Yukon Wants to Test Me


Feb 7, 2009
As a former Priest of the Roman Catholic Church I can assure each of you that I have forgotten more about religious theology that the sum of your group knowledge. My background is God , Jesus, and the Blessed Virgin. Most of you are nothing but fake Christians who wont even bother to attend Mass on Sunday. You are hypocrits and you will spend eternity in the firey pits of hell.

There is but one way to Heaven and that is through belief in the teachings of the Roman Catholic faith and the belief in the Holy Father in Rome, our Blessed Pope.

Hail Mary,
Fr. Yukon
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As a formed Priest of the Roman Catholic Church I can assure each of you that I have forgotten more about religious theology that the sum of your group knowledge. My background is God , Jesus, and the Blessed Virgin. Most of you are nothing but fake Christians who wont even bother to attend Mass on Sunday. You are hypocrits and you will spend eternity in the firey pits of hell.

There is but one way to Heaven and that is through belief in the teachings of the Roman Catholic faith and the belief in the Holy Father in Rome, our Blessed Pope.

Hail Mary,
Fr. Yukon

Chump. Fuck off, huh? Pretty sad I rep you for one post, then you have to revert to norm.
There is but one way to Heaven and that is through belief in the teachings of the-

Jesus Christ, who taught that false prophets and liars like you would walk the earth and attempt to deceive the sons of god.

scapulars, indulgences, the sacrifice of the mass...

if the bible is true, the Catholics are the Synagague of Satan ;)
As a formed Priest of the Roman Catholic Church I can assure each of you that I have forgotten more about religious theology that the sum of your group knowledge. My background is God , Jesus, and the Blessed Virgin. Most of you are nothing but fake Christians who wont even bother to attend Mass on Sunday. You are hypocrits and you will spend eternity in the firey pits of hell.

There is but one way to Heaven and that is through belief in the teachings of the Roman Catholic faith and the belief in the Holy Father in Rome, our Blessed Pope.

Hail Mary,
Fr. Yukon

You sure you background is God, Jesus and the Blessed Virgin? Seems to if they were real, they wouldn't have used "hypocrit" and damn folks to the pits of hell. Hmmmmmmmmm. I smell a rat here.
As a formed Priest of the Roman Catholic Church I can assure each of you that I have forgotten more about religious theology that the sum of your group knowledge. My background is God , Jesus, and the Blessed Virgin. Most of you are nothing but fake Christians who wont even bother to attend Mass on Sunday. You are hypocrits and you will spend eternity in the firey pits of hell.

There is but one way to Heaven and that is through belief in the teachings of the Roman Catholic faith and the belief in the Holy Father in Rome, our Blessed Pope.

Hail Mary,
Fr. Yukon

Chump. Fuck off, huh? Pretty sad I rep you for one post, then you have to revert to norm.

It is like feeding the alligators. You want to be very careful as they do not have a memory cache in their pea brains.
As a formed Priest of the Roman Catholic Church I can assure each of you that I have forgotten more about religious theology that the sum of your group knowledge. My background is God , Jesus, and the Blessed Virgin. Most of you are nothing but fake Christians who wont even bother to attend Mass on Sunday. You are hypocrits and you will spend eternity in the firey pits of hell.

There is but one way to Heaven and that is through belief in the teachings of the Roman Catholic faith and the belief in the Holy Father in Rome, our Blessed Pope.

Hail Mary,
Fr. Yukon

Isn't it a mortal sin to molest altar boys like you did?
As a formed Priest of the Roman Catholic Church I can assure each of you that I have forgotten more about religious theology that the sum of your group knowledge. My background is God , Jesus, and the Blessed Virgin. Most of you are nothing but fake Christians who wont even bother to attend Mass on Sunday. You are hypocrits and you will spend eternity in the firey pits of hell.

There is but one way to Heaven and that is through belief in the teachings of the Roman Catholic faith and the belief in the Holy Father in Rome, our Blessed Pope.

Hail Mary,
Fr. Yukon

The Roman Catholic Church is not a faith, Mr So-called priest. It's a religion. The doctrines within the protestant religion are "faiths."

While the Good Book doesn't address child molesters, I will feel free to help Jesus out on this one:

If you harm a child in the name of the Lord where I have any say in the matter, you're fucked. Gunny 3:16
Gunny.... sex outside marriage is a sin, right? Isn't there a passage about 'whoever causes one of these little one3s to sin would be better to tie a millstone to his neck and be thrown into the sea' or something?
Gunny.... sex outside marriage is a sin, right? Isn't there a passage about 'whoever causes one of these little one3s to sin would be better to tie a millstone to his neck and be thrown into the sea' or something?

Personally, I consider sex outside a current marriage to be morally wrong.

Matthew 18.6 "But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."

Better that than to send them to MY house for carrying out punishment. Jesus is forgiving. I am a sinner. I do not. Not when it comes to victimizing the innocent.:evil:
Yukon's really turned himself around. He's done a complete 360 since his little 'vacation' and I think he stands ready to demonstrate his intelligence and true nature if someone would just give him a chance...
As a formed Priest of the Roman Catholic Church I can assure each of you that I have forgotten more about religious theology that the sum of your group knowledge. My background is God , Jesus, and the Blessed Virgin. Most of you are nothing but fake Christians who wont even bother to attend Mass on Sunday. You are hypocrits and you will spend eternity in the firey pits of hell.

There is but one way to Heaven and that is through belief in the teachings of the Roman Catholic faith and the belief in the Holy Father in Rome, our Blessed Pope.

Hail Mary,
Fr. Yukon

You've just told us youve forgotten more than we all know. So why should we listen to a word you say about religion? You've already demonstrated you're not a credible source. What sane person would let what you say influence them when you say you dont remeber most of it?

I suggest you remember what true faith is and talk to the Lord.
... his blessed Hitler Youth pope. Wonder if he's still in favor of gassing jews?

Outside the Vatican I once bought some soap: pope on a rope, I kid you not. So I got to rub his face in my ass and sweaty underarms, I wonder if he liked it!
Please my childre do not take offense to my sermonizing posts. I am tring to show the way to Heaven for you. Bewlieve in Jesus, honour the Holy Father in Rome and you will surely have the reward of Heaven. However if you denounce the Pope or denounce Jesus you will surely pay the price of eternal hell fire and damnation.

Hail Mary,
Fr. Yukon

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