in 2019? Democrats weren’t exactly innocent where spending is concerned.
And again, much of that was Covid spending..spending that even democrats demanded.

Also, who was in control of the house in 2019? Democrats weren’t exactly innocent where spending is concerned.

Um...rube? Again, READ those posts. You didn't. It's obvious.

The Democrats did not force Trump to submit the largest spending bill in American history, dipshit. BEFORE COVID.

Trump ramped up government spending in order to artificially juice GDP. He DOUBLED the deficit, with the help of a GOP House and Senate.



Goddam, I am so TIRED of the willful blindness of you rubes.
Trump and the Republican House and Senate began working to DOUBLE the deficit as soon as they came to power.

And the willfully blind and stupid hacks try to blame the Democrats! :auiqs.jpg:

What every politician knows is that you can artificially juice our GDP by massively spending federal money. So that's what they do. They have been doing this for DECADES.

The rubes have never caught on to this.

Trump, always one quick to recognize a grift when he sees one, set to work doing just that upon taking office.

Trump overestimated his skills, though. He thought he could spend our money into 4 to 6 percent GDP growth. But he failed. He briefly made it to 3 percent GDP growth with his spending.


Trump only knows how to bankrupt the organizations he runs. He has no clue how to grow an economy the right way.

The only reason GDP grew in the Trump years is because of all new highs in government spending by Trump.

Here is the formula for GDP:

GDP = C + G + I + NX. C is equal to all private consumption, or consumer spending, in a nation's economy, G is the sum of government spending, I is the sum of all the country's investment, including businesses capital expenditures and NX is the nation's total net exports, calculated as total exports minus total imports (NX = Exports - Imports).

Gross Domestic Product - GDP

Now you can understand the motives behind this:

Um...rube? Again, READ those posts. You didn't. It's obvious.

The Democrats did not force Trump to submit the largest spending bill in American history, dipshit. BEFORE COVID.

Trump ramped up government spending in order to artificially juice GDP. He DOUBLED the deficit, with the help of a GOP House and Senate.



Goddam, I am so TIRED of the willful blindness of you rubes.
But yet you all still bring up the 8 trillion number…half of which was Covid spending..

And…again..who was in control of Congress the ? Remember? We always talk about the house controlling the purse strings.

Just because trump submits a budget doesn’t mean that Congress has to give him everything he asks for. That means Congress was willing to allow him that much money…that means they are not off the hook for it.
And yet all you willfully blind tards were DEAD SILENT as Trump DOUBLED the deficit, with the FULL cooperation of a REPUBLICAN CONGRESS, and added $8 trillion to the debt in HALF the time it took Obama.

Your crocodile tears will not wash away your hypocrisy no matter how hard you scrub.

See JGalt's quote in my sig.

You cannot help but lie huh G5000, fucking dumbass.

The budget deficit in 2015 was 442 Billion
The budget deficit in 2016 was 585 Billion
The budget deficit in 2017 was 665 Billion, Obama signed off on that budget.
The budget deficit in 2018 was 779 Billion.
The budget deficit in 2019 was 984 Billion. That was with Democracked Congress.
All bets were off 2020 thanks to the Democrack's Plandemic. And besides, it was with a Democracked Congress.

So once again you lied, but you can't help it, and will do it again, and again, and again. No wonder you're Democracked.
You cannot help but lie huh G5000, fucking dumbass.

The budget deficit in 2015 was 442 Billion
The budget deficit in 2016 was 585 Billion
The budget deficit in 2017 was 665 Billion, Obama signed off on that budget.
The budget deficit in 2018 was 779 Billion.
The budget deficit in 2019 was 984 Billion. That was with Democracked Congress.
All bets were off 2020 thanks to the Democrack's Plandemic. And besides, it was with a Democracked Congress.

So once again you lied, but you can't help it, and will do it again, and again, and again. No wonder you're Democracked.
See posts 16 and 17.

Don't clamp your hands over your eyes, rube. READ them.
Well, to vote gop today one has to close their eyes to deficits, and the same's true of the dems.

Neither of these two old farts care.
Not exactly accurate. Seems that Biden has reduced the deficit. But until we cane our attitudes in America, we will continue running defivits no matter who is President and the defcit is not just a matter of government spending.

Operation HOPE’s Founder, Chairman, and CEO, John Hope Bryant, announced his “Business Plan for America: A Case for the Big Tent” during the 2024 Milken Institute Global Conference.

He also highlighted that racism in America simply doesn’t work, stating, “Financially, racism is a very poor financial choice for the country, our states and cities, and for our families themselves.” A 2020 report from Citigroup revealed racism and bias against Blacks alone, between 2000 and 2020, cost the U.S. economy a hefty price tag of approximately $16 trillion.

The report continued to note that if racism were to stop, the U.S. economy would see an increase of $5 trillion over five years or the equivalent of 4% of additional U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) on an annual basis.

It's really time to stop pretending that white racism is a thing of the past just because people don't see it written on signs. It's doing huge damage to our country right now.
You cannot help but lie huh G5000, fucking dumbass.

The budget deficit in 2015 was 442 Billion
The budget deficit in 2016 was 585 Billion
The budget deficit in 2017 was 665 Billion, Obama signed off on that budget.
The budget deficit in 2018 was 779 Billion.
The budget deficit in 2019 was 984 Billion. That was with Democracked Congress.
All bets were off 2020 thanks to the Democrack's Plandemic. And besides, it was with a Democracked Congress.

So once again you lied, but you can't help it, and will do it again, and again, and again. No wonder you're Democracked.
There was no Democratic plandemic. The president presents the budget to congress.
It's not the Democrats who keep cutting government revenues (taxes), while increasing spending.

Republicans cannot continue to cut taxes, while running deficits. All that's lead to is a declining, debt ridden country, with crumbling infrastructure.
I’d be open to raising taxes if I saw more responsible spending. $10M for gender studies in Pakistan does not address crumbling infrastructure. I doubt this was a conservative Republican budget request.
Shut up Canada you hacks. Stay out of OUR business. Do deal with that dipshit who runs your wanna be country.

We are not the hacks here asshole.

You keep trying to put that dip shit Trump in charge of your country. You seem hell-bent on turning the USA into another right wing dictatorship.

There isn’t a single dictatorship in the world, where the people are happy, prosperous, and living in freedom.

Canada is one of the best run countries in the world and one of the best places in the world to live. We’d like to keep it that way.
You cannot help but lie huh G5000, fucking dumbass.

The budget deficit in 2015 was 442 Billion
The budget deficit in 2016 was 585 Billion
The budget deficit in 2017 was 665 Billion, Obama signed off on that budget.
The budget deficit in 2018 was 779 Billion.
The budget deficit in 2019 was 984 Billion. That was with Democracked Congress.
All bets were off 2020 thanks to the Democrack's Plandemic. And besides, it was with a Democracked Congress.

So once again you lied, but you can't help it, and will do it again, and again, and again. No wonder you're Democracked.

There was a Republican Congress in 2017 and 2018. The 2018 deficit was the first one in which trumps tax cuts had an impact and the deficit jumped bigly.
We are not the hacks here asshole.

You keep trying to put that dip shit Trump in charge of your country. You seem hell-bent on turning the USA into another right wing dictatorship.

There isn’t a single dictatorship in the world, where the people are happy, prosperous, and living in freedom.

Canada is one of the best run countries in the world and one of the best places in the world to live. We’d like to keep it that way.
KKKanada is a shithole run by a fascist cuck who locks people up for disagreeing with the government
There was a Republican Congress in 2017 and 2018. The 2018 deficit was the first one in which trumps tax cuts had an impact and the deficit jumped bigly.
Revenues went up after the Trump across the board tax cuts, moron.
And again, much of that was Covid spending..spending that even democrats demanded.

Also, who was in control of the house in 2019? Democrats weren’t exactly innocent where spending is concerned.

Once again, the Republican is far too busy pointing fingers at who did what to who and offers absolutely no solutions to anything.

If Trump hadn’t miss handled the pandemic from day, one, over 100, million people wouldn’t have gotten sick in over 1 million would not have died.

Your costs in testing and treating patients in the pandemic would’ve been a third of what you continue to spend had Trump not politicize the pandemic and try to achieve “herd immunity”.
Revenues went up after the Trump across the board tax cuts, moron.

There are no limits to the depths of your ignorance and stupidity. You are the kind of economic moron, who votes Republican year in and year out, thinking that Republicans are “better for the economy”.

You don’t even understand the most basic things about the economy and deficits. Nostra Dumbass with the emphasis on “Dumb”.
Once again, the Republican is far too busy pointing fingers at who did what to who and offers absolutely no solutions to anything.

If Trump hadn’t miss handled the pandemic from day, one, over 100, million people wouldn’t have gotten sick in over 1 million would not have died.

Your costs in testing and treating patients in the pandemic would’ve been a third of what you continue to spend had Trump not politicize the pandemic and try to achieve “herd immunity”.

There are no limits to the depths of your ignorance and stupidity. You are the kind of economic moron, who votes Republican year in and year out, thinking that Republicans are “better for the economy”.

You don’t even understand the most basic things about the economy and deficits. Nostra Dumbass with the emphasis on “Dumb”.
Death rate in the US was lower than KKKanada's, Simp.
Once again, the Republican is far too busy pointing fingers at who did what to who and offers absolutely no solutions to anything.

If Trump hadn’t miss handled the pandemic from day, one, over 100, million people wouldn’t have gotten sick in over 1 million would not have died.

Your costs in testing and treating patients in the pandemic would’ve been a third of what you continue to spend had Trump not politicize the pandemic and try to achieve “herd immunity”.

There are no limits to the depths of your ignorance and stupidity. You are the kind of economic moron, who votes Republican year in and year out, thinking that Republicans are “better for the economy”.

You don’t even understand the most basic things about the economy and deficits. Nostra Dumbass with the emphasis on “Dumb”.
Revenues went up, moron. So tell the class what caused the deficits to rise. Any clue?

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