Diamond Member
You know, I was sitting there thinking one day about God. Then, later, it started to drift over into His son Yeshua, although, you may know Him better as Jesus.
Now....because I watch an IMMENSE amount of news, as well as read quite a few things on the internet, with an occasional paper, I knew about some of these people down through the ages who have called out and said that THEY were the Second Coming. Unfortunately, they forgot one thing......Jesus didn't die. And, since He didn't die, what in the world makes them think that they could claim to be Him? Jesus was born over 2,000 years ago, most of 'em lately are born sometime after 1950. Kind of a gap, don't ya think?
I then started to wonder why anyone would even want to be Him? I mean, they only listened to Him so that they could convince Jesus to drop a miracle or two on 'em. Most of them didn't pay for it either, as Jesus gave them away for free. Not only that, but the people at the top (much like Washington would be today) wanted Him dead. Why? Simple, He was in the way of them taking everything for themselves, and leaving nothing for others. And.....when they couldn't get Him to stop and be quiet, they crucified Him.
Kind of a tough life to live eh?
Not only that, but a lot of them would ask for the miracles, but very few ever asked Him how He did His miracles. They weren't interested in what he had to teach, they were interested in what He could do for them.
So why would anyone want to be Jesus?
Me? I'd much rather be his little brother. I mean, think about it.....you'd have an older brother who was there to defend you when you couldn't defend yourself, you'd also have someone to teach you what life is REALLY about so you don't end up making the same mistakes He did. You'd also have someone to defend you if you ever made Dad (God) upset. Think of it!
Teaching, protection, someone in your corner when Dad was upset......can you really think of anything better?
Now......after thinking about this for quite awhile.....I started to wonder if there was ever anyone that COULD call themselves Jesus's little brother. And guess what I found out?
It's me.
Now....I'm not trying to found my own religion, or even get people to look at me as the Second Coming. What I'm trying to get across is that we ALL are. Think of it......Father Sky got together with Mother Earth and had Adam and Eve. Adam and Even in turn, gave rise to the entire race of Man. And, since I'm a human, and therefore a member of the family of Man, and since God sent Jesus to earth AS a man, he was part of the family of Man too.
And.....since He's older than me (right now I'm 44), that qualifies me as His little brother.
Now....because I watch an IMMENSE amount of news, as well as read quite a few things on the internet, with an occasional paper, I knew about some of these people down through the ages who have called out and said that THEY were the Second Coming. Unfortunately, they forgot one thing......Jesus didn't die. And, since He didn't die, what in the world makes them think that they could claim to be Him? Jesus was born over 2,000 years ago, most of 'em lately are born sometime after 1950. Kind of a gap, don't ya think?
I then started to wonder why anyone would even want to be Him? I mean, they only listened to Him so that they could convince Jesus to drop a miracle or two on 'em. Most of them didn't pay for it either, as Jesus gave them away for free. Not only that, but the people at the top (much like Washington would be today) wanted Him dead. Why? Simple, He was in the way of them taking everything for themselves, and leaving nothing for others. And.....when they couldn't get Him to stop and be quiet, they crucified Him.
Kind of a tough life to live eh?
Not only that, but a lot of them would ask for the miracles, but very few ever asked Him how He did His miracles. They weren't interested in what he had to teach, they were interested in what He could do for them.
So why would anyone want to be Jesus?
Me? I'd much rather be his little brother. I mean, think about it.....you'd have an older brother who was there to defend you when you couldn't defend yourself, you'd also have someone to teach you what life is REALLY about so you don't end up making the same mistakes He did. You'd also have someone to defend you if you ever made Dad (God) upset. Think of it!
Teaching, protection, someone in your corner when Dad was upset......can you really think of anything better?
Now......after thinking about this for quite awhile.....I started to wonder if there was ever anyone that COULD call themselves Jesus's little brother. And guess what I found out?
It's me.
Now....I'm not trying to found my own religion, or even get people to look at me as the Second Coming. What I'm trying to get across is that we ALL are. Think of it......Father Sky got together with Mother Earth and had Adam and Eve. Adam and Even in turn, gave rise to the entire race of Man. And, since I'm a human, and therefore a member of the family of Man, and since God sent Jesus to earth AS a man, he was part of the family of Man too.
And.....since He's older than me (right now I'm 44), that qualifies me as His little brother.