A Simple Question About Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I wonder what MLK would think about a President who reduced Black Unemployment to the lowest level in recorded history? Do you think that he approved of his peeps working, or did he want them to be dependent on Government Largesse?

Compare and contrast the Trumpster and Obama with his Obamaphone program which encouraged the people to give away their birthright as Americans for a few hundred free minutes on a cheap Obamaphone. At least Esau got a tasty stew for his.

He would have been proud of Pres. Obama. He probably would call Trump a disgrace like every other civil rights leader does.

I don't THINK so, Sparky. But go on believing what your severely brainwashed brain thinks is true. MLK would've been appalled at the Kenyan-born miscreant's antics.
They ALL had conservative values. They were religious men with traditional family values, and they believed in getting ahead with hard work. They didn't want handouts; they just wanted a meritocracy based system. They had far more in common with the right today then the left.

Oh, and let's be completely honest... they hated gays, and they sure as fuck wouldn't be happy about all the Trans stuff, pronouns, etc. They would hate you lefties.
I see you never heard of Bayard Rustin or James Baldwin...or Langston Hughes....all of them gay -- all of them with prominent roles in the civil rights movement

But of course you haven't -- because you never gave a fuck about Civil Rights...
Yeah? How many of them were out of the closet at the time with MLK?

i really suggest you shut the fuck up....

If you really gave a fuck about the civil rights movement - you wouldn't ask these dumb ass questions
Really, then why does he think of homosexuality as a problem that needs to be fixed by a psychiatrist?

He openly discussed homosexuality while writing an advice column for Ebony Magazine in 1958. According to a transcript released by Stanford University, an anonymous boy asked: “My problem is different from the ones most people have.

“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Dr King replied: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.

“Your reasons for adopting this habit have now been consciously suppressed or unconsciously repressed.

“Therefore, it is necessary to deal with this problem by getting back to some of the experiences and circumstances that lead to the habit.

“In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences and circumstances that lead to the habit.

“You are already on the right road toward a solution, since you honestly recognise the problem and have a desire to solve it.

This is what Martin Luther King told a gay teen who was struggling with his sexuality in 1958

Lets talk about Ruskin. This quote sure doesnt make King look good.

"At a given point, there was so much pressure on Dr. King about my being gay and particularly because I would not deny it, that he set up a committee to explore whether it would be dangerous for me to continue working with him," Rustin says to the Blade in the interview.

...and then theres this quote from his own daughter, who is a lesbian herself. When asked if King would have supported the LGTBQ community, she said the following.

“No, he would champion the word of God,” she said. “If he would have championed gay rights today, he would have done it while he was here. There was ample opportunity for him to champion gay rights during his lifetime, and he did not do so.”

Ooh, thats the nail in the coffin. You have no argument because you dont know the facts about MLK. Youre welcome for me teaching you about Martin Luther King.

MLK was a fundy, clearly, from his "homophobic" responses to the teenaged poofter.

But he was spot on correct, and his response puts him clearly in the conservative category.

Dr. King, like modern day conservatives also opposed Jim Crow laws. Remember it was the conservatives who broke the color barrier on the Supreme Court and brought Clarence Thomas on board in opposition to libs who voted to keep Racial Purity on the highest court.

"It was conservatives who broke the color barrier on the Supreme Court"? How ignorant are you Trumpettes?

Thurgood Marshall was the first African American justice- nominated by Lyndon B. Johnson.

You know- in opposition to cons who voted to keep Racial Purity on the highest court........

But I am glad you agree that modern day conservatives are against Jim Crow laws- as opposed to the conservatives of the '60's who embraced them.
Still waiting for you to tell me what prominent conservative was there marching along side of King....I have already given you plenty of liberals who was there......why is it so hard for you to answer the question??
They ALL had conservative values. They were religious men with traditional family values, and they believed in getting ahead with hard work. They didn't want handouts; they just wanted a meritocracy based system. They had far more in common with the right today then the left.

Oh, and let's be completely honest... they hated gays, and they sure as fuck wouldn't be happy about all the Trans stuff, pronouns, etc. They would hate you lefties.
I see you never heard of Bayard Rustin or James Baldwin...or Langston Hughes....all of them gay -- all of them with prominent roles in the civil rights movement

But of course you haven't -- because you never gave a fuck about Civil Rights...
Yeah? How many of them were out of the closet at the time with MLK?

i really suggest you shut the fuck up....

If you really gave a fuck about the civil rights movement - you wouldn't ask these dumb ass questions
Really, then why does he think of homosexuality as a problem that needs to be fixed by a psychiatrist?

He openly discussed homosexuality while writing an advice column for Ebony Magazine in 1958. According to a transcript released by Stanford University, an anonymous boy asked: “My problem is different from the ones most people have.

“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Dr King replied: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.

“Your reasons for adopting this habit have now been consciously suppressed or unconsciously repressed.

“Therefore, it is necessary to deal with this problem by getting back to some of the experiences and circumstances that lead to the habit.

“In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences and circumstances that lead to the habit.

“You are already on the right road toward a solution, since you honestly recognise the problem and have a desire to solve it.

This is what Martin Luther King told a gay teen who was struggling with his sexuality in 1958

Lets talk about Ruskin. This quote sure doesnt make King look good.

"At a given point, there was so much pressure on Dr. King about my being gay and particularly because I would not deny it, that he set up a committee to explore whether it would be dangerous for me to continue working with him," Rustin says to the Blade in the interview.

...and then theres this quote from his own daughter, who is a lesbian herself. When asked if King would have supported the LGTBQ community, she said the following.

“No, he would champion the word of God,” she said. “If he would have championed gay rights today, he would have done it while he was here. There was ample opportunity for him to champion gay rights during his lifetime, and he did not do so.”

Ooh, thats the nail in the coffin. You have no argument because you dont know the facts about MLK. Youre welcome for me teaching you about Martin Luther King.

Nothing there about MLK hating gays. Unfortunately in his time, recommending psychiatric help was considered the more compassionate response to homosexuality.
7 Big Lies Conservatives Want You To Believe About Martin Luther King, Jr.

I got one question to ask on the day we celebrate the life and lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King - (or as the Democrats call him, Martin Luther Coon) -- and that question is -- what prominent conservatives were marching along side of King down in places like Selma, Birmingham, Jackson?? Notice, I didn't ask what prominent "republicans" were marching along side of King, I asked what prominent "conservatives" were marching along side of him....and whenever you break it down along ideological lines instead of party lines -- the closet racists of today get triggered.....

"When you look at American history from a straight progressive versus conservative viewpoint, there have not been too many universally agreed upon conservative victories. Primarily because conservatives are conservatives and want things to stay the same. And things have changed. When women wanted the vote, obviously, the people not wanting that to change would have been considered conservative. Those who wanted to keep Jim Crow would have been conservatives. Many of those who would have been considered heroes to the conservatives at the time would seem super backwards to almost anyone today. No one is going around wearing a Joseph McCarthy t-shirt, and cool kids on campus are not sitting around reading “The Bell Curve.”

Since this question is so hard for today's conservatives to answer -- they resort to just flat out making shit up -- and hoping if they just keep repeating the lie enough, it will be truth -- pay no attention to what MLK said himself, they tell you...Popular lies like "King was a Republican, believe me...his niece even said it...and we pay her a lot of money to keep telling us that!!"....Here is what King said about the 1964 Republican convention...."The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” [Barry Goldwater] at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade."

History and facts are a troublesome thing for those who seek to try to invent their own...and when those people really get triggered -- they finally let it slip out that "King cheated on his wives, he is a rapist!!" -- "King was paid to say those radical things by the Commies!!" -- funny, weren't you just claiming he was a conservative Republican??

Let's also remember what your former God, St. Reagan (replaced by your new God, Trump) said immediately after the assassination of MLK....he basically said he was a radical lawbreaker and he had it coming....Even when he had to change positions and sign MLK day as a federal holiday -- he wrote an apology letter to a member of the racist John Birch society (Meldrim Thomson, Jr) to explain to him that he was only using the MLK day as political pretext to silence the mounting criticism of his positions on civil rights.

So....I'll simply ask....can you name me the prominent republican conservatives who were along side of King, putting his or her life on the line for civil rights? People who died for what they believed in, people like Viola Luizzo, Andrew Goodman, William Lewis Moore, Jonathan Daniels -- by the way, all of those people I just named were white.....the ones who were attacked as being "liberal trouble makers" and "N-word lovers" -- they damn sure were not murdered for being "prominent conservatives"

What prominent white democrats marched with MLK?

What Southern White Republicans marched with Dr. King?

What Southern White Democrats march? Did Clinton, Carter, Maddox, Gore? Most of MLK's activities were in the southland. And there were very few southern white Republicans at the time of MLK's passing.
Still waiting for you to tell me what prominent conservative was there marching along side of King....I have already given you plenty of liberals who was there......why is it so hard for you to answer the question??
They ALL had conservative values. They were religious men with traditional family values, and they believed in getting ahead with hard work. They didn't want handouts; they just wanted a meritocracy based system. They had far more in common with the right today than the left.

Oh, and let's be completely honest... they hated gays, and they sure as fuck wouldn't be happy about all the Trans stuff, pronouns, etc. They would hate you lefties.

Well I guess MLK Jr. did have 'traditional' Republican family values- you know, sleeping around with other women while he was married.

MLK did believe in forms of affirmative action- which is what you folks call handouts.
MLK didn't believe that blacks in America could get ahead with just hard work- he was in favor of the Federal government passing laws to prevent discrimination- hmmmm big government solutions.....nope not conservative.
Did MLK hate gays? No indication of that either- though by todays standards he would certainly be considered homophobic.
Hmmm what else? Abortion? MLK was awarded- and accepted an award from Planned Parenthood. What 'conservative' today would do that?
7 Big Lies Conservatives Want You To Believe About Martin Luther King, Jr.

I got one question to ask on the day we celebrate the life and lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King - (or as the Democrats call him, Martin Luther Coon) -- and that question is -- what prominent conservatives were marching along side of King down in places like Selma, Birmingham, Jackson?? Notice, I didn't ask what prominent "republicans" were marching along side of King, I asked what prominent "conservatives" were marching along side of him....and whenever you break it down along ideological lines instead of party lines -- the closet racists of today get triggered.....

"When you look at American history from a straight progressive versus conservative viewpoint, there have not been too many universally agreed upon conservative victories. Primarily because conservatives are conservatives and want things to stay the same. And things have changed. When women wanted the vote, obviously, the people not wanting that to change would have been considered conservative. Those who wanted to keep Jim Crow would have been conservatives. Many of those who would have been considered heroes to the conservatives at the time would seem super backwards to almost anyone today. No one is going around wearing a Joseph McCarthy t-shirt, and cool kids on campus are not sitting around reading “The Bell Curve.”

Since this question is so hard for today's conservatives to answer -- they resort to just flat out making shit up -- and hoping if they just keep repeating the lie enough, it will be truth -- pay no attention to what MLK said himself, they tell you...Popular lies like "King was a Republican, believe me...his niece even said it...and we pay her a lot of money to keep telling us that!!"....Here is what King said about the 1964 Republican convention...."The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” [Barry Goldwater] at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade."

History and facts are a troublesome thing for those who seek to try to invent their own...and when those people really get triggered -- they finally let it slip out that "King cheated on his wives, he is a rapist!!" -- "King was paid to say those radical things by the Commies!!" -- funny, weren't you just claiming he was a conservative Republican??

Let's also remember what your former God, St. Reagan (replaced by your new God, Trump) said immediately after the assassination of MLK....he basically said he was a radical lawbreaker and he had it coming....Even when he had to change positions and sign MLK day as a federal holiday -- he wrote an apology letter to a member of the racist John Birch society (Meldrim Thomson, Jr) to explain to him that he was only using the MLK day as political pretext to silence the mounting criticism of his positions on civil rights.

So....I'll simply ask....can you name me the prominent republican conservatives who were along side of King, putting his or her life on the line for civil rights? People who died for what they believed in, people like Viola Luizzo, Andrew Goodman, William Lewis Moore, Jonathan Daniels -- by the way, all of those people I just named were white.....the ones who were attacked as being "liberal trouble makers" and "N-word lovers" -- they damn sure were not murdered for being "prominent conservatives"

Black people were better off before MLK. This isn't opinion or ideology... it's just statistical fact. After the ridiculous civil rights movement.....

Blacks are getting killed year over year, is drastically higher rates than before MLK.
Blacks are more marginalized today by their own actions, in massively higher rates than before MLK.
Blacks were more prominent in government before MLK, than after MLK. Now this has changed in recent years, obviously. But statistically MLK set black people back about 30 years in government.
Black poverty was worse after MLK, and only recently has achieved an actual decline compared to 1963 levels.
Black drug use and abuse, drastically increased after MLK, compared to before MLK.
Black families, broken homes, children born out of wedlock... all drastically worse after MLK, than before.

By any, and all measures of real standards of living, and real standing in society, MLK severely damaged the Black people of this country.

So why would any conservative want to stand with someone who damaged the people he represented?

That's the real question that should be asked here.
You can't answer the question either? Cool...

Maybe you can invent a time machine -- go back in time and murder MLK as a child...that way blacks can be better off.....sound like a plan??

I did answer the question. Conservatives should not, and did not, support someone who damaged the people he represented.

How about you do start another race riot, and get more and more of your fellow black people killed... who knows, maybe you can get hailed as a hero for causing more deaths.
How about you just say "im a racist" and save us all of the time of reading your triggered word babble....

Because everything I said was dead on right, and so far, you have only spouted lies about people who say truths you don't like.

How about you just say out loud.... "I'm a hateful bigot that accuses everyone I don't like of being racists"? Save us the time of wading through your tripe.
What prominent white democrats marched with MLK?

What Southern White Republicans marched with Dr. King?

What Southern White Democrats march? Did Clinton, Carter, Maddox, Gore? Most of MLK's activities were in the southland. And there were very few southern white Republicans at the time of MLK's passing.
Still waiting for you to tell me what prominent conservative was there marching along side of King....I have already given you plenty of liberals who was there......why is it so hard for you to answer the question??
They ALL had conservative values. They were religious men with traditional family values, and they believed in getting ahead with hard work. They didn't want handouts; they just wanted a meritocracy based system. They had far more in common with the right today than the left.

Oh, and let's be completely honest... they hated gays, and they sure as fuck wouldn't be happy about all the Trans stuff, pronouns, etc. They would hate you lefties.

Well I guess MLK Jr. did have 'traditional' Republican family values- you know, sleeping around with other women while he was married.

MLK did believe in forms of affirmative action- which is what you folks call handouts.
MLK didn't believe that blacks in America could get ahead with just hard work- he was in favor of the Federal government passing laws to prevent discrimination- hmmmm big government solutions.....nope not conservative.
Did MLK hate gays? No indication of that either- though by todays standards he would certainly be considered homophobic.
Hmmm what else? Abortion? MLK was awarded- and accepted an award from Planned Parenthood. What 'conservative' today would do that?

So MLK supported Margret Sangers "Negro Project"?
What Southern White Republicans marched with Dr. King?

What Southern White Democrats march? Did Clinton, Carter, Maddox, Gore? Most of MLK's activities were in the southland. And there were very few southern white Republicans at the time of MLK's passing.
Still waiting for you to tell me what prominent conservative was there marching along side of King....I have already given you plenty of liberals who was there......why is it so hard for you to answer the question??
They ALL had conservative values. They were religious men with traditional family values, and they believed in getting ahead with hard work. They didn't want handouts; they just wanted a meritocracy based system. They had far more in common with the right today than the left.

Oh, and let's be completely honest... they hated gays, and they sure as fuck wouldn't be happy about all the Trans stuff, pronouns, etc. They would hate you lefties.

Well I guess MLK Jr. did have 'traditional' Republican family values- you know, sleeping around with other women while he was married.

MLK did believe in forms of affirmative action- which is what you folks call handouts.
MLK didn't believe that blacks in America could get ahead with just hard work- he was in favor of the Federal government passing laws to prevent discrimination- hmmmm big government solutions.....nope not conservative.
Did MLK hate gays? No indication of that either- though by todays standards he would certainly be considered homophobic.
Hmmm what else? Abortion? MLK was awarded- and accepted an award from Planned Parenthood. What 'conservative' today would do that?

So MLK supported Margret Sangers "Negro Project"?

MLK appreciated the work that Planned Parenthood did for black Americans

There are mountainous obstacles still separating Negroes from a normal existence. Yet one element in stabilizing his life would be an understanding of and easy access to the means to develop a family related in size to his community environment and to the income potential he can command.

This is not to suggest that the Negro will solve all his problems through Planned Parenthood. His problems are far more complex, encompassing economic security, education, freedom from discrimination, decent housing and access to culture. Yet if family planning is sensible it can facilitate or at least not be an obstacle to the solution of the many profound problems that plague him.”
7 Big Lies Conservatives Want You To Believe About Martin Luther King, Jr.

I got one question to ask on the day we celebrate the life and lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King - (or as the Democrats call him, Martin Luther Coon) -- and that question is -- what prominent conservatives were marching along side of King down in places like Selma, Birmingham, Jackson?? Notice, I didn't ask what prominent "republicans" were marching along side of King, I asked what prominent "conservatives" were marching along side of him....and whenever you break it down along ideological lines instead of party lines -- the closet racists of today get triggered.....

"When you look at American history from a straight progressive versus conservative viewpoint, there have not been too many universally agreed upon conservative victories. Primarily because conservatives are conservatives and want things to stay the same. And things have changed. When women wanted the vote, obviously, the people not wanting that to change would have been considered conservative. Those who wanted to keep Jim Crow would have been conservatives. Many of those who would have been considered heroes to the conservatives at the time would seem super backwards to almost anyone today. No one is going around wearing a Joseph McCarthy t-shirt, and cool kids on campus are not sitting around reading “The Bell Curve.”

Since this question is so hard for today's conservatives to answer -- they resort to just flat out making shit up -- and hoping if they just keep repeating the lie enough, it will be truth -- pay no attention to what MLK said himself, they tell you...Popular lies like "King was a Republican, believe me...his niece even said it...and we pay her a lot of money to keep telling us that!!"....Here is what King said about the 1964 Republican convention...."The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” [Barry Goldwater] at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade."

History and facts are a troublesome thing for those who seek to try to invent their own...and when those people really get triggered -- they finally let it slip out that "King cheated on his wives, he is a rapist!!" -- "King was paid to say those radical things by the Commies!!" -- funny, weren't you just claiming he was a conservative Republican??

Let's also remember what your former God, St. Reagan (replaced by your new God, Trump) said immediately after the assassination of MLK....he basically said he was a radical lawbreaker and he had it coming....Even when he had to change positions and sign MLK day as a federal holiday -- he wrote an apology letter to a member of the racist John Birch society (Meldrim Thomson, Jr) to explain to him that he was only using the MLK day as political pretext to silence the mounting criticism of his positions on civil rights.

So....I'll simply ask....can you name me the prominent republican conservatives who were along side of King, putting his or her life on the line for civil rights? People who died for what they believed in, people like Viola Luizzo, Andrew Goodman, William Lewis Moore, Jonathan Daniels -- by the way, all of those people I just named were white.....the ones who were attacked as being "liberal trouble makers" and "N-word lovers" -- they damn sure were not murdered for being "prominent conservatives"

What prominent white democrats marched with MLK?

What Southern White Republicans marched with Dr. King?

I don't care. The point is you can't point to one democrat. Not one. So that pretty much makes you look ignorant. See, democrats invented the Klan.

You're the fool, for the simple fact not ONE Southern Democrat or Republican marched with Dr. King.

Neither did any demorat. What you posted was a lie.

What lie ass clown?
What Southern White Republicans marched with Dr. King?

What Southern White Democrats march? Did Clinton, Carter, Maddox, Gore? Most of MLK's activities were in the southland. And there were very few southern white Republicans at the time of MLK's passing.
Still waiting for you to tell me what prominent conservative was there marching along side of King....I have already given you plenty of liberals who was there......why is it so hard for you to answer the question??
They ALL had conservative values. They were religious men with traditional family values, and they believed in getting ahead with hard work. They didn't want handouts; they just wanted a meritocracy based system. They had far more in common with the right today than the left.

Oh, and let's be completely honest... they hated gays, and they sure as fuck wouldn't be happy about all the Trans stuff, pronouns, etc. They would hate you lefties.

Was that meritocracy based on being white.
That wouldnt be a meritocracy, idiot. :laugh:

That's the point stupid ass what was going on in this country had NOTHING to do with Meritocracy.
I wonder what MLK would think about a President who reduced Black Unemployment to the lowest level in recorded history? Do you think that he approved of his peeps working, or did he want them to be dependent on Government Largesse?

Compare and contrast the Trumpster and Obama with his Obamaphone program which encouraged the people to give away their birthright as Americans for a few hundred free minutes on a cheap Obamaphone. At least Esau got a tasty stew for his.

He would have been proud of Pres. Obama. He probably would call Trump a disgrace like every other civil rights leader does.

Another lie.

Members of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s extended family came out in support of President Trump this week, on the national day of recognition for the civil rights leader.

Isaac Newton Farris Jr. and Alveda King, Dr. King’s nephew and niece, respectively, asserted in interviews that Trump is not a racist.

Who are Those MLK Family Members Expressing Support for Trump? | Afro

Yea that changes everything that 2 people in his family are Toms.

2 means not everyone so either you lied or you’re an idiot. I think the latter.

You're the idiot for posting that bullshit.
I wonder what MLK would think about a President who reduced Black Unemployment to the lowest level in recorded history? Do you think that he approved of his peeps working, or did he want them to be dependent on Government Largesse?

Compare and contrast the Trumpster and Obama with his Obamaphone program which encouraged the people to give away their birthright as Americans for a few hundred free minutes on a cheap Obamaphone. At least Esau got a tasty stew for his.

He would have been proud of Pres. Obama. He probably would call Trump a disgrace like every other civil rights leader does.

I don't THINK so, Sparky. But go on believing what your severely brainwashed brain thinks is true. MLK would've been appalled at the Kenyan-born miscreant's antics.

……..but you think he would have been patting Trump on the back. You're a fool.
I wonder what MLK would think about a President who reduced Black Unemployment to the lowest level in recorded history?
Well, I suspect he would look at this chart and be insulted by your question.


Err, that "insult",could you spell it out for those of us that don't quite see it?
No reason to.

What is insulting about wanting to give Trump credit for the record breaking improvements in black unemployment rates, that occurred since he took over?

Cause I'm really not seeing any insult.
The insult is that a black person would look at that chart and give Trump credit for it, when the trajectory of the unemployment rate that Trump inherited was CLEARLY headed down. Most people are smart enough to see that, and it's an insult that a person would not.

My goodness, this place blows my freakin' mind. It really does.

In my life, every single President has either personally, or at least though his partisans, has claimed credit for the good things that occur during his time in office.

I am, I am sure you will agree, one of the most sensitive to slights people on the Right there is. I enjoy watching videos of people even more rant-y than I, such as Gavin McGinnes, former head of the Proud BOys, reacting to the things liberals say.

I have never myself, nor heard any conservative claim INSULT from liberals, simply because a dem President or one of his partisans, claimed credit for something good that happened on his watch.

It is not enough for liberals today, to disagree with a conservative.

Because just disagreeing leads to questions of policy. No, the liberal in question, needs an excuse to marginalize the conservative so that such discussion of policy and issues, can be avoided.
Well, I suspect he would look at this chart and be insulted by your question.


Err, that "insult",could you spell it out for those of us that don't quite see it?
No reason to.

What is insulting about wanting to give Trump credit for the record breaking improvements in black unemployment rates, that occurred since he took over?

Cause I'm really not seeing any insult.
The insult is that a black person would look at that chart and give Trump credit for it, when the trajectory of the unemployment rate that Trump inherited was CLEARLY headed down. Most people are smart enough to see that, and it's an insult that a person would not.

My goodness, this place blows my freakin' mind. It really does.

In my life, every single President has either personally, or at least though his partisans, has claimed credit for the good things that occur during his time in office.

I am, I am sure you will agree, one of the most sensitive to slights people on the Right there is. I enjoy watching videos of people even more rant-y than I, such as Gavin McGinnes, former head of the Proud BOys, reacting to the things liberals say.

I have never myself, nor heard any conservative claim INSULT from liberals, simply because a dem President or one of his partisans, claimed credit for something good that happened on his watch.

It is not enough for liberals today, to disagree with a conservative.

Because just disagreeing leads to questions of policy. No, the liberal in question, needs an excuse to marginalize the conservative so that such discussion of policy and issues, can be avoided.
There may be a point in there, among all the extra spaces in the typing, I don't know. But it does appear that it's all the other guy's fault.

You asked a question, I answered it. I wasn't expecting a miracle.
Still waiting for you to tell me what prominent conservative was there marching along side of King....I have already given you plenty of liberals who was there......why is it so hard for you to answer the question??
They ALL had conservative values. They were religious men with traditional family values, and they believed in getting ahead with hard work. They didn't want handouts; they just wanted a meritocracy based system. They had far more in common with the right today then the left.

Oh, and let's be completely honest... they hated gays, and they sure as fuck wouldn't be happy about all the Trans stuff, pronouns, etc. They would hate you lefties.
I see you never heard of Bayard Rustin or James Baldwin...or Langston Hughes....all of them gay -- all of them with prominent roles in the civil rights movement

But of course you haven't -- because you never gave a fuck about Civil Rights...
Yeah? How many of them were out of the closet at the time with MLK?

i really suggest you shut the fuck up....

If you really gave a fuck about the civil rights movement - you wouldn't ask these dumb ass questions
Really, then why does he think of homosexuality as a problem that needs to be fixed by a psychiatrist?

He openly discussed homosexuality while writing an advice column for Ebony Magazine in 1958. According to a transcript released by Stanford University, an anonymous boy asked: “My problem is different from the ones most people have.

“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Dr King replied: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.

“Your reasons for adopting this habit have now been consciously suppressed or unconsciously repressed.

“Therefore, it is necessary to deal with this problem by getting back to some of the experiences and circumstances that lead to the habit.

“In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences and circumstances that lead to the habit.

“You are already on the right road toward a solution, since you honestly recognise the problem and have a desire to solve it.

This is what Martin Luther King told a gay teen who was struggling with his sexuality in 1958

Lets talk about Ruskin. This quote sure doesnt make King look good.

"At a given point, there was so much pressure on Dr. King about my being gay and particularly because I would not deny it, that he set up a committee to explore whether it would be dangerous for me to continue working with him," Rustin says to the Blade in the interview.

...and then theres this quote from his own daughter, who is a lesbian herself. When asked if King would have supported the LGTBQ community, she said the following.

“No, he would champion the word of God,” she said. “If he would have championed gay rights today, he would have done it while he was here. There was ample opportunity for him to champion gay rights during his lifetime, and he did not do so.”

Ooh, thats the nail in the coffin. You have no argument because you dont know the facts about MLK. Youre welcome for me teaching you about Martin Luther King.
Can you show me where MLK advocated policies to discriminate against gays???

I am straight, I don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle -- because I am straight....and that is where it ends for me...

I still want them to be able to have "EQUAL PROTECTION" under the law...I don't want them banned from the military like conservatives do...I don't them to be denied employment or a place to live, like conservatives do.....

..and thanks for proving my point that there were "OPEN GAYS" fighting along side of King....moron....
They ALL had conservative values. They were religious men with traditional family values, and they believed in getting ahead with hard work. They didn't want handouts; they just wanted a meritocracy based system. They had far more in common with the right today then the left.

Oh, and let's be completely honest... they hated gays, and they sure as fuck wouldn't be happy about all the Trans stuff, pronouns, etc. They would hate you lefties.
I see you never heard of Bayard Rustin or James Baldwin...or Langston Hughes....all of them gay -- all of them with prominent roles in the civil rights movement

But of course you haven't -- because you never gave a fuck about Civil Rights...
Yeah? How many of them were out of the closet at the time with MLK?

i really suggest you shut the fuck up....

If you really gave a fuck about the civil rights movement - you wouldn't ask these dumb ass questions
Really, then why does he think of homosexuality as a problem that needs to be fixed by a psychiatrist?

He openly discussed homosexuality while writing an advice column for Ebony Magazine in 1958. According to a transcript released by Stanford University, an anonymous boy asked: “My problem is different from the ones most people have.

“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Dr King replied: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.

“Your reasons for adopting this habit have now been consciously suppressed or unconsciously repressed.

“Therefore, it is necessary to deal with this problem by getting back to some of the experiences and circumstances that lead to the habit.

“In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences and circumstances that lead to the habit.

“You are already on the right road toward a solution, since you honestly recognise the problem and have a desire to solve it.

This is what Martin Luther King told a gay teen who was struggling with his sexuality in 1958

Lets talk about Ruskin. This quote sure doesnt make King look good.

"At a given point, there was so much pressure on Dr. King about my being gay and particularly because I would not deny it, that he set up a committee to explore whether it would be dangerous for me to continue working with him," Rustin says to the Blade in the interview.

...and then theres this quote from his own daughter, who is a lesbian herself. When asked if King would have supported the LGTBQ community, she said the following.

“No, he would champion the word of God,” she said. “If he would have championed gay rights today, he would have done it while he was here. There was ample opportunity for him to champion gay rights during his lifetime, and he did not do so.”

Ooh, thats the nail in the coffin. You have no argument because you dont know the facts about MLK. Youre welcome for me teaching you about Martin Luther King.
Can you show me where MLK advocated policies to discriminate against gays???

I am straight, I don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle -- because I am straight....and that is where it ends for me...

I still want them to be able to have "EQUAL PROTECTION" under the law...I don't want them banned from the military like conservatives do...I don't them to be denied employment or a place to live, like conservatives do.....

..and thanks for proving my point that there were "OPEN GAYS" fighting along side of King....moron....
I just gave you an example. Rustin said he almost got "fired" by MLK for being gay. The fact that he even considered it is discrimination.
7 Big Lies Conservatives Want You To Believe About Martin Luther King, Jr.

I got one question to ask on the day we celebrate the life and lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King - (or as the Democrats call him, Martin Luther Coon) -- and that question is -- what prominent conservatives were marching along side of King down in places like Selma, Birmingham, Jackson?? Notice, I didn't ask what prominent "republicans" were marching along side of King, I asked what prominent "conservatives" were marching along side of him....and whenever you break it down along ideological lines instead of party lines -- the closet racists of today get triggered.....

"When you look at American history from a straight progressive versus conservative viewpoint, there have not been too many universally agreed upon conservative victories. Primarily because conservatives are conservatives and want things to stay the same. And things have changed. When women wanted the vote, obviously, the people not wanting that to change would have been considered conservative. Those who wanted to keep Jim Crow would have been conservatives. Many of those who would have been considered heroes to the conservatives at the time would seem super backwards to almost anyone today. No one is going around wearing a Joseph McCarthy t-shirt, and cool kids on campus are not sitting around reading “The Bell Curve.”

Since this question is so hard for today's conservatives to answer -- they resort to just flat out making shit up -- and hoping if they just keep repeating the lie enough, it will be truth -- pay no attention to what MLK said himself, they tell you...Popular lies like "King was a Republican, believe me...his niece even said it...and we pay her a lot of money to keep telling us that!!"....Here is what King said about the 1964 Republican convention...."The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” [Barry Goldwater] at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade."

History and facts are a troublesome thing for those who seek to try to invent their own...and when those people really get triggered -- they finally let it slip out that "King cheated on his wives, he is a rapist!!" -- "King was paid to say those radical things by the Commies!!" -- funny, weren't you just claiming he was a conservative Republican??

Let's also remember what your former God, St. Reagan (replaced by your new God, Trump) said immediately after the assassination of MLK....he basically said he was a radical lawbreaker and he had it coming....Even when he had to change positions and sign MLK day as a federal holiday -- he wrote an apology letter to a member of the racist John Birch society (Meldrim Thomson, Jr) to explain to him that he was only using the MLK day as political pretext to silence the mounting criticism of his positions on civil rights.

So....I'll simply ask....can you name me the prominent republican conservatives who were along side of King, putting his or her life on the line for civil rights? People who died for what they believed in, people like Viola Luizzo, Andrew Goodman, William Lewis Moore, Jonathan Daniels -- by the way, all of those people I just named were white.....the ones who were attacked as being "liberal trouble makers" and "N-word lovers" -- they damn sure were not murdered for being "prominent conservatives"

Black people were better off before MLK. This isn't opinion or ideology... it's just statistical fact. After the ridiculous civil rights movement.....

Blacks are getting killed year over year, is drastically higher rates than before MLK.
Blacks are more marginalized today by their own actions, in massively higher rates than before MLK.
Blacks were more prominent in government before MLK, than after MLK. Now this has changed in recent years, obviously. But statistically MLK set black people back about 30 years in government.
Black poverty was worse after MLK, and only recently has achieved an actual decline compared to 1963 levels.
Black drug use and abuse, drastically increased after MLK, compared to before MLK.
Black families, broken homes, children born out of wedlock... all drastically worse after MLK, than before.

By any, and all measures of real standards of living, and real standing in society, MLK severely damaged the Black people of this country.

So why would any conservative want to stand with someone who damaged the people he represented?

That's the real question that should be asked here.
What a moronic post. Yearning for the days of Jim Crow
I see you never heard of Bayard Rustin or James Baldwin...or Langston Hughes....all of them gay -- all of them with prominent roles in the civil rights movement

But of course you haven't -- because you never gave a fuck about Civil Rights...
Yeah? How many of them were out of the closet at the time with MLK?

i really suggest you shut the fuck up....

If you really gave a fuck about the civil rights movement - you wouldn't ask these dumb ass questions
Really, then why does he think of homosexuality as a problem that needs to be fixed by a psychiatrist?

He openly discussed homosexuality while writing an advice column for Ebony Magazine in 1958. According to a transcript released by Stanford University, an anonymous boy asked: “My problem is different from the ones most people have.

“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Dr King replied: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.

“Your reasons for adopting this habit have now been consciously suppressed or unconsciously repressed.

“Therefore, it is necessary to deal with this problem by getting back to some of the experiences and circumstances that lead to the habit.

“In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences and circumstances that lead to the habit.

“You are already on the right road toward a solution, since you honestly recognise the problem and have a desire to solve it.

This is what Martin Luther King told a gay teen who was struggling with his sexuality in 1958

Lets talk about Ruskin. This quote sure doesnt make King look good.

"At a given point, there was so much pressure on Dr. King about my being gay and particularly because I would not deny it, that he set up a committee to explore whether it would be dangerous for me to continue working with him," Rustin says to the Blade in the interview.

...and then theres this quote from his own daughter, who is a lesbian herself. When asked if King would have supported the LGTBQ community, she said the following.

“No, he would champion the word of God,” she said. “If he would have championed gay rights today, he would have done it while he was here. There was ample opportunity for him to champion gay rights during his lifetime, and he did not do so.”

Ooh, thats the nail in the coffin. You have no argument because you dont know the facts about MLK. Youre welcome for me teaching you about Martin Luther King.
Can you show me where MLK advocated policies to discriminate against gays???

I am straight, I don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle -- because I am straight....and that is where it ends for me...

I still want them to be able to have "EQUAL PROTECTION" under the law...I don't want them banned from the military like conservatives do...I don't them to be denied employment or a place to live, like conservatives do.....

..and thanks for proving my point that there were "OPEN GAYS" fighting along side of King....moron....
I just gave you an example. Rustin said he almost got "fired" by MLK for being gay. The fact that he even considered it is discrimination.
It was a different era for gays

50 years before gays got their current rights. MLK was dealing with accusations that his movement was communist. Claiming it was influenced by homosexuals would provide more ammunition to his opponents
Yeah? How many of them were out of the closet at the time with MLK?

i really suggest you shut the fuck up....

If you really gave a fuck about the civil rights movement - you wouldn't ask these dumb ass questions
Really, then why does he think of homosexuality as a problem that needs to be fixed by a psychiatrist?

He openly discussed homosexuality while writing an advice column for Ebony Magazine in 1958. According to a transcript released by Stanford University, an anonymous boy asked: “My problem is different from the ones most people have.

“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Dr King replied: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.

“Your reasons for adopting this habit have now been consciously suppressed or unconsciously repressed.

“Therefore, it is necessary to deal with this problem by getting back to some of the experiences and circumstances that lead to the habit.

“In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences and circumstances that lead to the habit.

“You are already on the right road toward a solution, since you honestly recognise the problem and have a desire to solve it.

This is what Martin Luther King told a gay teen who was struggling with his sexuality in 1958

Lets talk about Ruskin. This quote sure doesnt make King look good.

"At a given point, there was so much pressure on Dr. King about my being gay and particularly because I would not deny it, that he set up a committee to explore whether it would be dangerous for me to continue working with him," Rustin says to the Blade in the interview.

...and then theres this quote from his own daughter, who is a lesbian herself. When asked if King would have supported the LGTBQ community, she said the following.

“No, he would champion the word of God,” she said. “If he would have championed gay rights today, he would have done it while he was here. There was ample opportunity for him to champion gay rights during his lifetime, and he did not do so.”

Ooh, thats the nail in the coffin. You have no argument because you dont know the facts about MLK. Youre welcome for me teaching you about Martin Luther King.
Can you show me where MLK advocated policies to discriminate against gays???

I am straight, I don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle -- because I am straight....and that is where it ends for me...

I still want them to be able to have "EQUAL PROTECTION" under the law...I don't want them banned from the military like conservatives do...I don't them to be denied employment or a place to live, like conservatives do.....

..and thanks for proving my point that there were "OPEN GAYS" fighting along side of King....moron....
I just gave you an example. Rustin said he almost got "fired" by MLK for being gay. The fact that he even considered it is discrimination.
It was a different era for gays

50 years before gays got their current rights. MLK was dealing with accusations that his movement was communist. Claiming it was influenced by homosexuals would provide more ammunition to his opponents
It was a different time for all kinds of people. That doesnt stop the endless whining about slavery a Jim Crow. You cant pick and choose who you want to demonize.
I wonder what MLK would think about a President who reduced Black Unemployment to the lowest level in recorded history? Do you think that he approved of his peeps working, or did he want them to be dependent on Government Largesse?

Compare and contrast the Trumpster and Obama with his Obamaphone program which encouraged the people to give away their birthright as Americans for a few hundred free minutes on a cheap Obamaphone. At least Esau got a tasty stew for his.

He would have been proud of Pres. Obama. He probably would call Trump a disgrace like every other civil rights leader does.

Another lie.

Members of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s extended family came out in support of President Trump this week, on the national day of recognition for the civil rights leader.

Isaac Newton Farris Jr. and Alveda King, Dr. King’s nephew and niece, respectively, asserted in interviews that Trump is not a racist.

Who are Those MLK Family Members Expressing Support for Trump? | Afro

Yea that changes everything that 2 people in his family are Toms.

2 means not everyone so either you lied or you’re an idiot. I think the latter.

You're the idiot for posting that bullshit.

You said “everyone” yes or no?
I see you never heard of Bayard Rustin or James Baldwin...or Langston Hughes....all of them gay -- all of them with prominent roles in the civil rights movement

But of course you haven't -- because you never gave a fuck about Civil Rights...
Yeah? How many of them were out of the closet at the time with MLK?

i really suggest you shut the fuck up....

If you really gave a fuck about the civil rights movement - you wouldn't ask these dumb ass questions
Really, then why does he think of homosexuality as a problem that needs to be fixed by a psychiatrist?

He openly discussed homosexuality while writing an advice column for Ebony Magazine in 1958. According to a transcript released by Stanford University, an anonymous boy asked: “My problem is different from the ones most people have.

“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Dr King replied: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.

“Your reasons for adopting this habit have now been consciously suppressed or unconsciously repressed.

“Therefore, it is necessary to deal with this problem by getting back to some of the experiences and circumstances that lead to the habit.

“In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences and circumstances that lead to the habit.

“You are already on the right road toward a solution, since you honestly recognise the problem and have a desire to solve it.

This is what Martin Luther King told a gay teen who was struggling with his sexuality in 1958

Lets talk about Ruskin. This quote sure doesnt make King look good.

"At a given point, there was so much pressure on Dr. King about my being gay and particularly because I would not deny it, that he set up a committee to explore whether it would be dangerous for me to continue working with him," Rustin says to the Blade in the interview.

...and then theres this quote from his own daughter, who is a lesbian herself. When asked if King would have supported the LGTBQ community, she said the following.

“No, he would champion the word of God,” she said. “If he would have championed gay rights today, he would have done it while he was here. There was ample opportunity for him to champion gay rights during his lifetime, and he did not do so.”

Ooh, thats the nail in the coffin. You have no argument because you dont know the facts about MLK. Youre welcome for me teaching you about Martin Luther King.
Can you show me where MLK advocated policies to discriminate against gays???

I am straight, I don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle -- because I am straight....and that is where it ends for me...

I still want them to be able to have "EQUAL PROTECTION" under the law...I don't want them banned from the military like conservatives do...I don't them to be denied employment or a place to live, like conservatives do.....

..and thanks for proving my point that there were "OPEN GAYS" fighting along side of King....moron....
I just gave you an example. Rustin said he almost got "fired" by MLK for being gay. The fact that he even considered it is discrimination.
Funny how when I asked you to name me one single conservative along side of King marching for CIVIL RIGHTS -- you couldn't...

Then (as is common place for dic suckers like you) -- you went on a rant about gays -- I showed you that gays were also there fighting for Civil Rights along side of King.....

Then yo stupid ass said "I bet they wasn't open" -- then I showed you, yes they were open....

Then yo stupid ass said "but but but...King almost fired him for being gay" -- so??

However, you should thank me for even educating you on the existence of Bayard Rustin -- because you have learned more about him in your pursuit of deflection than you would have ever learned on your own....

Now how about you use that same energy to find me a conservative who was there marching along side of King for civil rights??

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