Republicans new and creative ways to deeply screw over the American voter:


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Many Native IDs Won't Be Accepted At North Dakota Polling Places

Republicans figured out a brand new way to FUK over Native Americans.

On reservations, most don't use Street Address. They us PO boxes.

Republicans say unless you have a street address, you can't FUKING vote. This cuts out Native Americans. Most of whom vote Democrat.

The last time Republicans did this, the federal judge said Republicans were wrong and wouldn't let them implement this racist and anti American brand new law. Only now, most federal judges are Republican. And they say FUK 'EM GOOD AND DEEP! And they are.

Republicans are teaching America what anti American means. How to fuk over the American Citizen. And how democracy dies.
On reservations, most don't use Street Address. They us PO boxes.

Most "illegal" immigrants that come over here do the same. That way, the feds can't track them down as they move from one area to another. Using a PO Box is much easier.
When your policies are atrocious, you have to do anything you can to steal elections. Gerry mandering, russian interference, vote blocking. Nothing is beneath the traitors that call themselves Republicans.
When your policies are atrocious, you have to do anything you can to steal elections. Gerry mandering, russian interference, vote blocking. Nothing is beneath the traitors that call themselves Republicans.
You act like Gerry Mandering is a republican thing. The democrats use it, also.

Hey, as long as it's not illegal, it's all good right?
When your policies are atrocious, you have to do anything you can to steal elections. Gerry mandering, russian interference, vote blocking. Nothing is beneath the traitors that call themselves Republicans.

What are you talking about once again the democrats had like a 100 year head start on gerrymandering, just look at the blue cities.

When your policies are atrocious, you have to do anything you can to steal elections. Gerry mandering, russian interference, vote blocking. Nothing is beneath the traitors that call themselves Republicans.

You need help bad...…

You are delusional..............................
Many Native IDs Won't Be Accepted At North Dakota Polling Places

Republicans figured out a brand new way to FUK over Native Americans.

On reservations, most don't use Street Address. They us PO boxes.

Republicans say unless you have a street address, you can't FUKING vote. This cuts out Native Americans. Most of whom vote Democrat.

The last time Republicans did this, the federal judge said Republicans were wrong and wouldn't let them implement this racist and anti American brand new law. Only now, most federal judges are Republican. And they say FUK 'EM GOOD AND DEEP! And they are.

Republicans are teaching America what anti American means. How to fuk over the American Citizen. And how democracy dies.
they fuked them over? you mean they fucked them over?...
Many Native IDs Won't Be Accepted At North Dakota Polling Places

Republicans figured out a brand new way to FUK over Native Americans.

On reservations, most don't use Street Address. They us PO boxes.

Republicans say unless you have a street address, you can't FUKING vote. This cuts out Native Americans. Most of whom vote Democrat.

The last time Republicans did this, the federal judge said Republicans were wrong and wouldn't let them implement this racist and anti American brand new law. Only now, most federal judges are Republican. And they say FUK 'EM GOOD AND DEEP! And they are.

Republicans are teaching America what anti American means. How to fuk over the American Citizen. And how democracy dies.
Blame actually goes to the DEMOCRATS.

In the last election the #1 Democratic Party Candidate & the DNC rigged their primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated both Election and Campaign Finance laws, illegally colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in trying to win the election, admittedly screwed Bernie Sanders and his suppirters, stole his earned nomination, and gave it to their hand-picked felon who could not win the nomination on her own and who was only on the ballot instead of a prison cell because the previous administration protected protected her from indictment.

A Hillary 'surrogate' Governor made it possible for Felons to vote (for Hillary).

Democrats are for Open Borders, protect violent illegals, protect Americans who violate Federal law by providing sanctuary to these illegals, oppose any attempts to prevent illegals from voting, register illegals to vote, facilitate illegal voting, and one of their candidates recently openly bragged / talked about how illegals will be part of a Blue Wave', if one happens, acknowledging the fact that studies and research shows an average 1.6+ million illegals vote in every election (some more than once) and those same studies show the vast majority of them vote for Democrats...

The 2016 Presidential was the largest case of a political party 'fixing' a primary and attempting to steal an election in US history.

They rigged primaries, cheated, broke laws, etc...facilitate open borders, illegal immigration, and illegal voting...

...and after being busted doing all this they still oppose any attempt to stop ALL of this, all of the primary rigging, the debate cheating, the election fraud, the awarding of nominations to losers, the enrollment / registering of illegals, turning a blind eye to more than a million and a half voting every election - especially when extremely tight races lately probably mean the difference between winning and losing was the number of illegal votes cast...

If Democrats did not do everything humanly possible - illegal and NOT - to win elections, to gain and keep power, if Democrats did not commit much of their existence and effort to not only allow illegals voting but attempt to increase it exponentially for their own political party's benefit, then extreme measures might not be needed to attempt to counter their illegal, anti-democratic election process DECADES-OLD criminal crusade to tip the scales forever in the voting process.

Democrats have proven and continue to prove that they are a very serious threat to our democratic process and our very Democracy.

All they care about is power - getting it back and keeping it.
Native American law isn’t my area of study, but aren’t native Americans supposed to be their own sovereign entities? Why would they be voting in our elections? I’m geniuninely curious
Native American law isn’t my area of study, but aren’t native Americans supposed to be their own sovereign entities? Why would they be voting in our elections? I’m geniuninely curious
Because they're not really sovereign, that's just a fanciful notion, a fig leaf. For instance they don't enjoy the privileges of real sovereign nations, issuing valid international passports, making treaties with other nations, seats at the UN, etc., etc..

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