Zionist genocide in Israel

Any time a White House spokesman opens his/her mouth you can brace yourself for a pack of lies and I'm shocked that someone from Missoura doesn't know that. :omg:
I believe them when I know they aren't lying.

Because I understand the difference between genocide and plain old run of the mill war.

This is genocide:

This is genocide:

This is genocide:

This was ethnic cleansing...not genocide:

Israel's action against Gaza and Hama is run off the mill warfare.

An abject lesson in the consequences of poking a sleeping bear.

No. You don’t.

And there sis still nothing properly labeled a “genocide” being committed by Israel.

When they slaughtered the plains buffalo they committed genocide. Just like the Jews destroying millions of olive trees.
Any time a White House spokesman opens his/her mouth you can brace yourself for a pack of lies and I'm shocked that someone from Missoura doesn't know that. :omg:
..... I understand the difference between genocide and plain old run of the mill war.
No, I don't think you do. I am a Vietnam War Veteran and I know what a "plain old run of the mill war" is. It was an unjust war but it was a war. We were Armies fighting against one another. Maybe you noticed that Palestine has no Army.
Don't give Israel an excuse to attack Lebanon again.
They've got a bag full of false excuses. One more won't make much difference and it would bring attention to the NAZI Zionist scorage out into the open (again) instead of containing the focus on Palestine alone. Are you familiar with the expression, "Strike while the iron is hot"? The iron is hot right now and Hezbollah might use the opportunity to the fullest.
They've got a bag full of false excuses. One more won't make much difference and it would bring attention to the NAZI Zionist scorage out into the open (again) instead of containing the focus on Palestine alone. Are you familiar with the expression, "Strike while the iron is hot"? The iron is hot right now and Hezbollah might use the opportunity to the fullest.

Sorry. I love Lebanon. I'll be happy if Hezbollah can just keep Israel out of Lebanon.
Sorry. I love Lebanon. I'll be happy if Hezbollah can just keep Israel out of Lebanon.
I was in Lebanon in 1977. I entered overland from Homs & Tripoli and left by ship from Beirut to Alexandria. Despite the war, I met people there both Muslims and Christians and they were friendly towards one another. It was peaceful during the day but the rockets were blasting up Beirut by night. Years later, the Christians went into the refugee camp in the south and slaughtered people by Israel's blessing. More excuses. The NAZI Zionists make up false excuses for their Genocidal plan which by default makes the PLO, Hamas, Hizbollah, and Houthis "the good guys".
Except that no one has established that nor do you when you then make claims about the Holocaust.

I've already cited two Jewish organizations that join the rational world in condemning Netanyahu's genocide.

The only claims I've made about the crassly exploited Holocaust I've been able to support.

There's no doubt that the Netanyahu regime is committing genocide:

  1. “Genocide; definition:
  2. Genocide | Definition, Examples, & Facts
“Genocide, the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race. The term, derived from the Greek genos (“race,” “tribe,” or “nation”) and the Latin cide (“killing”), was coined by Raphael Lemkin, a Polish-born jurist who served as an adviser to the U.S. Department of War during World War II"

Zionists have chosen to kill or expel Palestine's native residents "...a group of people..." for the "crime" of living on land coveted by foreign Nazi trained and armed Zionist terrorist gangs.
Sorry. I love Lebanon. I'll be happy if Hezbollah can just keep Israel out of Lebanon.

I loved Lebanon too when I was there before and during the '73 War.
Before the war, I hitch-hiked and walked up and down Lebanon enjoying the ancient sites, wine, food and friendly people.

During the war, the borders were closed and I spent time in and around Palestinian refugee camps where I heard from Nakba survivors whose stories were at least as valid as stories I've heard from Holocaust survivors.

I was in Lebanon in 1977. I entered overland from Homs & Tripoli and left by ship from Beirut to Alexandria. Despite the war, I met people there both Muslims and Christians and they were friendly towards one another. It was peaceful during the day but the rockets were blasting up Beirut by night. Years later, the Christians went into the refugee camp in the south and slaughtered people by Israel's blessing. More excuses. The NAZI Zionists make up false excuses for their Genocidal plan which by default makes the PLO, Hamas, Hizbollah, and Houthis "the good guys".

How sad. We used to go to Beirut several times a year to go shopping or visit friends... visit Baalbek or Byblos.

There were two excellent American schools in Beirut... AUB and The American Community School Beirut (Arabic: مدرسة الجالية الأميركية في بيروت), also known as ACS Beirut, is a private school located in Beirut, Lebanon. Founded in 1905, it is traditionally attached to the American University of Beirut.
I've already cited two Jewish organizations that join the rational world in condemning Netanyahu's genocide.
But all you did was cite their opinion, not any fact.
The only claims I've made about the crassly exploited Holocaust I've been able to support.
But who cares? That isn't what this thread is about.
There's no doubt that the Netanyahu regime is committing genocide:
Sure there is.
  1. “Genocide; definition:
  2. Genocide | Definition, Examples, & Facts
“Genocide, the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race. The term, derived from the Greek genos (“race,” “tribe,” or “nation”) and the Latin cide (“killing”), was coined by Raphael Lemkin, a Polish-born jurist who served as an adviser to the U.S. Department of War during World War II"

Zionists have chosen to kill or expel Palestine's native residents "...a group of people..." for the "crime" of living on land coveted by foreign Nazi trained and armed Zionist terrorist gangs.
Actually untrue. Not only isn't there such a thing as Palestine's native residents as a ethnic group, Israel is not expelling or killing group members systematically. You live in a fantasy world.
But all you did was cite their opinion, not any fact.

But who cares? That isn't what this thread is about.

Sure there is.

Actually untrue. Not only isn't there such a thing as Palestine's native residents as a ethnic group, Israel is not expelling or killing group members systematically. You live in a fantasy world.
They have been in Palestine for 2500 years. Most are descendants of Jewish farmers who didn't leave... according to Ben Gurion.
do you support the terrorists who bombed the Keren shalom crossing for no reason other than to murder israeli guards and STEAL the aid on the way to Gazan civilians.. People who are DESPERATE to get the people who the islamo nazi dogs kidnapped and raped and are in the process of murdering tried a ploy----hold up the trucks---THEY HAD A GOOD REASON unlike a dog who salivates at the thought of women being mutilated for the pleasure of allah
No. Now answer my question.
No. They didn’t. Words have meaning you twit.

Also not a genocide, you vermin.

Yes.. look up the definition of genocide and ethnic cleansing. If you destroy their livelihood and the system they depend on for food and shelter, they can't survive.

But, the Zionists think they are superior and that gives them the right to do this.

No. You don’t.

And there sis still nothing properly labeled a “genocide” being committed by Israel.

In the 19th century the United States government violently supported the systematic extermination of buffalo with deliberate genocidal intent to remove Indian peoples' food source, or in other words, eliminate their means of survival. From a buffalo's perspective genocide is an apt description.

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