Quotes to make you quiver


Freelance Beer Tester
Nov 11, 2008
FSTDT Top 100

This is a list of quotes found on the internet that will make you think "WTF?" It's funny until you consider that these people vote and reproduce.

A few samples:

"I often debate with evolutionists because I believe that they are narrow mindedly and dogmatically accepting evolution without questioning it. I don't really care how God did what He did. I know He did it. "

"Satan loves homosexuals.. And will usually set them up with good careers in something Satan is in control of i.e.. Entertainment.. any form of the Media.. Satan wants them to grow.. The more homosexuals there are the more souls Satan gets to join in a Furnace of Fire.."

"Me and like-minded Christian students are trying to organize a mock stoning of openly gay students at our campus. We will be using crumpled up gray/brown construction paper to represent rocks, and will recite bible verses in opposition to their sinful nature. We will throw a volley or two of these "rocks" at every Gay person we happen to encounter that day."

"Gravity: Doesn't exist. If items of mass had any impact of others, then mountains should have people orbiting them. Or the space shuttle in space should have the astronauts orbiting it. Of course, that's just the tip of the gravity myth. Think about it. Scientists want us to believe that the sun has a gravitation pull strong enough to keep a planet like neptune or pluto in orbit, but then it's not strong enough to keep the moon in orbit? Why is that? What I believe is going on here is this: These objects in space have yet to receive mans touch, and thus have no sin to weigh them down. This isn't the case for earth, where we see the impact of transfered sin to material objects. The more sin, the heavier something is."
God does not play dice with the universe

Albert Einstien

As a matter of fact, Al, chaos theory suggests that God's random universe is, in fact, little more than one gigantic crapshoot.
I think there are a lot of misguided and under studied christians. A lot of pathetic quotes are listed above. God is real and can be explained without throwing generalizations, red-herrings, and ad hominems around. I believe science is the tool of God. That's why things make sense!
I think there are a lot of misguided and under studied christians. A lot of pathetic quotes are listed above. God is real and can be explained without throwing generalizations, red-herrings, and ad hominems around. I believe science is the tool of God. That's why things make sense!

yeaaaa... the history of science from copernicus to Darwin sure does suggest that science is the tool of god.
"I often debate with evolutionists because I believe that they are narrow mindedly and dogmatically accepting evolution without questioning it. I don't really care how God did what He did. I know He did it. "

This one kills me......they'll accept any way that God did it EXCEPT evolution. BTW....God DOES believe in evolution. How do I know? Simple......did a study on the Temple with a rabbi, and found out that the floor plans of the Temple have always had room for new things to be put in it, because they knew 3,000 years ago that the technology and the way they did things would evolve also. Additionally, if God doesn't use evolution, why is there so much evidence of it around?

"Gravity: Doesn't exist. If items of mass had any impact of others, then mountains should have people orbiting them. Or the space shuttle in space should have the astronauts orbiting it. Of course, that's just the tip of the gravity myth. Think about it. Scientists want us to believe that the sun has a gravitation pull strong enough to keep a planet like neptune or pluto in orbit, but then it's not strong enough to keep the moon in orbit? Why is that? What I believe is going on here is this: These objects in space have yet to receive mans touch, and thus have no sin to weigh them down. This isn't the case for earth, where we see the impact of transfered sin to material objects. The more sin, the heavier something is."

This one kills me also. Gravity is a myth? Yeah.....and at one time people thought that the earth was flat also.

And Shogun......

yeaaaa... the history of science from copernicus to Darwin sure does suggest that science is the tool of god.

This is the exact opposite position of those that don't believe in science, because you don't believe in God.

"Science without theology is blind, and Theology without science is crippled". - Albert Einstein.
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This is the exact opposite position of those that don't believe in science, because you don't believe in God.

show me a single piece of tangible science that has been proven by dogma rather than by physical evidence. rhetoric Einstein isn't very impressive if you can't offer a single example.
This is the exact opposite position of those that don't believe in science, because you don't believe in God.

show me a single piece of tangible science that has been proven by dogma rather than by physical evidence. rhetoric Einstein isn't very impressive if you can't offer a single example.

Well.....actually I can offer several.......

DNA strands, and what they look like are contained in the Torah, and it doesn't need any fancy interpretation either, which was written 3,500 years ago. Additionally, there are several things contained in it that we are JUST NOW re-discovering about physics, astronomy, as well as several other things.

Now......my question is.....if a book written by God Himself 3,500 years ago (the age of the Torah), how can they write about some of these things when they didn't have the technology yet to see them?
are you freaking kidding me? Your interpretation of torah DNA sounds about as viable as Ezekial's "evidence" of aliens. I didn't ask for rhetorical non sequiters. I asked for specific evidence of a single scientific concept that has been validated by dogma. Perhaps you should keep in mind that physical science is not proven with metaphysical beliefs or leaps in assumptions about the torah.

First, the torah was not written by god. Second, you attribute SCIENTIFIC knowledge that we've gathered with physical observation as somehow validated by a religious text that in no way, shape or form prompted the field of genetics then or now. So, please, show me specific examples of a single scientific concept that was held evidence from dogma.
are you freaking kidding me? Your interpretation of torah DNA sounds about as viable as Ezekial's "evidence" of aliens. I didn't ask for rhetorical non sequiters. I asked for specific evidence of a single scientific concept that has been validated by dogma. Perhaps you should keep in mind that physical science is not proven with metaphysical beliefs or leaps in assumptions about the torah.

First, the torah was not written by god. Second, you attribute SCIENTIFIC knowledge that we've gathered with physical observation as somehow validated by a religious text that in no way, shape or form prompted the field of genetics then or now. So, please, show me specific examples of a single scientific concept that was held evidence from dogma.

Those texts were written before scientific validation came around Shogun. On this one, we're gonna disagree, because I believe that science AND theology need to be used together. Go with theology only? No new discoveries and we'd be back in the Dark Ages. Go with science only? Then you've got nothing to keep you in check so you don't destroy the world. Just because you can do something doesn't necessarily mean you should.
Those texts were written before scientific validation came around Shogun. On this one, we're gonna disagree, because I believe that science AND theology need to be used together. Go with theology only? No new discoveries and we'd be back in the Dark Ages. Go with science only? Then you've got nothing to keep you in check so you don't destroy the world. Just because you can do something doesn't necessarily mean you should.

well, that certainly is some rhetorical honeybread but, again, I'm asking for scientific validation of that which by it's very nature REQUIRES faith instead of proof. I'll say it again, every fruit of science that we enjoy has come past the bonfires of dogmas who have rebuked physical evidence since day one. Trying to parse science and domga as mutually exclusive is not only a lesson in futility but is an immediate disqualification due to bias for a particular result. Indeed, I can't think of ONE single dogma junkie concept that has been proven accurate beyond the necessity of faith and the minimization of evidence.
well, that certainly is some rhetorical honeybread but, again, I'm asking for scientific validation of that which by it's very nature REQUIRES faith instead of proof. I'll say it again, every fruit of science that we enjoy has come past the bonfires of dogmas who have rebuked physical evidence since day one. Trying to parse science and domga as mutually exclusive is not only a lesson in futility but is an immediate disqualification due to bias for a particular result. Indeed, I can't think of ONE single dogma junkie concept that has been proven accurate beyond the necessity of faith and the minimization of evidence.

Interestingly enough, the Hebrews knew that the earth was round, that it also revolved around the Sun, and that there were several planets in our solar system.

This was about 2,500 years before Copernicus and Galileo.
and that suggests what? Pythagoras gave us a pretty nifty number theorum so what does that say about the validity of the cult he created for himself? Would you attribute his beliefs in the greek pantheon as the source of his HUMAN observation? Hell, ancient calculations of the Earth's mass have been astonishingly accurate from MANY old world sources. Tell me how their HUMAN observations prove their personal faith. Or, for that matter, how their FAITHS proved their calculations. Astronony is more ancient than your Torah, you know.

Again, I'm afraid you are interpreting these things in a way that lets you find what you are wanting to see. Sorta like finding satanism in backward led zeppelin songs and believing that Ezekial was seeing space craft.
and that suggests what? Pythagoras gave us a pretty nifty number theorum so what does that say about the validity of the cult he created for himself? Would you attribute his beliefs in the greek pantheon as the source of his HUMAN observation? Hell, ancient calculations of the Earth's mass have been astonishingly accurate from MANY old world sources. Tell me how their HUMAN observations prove their personal faith. Or, for that matter, how their FAITHS proved their calculations. Astronony is more ancient than your Torah, you know.

Again, I'm afraid you are interpreting these things in a way that lets you find what you are wanting to see. Sorta like finding satanism in backward led zeppelin songs and believing that Ezekial was seeing space craft.

Nope.......no satanism is Led Zeppelin songs......after all......KISS sang "God gave Rock and Roll to you".

As far as seeing UFO's? Well......if you were to look at most of the Old World paintings depicting Heavenly beings, you would see that in ALL of them, they have someone floating on a cloud that looks remarkably like our modern day version of UFO's.

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