Working class and middle class Americans of all races are rallying around Trump


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Americans now understand that the Democrats, and the assholes who used to run the Republican Party, have put foreign interests ahead of the interests of the American people. NAFTA, free trade with China, the refusal to enforce the immigration laws, were all part of bipartisan scheme to impoverish American workers and turn them into an underclass dependent on government handouts.

Trumps championing of the American worker is the reason the SWAMP worked so hard to destroy him.
Norman doesn't like these for some reason .
Getting snowflaky in his stress or something ?

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Americans now understand that the Democrats, and the assholes who used to run the Republican Party, have put foreign interests ahead of the interests of the American people. NAFTA, free trade with China, the refusal to enforce the immigration laws, were all part of bipartisan scheme to impoverish American workers and turn them into an underclass dependent on government handouts.

Trumps championing of the American worker is the reason the SWAMP worked so hard to destroy him.

No they aren't.
After Reagan, the Republican Party lost its way.

Bush I increased taxes and spoke of his desire to build a "NEW WORLD ORDER."

Bush II got us entangled in foreign wars and nation building and implemented anti-terrorism measures that violate the Constitution.

John McCain was a traitor who would not speak out about Obama's many deficiencies, thereby conceding the race.

Mitt Romney was even more of a coward, he refused to take on Obama on Benghazi.

Trump is a new kind of Republican, one who is willing to fight just as hard as the Democrats. He is a champion of the American people and that's why he will ultimate be the winner of the race.
This time next year none of you will admit ever supporting him. Typically the best route off a sinking ship is to jump off before it goes bow down and hurtles to the bottom.
I have always considered Trump a conservative democrat. Because of his support for the American working class. Same as with Ross Perot. As a conservative democrat myself , I'm proud to say I have voted for both. The Democrat Party would do well to get back to supporting those same working people.
It is obvious that Trump is the rightful winner of the election.

Even the people who voted for Biden and have now thought about what his presidency would look like a little bit probably understand that.
I agree that the Democrats used to fight for the working people, but then they got taken over by foreign interests and big business and they turned their back on the working class.

Today they fight for the money of the working class - and with much more passion than they ever fought for them.
It is obvious that Trump is the rightful winner of the election.
Wake up Dummy! Trump is sitting on the edge of his bed in the WH thinking up Tweets and stupid plans for idiotic suits to have his minions file. Besides, how the fuck can you declare that fucking looser "the rightful winner of the election" when he is only sitting on 214 EV's and he'll be declared the LOOSER when Pennsylvania counts the last ~80K ballots with the 20 EV's going to Biden's existing 253 to bring a winning total to Biden of 273 EV's making Biden the President Elect and Trump the LOOSER. Only reality as it unfolds is obvious, fool!

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