Unsealed Doc Reveals Biden FBI Authorized the Use of Deadly Force During Mar-a-Lago Raid – Armed Agents Prepared to Confront Trump


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
Thread up. :)

Thread up. :)

Good hell, i can't go thru every folder on this web site
So basically biden was ordering a hit on the former presiden but used veiled speech to hide his true intent
Whadda piece of work.

Trump wasn’t even in the state, dupe.
So basically biden was ordering a hit on the former presiden but used veiled speech to hide his true intent
Whadda piece of work.

dimocraps are scum.

And the scumbags that vote for them are even worse. They know what scum they are and vote for them anyway.

Some because the only thing they've got in this world that gives them any value at all id -- Their pussy. And dimocrap Males are closely related to pussy.

Some because they're really and truly and honest-to-God fucking stupid. Reason? All they know is what they get from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lying Media. And some are just born that way.

Some because they want Hard-Working American Men and Women to pay their way for them. It used to be just the poor and lazy, now it's your Boss's kid that wants you to pay for his Fuck-Fest in College.

The list goes on and on. Think of any low-life group and that's where you'll find the majority of dimocrap voters.

Just a fact, people.

It wasn't always this way and that's what I'm angry about. There used to be a choice between two decent and well-meaning parties. No more. Republicans are suspect, at best, but the DNC is the scummiest scumbag Piece of Shit political party to have ever existed on the Planet Earth. And I know wherefore I speak.

Liberals have to kill Trump and they have ran out of ideas how to get rid of him. They caused 91 FAKE indictments but made him MORE popular. So yeah Biden had his hand in this, his "bosses" have ran him like a puppet, for the past 3 1/2 years. :p

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