Ignorance is bliss, right! You are a perfect example of receiving your information from bad informants. Trump’s ban on SOME Muslims were from specific countries where Islamic Terrorists were coming into the U.S. Muslims from non-terrorist countries were still welcomed. I bet you didn’t know that because of your informants like CNN or Democrat politicians.
Then, the banning books is classic for brainwashed Democrats and Rhino Republicans. DeSantis and others were not book banning. Book banning means no one can get the book including adults. The books that were banned from school libraries were removed because they were not what children at the age level should learn from schools. The books were available for older students and adults depending on the content. That’s being a good educator.
There are so many other things Democrats keep lying about. Russia Russia Russia thing turned out coming from a fake Dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton. The Hunter laptop turned out to be 100% true and it Russia election interference that your kind lied about to the American people.So, stop lying.