Grocery Prices FELL in April - Thanks Biden!

I have a clear view of policies that help and you just know you don’t like me or Joe so we must be wrong.
What is clear view of our path to 40 trillion in debt ?

I guess a a2.5 trillion addition this year will only get us there faster.
What exactly do you think a minimum wage increase will accomplish? It would need to be tripled to have any real effect.
Otherwise it just gets processed through the supply chain as a final cost increase and basically zeros out. Wanna make a real difference? Eliminate payroll taxes.
Your argument suggests that there is no way for service people to earn a living wage. However they have been the largest winners since 2019 in wage growth. You are correct that if prices go up that affects everyone but the wage increases at the bottom benefit more than the rest and that means lower profits and higher prices for the rest of us.
It’s hard to argue with the ignorant but I’ll try:

I quoted the “Food at Home“ component of the CPI. That is down even in the link of yours. Food prices dropped. Eating out didnt drop. If you are hurting you should cook at home.

You all are the same morons yelling at people at the low end of the scale owning a cell phone but you want to be ok with the huge spike in eating out expenses?

What you ignored is food prices are still going UP! One tenth shy of a full percent is still nothing to celebrate. Also unemployment in prime working ages (18-28) is double the average UE rate. In short, the economy still sucks, and voters feel it.

While I am not in the 1% range, I am close.

Just where did you come up with that little piece of crap.
It’s statistics. 99% chance you are just getting by. What did you do for a living to be so fortunate?
None of us mind paying taxes so this countey stays great.

Like all left wingers, you think you can manage a complex system like our economy.

Newsomes 20/Hr screw up is just that.

I am fine with paying more taxes.

You really think Biden is working to get the most out of our tax dollars ? I've got bridges all over the world you can spend your wealth on.
It’s statistics. 99% chance you are just getting by. What did you do for a living to be so fortunate?

I am a little unsettled by that comment.

You think only 1%ers are doing O.K. ?

You really must be buried in the "C suite."
And for them too ?

Clearly you don't work with numbers.
I actually make all my money on data analytics. In your worldview no one can ever make more money because prices go up and they can’t keep the wage increases. Nope. That isn’t true or wages would never make “real” progress. Real wages have increased over time just too much at the top and not enough at the bottom.

You see the upward slope? That is from productivity and says you can raise wages faster than prices go up.

In your worldview no one can ever make more money because prices go up and they can’t keep the wage increases.

Where did I ever say that ?

You make far to many assumptions.

I simply pointed out that the gains you are claiming are consumed (to some extent at least) by increased prices.

And there is so much more to the equation than you seem to want to consider.

That is why, when you ask for ideas, I am less willing to share.

One idea: Fix Marriage. Marriage is an economic efficiency. In many divorces, the woman and her kids go right to the poverty line. They still have "stuff", but they don't have what many of us have.

Second: Get government out of spending....21% of our GDP goes through D.C. They can't do much right...and they are consistent in that regard.

Third: Balance the budget......if that means taxing you to hell.....go for it. But you won't find me supporting taxes without huge spending cuts too.

Every read Thomas Sowell ? He's got a great book that describes people like you. You actually think you can manipulate things like our economy (let's raise the M.W. to 20/hr and some of them out of jobs and some businesses out of business). Why not just get out of the way and let people find their own way.

Finland just got voted happiest country in the world for the seventh year. You know the concept of SISU....suggest you read up on it. It basically starts within. Then government programs make a little more sence.
Who gives a shit? It still adds up to real inflation at the consumer level. Consumers don't parse between core inflation and real inflation. It ALL cones out of the same bank account for them.

I'm aware, don't get all upset about a simple statement of fact.

I actually make all my money on data analytics. In your worldview no one can ever make more money because prices go up and they can’t keep the wage increases. Nope. That isn’t true or wages would never make “real” progress. Real wages have increased over time just too much at the top and not enough at the bottom.

You see the upward slope? That is from productivity and says you can raise wages faster than prices go up.

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For many years, I've questioned how all our productivity gains are not making life easier for all.

People like Trump and Biden are the answer.
Well well well. So grocery prices fell in April and are up 1.1% in the last year. Looks like corporations are learning that high prices slow sales and cause customers to substitute. Additionally now that supply disruptions are lessening we are seeing Food prices stabilize. I know this news will make the conservatives sad. They would like to see a bad economy but just can’t seem to find one. Thank you Biden for your stewardship on food prices.

3…2…1.. until someone posts low prices are killing farmers and that‘s Bidens fault too.

Grocery prices fell on the whole in April, according to data released Wednesday by the Labor Department.

Prices for food at home fell 0.2 percent in April, according to the Labor Department’s consumer price index (CPI), the closely watched inflation gauge. It was the first time food at home prices fell since April 2023 and followed several months of plateauing.

After rising quickly for most of the past three years due to supply chain constraints and the impact of the Ukraine war, grocery prices are up just 1.1 percent over the past 12 months.

commie Giuliani.jpeg
No. CPI is up 3.4% over a year. That’s barely over target when you take out shelter costs. We have a house availability problem not an inflation problem.

Yeah that happens when the regime imports an additional 10-15 million people to compete for housing. You keep pointing out failings of this regime. Perhaps you should stop digging.

It’s about identifying causes. Fuel costs go up every summer. That’s normal. When you back out Shelter food and fuel there is basically no inflation. Then look at what is causing shelter fuel and food to go up:

Shelter: Housing availability. No monetary policy fixes that.

Fuel: we are producing record oil and all other energy outputs. Prices are affected by OPEC and war. That’s not a government Policy issue.

Food: Home food prices are down. You pay more if you eat out. That is only fixed by behavior not government policy.

Actually you said food prices are UP .9%, are you now denying that?

Where did I ever say that ?

You make far to many assumptions.

I simply pointed out that the gains you are claiming are consumed (to some extent at least) by increased prices.

And there is so much more to the equation than you seem to want to consider.

That is why, when you ask for ideas, I am less willing to share.

One idea: Fix Marriage. Marriage is an economic efficiency. In many divorces, the woman and her kids go right to the poverty line. They still have "stuff", but they don't have what many of us have.

Second: Get government out of spending....21% of our GDP goes through D.C. They can't do much right...and they are consistent in that regard.

Third: Balance the budget......if that means taxing you to hell.....go for it. But you won't find me supporting taxes without huge spending cuts too.

Every read Thomas Sowell ? He's got a great book that describes people like you. You actually think you can manipulate things like our economy (let's raise the M.W. to 20/hr and some of them out of jobs and some businesses out of business). Why not just get out of the way and let people find their own way.

Finland just got voted happiest country in the world for the seventh year. You know the concept of SISU....suggest you read up on it. It basically starts within. Then government programs make a little more sence.
Hate to break it to you. Finland is a socialist nation that spend 31% of its expenses on it Vs 19% in the US.

Supply and demand drives business sure but rules of competition are what decides winners and losers. That’s all we are talking about.

Not sure what to say about marriage other than it’s none of the governments Fing business. Staying married to an abusive loser or cheater sounds like bad policy.
I assume you refer to Biden (asshole).

Newsflash. The policies you mention (dumping trillions into the economy because of Covid) were those of BOTH Biden AND Trump

Trump had nothing to do with the fake "Inflation Reduction Act" or "infrastructure" bills. That's all on xiden.

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