Wanted For Genocide - Netanyahu

They’re going after Hamas, you plank.

The incessant, industrial-scale campaign of slaughter and starvation in Gaza, north, center and south, exists on one craven continuum of evil. There is no qualitative difference between the IDFs actions in Gaza before the invasion of Rafah and after ~ilana
So why are they killing babies ?
Why did the RAF kill German babies in Hamburg and Dresden and Frankfurt and Cologne etc etc etc?

Because those kids are in close proximity to a dangerous wartime enemy that must be utterly destroyed at all costs.

Nobody stopped the RAF from doing what it needed to do in order to win and make their own people safe...

Nowadays, nobody is going to stop the IDF from doing the same thing...

In this case the IDF is dealing with the cowards of Hamas who hide behind the skirts of their women and children...

Not to mention embedding military assets amongst schools and mosques and hospitals and welfare centers...

Not to mention that the parents of those kids elected and sustained Hamas for many years prior to Hamas starting this war...

The Gazans have it in their power to end this within 24 hours...

Run up the White Flag of Unconditional Surrender...

Before it's too late.
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Do you know how many Israelis were killed by those bombs? Yeah thought so. Now compare that number to those murdered by your beloved apartheid regime just since 10/7. Please tell me what you conclude?

ps. Do you still think Israel is justified in mass murdering thousands because Hamas fired missiles at them?
You are showing your true colours for all to see.. There are millions of Arabs living in Israel proper, Muslim , Christian’s Druze and Baha’i etc etc… Israel is not an apartheid state.. The Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza are however very apartheid and want their areas only filled with other Muslims .. Further you failed to mention that Israel only went into the Gaza area after some 1100 plus Israelis were murdered by Hamas who swarmed over the border and committed a blatant act of agression and murder and mayhem…. Israel has gone into Gaza to make sure these vile people are not capable of doing such an act again… Many of the people who have died in Gaza are combatants.. It is true that some “ innocents” get killed but it has been made very difficult for the Israelis to get at those responsible because they hide amongst civilians on purpose for a number of reasons… You are nothing more then a propagandist by saying the missiles the Gazans launch into Israel have not killed that many Israelis so it is unfair… The thing is the intent to kill maim and disrupt the lives of Israelis is there and the numbers are not important what is important is the intent as it is premeditated to cause harm to Israeli society… The facts are they don’t care whether they kill Jewish Israelis any Israeli will do…

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