Yes, Dems Really Believe a Few Dozen Unarmed Trespassers Almost Overthrew the US Government

As you know collusion isn't a crime. But obstruction of a federal investigation is and there is ample evidence Trump obstructed Mueller's investigation detailed in Mueller's report.

Now you are just LYING since he never charged him for obstruction in his final report.
Then why was there no impeachment on the charge of obstruction?
Thanks for the softball question. Because Pelosi didn't feel there was a consensus for it given how many knuckle dragging rubes were convinced by Billy the Bagman's lie that Mueller had exonerated Trump............when that was not true.
Man, you are dense!

Without Pence there was no plot to succeed with not only that ALL the States Certified their electors back in November/December time frame by their respective Secretary of States thus the secondary uncertified electors Trump and others wanted to replace certified ones was defeated before it began.

The so-called plot never had a chance from the start because the two elements to make it possible was never there.
Pence's failure to carry out his role in Trumps plot doesn't mean Trump didn't have a plot.
How proud your Mom must be.

Deal with it.......

Well if Trump thought about it then lib loons feel it was a “plot” even though plotters are never characterized as outside 3rd parties who have no ability to do anything other than perhaps talk.
Then the DOJ needs to grow a set and do their job. All this is, is a dog and pony show to divert America from the economy and lack of interest from the current administration to address any of Americas real problems.
So simple minded of you! When this investigation began there was none of the major issues we have today.

The investigation was not for that purpose, you now are flailing, so that you don't have to believe the evidence shown.... Typical Trumper modus operandi! You can't handle the scares you all, to no end.

We're on to you! ;)
Thanks for the softball question. Because Pelosi didn't feel there was a consensus for it given how many knuckle dragging rubes were convinced by Billy the Bagman's lie that Mueller had exonerated Trump............when that was not true.

There was no evidence of obstruction....You fucking hater buffoons don't have so much as a popcorn fart.
So simple minded of you! When this investigation began there was none of the major issues we have today.

The investigation was not for that purpose, you now are flailing, so that you don't have to believe the evidence shown.... Typical Trumper modus operandi! You can't handle the scares you all, to no end.

We're on to you! ;)
Bitterly clinging to third party heresay as evidence
I don't know much about his charge of 'bitterly'; however, to relieve your angst good poster Weather53, do this:

On Thursday park yourself in front of your telly and tune in the Committee hearings.
Do so with keen interest and an open mind. Perhaps you will see some of this 'third party heresay (sic) evidence."

Good luck. ;) 🖖
So simple minded of you! When this investigation began there was none of the major issues we have today.

The investigation was not for that purpose, you now are flailing, so that you don't have to believe the evidence shown.... Typical Trumper modus operandi! You can't handle the scares you all, to no end.

We're on to you! ;)


I keep telling you leftist assholes that it is BETTER to have the DOJ prosecute Trump because they have more than enough material and witnesses to do it, yet I get a lot of resistance to that radical idea.

It is YOU who prefer the partisan mudslinging crap over a real court trial.
I don't know much about his charge of 'bitterly'; however, to relieve your angst good poster Weather53, do this:

On Thursday park yourself in front of your telly and tune in the Committee hearings.
Do so with keen interest and an open mind. Perhaps you will see some of this 'third party heresay (sic) evidence."

Good luck. ;) 🖖
Not true! Another Trumper plan was to have Pence recuse himself for conflict of interest with him on the ticket, and appoint Grassley to take his place on rejecting the electoral college in those republican legislature swing states. This came out in emails turned over to the committee.
So Harris can never oversee the Senate in a tie breaker?

You Leftards are so uneducated.
Personally, I hold the view that the above sentiment expressed by the poster 'easyt65'...and likely held by many uber partisan silly, nonsensical, and poorly thought-thru. It makes no sense.
It is tiresome conspiracy-drivel.

Other than that, easyt65, is OK with my avatar.


The two above posts, by BlindBoo, and 'there4', offer us all succinct descriptions of what is at stake, and why we need a full exposition. Thank you both.

Indeed, those knuckleheaded ne'er-do-wells who attacked the Capitol and the police....were, to use a stage term, merely the deus ex machina to effect the sudden 'crisis' as cover for enacting martial law so as to buy time to overthrow the results of the election.

They were dupes. Used and then thrown under the bus by the users.
The 'users' need be explained and exposed.


What insurrection is perpetrated by unarmed citizens and involves the Capitol Police holding the Capitol doors wide open for people to enter?

Democrats - those who perpetrated criminal failed Impeachments based admittedly on zero crime,zero evidence, and zero witnesses, who were caught criminally manufacturing false evidence against the President of the US IOT remove him from office (THERE is your insurrection / coup attempt) - have openly declared they are unhappy because more TRUMP-connected aides / people have not been subpoenaed and punished.

If you remember, this hearing us supposed to be about what happened to cause the 6 Jan trespassing of the Capitol & NOT 'Trump Impeachment 3.0'.

To that end, it has been proven by transcript that Trump did not call for violence, encouraged people to WALK PEACEFULLY TO the Capitol to support their politicians and let their voices be heard. He encouraged people to remain PEACEFUL, obey the laws, and listen to the Capitol Police.

The FBI has stayed they warned the DC Mayor, Pelosi, the Capitol Police Chief, and the 2 Sergeants-At-Arms I'm advance of potential large crowds and violence.

- This committee refuses to investigate this, refuses to subpoena these people to answer this question.

The FBI said it advised the National Guard be called out and used to protect the Capitol.

The former Chief of the Capitol Police has publicly declared he requested National Guard troop deployment for support 6 TIMES before and during the 6 Jan event and was denied or his request was delayed every time.

Reports state Pelosi, the DC Mayor, & both Sergeants-at-Arms discussed it and rejected the idea because they did not like the 'OTICS' of having the NG protecting the Capitol.

(I created a aeperate thread that has links and quotes showing all of this - feel free to look it up.)


The DC Mayor, former Capitol Police Chief, Nancy Pelosi,abd the 2 Sergeants-at-Arms who had been there for decades were a identified as key players in the decision-making process at the start - briefed by the FBI and making the decision to reject both the advice to use the National Guard and and the former Capitol Police Chief's 6 (SIX) requests for National Guard help.

So if you are running a legitimate investigative committee whose purpose is to find out what went wrong and ensure what went wrong never happens again.

Pelosi and the Democrats proved, however, this is not a legitimate investigative committee and that they don't give a damn about making sure it never happens again. The last thing they want to come to light is who was responsible for the 6 Jan event.

They proved this by not having any of these people, including Pelosi herself, testify before the committee, by having 2 TDS - suffering Trump-hating RINOs as the only Republicans on the committee who would ask the relevant questions, and by falsely reporting what Trump said that day.

The 2 Sergeants-at-Arms both quit after 6 Jan.
- WHY?
- What responsibilities did they have in defending the Capitol?
- What part did they play in the division NOT to call on the Natl Guard?
- Did they quit in their own or were they forced to be the 'fall guys'?

So what was Trump pressuring him to do on Jan. 6th, Trigger?

"a plan made in secret by a group of people to do something illegal or harmful:"

Pence never part of the group thus it isn't a plot involving him.

You can ask anyone to do something doesn't mean it is a plot when the person refuses to be involved which describes Pence very well.

Since I proved by showing that Pence never did anything the "Plotters" wanted him to do and he was never shown that he was part of the plotting group you have no plot concerning him at all.

You finally understand?

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