Wouldn’t it make sense for California politicians to repeal all trespassing laws? Will they force landowners to grant sanctuary to trespassers?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
How long before California politicians force land owners to grant “sanctuary” to any and all trespassers?
Think about like this; the way the current trespassing laws are imposed illegal Mexicans are permitted to trespass on the people’s land but should a native citizen trespass he/she runs the risk of getting his/her ass beat and arrested. Does that really make sense to anybody even half sane?
I don't see any correlation between this video and what you are talking about.
Do not know the facts, my guess is this guy said something very offensive and the officer lost it.
So should your title not be "should a person be able to beat down someone for talking smack without penalty?"
I don't see any correlation between this video and what you are talking about.
Do not know the facts, my guess is this guy said something very offensive and the officer lost it.
So should your title not be "should a person be able to beat down someone for talking smack without penalty?"

Haha...playing stupid is a fools refutation. Try harder.
A third grader can connect the dots.
How long before California politicians force land owners to grant “sanctuary” to any and all trespassers?
Think about like this; the way the current trespassing laws are imposed illegal Mexicans are permitted to trespass on the people’s land but should a native citizen trespass he/she runs the risk of getting his/her ass beat and arrested. Does that really make sense to anybody even half sane?
How long before right wing bigots admit they are simply fascists looking for any excuse to deny or disparage our privileges and immunities. Calling left wingers communists for wanting equal protection of the laws is the first step.
I don't see any correlation between this video and what you are talking about.
Do not know the facts, my guess is this guy said something very offensive and the officer lost it.
So should your title not be "should a person be able to beat down someone for talking smack without penalty?"
Right wingers don't care about the laws, only their Russian inspired bigotry.

A person may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law or denied equal protection of the laws
New York City has an undeclared but active moratorium on ejection of trespassers and squatters based on racial
criteria as per the dear and beloved leader
How long before California politicians force land owners to grant “sanctuary” to any and all trespassers?
Think about like this; the way the current trespassing laws are imposed illegal Mexicans are permitted to trespass on the people’s land but should a native citizen trespass he/she runs the risk of getting his/her ass beat and arrested. Does that really make sense to anybody even half sane?
How long before right wing bigots admit they are simply fascists looking for any excuse to deny or disparage our privileges and immunities. Calling left wingers communists for wanting equal protection of the laws is the first step.

to what privileges and immunities do you refer?
I don't see any correlation between this video and what you are talking about.
Do not know the facts, my guess is this guy said something very offensive and the officer lost it.
So should your title not be "should a person be able to beat down someone for talking smack without penalty?"
Right wingers don't care about the laws, only their Russian inspired bigotry.

A person may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law or denied equal protection of the laws
The last I checked, it was the left that doesn't care about the laws that are on the books.
Arson of buildings: A felony. The left's stance, "let the arsonists burn the small businesses in their own area."
Looting: A misdemeanor or felony, depending upon how much or how expensive the objects are. The left's stance, "let them loot those local businesses that they burn down.
Battery on persons: Depending upon how severely the persons are harmed, a misdemeanor of felony. The left's response is, "let them get their anger out of their system.
It's the left mob that is deliberately depriving persons of the lives, liberty and property and it sure isn't part of a "due process of law."
If you try to accuse the cops of waging a war on blacks, the cops don't go into neighborhoods and randomly select some black sitting around doing nothing. They are called in to areas because of criminal or unstable behavior. Almost all of those blacks that have been killed by cops, were "habitual" criminals, in and out and in and out of jail and prison. In each case, they were resisting arrest, with the operative word being, RESISTING! If you resist arrest, you are certain to escalate things negatively for you. Bringing in people that are or were committing crimes, is mandatory. They can't just say, "Well, hell he/she is black, so we can't arrest him/her." Laws on the books are enforced, whether you are black or white....and for the record, more whites die at the hands of cops than blacks.
Oh, and as for "due process of law," your leftist politicians have made it clear that they no longer want the "freedom of speech" or the right to bear arms, or....due process. To them, if someone is accused of something, they're guilty. Just ask Brett Kavanaugh.
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New York City has an undeclared but active moratorium on ejection of trespassers and squatters based on racial
criteria as per the dear and beloved leader

PS--- legalization of squatting and trespassing depending on race has been in FORCE for the past three years in my VERY UNPLEASANT AND DISGUSTING experience------based on the cult of the dear and beloved leader. It also includes legalization of theft of services and serious vandalism----based on the cult of the dear and beloved leader----and even
felony assault. Historically, I blame it on Bloomberg ----and his handover of ZUCOTTI PARK. It was a
herald of what was TO BE
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I don't see any correlation between this video and what you are talking about.
Do not know the facts, my guess is this guy said something very offensive and the officer lost it.
So should your title not be "should a person be able to beat down someone for talking smack without penalty?"
Right wingers don't care about the laws, only their Russian inspired bigotry.

A person may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law or denied equal protection of the laws
You are interfering with people living in their homes.
How long before California politicians force land owners to grant “sanctuary” to any and all trespassers?
Think about like this; the way the current trespassing laws are imposed illegal Mexicans are permitted to trespass on the people’s land but should a native citizen trespass he/she runs the risk of getting his/her ass beat and arrested. Does that really make sense to anybody even half sane?
How long before right wing bigots admit they are simply fascists looking for any excuse to deny or disparage our privileges and immunities. Calling left wingers communists for wanting equal protection of the laws is the first step.

to what privileges and immunities do you refer?
Ignorant of the laws as well?

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
I don't see any correlation between this video and what you are talking about.
Do not know the facts, my guess is this guy said something very offensive and the officer lost it.
So should your title not be "should a person be able to beat down someone for talking smack without penalty?"
Right wingers don't care about the laws, only their Russian inspired bigotry.

A person may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law or denied equal protection of the laws
The last I checked, it was the left that doesn't care about the laws that are on the books.
Arson of buildings: A felony. The left's stance, "let the arsonists burn the small businesses in their own area."
Looting: A misdemeanor or felony, depending upon how much or how expensive the objects are. The left's stance, "let them loot those local businesses that they burn down.
Battery on persons: Depending upon how severely the persons are harmed, a misdemeanor of felony. The left's response is, "let them get their anger out of their system.
It's the left mob that is deliberately depriving persons of the lives, liberty and property and it sure isn't part of a "due process of law."
If you try to accuse the cops of waging a war on blacks, the cops don't go into neighborhoods and randomly select some black sitting around doing nothing. They are called in to areas because of criminal or unstable behavior. Almost all of those blacks that have been killed by cops, were "habitual" criminals, in and out and in and out of jail and prison. In each case, they were resisting arrest, with the operative word being, RESISTING! If you resist arrest, you are certain to escalate things negatively for you. Bringing in people that are or were committing crimes, is mandatory. They can't just say, "Well, hell he/she is black, so we can't arrest him/her." Laws on the books are enforced, whether you are black or white....and for the record, more whites die at the hands of cops than blacks.
Oh, and as for "due process of law," your leftist politicians have made it clear that they no longer want the "freedom of speech" or the right to bear arms, or....due process. To them, if someone is accused of something, they're guilty. Just ask Brett Kavanaugh.
I have been arguing this for more than year, yet right wing gun lovers seem to have the most problem with it:

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
New York City has an undeclared but active moratorium on ejection of trespassers and squatters based on racial
criteria as per the dear and beloved leader

PS---the Moratorium on legalization of squatting and trespassing depending on race has been in FORCE for the past three years in my VERY UNPLEASANT AND DISGUSTING experience------based on the cult of the dear and beloved leader. It also includes legalization of theft of services and serious vandalism----based on the cult of the dear and beloved leader----and even
felony assault
Yet, equal protection of the laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States is what right wingers also have problem with; cognitive dissonance much?
I don't see any correlation between this video and what you are talking about.
Do not know the facts, my guess is this guy said something very offensive and the officer lost it.
So should your title not be "should a person be able to beat down someone for talking smack without penalty?"
Right wingers don't care about the laws, only their Russian inspired bigotry.

A person may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law or denied equal protection of the laws
You are interfering with people living in their homes.
The guy was already in cuffs. Interfering with due process much?
I don't see any correlation between this video and what you are talking about.
Do not know the facts, my guess is this guy said something very offensive and the officer lost it.
So should your title not be "should a person be able to beat down someone for talking smack without penalty?"
Right wingers don't care about the laws, only their Russian inspired bigotry.

A person may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law or denied equal protection of the laws
The last I checked, it was the left that doesn't care about the laws that are on the books.
Arson of buildings: A felony. The left's stance, "let the arsonists burn the small businesses in their own area."
Looting: A misdemeanor or felony, depending upon how much or how expensive the objects are. The left's stance, "let them loot those local businesses that they burn down.
Battery on persons: Depending upon how severely the persons are harmed, a misdemeanor of felony. The left's response is, "let them get their anger out of their system.
It's the left mob that is deliberately depriving persons of the lives, liberty and property and it sure isn't part of a "due process of law."
If you try to accuse the cops of waging a war on blacks, the cops don't go into neighborhoods and randomly select some black sitting around doing nothing. They are called in to areas because of criminal or unstable behavior. Almost all of those blacks that have been killed by cops, were "habitual" criminals, in and out and in and out of jail and prison. In each case, they were resisting arrest, with the operative word being, RESISTING! If you resist arrest, you are certain to escalate things negatively for you. Bringing in people that are or were committing crimes, is mandatory. They can't just say, "Well, hell he/she is black, so we can't arrest him/her." Laws on the books are enforced, whether you are black or white....and for the record, more whites die at the hands of cops than blacks.
Oh, and as for "due process of law," your leftist politicians have made it clear that they no longer want the "freedom of speech" or the right to bear arms, or....due process. To them, if someone is accused of something, they're guilty. Just ask Brett Kavanaugh.
I have been arguing this for more than year, yet right wing gun lovers seem to have the most problem with it:

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
That IS NOT what the Second Amendment says. It only says, "A WELL REGULATED MILITIA." Any former senior military individual can form a "well regulated militia," as the Second Amendment does NOT specify who will regulate it. However, if you want to split hairs, it does state that "for the security of a "free" state, the right of the people to KEEP AND BEAR ARMS, shall NOT be infringed.
With the way the left is going...headed down the Marxist path and claiming that the "freedom of speech must be curtailed, so as not to offend and the blatant claim now that they are indeed going to take all firearms, we see a decline in our freedoms, by a possibly authoritarian left and the cities, counties and states that do not want to part with their freedoms, can and should ensure that their pro-freedom/pro-Constitution citizens can indeed remain armed, to defend against the enemy, whether that enemy is foreign......or domestic.
Last, you or anyone, need only read the Federalist Papers to see what our Founding Fathers stance on the ownership of firearms was and it was clear that they meant that the public should be armed to ensure that the public would remain free, even if it was from our own government.
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I don't see any correlation between this video and what you are talking about.
Do not know the facts, my guess is this guy said something very offensive and the officer lost it.
So should your title not be "should a person be able to beat down someone for talking smack without penalty?"
Right wingers don't care about the laws, only their Russian inspired bigotry.

A person may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law or denied equal protection of the laws
The last I checked, it was the left that doesn't care about the laws that are on the books.
Arson of buildings: A felony. The left's stance, "let the arsonists burn the small businesses in their own area."
Looting: A misdemeanor or felony, depending upon how much or how expensive the objects are. The left's stance, "let them loot those local businesses that they burn down.
Battery on persons: Depending upon how severely the persons are harmed, a misdemeanor of felony. The left's response is, "let them get their anger out of their system.
It's the left mob that is deliberately depriving persons of the lives, liberty and property and it sure isn't part of a "due process of law."
If you try to accuse the cops of waging a war on blacks, the cops don't go into neighborhoods and randomly select some black sitting around doing nothing. They are called in to areas because of criminal or unstable behavior. Almost all of those blacks that have been killed by cops, were "habitual" criminals, in and out and in and out of jail and prison. In each case, they were resisting arrest, with the operative word being, RESISTING! If you resist arrest, you are certain to escalate things negatively for you. Bringing in people that are or were committing crimes, is mandatory. They can't just say, "Well, hell he/she is black, so we can't arrest him/her." Laws on the books are enforced, whether you are black or white....and for the record, more whites die at the hands of cops than blacks.
Oh, and as for "due process of law," your leftist politicians have made it clear that they no longer want the "freedom of speech" or the right to bear arms, or....due process. To them, if someone is accused of something, they're guilty. Just ask Brett Kavanaugh.
I have been arguing this for more than year, yet right wing gun lovers seem to have the most problem with it:

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
That IS NOT what the Second Amendment says. It only says, "A WELL REGULATED MILITIA." Any former senior military individual can form a "well regulated militia," as the Second Amendment does NOT specify who will regulate it. However, if you want to split hairs, it does state that "for the security of a "free" state, the right of the people to KEEP AND BEAR ARMS, shall NOT be infringed.
With the way the left is going...headed down the Marxist path and claiming that the "freedom of speech must be curtailed, so as not to offend and the blatant claim now that they are indeed going to take all firearms, we see a decline in our freedoms, by a possibly authoritarian left and the cities, counties and states that do not want to part with their freedoms, can and should ensure that their pro-freedom/pro-Constitution citizens can indeed remain armed, to defend against the enemy, whether that enemy is foreign......or domestic.
Last, you or anyone, need only read the Federalist Papers to see what our Founding Fathers stance on the ownership of firearms was and it was clear that they meant that the public should be armed to ensure that the public would remain free, even if it was from our own government.
No, they can't. Our Second Amendment is clear about what is necessary to the security of our free States. States have their own Governments.

This is the common law for the common defense secured by our Second Amendment:

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

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