YouTube CEO: we will remove anything that contradicts WHO.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
So, now YouTube is just another mouthpiece for the Chicoms.

YouTube CEO Says Platform Will Remove Coronavirus Content That Goes Against WHO Guidelines

In a recent interview with CNN, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said the platform will begin banning content that promotes any unproven or fake treatments for coronavirus. In addition, the platform will seek to block any content that "goes against" WHO guidelines on the pandemic.
YouTube has already banned videos that attempt to claim connections between 5G technology and coronavirus, with the latest move introducing more restrictions. In a recent
interview with CNN, CEO Susan Wojcicki said the platform would remove "problematic" content related to the pandemic and "anything that is medically unsubstantiated" in an attempt to battle misinformation that places people at serious risk. For example, content that peddles unsubstantiated herbal cures for coronavirus will be removed. It is not clear how YouTube will police its massive library of content that grows substantially every day or where exactly it will draw the line given that health authorities are not in full agreement about some aspects of the pandemic, though the move seems designed more to combat extreme misinformation. Earlier this year, the company had announced plans to demonetize any videos discussing coronavirus, but it quickly went back on the decision after heavy resistance from the platform's creators.
So, now YouTube is just another mouthpiece for the Chicoms.

YouTube CEO Says Platform Will Remove Coronavirus Content That Goes Against WHO Guidelines
In a recent interview with CNN, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said the platform will begin banning content that promotes any unproven or fake treatments for coronavirus. In addition, the platform will seek to block any content that "goes against" WHO guidelines on the pandemic.
YouTube has already banned videos that attempt to claim connections between 5G technology and coronavirus, with the latest move introducing more restrictions. In a recent
interview with CNN, CEO Susan Wojcicki said the platform would remove "problematic" content related to the pandemic and "anything that is medically unsubstantiated" in an attempt to battle misinformation that places people at serious risk. For example, content that peddles unsubstantiated herbal cures for coronavirus will be removed. It is not clear how YouTube will police its massive library of content that grows substantially every day or where exactly it will draw the line given that health authorities are not in full agreement about some aspects of the pandemic, though the move seems designed more to combat extreme misinformation. Earlier this year, the company had announced plans to demonetize any videos discussing coronavirus, but it quickly went back on the decision after heavy resistance from the platform's creators.

Considering the fact that WHO guidelines and proclamations have been all over the board and have contradicted themselves, will they automatically retroactively reinstate those videos that are removed today that meet tomorrow's guidelines?
So, now YouTube is just another mouthpiece for the Chicoms.

YouTube CEO Says Platform Will Remove Coronavirus Content That Goes Against WHO Guidelines
In a recent interview with CNN, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said the platform will begin banning content that promotes any unproven or fake treatments for coronavirus. In addition, the platform will seek to block any content that "goes against" WHO guidelines on the pandemic.
YouTube has already banned videos that attempt to claim connections between 5G technology and coronavirus, with the latest move introducing more restrictions. In a recent
interview with CNN, CEO Susan Wojcicki said the platform would remove "problematic" content related to the pandemic and "anything that is medically unsubstantiated" in an attempt to battle misinformation that places people at serious risk. For example, content that peddles unsubstantiated herbal cures for coronavirus will be removed. It is not clear how YouTube will police its massive library of content that grows substantially every day or where exactly it will draw the line given that health authorities are not in full agreement about some aspects of the pandemic, though the move seems designed more to combat extreme misinformation. Earlier this year, the company had announced plans to demonetize any videos discussing coronavirus, but it quickly went back on the decision after heavy resistance from the platform's creators.
YouTube is going to try to keep the snake oil salesmen off the site. Good luck. But they're trying to combat extreme misinformation that can cause more sickness and deaths, not to mention taking advantage of gullible people.

They're using WHO guidelines as the standard since YouTube is international. So is WHO.
So, now YouTube is just another mouthpiece for the Chicoms.

YouTube CEO Says Platform Will Remove Coronavirus Content That Goes Against WHO Guidelines
In a recent interview with CNN, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said the platform will begin banning content that promotes any unproven or fake treatments for coronavirus. In addition, the platform will seek to block any content that "goes against" WHO guidelines on the pandemic.
YouTube has already banned videos that attempt to claim connections between 5G technology and coronavirus, with the latest move introducing more restrictions. In a recent
interview with CNN, CEO Susan Wojcicki said the platform would remove "problematic" content related to the pandemic and "anything that is medically unsubstantiated" in an attempt to battle misinformation that places people at serious risk. For example, content that peddles unsubstantiated herbal cures for coronavirus will be removed. It is not clear how YouTube will police its massive library of content that grows substantially every day or where exactly it will draw the line given that health authorities are not in full agreement about some aspects of the pandemic, though the move seems designed more to combat extreme misinformation. Earlier this year, the company had announced plans to demonetize any videos discussing coronavirus, but it quickly went back on the decision after heavy resistance from the platform's creators.
YouTube is going to try to keep the snake oil salesmen off the site. Good luck. But they're trying to combat extreme misinformation that can cause more sickness and deaths, not to mention taking advantage of gullible people.
So, now YouTube is just another mouthpiece for the Chicoms.

YouTube CEO Says Platform Will Remove Coronavirus Content That Goes Against WHO Guidelines
In a recent interview with CNN, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said the platform will begin banning content that promotes any unproven or fake treatments for coronavirus. In addition, the platform will seek to block any content that "goes against" WHO guidelines on the pandemic.
YouTube has already banned videos that attempt to claim connections between 5G technology and coronavirus, with the latest move introducing more restrictions. In a recent
interview with CNN, CEO Susan Wojcicki said the platform would remove "problematic" content related to the pandemic and "anything that is medically unsubstantiated" in an attempt to battle misinformation that places people at serious risk. For example, content that peddles unsubstantiated herbal cures for coronavirus will be removed. It is not clear how YouTube will police its massive library of content that grows substantially every day or where exactly it will draw the line given that health authorities are not in full agreement about some aspects of the pandemic, though the move seems designed more to combat extreme misinformation. Earlier this year, the company had announced plans to demonetize any videos discussing coronavirus, but it quickly went back on the decision after heavy resistance from the platform's creators.
YouTube is going to try to keep the snake oil salesmen off the site. Good luck. But they're trying to combat extreme misinformation that can cause more sickness and deaths, not to mention taking advantage of gullible people.

They're using WHO guidelines as the standard since YouTube is international. So is WHO.
The video that caused this was two Drs in California who ran the numbers and said that in California you have a .03% chance of dying from the virus. And they questioned if that was worthy of closing down the state.

Their numbers were correct, but they questioned the police state. YouTube can’t have that, apparently.

But it is telling you consider anyone who disagrees with WHO to be “snake oil salesman”.

Another Chicom apologist.
So, now YouTube is just another mouthpiece for the Chicoms.

YouTube CEO Says Platform Will Remove Coronavirus Content That Goes Against WHO Guidelines
In a recent interview with CNN, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said the platform will begin banning content that promotes any unproven or fake treatments for coronavirus. In addition, the platform will seek to block any content that "goes against" WHO guidelines on the pandemic.
YouTube has already banned videos that attempt to claim connections between 5G technology and coronavirus, with the latest move introducing more restrictions. In a recent
interview with CNN, CEO Susan Wojcicki said the platform would remove "problematic" content related to the pandemic and "anything that is medically unsubstantiated" in an attempt to battle misinformation that places people at serious risk. For example, content that peddles unsubstantiated herbal cures for coronavirus will be removed. It is not clear how YouTube will police its massive library of content that grows substantially every day or where exactly it will draw the line given that health authorities are not in full agreement about some aspects of the pandemic, though the move seems designed more to combat extreme misinformation. Earlier this year, the company had announced plans to demonetize any videos discussing coronavirus, but it quickly went back on the decision after heavy resistance from the platform's creators.
YouTube is going to try to keep the snake oil salesmen off the site. Good luck. But they're trying to combat extreme misinformation that can cause more sickness and deaths, not to mention taking advantage of gullible people.
View attachment 329490
I have acid reflux and I just spat up my humus.
So, now YouTube is just another mouthpiece for the Chicoms.

YouTube CEO Says Platform Will Remove Coronavirus Content That Goes Against WHO Guidelines
In a recent interview with CNN, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said the platform will begin banning content that promotes any unproven or fake treatments for coronavirus. In addition, the platform will seek to block any content that "goes against" WHO guidelines on the pandemic.
YouTube has already banned videos that attempt to claim connections between 5G technology and coronavirus, with the latest move introducing more restrictions. In a recent
interview with CNN, CEO Susan Wojcicki said the platform would remove "problematic" content related to the pandemic and "anything that is medically unsubstantiated" in an attempt to battle misinformation that places people at serious risk. For example, content that peddles unsubstantiated herbal cures for coronavirus will be removed. It is not clear how YouTube will police its massive library of content that grows substantially every day or where exactly it will draw the line given that health authorities are not in full agreement about some aspects of the pandemic, though the move seems designed more to combat extreme misinformation. Earlier this year, the company had announced plans to demonetize any videos discussing coronavirus, but it quickly went back on the decision after heavy resistance from the platform's creators.

IOW's, the platform was overrun with "Fake New" of the type of the two California doctors promoting the idea that the virus wasn't all that and a bag of peanuts, that 1000 post a month posters here and on other platforms have been pushing as evidence that the government is lying to them. That video has been taken down because it contained false information with no basis in actual research, and was, at best antecdotal, and at worst, just as dangerous as the President's suggestion to get disinfectants inside people.

We see what your kind is trying to do here. Don't think we don't.
Youtube in particular, needs a successful competitor. The problem with social media companies as they are running essentially monopolies. There are other youtube sites, but none like youtube. If there at least one major competitor who had even just 25% marketshare (think of Mac vs PC for instance), it would give people alternatives and companies could compete to see who the most free speech, liberty loving they are, not "who kisses up to China and any of their tentacles the best!"
Youtube in particular, needs a successful competitor. The problem with social media companies as they are running essentially monopolies. There are other youtube sites, but none like youtube. If there at least one major competitor who had even just 25% marketshare (think of Mac vs PC for instance), it would give people alternatives and companies could compete to see who the most free speech, liberty loving they are, not "who kisses up to China and any of their tentacles the best!"
It's Google.
So, now YouTube is just another mouthpiece for the Chicoms.

YouTube CEO Says Platform Will Remove Coronavirus Content That Goes Against WHO Guidelines
In a recent interview with CNN, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said the platform will begin banning content that promotes any unproven or fake treatments for coronavirus. In addition, the platform will seek to block any content that "goes against" WHO guidelines on the pandemic.
YouTube has already banned videos that attempt to claim connections between 5G technology and coronavirus, with the latest move introducing more restrictions. In a recent
interview with CNN, CEO Susan Wojcicki said the platform would remove "problematic" content related to the pandemic and "anything that is medically unsubstantiated" in an attempt to battle misinformation that places people at serious risk. For example, content that peddles unsubstantiated herbal cures for coronavirus will be removed. It is not clear how YouTube will police its massive library of content that grows substantially every day or where exactly it will draw the line given that health authorities are not in full agreement about some aspects of the pandemic, though the move seems designed more to combat extreme misinformation. Earlier this year, the company had announced plans to demonetize any videos discussing coronavirus, but it quickly went back on the decision after heavy resistance from the platform's creators.

Considering the fact that WHO guidelines and proclamations have been all over the board and have contradicted themselves, will they automatically retroactively reinstate those videos that are removed today that meet tomorrow's guidelines?

An astute point. Ultimately in the end, I'm sure the CEO will revert to the "I am king (or queen) and with a wave of my hand you're account disappears!"

The problem is, there is a younger generation who has lived their entire lives through such a prism, and as such, they are far more willing to bend and break to ensure their "social credit rating" isn't destroyed. If it is, they will blame themselves, and like so many backwards nations they will hide their heads in shame rather than saying "First Amendment!".

There is a clear direction Western nations are going in, and it's to become more like Chinas communist system, dominant controls and all (ironically as that same party spies on and steals from the West), rather than the worldview the West embraced to free citizens in the 1980s and before.
Youtube in particular, needs a successful competitor. The problem with social media companies as they are running essentially monopolies. There are other youtube sites, but none like youtube. If there at least one major competitor who had even just 25% marketshare (think of Mac vs PC for instance), it would give people alternatives and companies could compete to see who the most free speech, liberty loving they are, not "who kisses up to China and any of their tentacles the best!"
It's Google.

I know. I'm referring to direct competition in the area of videos, their pay structures etc. It's near impossible for them to face competition, they are as powerful as any company in history.
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So, now YouTube is just another mouthpiece for the Chicoms.

YouTube CEO Says Platform Will Remove Coronavirus Content That Goes Against WHO Guidelines
In a recent interview with CNN, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said the platform will begin banning content that promotes any unproven or fake treatments for coronavirus. In addition, the platform will seek to block any content that "goes against" WHO guidelines on the pandemic.
YouTube has already banned videos that attempt to claim connections between 5G technology and coronavirus, with the latest move introducing more restrictions. In a recent
interview with CNN, CEO Susan Wojcicki said the platform would remove "problematic" content related to the pandemic and "anything that is medically unsubstantiated" in an attempt to battle misinformation that places people at serious risk. For example, content that peddles unsubstantiated herbal cures for coronavirus will be removed. It is not clear how YouTube will police its massive library of content that grows substantially every day or where exactly it will draw the line given that health authorities are not in full agreement about some aspects of the pandemic, though the move seems designed more to combat extreme misinformation. Earlier this year, the company had announced plans to demonetize any videos discussing coronavirus, but it quickly went back on the decision after heavy resistance from the platform's creators.

IOW's, the platform was overrun with "Fake New" of the type of the two California doctors promoting the idea that the virus wasn't all that and a bag of peanuts, that 1000 post a month posters here and on other platforms have been pushing as evidence that the government is lying to them. That video has been taken down because it contained false information with no basis in actual research, and was, at best antecdotal, and at worst, just as dangerous as the President's suggestion to get disinfectants inside people.

We see what your kind is trying to do here. Don't think we don't.
You are an idiot.

The numbers are the numbers. In Cali you have a .03% chance of dying from the virus. Instead of regurgitating the bullshit CNN tells you to, why not run some numbers and try to prove them wrong, troll?

You won't because you can't. Your intellect is limited to spewing what CNN tells you to think.

Why do you agree with Youtube removing ANYTHING that disagrees with WHO? Be specific.
So, now YouTube is just another mouthpiece for the Chicoms.

YouTube CEO Says Platform Will Remove Coronavirus Content That Goes Against WHO Guidelines
In a recent interview with CNN, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said the platform will begin banning content that promotes any unproven or fake treatments for coronavirus. In addition, the platform will seek to block any content that "goes against" WHO guidelines on the pandemic.
YouTube has already banned videos that attempt to claim connections between 5G technology and coronavirus, with the latest move introducing more restrictions. In a recent
interview with CNN, CEO Susan Wojcicki said the platform would remove "problematic" content related to the pandemic and "anything that is medically unsubstantiated" in an attempt to battle misinformation that places people at serious risk. For example, content that peddles unsubstantiated herbal cures for coronavirus will be removed. It is not clear how YouTube will police its massive library of content that grows substantially every day or where exactly it will draw the line given that health authorities are not in full agreement about some aspects of the pandemic, though the move seems designed more to combat extreme misinformation. Earlier this year, the company had announced plans to demonetize any videos discussing coronavirus, but it quickly went back on the decision after heavy resistance from the platform's creators.
YouTube is going to try to keep the snake oil salesmen off the site. Good luck. But they're trying to combat extreme misinformation that can cause more sickness and deaths, not to mention taking advantage of gullible people.

They're using WHO guidelines as the standard since YouTube is international. So is WHO.
The video that caused this was two Drs in California who ran the numbers and said that in California you have a .03% chance of dying from the virus. And they questioned if that was worthy of closing down the state.

Their numbers were correct, but they questioned the police state. YouTube can’t have that, apparently.

But it is telling you consider anyone who disagrees with WHO to be “snake oil salesman”.

Another Chicom apologist.

Thank you for this.

Very dangerous times for our country.

Legitimate opinion is being censured. They were doing that in Germany in the 1930's. And they were doing it in Russia from 1918 until the whole sham collapsed in the early 1990's. They are doing it today in Red China and we are following Chairman Xi right down that road.

Anything to get Power for the "Democrats".

It's like a nightmare. "Hey let's try the Venezuelan Model".

Nancy Pelosi is the most dangerous very powerful person in this country to come along in a very long time. I can't think who has been more dangerous to our way of life. It may be time to just let California secede and be glad they are gone---but China would own it in 10 years and would inhabit it in 20. Along with Washington and Oregon.

And we would then be defending our borders from Arizona, Nevada and Idaho. Not a good development. But it's how Rome fell after it decayed, got lazy and pussified, and allowed illegal invasion.

History tends to repeat itself....because Human Nature doesn't change.
Youtube in particular, needs a successful competitor. The problem with social media companies as they are running essentially monopolies. There are other youtube sites, but none like youtube. If there at least one major competitor who had even just 25% marketshare (think of Mac vs PC for instance), it would give people alternatives and companies could compete to see who the most free speech, liberty loving they are, not "who kisses up to China and any of their tentacles the best!"
It's Google.

I know. I'm referring to direct competition in the area of videos, their pay structures etc. It's near impossible for them to face competition, they are as powerful as any nation in history.
Face it...The 2 assimilated, self-hating Jews, whose project Google was funded by the Federal Government, were dead on when they saw the future was on the Internet.
So, now YouTube is just another mouthpiece for the Chicoms.

YouTube CEO Says Platform Will Remove Coronavirus Content That Goes Against WHO Guidelines
In a recent interview with CNN, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said the platform will begin banning content that promotes any unproven or fake treatments for coronavirus. In addition, the platform will seek to block any content that "goes against" WHO guidelines on the pandemic.
YouTube has already banned videos that attempt to claim connections between 5G technology and coronavirus, with the latest move introducing more restrictions. In a recent
interview with CNN, CEO Susan Wojcicki said the platform would remove "problematic" content related to the pandemic and "anything that is medically unsubstantiated" in an attempt to battle misinformation that places people at serious risk. For example, content that peddles unsubstantiated herbal cures for coronavirus will be removed. It is not clear how YouTube will police its massive library of content that grows substantially every day or where exactly it will draw the line given that health authorities are not in full agreement about some aspects of the pandemic, though the move seems designed more to combat extreme misinformation. Earlier this year, the company had announced plans to demonetize any videos discussing coronavirus, but it quickly went back on the decision after heavy resistance from the platform's creators.

IOW's, the platform was overrun with "Fake New" of the type of the two California doctors promoting the idea that the virus wasn't all that and a bag of peanuts, that 1000 post a month posters here and on other platforms have been pushing as evidence that the government is lying to them. That video has been taken down because it contained false information with no basis in actual research, and was, at best antecdotal, and at worst, just as dangerous as the President's suggestion to get disinfectants inside people.

We see what your kind is trying to do here. Don't think we don't.
Who determined it was 'false information'??
So, now YouTube is just another mouthpiece for the Chicoms.

YouTube CEO Says Platform Will Remove Coronavirus Content That Goes Against WHO Guidelines
In a recent interview with CNN, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said the platform will begin banning content that promotes any unproven or fake treatments for coronavirus. In addition, the platform will seek to block any content that "goes against" WHO guidelines on the pandemic.
YouTube has already banned videos that attempt to claim connections between 5G technology and coronavirus, with the latest move introducing more restrictions. In a recent
interview with CNN, CEO Susan Wojcicki said the platform would remove "problematic" content related to the pandemic and "anything that is medically unsubstantiated" in an attempt to battle misinformation that places people at serious risk. For example, content that peddles unsubstantiated herbal cures for coronavirus will be removed. It is not clear how YouTube will police its massive library of content that grows substantially every day or where exactly it will draw the line given that health authorities are not in full agreement about some aspects of the pandemic, though the move seems designed more to combat extreme misinformation. Earlier this year, the company had announced plans to demonetize any videos discussing coronavirus, but it quickly went back on the decision after heavy resistance from the platform's creators.

IOW's, the platform was overrun with "Fake New" of the type of the two California doctors promoting the idea that the virus wasn't all that and a bag of peanuts, that 1000 post a month posters here and on other platforms have been pushing as evidence that the government is lying to them. That video has been taken down because it contained false information with no basis in actual research, and was, at best antecdotal, and at worst, just as dangerous as the President's suggestion to get disinfectants inside people.

We see what your kind is trying to do here. Don't think we don't.

Be that as it may, two points:

1) I don't know the debate about this particular video(s), but it is a more a general debate about censorship and controls over peoples accounts, often based on arbitrary decisions or outright political bias (as my twitter account was deemed a "bot" and shut down after bottlenecking my followers for two years).

2) Maybe I am wrong and judging you only by your interactions with me, but why is your reflex to always side with unchecked power, whether a private company or government, instead of understanding the broader implications for civil liberties?

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