Red Tide Rick coming to the senate? Clean water in Florida costs money GOP unwilling to spend!


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Red-tide awakening: How Florida's environmental woes could hurt GOP's Scott in Senate race

Karenia brevis algae bloom causes when inhaled. “You couldn’t breathe!”" “There were days when they were saying, ‘The water’s fine. The red tide is gone,’ and it was brown as poop out here,” Merlino told Yahoo News, going on to describe the burning sensation that an aerosolized Karenia brevis algae bloom causes when inhaled. “You couldn’t breathe!”

A self-described “right-wing libertarian type,” Merlino grew so incensed over what he saw as Gov. Rick Scott’s inadequate response to the red tide that has plagued Florida’s Gulf coast for an entire year that on Sept. 17, he decided to send him a message.

“I got an email from the Republican Party saying Rick Scott’s coming to Venice,” Merlino said. “The day he came it was really smelly. So I put it out there, ‘Hey, let’s go say hello.’ Before you know it, there were probably about 300 people there.”

The impromptu demonstration at a Cuban restaurant called Mojos effectively chased Scott from the campaign trail and was replayed for days in cities and towns that could well decide the Florida Senate race

Like President Trump, Scott has long favored scaling back government regulations he deems harmful to business. To that end, he cut $700 million from water management budgets in 2011, and a year later he signed a repeal of a law intended to prevent pollution by requiring inspections of septic tanks every five years, saving residents the cost of fees.

“By the time the Fourth of July came, the beaches were quite littered with dead fish and sea life, dolphins, manatees, turtles. It wasn’t a pleasant sight at all,” Holic said in an interview in his office in city hall.

Thousands Line Florida Beaches To Demand Stop To Water Pollution


Scott Pruitt's EPA actions a bigger threat to Florida than his scandals

Scott Pruitt must be Russian. Why else would President Donald Trump keep him around so long?

After all, there must be plenty of less-scandal-prone Republicans willing to step in and dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency.


See what I mean? Republicans are causing damage to our environment from sea to shining sea. Seven hundred million cut from water management in Florida? And that's small change compared to what the GOP is doing nationwide.
It may barely be showing up now, but by 2020, it will be everywhere. Republicans can run, but they won't be able to hide. Their damage will be overwhelming to the country. We are starting to see it now, but in two years? It will take decades to clean up GOP mess.

Tons Of Dead Fish Washing Ashore On Florida Beaches



TCPalm reports that microcystin can result in nausea and vomiting if it is ingested. Touching or inhaling the toxin can cause rash or hay fever symptoms, it adds.

Nutrient pollution from agricultural and urban runoff causes the majority of freshwater cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae, blooms, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

Blue-green toxic algae invades Florida river


Red Tide is normal out in the ocean. But with so much farm runoff, it's everywhere.
But inside, where the fresh water canals are, there is blue/green algae. People are getting sick, vomiting and so on.

But imagine how much money they saved rolling back EPA regulations. I'm pretty sure Republicans feel it's all worth the stench.
Who wants to spend billions of dollars giving some worthless eater clean water? Why can't you fuckers get a job and go buy some fresh water from the free market??? Damn.
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Red-tide awakening: How Florida's environmental woes could hurt GOP's Scott in Senate race

Karenia brevis algae bloom causes when inhaled. “You couldn’t breathe!”" “There were days when they were saying, ‘The water’s fine. The red tide is gone,’ and it was brown as poop out here,” Merlino told Yahoo News, going on to describe the burning sensation that an aerosolized Karenia brevis algae bloom causes when inhaled. “You couldn’t breathe!”

A self-described “right-wing libertarian type,” Merlino grew so incensed over what he saw as Gov. Rick Scott’s inadequate response to the red tide that has plagued Florida’s Gulf coast for an entire year that on Sept. 17, he decided to send him a message.

“I got an email from the Republican Party saying Rick Scott’s coming to Venice,” Merlino said. “The day he came it was really smelly. So I put it out there, ‘Hey, let’s go say hello.’ Before you know it, there were probably about 300 people there.”

The impromptu demonstration at a Cuban restaurant called Mojos effectively chased Scott from the campaign trail and was replayed for days in cities and towns that could well decide the Florida Senate race

Like President Trump, Scott has long favored scaling back government regulations he deems harmful to business. To that end, he cut $700 million from water management budgets in 2011, and a year later he signed a repeal of a law intended to prevent pollution by requiring inspections of septic tanks every five years, saving residents the cost of fees.

“By the time the Fourth of July came, the beaches were quite littered with dead fish and sea life, dolphins, manatees, turtles. It wasn’t a pleasant sight at all,” Holic said in an interview in his office in city hall.

Thousands Line Florida Beaches To Demand Stop To Water Pollution


Scott Pruitt's EPA actions a bigger threat to Florida than his scandals

Scott Pruitt must be Russian. Why else would President Donald Trump keep him around so long?

After all, there must be plenty of less-scandal-prone Republicans willing to step in and dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency.


See what I mean? Republicans are causing damage to our environment from sea to shining sea. Seven hundred million cut from water management in Florida? And that's small change compared to what the GOP is doing nationwide.
It may barely be showing up now, but by 2020, it will be everywhere. Republicans can run, but they won't be able to hide. Their damage will be overwhelming to the country. We are starting to see it now, but in two years? It will take decades to clean up GOP mess.

Tons Of Dead Fish Washing Ashore On Florida Beaches



TCPalm reports that microcystin can result in nausea and vomiting if it is ingested. Touching or inhaling the toxin can cause rash or hay fever symptoms, it adds.

Nutrient pollution from agricultural and urban runoff causes the majority of freshwater cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae, blooms, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

Blue-green toxic algae invades Florida river


Red Tide is normal out in the ocean. But with so much farm runoff, it's everywhere.
But inside, where the fresh water canals are, there is blue/green algae. People are getting sick, vomiting and so on.

But imagine how much money they saved rolling back EPA regulations. I'm pretty sure Republicans feel it's all worth the stench.
When Republicans look at all that green, they say it looks more delicious than Soylent Green.

Red-tide awakening: How Florida's environmental woes could hurt GOP's Scott in Senate race

Karenia brevis algae bloom causes when inhaled. “You couldn’t breathe!”" “There were days when they were saying, ‘The water’s fine. The red tide is gone,’ and it was brown as poop out here,” Merlino told Yahoo News, going on to describe the burning sensation that an aerosolized Karenia brevis algae bloom causes when inhaled. “You couldn’t breathe!”

A self-described “right-wing libertarian type,” Merlino grew so incensed over what he saw as Gov. Rick Scott’s inadequate response to the red tide that has plagued Florida’s Gulf coast for an entire year that on Sept. 17, he decided to send him a message.

“I got an email from the Republican Party saying Rick Scott’s coming to Venice,” Merlino said. “The day he came it was really smelly. So I put it out there, ‘Hey, let’s go say hello.’ Before you know it, there were probably about 300 people there.”

The impromptu demonstration at a Cuban restaurant called Mojos effectively chased Scott from the campaign trail and was replayed for days in cities and towns that could well decide the Florida Senate race

Like President Trump, Scott has long favored scaling back government regulations he deems harmful to business. To that end, he cut $700 million from water management budgets in 2011, and a year later he signed a repeal of a law intended to prevent pollution by requiring inspections of septic tanks every five years, saving residents the cost of fees.

“By the time the Fourth of July came, the beaches were quite littered with dead fish and sea life, dolphins, manatees, turtles. It wasn’t a pleasant sight at all,” Holic said in an interview in his office in city hall.

Thousands Line Florida Beaches To Demand Stop To Water Pollution


Scott Pruitt's EPA actions a bigger threat to Florida than his scandals

Scott Pruitt must be Russian. Why else would President Donald Trump keep him around so long?

After all, there must be plenty of less-scandal-prone Republicans willing to step in and dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency.


See what I mean? Republicans are causing damage to our environment from sea to shining sea. Seven hundred million cut from water management in Florida? And that's small change compared to what the GOP is doing nationwide.
It may barely be showing up now, but by 2020, it will be everywhere. Republicans can run, but they won't be able to hide. Their damage will be overwhelming to the country. We are starting to see it now, but in two years? It will take decades to clean up GOP mess.

Tons Of Dead Fish Washing Ashore On Florida Beaches



TCPalm reports that microcystin can result in nausea and vomiting if it is ingested. Touching or inhaling the toxin can cause rash or hay fever symptoms, it adds.

Nutrient pollution from agricultural and urban runoff causes the majority of freshwater cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae, blooms, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

Blue-green toxic algae invades Florida river


Red Tide is normal out in the ocean. But with so much farm runoff, it's everywhere.
But inside, where the fresh water canals are, there is blue/green algae. People are getting sick, vomiting and so on.

But imagine how much money they saved rolling back EPA regulations. I'm pretty sure Republicans feel it's all worth the stench.

Let's talk about why we got such a large algae bloom this year in Florida, R-Derp! I know you'd LIKE to make it about the rolling back of EPA regulations or Rick Scott's cutting of funds to water management but the truth of the matter is the primary cause of what happened was hurricanes Irma and Maria which dumped millions of gallons of water into the Everglades and onto farmlands across the State. That water eventually ends up either in the Gulf or in the Atlantic and when it's water that's heavy with fertilizers you're going to get a big algae bloom! Nothing the EPA or water management did or could have done would have changed what happened.
What's laughable is that Democratic Senator Nelson has been taking Big Agriculture money for decades without a concern about algae blooms but NOW suddenly he's become an environmental "activist"? That, my friends is simply posturing...

Which US Senator do you think it was that took in the most money from Big Sugar this past year? I'll give you a hint...he's from Florida and his initials are B.N.
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I’m watching these Republicans on TV in Florida whining and crying that we need to stop the party stuff. We need to put regulations in place to protect the water and the environment.

Fuk them

Fuk them

Fuk them

Trump ran on getting rid of regulations that protect the water and the air and the environment.

And now these whiners are whining?

Fuk them. They got what they wanted. Quit fuking whining about it.
I’m watching these Republicans on TV in Florida whining and crying that we need to stop the party stuff. We need to put regulations in place to protect the water and the environment.

Fuk them

Fuk them

Fuk them

Trump ran on getting rid of regulations that protect the water and the air and the environment.

And now these whiners are whining?

Fuk them. They got what they wanted. Quit fuking whining about it.

Rant much? I already told you that the red tide we experienced this year wasn't due to EPA regulations being gotten rid of...nor did it happen because of cuts to government! It happened because of two major hurricanes dumping millions of gallons of water on the middle of Florida...water that had to go somewhere...and that somewhere ends up being the ocean! You can't respond to that though...can you, R-Derp? So instead you rant and cuss as you blame it on Trump! You're still the biggest joke on this board!
I’m watching these Republicans on TV in Florida whining and crying that we need to stop the party stuff. We need to put regulations in place to protect the water and the environment.

Fuk them

Fuk them

Fuk them

Trump ran on getting rid of regulations that protect the water and the air and the environment.

And now these whiners are whining?

Fuk them. They got what they wanted. Quit fuking whining about it.

Rant much? I already told you that the red tide we experienced this year wasn't due to EPA regulations being gotten rid of...nor did it happen because of cuts to government! It happened because of two major hurricanes dumping millions of gallons of water on the middle of Florida...water that had to go somewhere...and that somewhere ends up being the ocean! You can't respond to that though...can you, R-Derp? So instead you rant and cuss as you blame it on Trump! You're still the biggest joke on this board!

I already told you that the red tide we experienced this year wasn't due to EPA regulations being gotten rid of.

you see leftists need to remain willfully ignorant

because that is the only way they can continue to support their position
I’m watching these Republicans on TV in Florida whining and crying that we need to stop the party stuff. We need to put regulations in place to protect the water and the environment.

Fuk them

Fuk them

Fuk them

Trump ran on getting rid of regulations that protect the water and the air and the environment.

And now these whiners are whining?

Fuk them. They got what they wanted. Quit fuking whining about it.

Rant much? I already told you that the red tide we experienced this year wasn't due to EPA regulations being gotten rid of...nor did it happen because of cuts to government! It happened because of two major hurricanes dumping millions of gallons of water on the middle of Florida...water that had to go somewhere...and that somewhere ends up being the ocean! You can't respond to that though...can you, R-Derp? So instead you rant and cuss as you blame it on Trump! You're still the biggest joke on this board!

I already told you that the red tide we experienced this year wasn't due to EPA regulations being gotten rid of.

you see leftists need to remain willfully ignorant

because that is the only way they can continue to support their position

When I pointed out to R-Derp that the US Senator who had taken the most money from Big Sugar in Florida was in fact Bill Nelson...a Democrat...he ignored that and blamed the problem on Donald Trump who had ZERO to do with what took place!

Right now liberals like R-Derp are trying to portray Rick Scott as this evil person because he took money from the same people that Bill Nelson did. The truth is...Big Sugar pays off politicians on both sides of the aisle...Republicans and Democrats...and they've been doing so for a LONG LONG time before Donald Trump ever even started thinking about running for President!
Red-tide awakening: How Florida's environmental woes could hurt GOP's Scott in Senate race

Karenia brevis algae bloom causes when inhaled. “You couldn’t breathe!”" “There were days when they were saying, ‘The water’s fine. The red tide is gone,’ and it was brown as poop out here,” Merlino told Yahoo News, going on to describe the burning sensation that an aerosolized Karenia brevis algae bloom causes when inhaled. “You couldn’t breathe!”

A self-described “right-wing libertarian type,” Merlino grew so incensed over what he saw as Gov. Rick Scott’s inadequate response to the red tide that has plagued Florida’s Gulf coast for an entire year that on Sept. 17, he decided to send him a message.

“I got an email from the Republican Party saying Rick Scott’s coming to Venice,” Merlino said. “The day he came it was really smelly. So I put it out there, ‘Hey, let’s go say hello.’ Before you know it, there were probably about 300 people there.”

The impromptu demonstration at a Cuban restaurant called Mojos effectively chased Scott from the campaign trail and was replayed for days in cities and towns that could well decide the Florida Senate race

Like President Trump, Scott has long favored scaling back government regulations he deems harmful to business. To that end, he cut $700 million from water management budgets in 2011, and a year later he signed a repeal of a law intended to prevent pollution by requiring inspections of septic tanks every five years, saving residents the cost of fees.

“By the time the Fourth of July came, the beaches were quite littered with dead fish and sea life, dolphins, manatees, turtles. It wasn’t a pleasant sight at all,” Holic said in an interview in his office in city hall.

Thousands Line Florida Beaches To Demand Stop To Water Pollution


Scott Pruitt's EPA actions a bigger threat to Florida than his scandals

Scott Pruitt must be Russian. Why else would President Donald Trump keep him around so long?

After all, there must be plenty of less-scandal-prone Republicans willing to step in and dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency.


See what I mean? Republicans are causing damage to our environment from sea to shining sea. Seven hundred million cut from water management in Florida? And that's small change compared to what the GOP is doing nationwide.
It may barely be showing up now, but by 2020, it will be everywhere. Republicans can run, but they won't be able to hide. Their damage will be overwhelming to the country. We are starting to see it now, but in two years? It will take decades to clean up GOP mess.

Tons Of Dead Fish Washing Ashore On Florida Beaches



TCPalm reports that microcystin can result in nausea and vomiting if it is ingested. Touching or inhaling the toxin can cause rash or hay fever symptoms, it adds.

Nutrient pollution from agricultural and urban runoff causes the majority of freshwater cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae, blooms, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

Blue-green toxic algae invades Florida river


Red Tide is normal out in the ocean. But with so much farm runoff, it's everywhere.
But inside, where the fresh water canals are, there is blue/green algae. People are getting sick, vomiting and so on.

But imagine how much money they saved rolling back EPA regulations. I'm pretty sure Republicans feel it's all worth the stench.

Let's talk about why we got such a large algae bloom this year in Florida, R-Derp! I know you'd LIKE to make it about the rolling back of EPA regulations or Rick Scott's cutting of funds to water management but the truth of the matter is the primary cause of what happened was hurricanes Irma and Maria which dumped millions of gallons of water into the Everglades and onto farmlands across the State. That water eventually ends up either in the Gulf or in the Atlantic and when it's water that's heavy with fertilizers you're going to get a big algae bloom! Nothing the EPA or water management did or could have done would have changed what happened.
That’s so stupid. Tell me you don’t believe that. Water doesn’t cause algae bloom. Because nearly all of Florida is covered in water. Duh!
If water caused algae bloom then the glass of water sitting in your kitchen would grow algae. It doesn’t.
I’ll tell you what, for a homework assignment look up the reasons that they have algae bloom in Florida. And then come back and report to us.
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Oh, what the fuk?

I’ll go ahead and explain it.

When there is an over abundance of nutrients you get an algae bloom. So what kind of nutrients do you ask? phosphorus and nitrogen

Hmmm, phosphorus and nitrogen, In other words the fertilizers that farmers use.

Materials that could be regulated but oh wait no they can’t because that would cost money.

Red-tide awakening: How Florida's environmental woes could hurt GOP's Scott in Senate race

Karenia brevis algae bloom causes when inhaled. “You couldn’t breathe!”" “There were days when they were saying, ‘The water’s fine. The red tide is gone,’ and it was brown as poop out here,” Merlino told Yahoo News, going on to describe the burning sensation that an aerosolized Karenia brevis algae bloom causes when inhaled. “You couldn’t breathe!”

A self-described “right-wing libertarian type,” Merlino grew so incensed over what he saw as Gov. Rick Scott’s inadequate response to the red tide that has plagued Florida’s Gulf coast for an entire year that on Sept. 17, he decided to send him a message.

“I got an email from the Republican Party saying Rick Scott’s coming to Venice,” Merlino said. “The day he came it was really smelly. So I put it out there, ‘Hey, let’s go say hello.’ Before you know it, there were probably about 300 people there.”

The impromptu demonstration at a Cuban restaurant called Mojos effectively chased Scott from the campaign trail and was replayed for days in cities and towns that could well decide the Florida Senate race

Like President Trump, Scott has long favored scaling back government regulations he deems harmful to business. To that end, he cut $700 million from water management budgets in 2011, and a year later he signed a repeal of a law intended to prevent pollution by requiring inspections of septic tanks every five years, saving residents the cost of fees.

“By the time the Fourth of July came, the beaches were quite littered with dead fish and sea life, dolphins, manatees, turtles. It wasn’t a pleasant sight at all,” Holic said in an interview in his office in city hall.

Thousands Line Florida Beaches To Demand Stop To Water Pollution


Scott Pruitt's EPA actions a bigger threat to Florida than his scandals

Scott Pruitt must be Russian. Why else would President Donald Trump keep him around so long?

After all, there must be plenty of less-scandal-prone Republicans willing to step in and dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency.


See what I mean? Republicans are causing damage to our environment from sea to shining sea. Seven hundred million cut from water management in Florida? And that's small change compared to what the GOP is doing nationwide.
It may barely be showing up now, but by 2020, it will be everywhere. Republicans can run, but they won't be able to hide. Their damage will be overwhelming to the country. We are starting to see it now, but in two years? It will take decades to clean up GOP mess.

Tons Of Dead Fish Washing Ashore On Florida Beaches



TCPalm reports that microcystin can result in nausea and vomiting if it is ingested. Touching or inhaling the toxin can cause rash or hay fever symptoms, it adds.

Nutrient pollution from agricultural and urban runoff causes the majority of freshwater cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae, blooms, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

Blue-green toxic algae invades Florida river


Red Tide is normal out in the ocean. But with so much farm runoff, it's everywhere.
But inside, where the fresh water canals are, there is blue/green algae. People are getting sick, vomiting and so on.

But imagine how much money they saved rolling back EPA regulations. I'm pretty sure Republicans feel it's all worth the stench.

Let's talk about why we got such a large algae bloom this year in Florida, R-Derp! I know you'd LIKE to make it about the rolling back of EPA regulations or Rick Scott's cutting of funds to water management but the truth of the matter is the primary cause of what happened was hurricanes Irma and Maria which dumped millions of gallons of water into the Everglades and onto farmlands across the State. That water eventually ends up either in the Gulf or in the Atlantic and when it's water that's heavy with fertilizers you're going to get a big algae bloom! Nothing the EPA or water management did or could have done would have changed what happened.
That’s so stupid. Tell me you don’t believe that. Water doesn’t cause algae bloom. Because nearly all of Florida is covered in water. Duh!
If water caused algae bloom then the glass of water sitting in your kitchen would grow algae. It doesn’t.
I’ll tell you what, for a homework assignment look up the reasons that they have algae bloom in Florida. And then come back and report to us.

You really are clueless when it comes to this! The water doesn't cause the algae bloom by itself...but when it falls on agricultural land that has been fertilized and THEN runs off into rivers and ultimately the ocean...the fertilizer that water now contains causes algae blooms. When you have huge hurricanes that drop millions of gallons of water onto fertilized crop land then you are going to have a serious problem with algae. The problem is magnified by hot temperatures and a lack of shade. One of the byproducts of large hurricanes is that they destroy vegetation that provide shade which means more sunlight hitting the water which means more algae.
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Oh, what the fuk?

I’ll go ahead and explain it.

When there is an over abundance of nutrients you get an algae bloom. So what kind of nutrients do you ask? phosphorus and nitrogen

Hmmm, phosphorus and nitrogen, In other words the fertilizers that farmers use.

Materials that could be regulated but oh wait no they can’t because that would cost money.

So your solution is what, R-Derp? Prevent farmers from using fertilizers?

You still haven't addressed the fact that Bill Nelson has taken far more money from Big Sugar than Rick Scott ever has...or Donald Trump for that matter! So why is this a Republican problem?

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