Yes, Dems Really Believe a Few Dozen Unarmed Trespassers Almost Overthrew the US Government

Just think of what we Americans with 435 million guns have learned from that dry run then.

“The select committee has found evidence about a lot more than incitement here, and we’re gonna be laying out the evidence about all of the actors who were pivotal to what took place on Jan. 6,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) toldthe Washington Post.

Raskin claims the partisan committee has evidence of “concerted planning and premeditated activity” and that the forthcoming hearings will “tell the story of a conspiracy to overturn the 2020 presidential election and block the transfer of power.”

They don't believe it, rather they are well aware that truth is irrelevant when you own the narrative.
Man, you are dense!

Without Pence there was no plot to succeed with not only that ALL the States Certified their electors back in November/December time frame by their respective Secretary of States thus the secondary uncertified electors Trump and others wanted to replace certified ones was defeated before it began.

The so-called plot never had a chance from the start because the two elements to make it possible was never there.
Dude, just stop. If one pivotal person in a bank robbery plot refuses to go along with it, does that mean there was no plot?

Of course not

Stop being stupid
59 senators voted in favor of impeaching and removing Trump... including 9 republican senators. More than half of the remaining republican senators like the minority leader Mitch McConnell, got up and spoke at THE impeachment voicing Trump was guilty, but would not vote to impeach and remove him, because he was already removed from office by losing the election, they wanted to move onward. That was a HUGE mistake, not voting to impeach because he was already gone.
Then the DOJ needs to grow a set and do their job. All this is, is a dog and pony show to divert America from the economy and lack of interest from the current administration to address any of Americas real problems.
So, in post #117, poor poster Weatherman53 demonstrates his proclivity for shiny pictures in lieu of adult discussion.

Hey, USMB is a pretty open portal. With few bars to entry. It's sorta 'come one, come all'.

Accordingly, we are not here to judge the suitability of those who can or cannot use the deep end of the pool at Adult Swim.

But good luck, Weatherman. ;)
So, in post #117, poor poster Weatherman53 demonstrates his proclivity for shiny pictures in lieu of adult discussion.

Hey, USMB is a pretty open portal. With few bars to entry. It's sorta 'come one, come all'.

Accordingly, we are not here to judge the suitability of those who can or cannot use the deep end of the pool at Adult Swim.

But good luck, Weatherman. ;)

Excuse me while I go plot a real coup.
What did he talk to Dan Quayle about then?

Deflection defeated. Pence has said zero directly and just convenient rumors about what somebody else says Pence said to somebody else
So if Pence voted no that’s insurrection?

Thanks for validating you’re full of crap. The vote was a step in the decision process as law dictates.
Who was urging Pence to vote? What was he voting on? Not sure Pence voting was part of the plot, ops I mean plan. You mean unilaterally declaring some states certified EC vote not valid based on partisan hearsay and mere allegations?
There was no plot since Pence never supported it and he is the ONLY one who could have done it, without him you have NO plot and has it occurred to you that the media was all over it DAYS before?
Not true! Another Trumper plan was to have Pence recuse himself for conflict of interest with him on the ticket, and appoint Grassley to take his place on rejecting the electoral college in those republican legislature swing states. This came out in emails turned over to the committee.
So who was it that Pence told? Why did he go to Quayle for advice if the claim that he was being pressured to not certify certain states was baloney? Reports are he was pressured right up to Jan 5th. (You know how reliable those are!)
Bitterly clinging to third party heresay as evidence
Russia collusion! We’ve got the evidence! Trump is going to jail for sure!
As you know collusion isn't a crime. But obstruction of a federal investigation is and there is ample evidence Trump obstructed Mueller's investigation detailed in Mueller's report.

As you know collusion isn't a crime. But obstruction of a federal investigation is and there is ample evidence Trump obstructed Mueller's investigation in Mueller's report.

Then why was there no impeachment on the charge of obstruction?

Oh yeah, there was none.
Jan. 6 Panel In Talks With Cipollone To Testify Publicly

The House Jan. 6 Committee and former White House counsel Pat Cipollone, who had a front-row seat to Donald Trump’s 2020 election steal efforts, are hashing out terms for the attorney’s potential public testimony, according to ABC News.

Cipollone, who already appeared privately in front of the committee in April, reportedly told the committee that he would only testify publicly on ex-Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark’s role in helping Trump try to weaponize the DOJ in his bid to cling to power after the 2020 election.

ABC News reported that the Jan. 6 panel wants Cipollone to testify publicly alongside ex-acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, ex-acting Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue and Steven Engel, the ex-head of the DOJ’s office of legal counsel.

Report: Jan. 6 Panel In Talks With Cipollone To Testify Publicly

I would especially like to hear from Rosen.
As you know collusion isn't a crime. But obstruction of a federal investigation is and there is ample evidence Trump obstructed Mueller's investigation detailed in Mueller's report.

Fishing expeditions are illegal in America as is lying to the FBI and the FBI knowingly using lies to conduct fishing expeditions.
Not true! Another Trumper plan was to have Pence recuse himself for conflict of interest with him on the ticket, and appoint Grassley to take his place on rejecting the electoral college in those republican legislature swing states. This came out in emails turned over to the committee.

The Conflict of Interest argument is stupid as hell as he was the current V.P. do his duty which he did.

Without Pence support you have no plot to work with.

Trump and his team never had a credible argument to stop the Certification process.
Jan. 6 Panel In Talks With Cipollone To Testify Publicly

The House Jan. 6 Committee and former White House counsel Pat Cipollone, who had a front-row seat to Donald Trump’s 2020 election steal efforts, are hashing out terms for the attorney’s potential public testimony, according to ABC News.

Cipollone, who already appeared privately in front of the committee in April, reportedly told the committee that he would only testify publicly on ex-Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark’s role in helping Trump try to weaponize the DOJ in his bid to cling to power after the 2020 election.

ABC News reported that the Jan. 6 panel wants Cipollone to testify publicly alongside ex-acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, ex-acting Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue and Steven Engel, the ex-head of the DOJ’s office of legal counsel.

Report: Jan. 6 Panel In Talks With Cipollone To Testify Publicly

I would especially like to hear from Rosen.

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