
  1. deanrd

    Because Black People don't know how to follow instructions.

    So I was watching this reporter walk through the Brian Kemp for Governor of Georgia headquarters. She started talking to a Kemp spokeswomen. The reporter asked about voter suppression. The spokeswoman said there was no suppression. The reporter asked about the 5 separate rulings from the...
  2. deanrd

    Trump supporters asked at press conference, "Are you both prepared for federal prison?"

    Press conference alleging Mueller sex assaults features no evidence, no victim Jacob Wohl, a pro-Trump conspiracy theorist, and Jack Burkman, a conservative lobbyist and radio host, stood in front of a half-full room of reporters and activists at a D.C. area Holiday Inn Thursday to detail their...
  3. deanrd

    Have you seen the video of Cop Killer Luis Bracamontes, Trump is using to scare Republicans?

    Luis Bracamontes, Cop-Killer in Trump’s Twitter Video, Actually Came Back to U.S. Under Bush What Republicans are saying to scare their base is so different to reality. Luis Bracamontes came here, sure, but he was deported by Clinton. He came back under Bush and stayed for the last 6 years...
  4. deanrd

    Do Republicans spend their lives living in fear or just before elections.

    Do Republicans spend their lives living in fear or just before elections. Republicans don’t usually campaign on their accomplishments because their accomplishments are usually things for super rich people like billionaires and millionaires. What they tend to run on is fear. Scaring their...
  5. deanrd

    Hey, what about that 10% tax cut before November? Was that just a big, fat lie?

    Wasn't it only a couple of weeks ago Trump promised a tax cut for the Middle Class? Trump's bewildering new tax cut proposal is 'the height of cynicism' and an admission the GOP tax law failed politically Were you guys stupid enough to believe that? What else is he lying about? Or do you...
  6. deanrd

    There are a record breaking and astonishing 7.1 MILLION jobs open. Business looking for workers.

    U.S. job openings hit a record 7.1 million, exceed number of unemployed Americans The jobs still waiting to be filled, meanwhile, easily exceeded the number of people officially classified as unemployed. The government previously said 6.23 million people were unemployed in August. Job Openings...
  7. deanrd

    How to win the abortion issue.

    Republicans insist they are saving lives. They protect the right of school shooters to carry weapons. They protect the rights of men who commit domestic violence to carry weapons. They want to end school lunches for poor children and cut healthcare. These are the people who want to protect...
  8. deanrd

    What is the single biggest and most outrageous hypocrisy of the Republican Party?

    There are so many, it's difficult to choose. The most recent being them pretending to protect protections for pre existing conditions. You have to be brain damaged to believe such nonsense. But to me, the single biggest hypocrisy is their attempt at ownership of freeing the slaves...
  9. deanrd

    My thread on Republican Congressman Steve King disappeared. No matter.

    Steve King: Members in Austria ‘would be Republicans’ if they were in US Steve King embracing Trump as he seeks re-election in crowded field Steve King is a VERY popular Republican. I'm sure him making the news is both interesting and exciting for many Republicans on the USMB. Steve King...
  10. TheMoreYouKnow

    There you have it: GOP congressman admits his party has same agenda as Nazis

    Rep. Steve King admitted European Nazis share an agenda with the Republican Party. Republican Rep. Steve King recently admitted the agenda of right-wing, white supremacist groups in Europe is the same as the Republican Party in America. King, a congressman in Iowa, was asked about his support...
  11. deanrd

    I just watched Sarah Huckabee Sanders lie to the country. Such an obvious lie.

    I just watched Sarah Huckabee Sanders lie to the country. Such an obvious lie. A reporter asked which news organizations were enemies of the people. Sarah Sanders said Donald Trump never said news organizations were enemies of the people. She said that he’s named a few individual people but...
  12. deanrd

    Trump, without a shred of evidence, is calling Andrew Gillam a thief.

    Trump, without a shred of evidence, is calling Andrew Gillum a thief Wow, can you believe it? Without a shred of evidence Donald Trump is calling the first black nominee for governor of Florida a thief. And this comes from a guy who refused to pay his workers after they did the work. A guy...
  13. deanrd

    Republicans running on saving Obamacare who, at the same time, are in court trying to end Obamacare.

    This is the 62 page brief the GOP has filed to end Obamacare and it's protections of pre existing conditions. 4.26.18 Obamacare Injunction Brief | Health Insurance Mandate | Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act These are the GOP states, Attorney's General, Gov's and Republican supporters...
  14. deanrd

    How will Vladimir Putin reward Trump for his amazing job of dividing America?

    How will Vladimir Putin reward Trump for his amazing job of dividing America? During his rally last night Donald Trump was kind enough to once again bring up Maxine Waters. And he led a rousing audience cheer of “CNN sucks”. If this were Isis or Al Qaeda America would be mobilizing. But...
  15. deanrd

    "He said 'don't shoot me, I won't shoot you.' He's like, 'whites don't kill whites.'"

    Kentucky gunman attempted to enter predominantly black church minutes before grocery store shooting The white man accused of gunning down two African-Americans at a grocery store in Kentucky was recorded on surveillance video attempting to enter a predominantly black church minutes before the...
  16. deanrd

    Do you believe the GOP will protect the healthcare of Americans with pre existing conditions?

    Such a simple question. Do you believe the GOP will protect the healthcare of Americans with pre existing conditions? Republicans are running ads all over the US saying they will protect the healthcare of Americans with pre existing conditions while they have a lawsuit in the courts trying to...
  17. deanrd

    David dukes brags about Donald Trump being a White Nationalist. So what’s the problem?

    Oct 23 Trump Embraces Nationalism in a Massive JamPacked 99.9 % White Venue in Houston! Zio Journalists asked him if this is White Nationalism! Of course fundamentally it is as, there is no ethnic or racial group in America more Nationalist than White Americans... So What's the Problem? David...
  18. candycorn

    Suspicious package at CNN New York

    Happening now
  19. deanrd

    Trump bemoans the lack of civility. Blames the media and Democrats for attacks on behavioral norms.

    I'm watching him on TV right now. Some Mexicans don't rape? A Mexican can't be a judge? The press is the enemy of the people. Lock her up. Democrats are evil. Body slam a reporter is a "good" thing. Trump "He's my kind of guy". Very fine people on both sides (with Nazi's being on one...
  20. deanrd

    Something positive: Republicans no longer claim to be the party of God.

    Something positive: Republicans no longer claim to be the party of God. I think that’s one of the more positive things from this new republican party. They no longer claim to be the party of God now that they’ve embraced people like Donald Trump And Vladimir Putin. I think they’re an easier...
  21. deanrd

    Can you believe the number of lies Trump is telling ahead of the midterms?

    Can you believe the number of lies Trump is telling ahead of the midterms? He is saying that millions of undocumented illegal’s in California are voting at the midterms. Remember when he put together a commission to study all the illegal voting in America and they couldn’t find any? Because...
  22. deanrd

    Four dozen Republicans won’t be coming back after the midterms

    Republicans who won't be coming back to Congress after 2018 midterm elections Four dozen Republicans won’t be coming back after the midterms. You can get the list of names from the link. Some surprisingly big names there. Why do you think so many Republicans are doing the old cut and run?
  23. deanrd

    The Trump administration defining transgender out of existence.

    Trump administration trying to define transgender out of existence: NY Times | Reuters This won’t be the first attack on the gay community and it certainly won’t be the last now that they have Kavanaugh in office. Republicans are funny. They think that they can just attack the gay community...
  24. deanrd

    If you have to choose between a Republican and an immigrant, who would you hire?

    Some of the U.S.’s biggest companies are founded by immigrants 70% of Americans don't have college degree, Rick Santorum says Rust Belt Workers Don't Want to Hear About Education and Retraining Education, not politics, is what’s really dividing Americans The majority of Republicans say...
  25. deanrd

    Red Tide Rick coming to the senate? Clean water in Florida costs money GOP unwilling to spend!

    Red-tide awakening: How Florida's environmental woes could hurt GOP's Scott in Senate race Karenia brevis algae bloom causes when inhaled. “You couldn’t breathe!”" “There were days when they were saying, ‘The water’s fine. The red tide is gone,’ and it was brown as poop out here,” Merlino told...
  26. deanrd

    Republicans demanding protection for pre-existing conditions. Do you believe this sh!t?

    Republicans demanding protection for pre-existing conditions. Do you believe this sh!t? So I’m watching them on TV showing commercials with people like Ted Cruz demanding that pre-existing conditions are protected and that it’s Democrats who don’t want to protect pre-existing conditions. Are...
  27. deanrd

    Curious: Why are Republicans so proud that Trump praises the assault of an American Journalist?

    So since Republicans are clearly very proud that a journalist in this country was assaulted, are they happy a journalist was murdered? Where does it end? Journalists: 'Americans Should Recoil' From Trump's Celebration Of Reporter Assault What Donald Trump did Thursday night in Montana is...
  28. deanrd

    You seeing this? A Russian just got indicted for the 2018 election.

    You seeing this? A Russian just got indicted for the 2018 election. That’s right. Not 2016, but 2018. Russian woman charged with attempted meddling in upcoming U.S. midterms
  29. deanrd

    GOP Political Ad: 'white Democrats will be lynching black folk again'

    Radio ad in Arkansas House race says 'white Democrats will be lynching black folk again' "If the Democrats can do that to a white Justice of the Supreme Court with no evidence, no corroboration and all of her witnesses, including her best friend, say it didn't happen — what will happen to our...
  30. deanrd

    Who wins the Tweet war between Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels?

    Trump recently referred to the porn star he XXXXXXXXX and who he told reminded him that she looked like his daughter as a "horse face". Edited vulgar comments. deanrd She answered back: “Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present your president,” Daniels tweeted in response. “In addition to...
  31. deanrd

    The epidemic of white women calling the police on African Americans continues.

    White woman called police over babysitter. A white woman called the police on a black youth leader who was babysitting white kids in Georgia A child with a backpack, said backpack grazed her when the child walked by, the woman after seeing store footage realized she wasn't sexually assaulted...
  32. deanrd

    Here are a lists of things Republicans can and can’t run on for the midterms.

    Here are a lists of things Republicans can and can’t run on for the midterms. They can’t run on tax cuts because the tax cuts went to the top 1%. They can’t run on the deficit because they’ve increased it enormously. They can try to run on jobs, but they’ve increased the pay gap enormously...
  33. deanrd

    Why on earth was a Fish and Game commissioner in Idaho asked to resign for killing animals?

    Idaho commissioner who circulated 'nauseating' hunting photos resigns This is a Republican State. They really, really like killing things. Then how come a Fish and Game commissioner was forced to resign for killing animals. President Trump even lifted the ban on bringing back parts of...
  34. deanrd

    Remember the good old days? All we had to talk about was Obama's birth cert and college transcripts?

    Remember when Republicans were going nuts that Obama's birth certificate wasn't "real" and he was born in Kenya? Looking back, it's such a pathetic conspiracy. Remember when Obama told the Russians he would be more flexible after the elections? How the GOP turned that in to such a scary and...
  35. deanrd

    Republicans new and creative ways to deeply screw over the American voter:

    Many Native IDs Won't Be Accepted At North Dakota Polling Places Republicans figured out a brand new way to FUK over Native Americans. On reservations, most don't use Street Address. They us PO boxes. Republicans say unless you have a street address, you can't FUKING vote. This cuts out...
  36. deanrd

    Republican senator assaults man, grabs and steals phone - video

    Video: Senator snatches cell phone from college student asking question in Georgia Georgia senator seen grabbing student's phone amid question about voter ID law And now senator Purdue is saying that he took the film because he thought the guy Wanted a selfie. How these right wing slime balls...
  37. deanrd

    You need to check to see if you are registered to vote

    You need to check to see if you are registered to vote. Republicans in red states have purged millions of black people Hispanics white people from voter rolls in an effort to skew the results of these midterm elections. Register to Vote and Confirm or Change Registration | USAGov Remember...
  38. deanrd

    Republicans are turning the United States into the new South Africa.

    Republicans are turning the United States into the new South Africa. Republicans are packing the courts. They control all three branches of government. They control the presidency even though they’ve lost the majority in six out of the last seven races. We’re watching the Republicans...
  39. deanrd

    Healthcare for all would cost $32 TRILLION over 10 years.

    So I can’t put a link on this because I was just watching this on TV during a panel discussion. So what they said was that 32 trillion sounds like a lot unless you look at the big picture. If you take all the money spent now to insurance companies and take the money that is used for eyeglasses...
  40. deanrd

    When they go low, we KICK them!

    Eric Holder said when they go low, we need to kick them. Michele Obama said no. That's not the right message. Democrats are better than that. See, I think Eric is wrong. My feeling is, when they go low we should stomp the sh!t out of them. Mrs. Obama thinks we should "be nice". What do...

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