A Simple Question About Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Since when is the theory that B. Hussein O was born in Kenya "racist"?

Trump proved it was incorrect, but the theory came from Obama's literary agents when good old Barry Soetoro decided to adopt the Obama Gimmick and become an author. "Birtherism" didn't come from any Republican, but from Obama's paid staff.

It was always racist.

I already pointed out that Birthers- including King of the Birthers Donnie- were Birthin long before any of them knew anything about that pamphlet. Your historical revisionism in defense of Birther racist idiocy is just that.

Trump promoted the racist Birther lies for years- and today's GOP thought highly enough about that to elect him.
You're continuing to try to taint those who question his birthplace.

I still believe h we was born in Kenya and his BS was forged.

You're trying to convince us it's settled. It is not.

We also KNOW his loyalties were NOT with the USA

And we also KNOW that African is behind the "Resist" movement.

There are still lots of your racists who followed your King Birther- and still do even after he threw you under the bus.

You are model Trump supporters.
You do know the Queen Birther was Hillary, don't you?!

Even she is occasionally right.

And yes, the African was NOT eligible to run for office.

Obama is out of office now, let bygones be bygones.

President Trump is working hard to reverse the colossal f-ups of the Obama Regime and doing a bang up job, really, especially considering on the push back he has received from not just doctrinaire marxists, but Never Trumpers and Deep Staters as well.

The key for African Americans, as well as other Americans, is to work together with OUR President to help get us firmly on track. It would be a hell of a kick in the ass for Sleepy Joe to get in and reduce the Dow in half or less and double unemployment, especially among African Americans. Biden made it crystal clear that he is willing to destroy millions of jobs to implement his climate agenda and reduce millions to subsistence

Trump inherited a roaring economy and has managed not to fuck it up too badly yet.
Barry Goldwater was the "father of conservatism" wasn't he?

Where did you get that idea? There were plenty of conservatives before Goldwater, including Warren Gamaliel Harding who returned America to Normalcy after Wilson's progressive nightmare.

And it was President Harding who gave the first Presidential Civil Rights address in ultraliberal, deep blue Birmingham AL in October 1921.

Hundred thousand people came out to see him.

ultraliberal, deep blue Birmingham AL

When did the South stop being 'ultraliberal'?


Probably when the honky leader of the Democrat Party in the South, Bill Clinton, moved to New York. That was about in 2000 I guess.

No longer fearing getting arkancided, a lot of former D's became R.
7 Big Lies Conservatives Want You To Believe About Martin Luther King, Jr.

I got one question to ask on the day we celebrate the life and lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King - (or as the Democrats call him, Martin Luther Coon) -- and that question is -- what prominent conservatives were marching along side of King down in places like Selma, Birmingham, Jackson?? Notice, I didn't ask what prominent "republicans" were marching along side of King, I asked what prominent "conservatives" were marching along side of him....and whenever you break it down along ideological lines instead of party lines -- the closet racists of today get triggered.....

"When you look at American history from a straight progressive versus conservative viewpoint, there have not been too many universally agreed upon conservative victories. Primarily because conservatives are conservatives and want things to stay the same. And things have changed. When women wanted the vote, obviously, the people not wanting that to change would have been considered conservative. Those who wanted to keep Jim Crow would have been conservatives. Many of those who would have been considered heroes to the conservatives at the time would seem super backwards to almost anyone today. No one is going around wearing a Joseph McCarthy t-shirt, and cool kids on campus are not sitting around reading “The Bell Curve.”

Since this question is so hard for today's conservatives to answer -- they resort to just flat out making shit up -- and hoping if they just keep repeating the lie enough, it will be truth -- pay no attention to what MLK said himself, they tell you...Popular lies like "King was a Republican, believe me...his niece even said it...and we pay her a lot of money to keep telling us that!!"....Here is what King said about the 1964 Republican convention...."The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” [Barry Goldwater] at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade."

History and facts are a troublesome thing for those who seek to try to invent their own...and when those people really get triggered -- they finally let it slip out that "King cheated on his wives, he is a rapist!!" -- "King was paid to say those radical things by the Commies!!" -- funny, weren't you just claiming he was a conservative Republican??

Let's also remember what your former God, St. Reagan (replaced by your new God, Trump) said immediately after the assassination of MLK....he basically said he was a radical lawbreaker and he had it coming....Even when he had to change positions and sign MLK day as a federal holiday -- he wrote an apology letter to a member of the racist John Birch society (Meldrim Thomson, Jr) to explain to him that he was only using the MLK day as political pretext to silence the mounting criticism of his positions on civil rights.

So....I'll simply ask....can you name me the prominent republican conservatives who were along side of King, putting his or her life on the line for civil rights? People who died for what they believed in, people like Viola Luizzo, Andrew Goodman, William Lewis Moore, Jonathan Daniels -- by the way, all of those people I just named were white.....the ones who were attacked as being "liberal trouble makers" and "N-word lovers" -- they damn sure were not murdered for being "prominent conservatives"

He was a communist, why would we support him?

It also looks like the critics that were against desegregation were correct about the negro people, as proven by the violence perpetrated by negroes today.

Always good to hear true Trump supporters talking about the 'negro problem'

Just stating the facts. Blacks have a big problem when it comes to violence and crime. If you don’t address it, it will never be solved.

Just stating the facts. Racists like yourself a huge part of Trump's base.

If I was a racist and wanted to keep blacks in abject poverty indefinitely and support them killing their own kind off with mass abortions, I’d be a Democrat.

As it happens I would rather see all blacks off welfare and employed, paying taxes, and contributing to society. And if they can’t handle that, maybe they should move back to Africa and live a simpler lifestyle.
Actually, you would be a Trump supporter
It was always racist.

I already pointed out that Birthers- including King of the Birthers Donnie- were Birthin long before any of them knew anything about that pamphlet. Your historical revisionism in defense of Birther racist idiocy is just that.

Trump promoted the racist Birther lies for years- and today's GOP thought highly enough about that to elect him.
You're continuing to try to taint those who question his birthplace.

I still believe h we was born in Kenya and his BS was forged.

You're trying to convince us it's settled. It is not.

We also KNOW his loyalties were NOT with the USA

And we also KNOW that African is behind the "Resist" movement.

There are still lots of your racists who followed your King Birther- and still do even after he threw you under the bus.

You are model Trump supporters.
You do know the Queen Birther was Hillary, don't you?!

Even she is occasionally right.

And yes, the African was NOT eligible to run for office.

Obama is out of office now, let bygones be bygones.

President Trump is working hard to reverse the colossal f-ups of the Obama Regime and doing a bang up job, really, especially considering on the push back he has received from not just doctrinaire marxists, but Never Trumpers and Deep Staters as well.

The key for African Americans, as well as other Americans, is to work together with OUR President to help get us firmly on track. It would be a hell of a kick in the ass for Sleepy Joe to get in and reduce the Dow in half or less and double unemployment, especially among African Americans. Biden made it crystal clear that he is willing to destroy millions of jobs to implement his climate agenda and reduce millions to subsistence

Trump inherited a roaring economy and has managed not to fuck it up too badly yet.

Apparently , you didn't hear Trump's speech in Davos today. The Obama Economy was in shambles when Trump took the reins of power. Leading economists like Paul Krugman were predicting Permanent Economic Depression.
It was always racist.

I already pointed out that Birthers- including King of the Birthers Donnie- were Birthin long before any of them knew anything about that pamphlet. Your historical revisionism in defense of Birther racist idiocy is just that.

Trump promoted the racist Birther lies for years- and today's GOP thought highly enough about that to elect him.
You're continuing to try to taint those who question his birthplace.

I still believe h we was born in Kenya and his BS was forged.

You're trying to convince us it's settled. It is not.

We also KNOW his loyalties were NOT with the USA

And we also KNOW that African is behind the "Resist" movement.

There are still lots of your racists who followed your King Birther- and still do even after he threw you under the bus.

You are model Trump supporters.
You do know the Queen Birther was Hillary, don't you?!

Even she is occasionally right.

And yes, the African was NOT eligible to run for office.

Obama is out of office now, let bygones be bygones.

President Trump is working hard to reverse the colossal f-ups of the Obama Regime and doing a bang up job, really, especially considering on the push back he has received from not just doctrinaire marxists, but Never Trumpers and Deep Staters as well.

The key for African Americans, as well as other Americans, is to work together with OUR President to help get us firmly on track. It would be a hell of a kick in the ass for Sleepy Joe to get in and reduce the Dow in half or less and double unemployment, especially among African Americans. Biden made it crystal clear that he is willing to destroy millions of jobs to implement his climate agenda and reduce millions to subsistence

Trump inherited a roaring economy and has managed not to fuck it up too badly yet.
It was NOT a "roaring economy" when Obama left office. It only took his full 8 year term of meddling for the economy to correct ITSELF.
You're continuing to try to taint those who question his birthplace.

I still believe h we was born in Kenya and his BS was forged.

You're trying to convince us it's settled. It is not.

We also KNOW his loyalties were NOT with the USA

And we also KNOW that African is behind the "Resist" movement.

There are still lots of your racists who followed your King Birther- and still do even after he threw you under the bus.

You are model Trump supporters.
You do know the Queen Birther was Hillary, don't you?!

Even she is occasionally right.

And yes, the African was NOT eligible to run for office.

Obama is out of office now, let bygones be bygones.

President Trump is working hard to reverse the colossal f-ups of the Obama Regime and doing a bang up job, really, especially considering on the push back he has received from not just doctrinaire marxists, but Never Trumpers and Deep Staters as well.

The key for African Americans, as well as other Americans, is to work together with OUR President to help get us firmly on track. It would be a hell of a kick in the ass for Sleepy Joe to get in and reduce the Dow in half or less and double unemployment, especially among African Americans. Biden made it crystal clear that he is willing to destroy millions of jobs to implement his climate agenda and reduce millions to subsistence

Trump inherited a roaring economy and has managed not to fuck it up too badly yet.

Apparently , you didn't hear Trump's speech in Davos today. The Obama Economy was in shambles when Trump took the reins of power. Leading economists like Paul Krugman were predicting Permanent Economic Depression.

LOL really when you true believers want me to believe something because Trump says it.....you crack me up.

You probably believe it when Trump says he is the reason why pre-existing conditions are protected in health insurance and that he is the reason why Veterans have choice!

Trump always takes credit for what others have done.

Stock Market under Obama performed better than under Trump

The S&P 500 Is at an All Time High—But It Still Performed Far Better Under Obama Than Trump

Over the 11 quarters since he was elected, U.S. real GDP has averaged 2.6% per year, not the 4%, 5% or even 6% that Trump vowed. By way of comparison, GDP averaged 2.4% over the final 16 quarters of Barack Obama’s presidency. All of the extra growth (and more) since 2017 was provided by a fiscal boost from tax cuts and spending increases as Republican lawmakers turned from austerity budgets under Obama to stimulus under Trump.

In Obama’s final four years, government austerity subtracted an average of 0.5 percentage point from GDP each year, according to calculations by the Brookings Institution’s Hutchins Center.

In a counterfactual world assuming neutral fiscal policy, GDP growth would have averaged 2.9% from 2013 to 2017. Since Trump took office, the stance of fiscal policy has flipped, with fiscal stimulus now adding to growth: an average of 0.6 percentage point this year alone. Excluding the boost from tax cuts and spending, GDP would have averaged 2.4% since 2017.
Barry Goldwater was the "father of conservatism" wasn't he?

Where did you get that idea? There were plenty of conservatives before Goldwater, including Warren Gamaliel Harding who returned America to Normalcy after Wilson's progressive nightmare.

And it was President Harding who gave the first Presidential Civil Rights address in ultraliberal, deep blue Birmingham AL in October 1921.

Hundred thousand people came out to see him.

ultraliberal, deep blue Birmingham AL

When did the South stop being 'ultraliberal'?


Probably when the honky leader of the Democrat Party in the South, Bill Clinton, moved to New York. That was about in 2000 I guess.

No longer fearing getting arkancided, a lot of former D's became R.

Not when did Southerners stop being Democrats- the claim was that Birmingham AL was 'ultraliberal' in 1921.

When did the people of the deep south stop being ultra-liberal?
I wonder what MLK would think about a President who reduced Black Unemployment to the lowest level in recorded history? Do you think that he approved of his peeps working, or did he want them to be dependent on Government Largesse?

Compare and contrast the Trumpster and Obama with his Obamaphone program which encouraged the people to give away their birthright as Americans for a few hundred free minutes on a cheap Obamaphone. At least Esau got a tasty stew for his.

He would have been proud of Pres. Obama. He probably would call Trump a disgrace like every other civil rights leader does.

So in your view, Dr. King approved of his people sitting around on their keisters chatting on their Obamaphones drinking malt liquor and smoking newports , instead of working?

Maybe you're right, but I don't think so.

No who would approve of the many black folks who have gone to school, got an education and contribute just as much to this society as white folks do. He wouldn't approve of the free flow of drugs and guns that come into our communities everyday and nothing is done to stop it.

Trump's Tremendous Wall will prevent drugs and guns from coming into our communities of course. Although I'm not so sure about how the new breed of DA's out there who want to let drug pushers go is going to work out

Do you know where the majority of guns and drugs come into this country?
7 Big Lies Conservatives Want You To Believe About Martin Luther King, Jr.

I got one question to ask on the day we celebrate the life and lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King - (or as the Democrats call him, Martin Luther Coon) -- and that question is -- what prominent conservatives were marching along side of King down in places like Selma, Birmingham, Jackson?? Notice, I didn't ask what prominent "republicans" were marching along side of King, I asked what prominent "conservatives" were marching along side of him....and whenever you break it down along ideological lines instead of party lines -- the closet racists of today get triggered.....

"When you look at American history from a straight progressive versus conservative viewpoint, there have not been too many universally agreed upon conservative victories. Primarily because conservatives are conservatives and want things to stay the same. And things have changed. When women wanted the vote, obviously, the people not wanting that to change would have been considered conservative. Those who wanted to keep Jim Crow would have been conservatives. Many of those who would have been considered heroes to the conservatives at the time would seem super backwards to almost anyone today. No one is going around wearing a Joseph McCarthy t-shirt, and cool kids on campus are not sitting around reading “The Bell Curve.”

Since this question is so hard for today's conservatives to answer -- they resort to just flat out making shit up -- and hoping if they just keep repeating the lie enough, it will be truth -- pay no attention to what MLK said himself, they tell you...Popular lies like "King was a Republican, believe me...his niece even said it...and we pay her a lot of money to keep telling us that!!"....Here is what King said about the 1964 Republican convention...."The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” [Barry Goldwater] at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade."

History and facts are a troublesome thing for those who seek to try to invent their own...and when those people really get triggered -- they finally let it slip out that "King cheated on his wives, he is a rapist!!" -- "King was paid to say those radical things by the Commies!!" -- funny, weren't you just claiming he was a conservative Republican??

Let's also remember what your former God, St. Reagan (replaced by your new God, Trump) said immediately after the assassination of MLK....he basically said he was a radical lawbreaker and he had it coming....Even when he had to change positions and sign MLK day as a federal holiday -- he wrote an apology letter to a member of the racist John Birch society (Meldrim Thomson, Jr) to explain to him that he was only using the MLK day as political pretext to silence the mounting criticism of his positions on civil rights.

So....I'll simply ask....can you name me the prominent republican conservatives who were along side of King, putting his or her life on the line for civil rights? People who died for what they believed in, people like Viola Luizzo, Andrew Goodman, William Lewis Moore, Jonathan Daniels -- by the way, all of those people I just named were white.....the ones who were attacked as being "liberal trouble makers" and "N-word lovers" -- they damn sure were not murdered for being "prominent conservatives"
I guess you'll have to ask them.
You're continuing to try to taint those who question his birthplace.

I still believe h we was born in Kenya and his BS was forged.

You're trying to convince us it's settled. It is not.

We also KNOW his loyalties were NOT with the USA

And we also KNOW that African is behind the "Resist" movement.

There are still lots of your racists who followed your King Birther- and still do even after he threw you under the bus.

You are model Trump supporters.
You do know the Queen Birther was Hillary, don't you?!

Even she is occasionally right.

And yes, the African was NOT eligible to run for office.

Obama is out of office now, let bygones be bygones.

President Trump is working hard to reverse the colossal f-ups of the Obama Regime and doing a bang up job, really, especially considering on the push back he has received from not just doctrinaire marxists, but Never Trumpers and Deep Staters as well.

The key for African Americans, as well as other Americans, is to work together with OUR President to help get us firmly on track. It would be a hell of a kick in the ass for Sleepy Joe to get in and reduce the Dow in half or less and double unemployment, especially among African Americans. Biden made it crystal clear that he is willing to destroy millions of jobs to implement his climate agenda and reduce millions to subsistence

Trump inherited a roaring economy and has managed not to fuck it up too badly yet.

Apparently , you didn't hear Trump's speech in Davos today. The Obama Economy was in shambles when Trump took the reins of power. Leading economists like Paul Krugman were predicting Permanent Economic Depression.

Yea....the economy was a “train wreck” until Trump got the exact same economic numbers and proclaimed them the best ever
I wonder what MLK would think about a President who reduced Black Unemployment to the lowest level in recorded history? Do you think that he approved of his peeps working, or did he want them to be dependent on Government Largesse?

Compare and contrast the Trumpster and Obama with his Obamaphone program which encouraged the people to give away their birthright as Americans for a few hundred free minutes on a cheap Obamaphone. At least Esau got a tasty stew for his.

He would have been proud of Pres. Obama. He probably would call Trump a disgrace like every other civil rights leader does.

So in your view, Dr. King approved of his people sitting around on their keisters chatting on their Obamaphones drinking malt liquor and smoking newports , instead of working?

Maybe you're right, but I don't think so.

No who would approve of the many black folks who have gone to school, got an education and contribute just as much to this society as white folks do. He wouldn't approve of the free flow of drugs and guns that come into our communities everyday and nothing is done to stop it.

Trump's Tremendous Wall will prevent drugs and guns from coming into our communities of course. Although I'm not so sure about how the new breed of DA's out there who want to let drug pushers go is going to work out

Do you know where the majority of guns and drugs come into this country?

America certainly has enough domestic meth labs, but we actually import large quantities across the southern frontier.
I wonder what MLK would think about a President who reduced Black Unemployment to the lowest level in recorded history? Do you think that he approved of his peeps working, or did he want them to be dependent on Government Largesse?

Compare and contrast the Trumpster and Obama with his Obamaphone program which encouraged the people to give away their birthright as Americans for a few hundred free minutes on a cheap Obamaphone. At least Esau got a tasty stew for his.

He would have been proud of Pres. Obama. He probably would call Trump a disgrace like every other civil rights leader does.

Another lie.

Members of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s extended family came out in support of President Trump this week, on the national day of recognition for the civil rights leader.

Isaac Newton Farris Jr. and Alveda King, Dr. King’s nephew and niece, respectively, asserted in interviews that Trump is not a racist.

Who are Those MLK Family Members Expressing Support for Trump? | Afro

Yea that changes everything that 2 people in his family are Toms.
7 Big Lies Conservatives Want You To Believe About Martin Luther King, Jr.

I got one question to ask on the day we celebrate the life and lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King - (or as the Democrats call him, Martin Luther Coon) -- and that question is -- what prominent conservatives were marching along side of King down in places like Selma, Birmingham, Jackson?? Notice, I didn't ask what prominent "republicans" were marching along side of King, I asked what prominent "conservatives" were marching along side of him....and whenever you break it down along ideological lines instead of party lines -- the closet racists of today get triggered.....

"When you look at American history from a straight progressive versus conservative viewpoint, there have not been too many universally agreed upon conservative victories. Primarily because conservatives are conservatives and want things to stay the same. And things have changed. When women wanted the vote, obviously, the people not wanting that to change would have been considered conservative. Those who wanted to keep Jim Crow would have been conservatives. Many of those who would have been considered heroes to the conservatives at the time would seem super backwards to almost anyone today. No one is going around wearing a Joseph McCarthy t-shirt, and cool kids on campus are not sitting around reading “The Bell Curve.”

Since this question is so hard for today's conservatives to answer -- they resort to just flat out making shit up -- and hoping if they just keep repeating the lie enough, it will be truth -- pay no attention to what MLK said himself, they tell you...Popular lies like "King was a Republican, believe me...his niece even said it...and we pay her a lot of money to keep telling us that!!"....Here is what King said about the 1964 Republican convention...."The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” [Barry Goldwater] at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade."

History and facts are a troublesome thing for those who seek to try to invent their own...and when those people really get triggered -- they finally let it slip out that "King cheated on his wives, he is a rapist!!" -- "King was paid to say those radical things by the Commies!!" -- funny, weren't you just claiming he was a conservative Republican??

Let's also remember what your former God, St. Reagan (replaced by your new God, Trump) said immediately after the assassination of MLK....he basically said he was a radical lawbreaker and he had it coming....Even when he had to change positions and sign MLK day as a federal holiday -- he wrote an apology letter to a member of the racist John Birch society (Meldrim Thomson, Jr) to explain to him that he was only using the MLK day as political pretext to silence the mounting criticism of his positions on civil rights.

So....I'll simply ask....can you name me the prominent republican conservatives who were along side of King, putting his or her life on the line for civil rights? People who died for what they believed in, people like Viola Luizzo, Andrew Goodman, William Lewis Moore, Jonathan Daniels -- by the way, all of those people I just named were white.....the ones who were attacked as being "liberal trouble makers" and "N-word lovers" -- they damn sure were not murdered for being "prominent conservatives"

What prominent white democrats marched with MLK?

What Southern White Republicans marched with Dr. King?
He would have been proud of Pres. Obama. He probably would call Trump a disgrace like every other civil rights leader does.

So in your view, Dr. King approved of his people sitting around on their keisters chatting on their Obamaphones drinking malt liquor and smoking newports , instead of working?

Maybe you're right, but I don't think so.

No who would approve of the many black folks who have gone to school, got an education and contribute just as much to this society as white folks do. He wouldn't approve of the free flow of drugs and guns that come into our communities everyday and nothing is done to stop it.

Trump's Tremendous Wall will prevent drugs and guns from coming into our communities of course. Although I'm not so sure about how the new breed of DA's out there who want to let drug pushers go is going to work out

Do you know where the majority of guns and drugs come into this country?

America certainly has enough domestic meth labs, but we actually import large quantities across the southern frontier.

So in other words you don't know.
7 Big Lies Conservatives Want You To Believe About Martin Luther King, Jr.

I got one question to ask on the day we celebrate the life and lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King - (or as the Democrats call him, Martin Luther Coon) -- and that question is -- what prominent conservatives were marching along side of King down in places like Selma, Birmingham, Jackson?? Notice, I didn't ask what prominent "republicans" were marching along side of King, I asked what prominent "conservatives" were marching along side of him....and whenever you break it down along ideological lines instead of party lines -- the closet racists of today get triggered.....

"When you look at American history from a straight progressive versus conservative viewpoint, there have not been too many universally agreed upon conservative victories. Primarily because conservatives are conservatives and want things to stay the same. And things have changed. When women wanted the vote, obviously, the people not wanting that to change would have been considered conservative. Those who wanted to keep Jim Crow would have been conservatives. Many of those who would have been considered heroes to the conservatives at the time would seem super backwards to almost anyone today. No one is going around wearing a Joseph McCarthy t-shirt, and cool kids on campus are not sitting around reading “The Bell Curve.”

Since this question is so hard for today's conservatives to answer -- they resort to just flat out making shit up -- and hoping if they just keep repeating the lie enough, it will be truth -- pay no attention to what MLK said himself, they tell you...Popular lies like "King was a Republican, believe me...his niece even said it...and we pay her a lot of money to keep telling us that!!"....Here is what King said about the 1964 Republican convention...."The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” [Barry Goldwater] at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade."

History and facts are a troublesome thing for those who seek to try to invent their own...and when those people really get triggered -- they finally let it slip out that "King cheated on his wives, he is a rapist!!" -- "King was paid to say those radical things by the Commies!!" -- funny, weren't you just claiming he was a conservative Republican??

Let's also remember what your former God, St. Reagan (replaced by your new God, Trump) said immediately after the assassination of MLK....he basically said he was a radical lawbreaker and he had it coming....Even when he had to change positions and sign MLK day as a federal holiday -- he wrote an apology letter to a member of the racist John Birch society (Meldrim Thomson, Jr) to explain to him that he was only using the MLK day as political pretext to silence the mounting criticism of his positions on civil rights.

So....I'll simply ask....can you name me the prominent republican conservatives who were along side of King, putting his or her life on the line for civil rights? People who died for what they believed in, people like Viola Luizzo, Andrew Goodman, William Lewis Moore, Jonathan Daniels -- by the way, all of those people I just named were white.....the ones who were attacked as being "liberal trouble makers" and "N-word lovers" -- they damn sure were not murdered for being "prominent conservatives"

Black people were better off before MLK. This isn't opinion or ideology... it's just statistical fact. After the ridiculous civil rights movement.....

Blacks are getting killed year over year, is drastically higher rates than before MLK.
Blacks are more marginalized today by their own actions, in massively higher rates than before MLK.
Blacks were more prominent in government before MLK, than after MLK. Now this has changed in recent years, obviously. But statistically MLK set black people back about 30 years in government.
Black poverty was worse after MLK, and only recently has achieved an actual decline compared to 1963 levels.
Black drug use and abuse, drastically increased after MLK, compared to before MLK.
Black families, broken homes, children born out of wedlock... all drastically worse after MLK, than before.

By any, and all measures of real standards of living, and real standing in society, MLK severely damaged the Black people of this country.

So why would any conservative want to stand with someone who damaged the people he represented?

That's the real question that should be asked here.
None of you conservative patriots have been able to answer my question yet??

I've actually seen more conservatives on here attacking MLK and even attacking the first black president than answering my question

It's almost like they can't answer the question without attacking a black guy....

What would Thomas Sowell say???

7 Big Lies Conservatives Want You To Believe About Martin Luther King, Jr.

I got one question to ask on the day we celebrate the life and lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King - (or as the Democrats call him, Martin Luther Coon) -- and that question is -- what prominent conservatives were marching along side of King down in places like Selma, Birmingham, Jackson?? Notice, I didn't ask what prominent "republicans" were marching along side of King, I asked what prominent "conservatives" were marching along side of him....and whenever you break it down along ideological lines instead of party lines -- the closet racists of today get triggered.....

"When you look at American history from a straight progressive versus conservative viewpoint, there have not been too many universally agreed upon conservative victories. Primarily because conservatives are conservatives and want things to stay the same. And things have changed. When women wanted the vote, obviously, the people not wanting that to change would have been considered conservative. Those who wanted to keep Jim Crow would have been conservatives. Many of those who would have been considered heroes to the conservatives at the time would seem super backwards to almost anyone today. No one is going around wearing a Joseph McCarthy t-shirt, and cool kids on campus are not sitting around reading “The Bell Curve.”

Since this question is so hard for today's conservatives to answer -- they resort to just flat out making shit up -- and hoping if they just keep repeating the lie enough, it will be truth -- pay no attention to what MLK said himself, they tell you...Popular lies like "King was a Republican, believe me...his niece even said it...and we pay her a lot of money to keep telling us that!!"....Here is what King said about the 1964 Republican convention...."The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” [Barry Goldwater] at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade."

History and facts are a troublesome thing for those who seek to try to invent their own...and when those people really get triggered -- they finally let it slip out that "King cheated on his wives, he is a rapist!!" -- "King was paid to say those radical things by the Commies!!" -- funny, weren't you just claiming he was a conservative Republican??

Let's also remember what your former God, St. Reagan (replaced by your new God, Trump) said immediately after the assassination of MLK....he basically said he was a radical lawbreaker and he had it coming....Even when he had to change positions and sign MLK day as a federal holiday -- he wrote an apology letter to a member of the racist John Birch society (Meldrim Thomson, Jr) to explain to him that he was only using the MLK day as political pretext to silence the mounting criticism of his positions on civil rights.

So....I'll simply ask....can you name me the prominent republican conservatives who were along side of King, putting his or her life on the line for civil rights? People who died for what they believed in, people like Viola Luizzo, Andrew Goodman, William Lewis Moore, Jonathan Daniels -- by the way, all of those people I just named were white.....the ones who were attacked as being "liberal trouble makers" and "N-word lovers" -- they damn sure were not murdered for being "prominent conservatives"

What prominent white democrats marched with MLK?

What Southern White Republicans marched with Dr. King?

What Southern White Democrats march? Did Clinton, Carter, Maddox, Gore? Most of MLK's activities were in the southland. And there were very few southern white Republicans at the time of MLK's passing.
7 Big Lies Conservatives Want You To Believe About Martin Luther King, Jr.

I got one question to ask on the day we celebrate the life and lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King - (or as the Democrats call him, Martin Luther Coon) -- and that question is -- what prominent conservatives were marching along side of King down in places like Selma, Birmingham, Jackson?? Notice, I didn't ask what prominent "republicans" were marching along side of King, I asked what prominent "conservatives" were marching along side of him....and whenever you break it down along ideological lines instead of party lines -- the closet racists of today get triggered.....

"When you look at American history from a straight progressive versus conservative viewpoint, there have not been too many universally agreed upon conservative victories. Primarily because conservatives are conservatives and want things to stay the same. And things have changed. When women wanted the vote, obviously, the people not wanting that to change would have been considered conservative. Those who wanted to keep Jim Crow would have been conservatives. Many of those who would have been considered heroes to the conservatives at the time would seem super backwards to almost anyone today. No one is going around wearing a Joseph McCarthy t-shirt, and cool kids on campus are not sitting around reading “The Bell Curve.”

Since this question is so hard for today's conservatives to answer -- they resort to just flat out making shit up -- and hoping if they just keep repeating the lie enough, it will be truth -- pay no attention to what MLK said himself, they tell you...Popular lies like "King was a Republican, believe me...his niece even said it...and we pay her a lot of money to keep telling us that!!"....Here is what King said about the 1964 Republican convention...."The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” [Barry Goldwater] at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade."

History and facts are a troublesome thing for those who seek to try to invent their own...and when those people really get triggered -- they finally let it slip out that "King cheated on his wives, he is a rapist!!" -- "King was paid to say those radical things by the Commies!!" -- funny, weren't you just claiming he was a conservative Republican??

Let's also remember what your former God, St. Reagan (replaced by your new God, Trump) said immediately after the assassination of MLK....he basically said he was a radical lawbreaker and he had it coming....Even when he had to change positions and sign MLK day as a federal holiday -- he wrote an apology letter to a member of the racist John Birch society (Meldrim Thomson, Jr) to explain to him that he was only using the MLK day as political pretext to silence the mounting criticism of his positions on civil rights.

So....I'll simply ask....can you name me the prominent republican conservatives who were along side of King, putting his or her life on the line for civil rights? People who died for what they believed in, people like Viola Luizzo, Andrew Goodman, William Lewis Moore, Jonathan Daniels -- by the way, all of those people I just named were white.....the ones who were attacked as being "liberal trouble makers" and "N-word lovers" -- they damn sure were not murdered for being "prominent conservatives"

Black people were better off before MLK. This isn't opinion or ideology... it's just statistical fact. After the ridiculous civil rights movement.....

Blacks are getting killed year over year, is drastically higher rates than before MLK.
Blacks are more marginalized today by their own actions, in massively higher rates than before MLK.
Blacks were more prominent in government before MLK, than after MLK. Now this has changed in recent years, obviously. But statistically MLK set black people back about 30 years in government.
Black poverty was worse after MLK, and only recently has achieved an actual decline compared to 1963 levels.
Black drug use and abuse, drastically increased after MLK, compared to before MLK.
Black families, broken homes, children born out of wedlock... all drastically worse after MLK, than before.

By any, and all measures of real standards of living, and real standing in society, MLK severely damaged the Black people of this country.

So why would any conservative want to stand with someone who damaged the people he represented?

That's the real question that should be asked here.
You can't answer the question either? Cool...

Maybe you can invent a time machine -- go back in time and murder MLK as a child...that way blacks can be better off.....sound like a plan??
7 Big Lies Conservatives Want You To Believe About Martin Luther King, Jr.

I got one question to ask on the day we celebrate the life and lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King - (or as the Democrats call him, Martin Luther Coon) -- and that question is -- what prominent conservatives were marching along side of King down in places like Selma, Birmingham, Jackson?? Notice, I didn't ask what prominent "republicans" were marching along side of King, I asked what prominent "conservatives" were marching along side of him....and whenever you break it down along ideological lines instead of party lines -- the closet racists of today get triggered.....

"When you look at American history from a straight progressive versus conservative viewpoint, there have not been too many universally agreed upon conservative victories. Primarily because conservatives are conservatives and want things to stay the same. And things have changed. When women wanted the vote, obviously, the people not wanting that to change would have been considered conservative. Those who wanted to keep Jim Crow would have been conservatives. Many of those who would have been considered heroes to the conservatives at the time would seem super backwards to almost anyone today. No one is going around wearing a Joseph McCarthy t-shirt, and cool kids on campus are not sitting around reading “The Bell Curve.”

Since this question is so hard for today's conservatives to answer -- they resort to just flat out making shit up -- and hoping if they just keep repeating the lie enough, it will be truth -- pay no attention to what MLK said himself, they tell you...Popular lies like "King was a Republican, believe me...his niece even said it...and we pay her a lot of money to keep telling us that!!"....Here is what King said about the 1964 Republican convention...."The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” [Barry Goldwater] at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade."

History and facts are a troublesome thing for those who seek to try to invent their own...and when those people really get triggered -- they finally let it slip out that "King cheated on his wives, he is a rapist!!" -- "King was paid to say those radical things by the Commies!!" -- funny, weren't you just claiming he was a conservative Republican??

Let's also remember what your former God, St. Reagan (replaced by your new God, Trump) said immediately after the assassination of MLK....he basically said he was a radical lawbreaker and he had it coming....Even when he had to change positions and sign MLK day as a federal holiday -- he wrote an apology letter to a member of the racist John Birch society (Meldrim Thomson, Jr) to explain to him that he was only using the MLK day as political pretext to silence the mounting criticism of his positions on civil rights.

So....I'll simply ask....can you name me the prominent republican conservatives who were along side of King, putting his or her life on the line for civil rights? People who died for what they believed in, people like Viola Luizzo, Andrew Goodman, William Lewis Moore, Jonathan Daniels -- by the way, all of those people I just named were white.....the ones who were attacked as being "liberal trouble makers" and "N-word lovers" -- they damn sure were not murdered for being "prominent conservatives"

What prominent white democrats marched with MLK?

What Southern White Republicans marched with Dr. King?

I don't care. The point is you can't point to one democrat. Not one. So that pretty much makes you look ignorant. See, democrats invented the Klan.
7 Big Lies Conservatives Want You To Believe About Martin Luther King, Jr.

I got one question to ask on the day we celebrate the life and lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King - (or as the Democrats call him, Martin Luther Coon) -- and that question is -- what prominent conservatives were marching along side of King down in places like Selma, Birmingham, Jackson?? Notice, I didn't ask what prominent "republicans" were marching along side of King, I asked what prominent "conservatives" were marching along side of him....and whenever you break it down along ideological lines instead of party lines -- the closet racists of today get triggered.....

"When you look at American history from a straight progressive versus conservative viewpoint, there have not been too many universally agreed upon conservative victories. Primarily because conservatives are conservatives and want things to stay the same. And things have changed. When women wanted the vote, obviously, the people not wanting that to change would have been considered conservative. Those who wanted to keep Jim Crow would have been conservatives. Many of those who would have been considered heroes to the conservatives at the time would seem super backwards to almost anyone today. No one is going around wearing a Joseph McCarthy t-shirt, and cool kids on campus are not sitting around reading “The Bell Curve.”

Since this question is so hard for today's conservatives to answer -- they resort to just flat out making shit up -- and hoping if they just keep repeating the lie enough, it will be truth -- pay no attention to what MLK said himself, they tell you...Popular lies like "King was a Republican, believe me...his niece even said it...and we pay her a lot of money to keep telling us that!!"....Here is what King said about the 1964 Republican convention...."The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” [Barry Goldwater] at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade."

History and facts are a troublesome thing for those who seek to try to invent their own...and when those people really get triggered -- they finally let it slip out that "King cheated on his wives, he is a rapist!!" -- "King was paid to say those radical things by the Commies!!" -- funny, weren't you just claiming he was a conservative Republican??

Let's also remember what your former God, St. Reagan (replaced by your new God, Trump) said immediately after the assassination of MLK....he basically said he was a radical lawbreaker and he had it coming....Even when he had to change positions and sign MLK day as a federal holiday -- he wrote an apology letter to a member of the racist John Birch society (Meldrim Thomson, Jr) to explain to him that he was only using the MLK day as political pretext to silence the mounting criticism of his positions on civil rights.

So....I'll simply ask....can you name me the prominent republican conservatives who were along side of King, putting his or her life on the line for civil rights? People who died for what they believed in, people like Viola Luizzo, Andrew Goodman, William Lewis Moore, Jonathan Daniels -- by the way, all of those people I just named were white.....the ones who were attacked as being "liberal trouble makers" and "N-word lovers" -- they damn sure were not murdered for being "prominent conservatives"

What prominent white democrats marched with MLK?
Bernie Sanders....

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Really fake black guy? What office did he hold back then? What was he elected to?

And the article from the blog you got your picture from,

Did Bernie Sanders March in Selma with MLK? - wafflesatnoon.com

The photo above has been shared online by Sanders supporters who claim that Bernie participated in one of the Selma to Montgomery marches that occurred in 1965.

It is highly unlikely, however, that the man in the photo is Bernie Sanders. Let’s take a look at some of the points which have been addressed as we arrive at this conclusion.


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