The Tesla solar plant in Buffalo Paying an anti-American wage of $17.58 an hour- The downfall of the American middle class where are the politicians?

I'll bet the cost of living in your area is higher than the national average. Do I have that right?
Negative. There's no state income tax in my state. We have dirt cheap hydroelectric power. Property taxes are a fraction of other states, Texas is 3x higher than here. The sales tax is high here at 7.77%. Sky high tax Oregon is right next door so there's that.

McDonalds is offering $20 an hour for a manager, $17 and change for a worker.
Negative. There's no state income tax in my state. We have dirt cheap hydroelectric power. Property taxes are a fraction of other states, Texas is 3x higher than here. The sales tax is high here at 7.77%. Sky high tax Oregon is right next door so there's that.

McDonalds is offering $20 an hour for a manager, $17 and change for a worker.
Then you lied! Why? My daughter-in-law was a a manager for McDonald's in Washington because she worked there the entire time she was in high school in Florida. Why don't you just say it was Washington instead of trying to be coy?That sales tax is why you have no income tax.
Negative. There's no state income tax in my state. We have dirt cheap hydroelectric power. Property taxes are a fraction of other states, Texas is 3x higher than here. The sales tax is high here at 7.77%. Sky high tax Oregon is right next door so there's that.

McDonalds is offering $20 an hour for a manager, $17 and change for a worker.
McDonald’s is why we have so many young kids who are obese and will be 500 pounds when they’re an adult. It’s sickening it’s anti American.

Does McDonald’s pay overtime? Does it come with a pension does it come with benefits. ?

Fuck that shit

Yes there’s a few people that can eat McDonald’s responsibly but for everyone that can there’s another 50 who can’t. It is a sick sight to see McDonald’s busy night after night. It wasn’t like this in the 1940s.

Dave Chapelle did a great skit on McDonald’s and the nonsense propaganda that McDonald’s pumps out that not helping out the community. aint doin shit for anybody.

What we need a strong young men and women in this country. People who could have families. Oh wait I guess that Black Lives Matter loves the site of more McDonald’s more liquor stores so they can kill young people. That’s what they want they want young people to kill themselves by drinking to death, doing a bunch of drugs.

That’s why the inner cities have a bunch of liquor stores and fast food restaurants all over the place. It is as anti-American as it gets. This is why so many young black men have no upward mobility same with young white men in the inner cities.
I appreciate you brother. But check this out the reason why Henry Ford unionized Ford motor company was bc it was his wife and son who urged him to do so. His wife told him she would divorce him if he did not agree with the union. And so Henry Ford became a great ally of the united auto workers and became friends with Walter Reuther and said to him “you know what we should’ve brought you in a lot earlier brother. Now we can take on General Motors together.”

You know that Bethlehem steel in Buffalo New York was once the largest steel company in the world. It provided very steel that the heroic allies of World War II used. It was used by the United States army and by our brothers in the Soviet union and the British empire to fight for freedom.

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There’s not a more American site than the united we stand signs that still exist on the walls of Bethlehem Steel to this day. There are still World War II posters at that old factory to this very day.

Here’s the thing when it comes the United States of America. Unions were our idea and a lot of the communist countries borrowed from our idea it was an original American idea. And the unions were supported by Republicans and Democrats. Strong willed white man strong willed black men. The jobs at Ford, the jobs of Bethlehem steel to quite a bit of mechanical aptitude by the way that’s one of the myths against these types of jobs that anybody could work them. Far from the case.

i’m doing everything I can but there’s always more to do to win people over to the fact that we have lost millions of middle class jobs in this country that paid a great wage and that have not yet been replaced.

My dad works for Ford motor company. My grandfather works for Bethlehem steel. I will not have the memory insulted these were very highly intelligent man God bless my grandfather and my my dad is still around… The idea that they worked a job that anybody can work is not true. They were very much mechanically sound. You can’t just get a job at Ford these days it doesn’t work like that you have to past various skills test…..

And again the types of people who work union jobs included World War II veterans in Vietnam veterans and all sorts of Republicans and conservatives.

Socialists and the communists (far-left socialists), including the anarchists, were vital in organizing labor in this country.
Read the S Word, it presents the history of socialism in the US (I've attached it below and another book written by William Foster, a well-known American unionist, and communist). Socialists were at the core of all of the major labor movements in this country, especially in the 1930s, during the great depression.

I didn't know that Ford had a change of heart about unions later in his life. Thanks for the information.


  • The _S_ Word_ A Short History o - John Nichols.pdf
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  • Twilight of World Capitalism.pdf
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Socialists and the communists (far-left socialists), including the anarchists, were vital in organizing labor in this country.
Read the S Word, it presents the history of socialism in the US (I've attached it below and another book written by William Foster, a well-known American unionist, and communist. Socialists were at the core of all of the major labor movements in this country, especially in the 1930s, during the great depression.

I didn't know that Ford had a change of heart about unions later in his life. Thanks for the information.
Well I know with the united auto workers that they oppose the communists. I respect communists for helping us out during World War II but America was never meant to be a communist country. I’m not a socialist I’m not a communist I am a Catholic in the first place and then an American.

Henry Ford also apologized for the fact that his newspaper in Deerborn Michigan ran some anti-Semitic articles and a lot of people don’t know that either. And the great majority of American Jews accepted his apology

but if you look up what is known as I believe civic nationalism. This will show you that the united auto workers were as pro American as it gets…. they were about uplifting every American no matter what their skin color was no matter what if they were a man or a woman.

Ford motor company and the united auto workers were the civil rights leaders of the 20th century. In fact there was a time in the 1920s when black folks at Ford motor company we’re on average making a few pennies more than the white man at Ford. That right there is America in motion for you that’s why I’m so proud to stand by the united auto workers.

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"It is a sick sight to see McDonald’s busy night after night. It wasn’t like this in the 1940s."

Man oh man.....we don't often paddle the same canoe poster FTW, but I must agree with the above assertion. There is truthiness there.

How could there not be?

After all, Ray Kroc didn't know of the McDonald brothers single restaurant in San Bernadino until 1954. And didn't buy McDonalds until 1960.
McDonald’s is why we have so many young kids who are obese and will be 500 pounds when they’re an adult. It’s sickening it’s anti American.

Does McDonald’s pay overtime? Does it come with a pension does it come with benefits. ?

Fuck that shit

Yes there’s a few people that can eat McDonald’s responsibly but for everyone that can there’s another 50 who can’t. It is a sick sight to see McDonald’s busy night after night. It wasn’t like this in the 1940s.

Dave Chapelle did a great skit on McDonald’s and the nonsense propaganda that McDonald’s pumps out that not helping out the community. aint doin shit for anybody.

What we need a strong young men and women in this country. People who could have families. Oh wait I guess that Black Lives Matter loves the site of more McDonald’s more liquor stores so they can kill young people. That’s what they want they want young people to kill themselves by drinking to death, doing a bunch of drugs.

That’s why the inner cities have a bunch of liquor stores and fast food restaurants all over the place. It is as anti-American as it gets. This is why so many young black men have no upward mobility same with young white men in the inner cities.

McDonald's employs unskilled workers usually in high school or retirees, It is not designed to be a living wage.

Your obsession with BLM makes you need psychiatric help. The biggest fan of "Mickey D's" are blacks. Why are you so clueless?

Most black young men are into gangs and drugs because they never paid attention or did the work in school. They have no skills or even a high school diploma in most cases. I know, as I taught in an inner city school that was majority black.
Then you lied! Why? My daughter-in-law was a a manager for McDonald's in Washington because she worked there the entire time she was in high school in Florida. Why don't you just say it was Washington instead of trying to be coy?That sales tax is why you have no income tax.
Wow, you are wrong and apparently a douchebag. Nobody is being coy. How many states don't have a sales tax fuck you're dumb.

As for the $20 an hour starting for a manager I saw the f'ing sign this morning. My family has been here (WASHINGTON) since the late 1800's so shut your pie hole about what you don't know shit about.
Well I know with the united auto workers that they oppose the communists. I respect communists for helping us out during World War II but America was never meant to be a communist country. I’m not a socialist I’m not a communist I am a Catholic in the first place and then an American.

Henry Ford also apologized for the fact that his newspaper in Deerborn Michigan ran some anti-Semitic articles and a lot of people know that either. And the great majority of American Jews accepted his apology

but if you look up what is known as I believe civic nationalism. This will show you that the united auto workers where is pro American is a guess they were about uplifting every American no matter what their skin color was no matter what if they were a man or a woman.

Ford motor company and united auto workers were the civil rights leaders of the 20th century. In fact there was a time in the 1920s when black folks at Ford motor company we’re on average making a few pennies more than the white man at Ford. That right there is America in motion for you that’s why I’m so proud to stand by the united auto workers.

So ypu are an un-American who deals with your religion first. Why not move to Mexico with all of the other Catholics?

BTW it's "Dearborn", with no Bambis involved.

The UAW causes auto companies to increase costs, reducing sales which turns consumers to foreign cars built in the US. I have a Ford built here in the US because no other manufacturer compares. My wife has a Mexican built Ford, bought because it was the cheapest car on the lot when my American built Ford's engine self-destructed on a long-distance trip. My son drives a Toyota, and my son-in-law has a Chevy Suburban but gas mileage sucks so badly and he has a long commute, he also has a KIA.
Wow, you are wrong and apparently a douchebag. Nobody is being coy. How many states don't have a sales tax fuck you're dumb.

As for the $20 an hour starting for a manager I saw the f'ing sign this morning. My family has been here (WASHINGTON) since the late 1800's so shut your pie hole about what you don't know shit about.
You said:
"My local McDonalds has a sign out offering $20 an hour.' you lied. No mention of managers. You were being coy by not naming the state. I knew what it was.

I apparently know more than you, because you had to lie and be coy about supporting your point.
Well I know with the united auto workers that they oppose the communists. I respect communists for helping us out during World War II but America was never meant to be a communist country. I’m not a socialist I’m not a communist I am a Catholic in the first place and then an American.

Henry Ford also apologized for the fact that his newspaper in Deerborn Michigan ran some anti-Semitic articles and a lot of people know that either. And the great majority of American Jews accepted his apology

but if you look up what is known as I believe civic nationalism. This will show you that the united auto workers where is pro American is a guess they were about uplifting every American no matter what their skin color was no matter what if they were a man or a woman.

Ford motor company and united auto workers were the civil rights leaders of the 20th century. In fact there was a time in the 1920s when black folks at Ford motor company we’re on average making a few pennies more than the white man at Ford. That right there is America in motion for you that’s why I’m so proud to stand by the united auto workers.

American socialists and communists were just as patriotic as anyone else. I'm a patriot and veteran and yet I'm a communist. I would fight and even die to defend America against any aggressor, including Russia or China. I'm just not an imperialist. You can be a Catholic, a person who believes in God and still be a socialist and even a communist. The cold war, the demonization of Stalin and the USSR was carried out by the same people who were against the labor unions in this country. Much of what is believed about the USSR and Stalin in this country is bullshit. Not eveyrthing, but much of it.

Did you know that our government deployed over 8000 US Marines in Russia right after WW1, in a coalition of 14 European countries to support the right-wing "white army" vs the Bolshevic red army? Our country invaded Russia after the Bolshevic revolution.


Hardly anyone in America knows that. The USSR was our ally in WW2, and it was vellified by the American ruling elites in the late 1940s and 50s. The Soviets weren't saints, and Stalin wasn't an angel, but much of what we've read about him and the USSR is either an exaggeration or an outright fabrication.

Those CIA agents describe how they invented stories against socialists, demonizing them in the US media. This has been the practice even before the cold war, but the anti-socialist propaganda got even worse during the cold war. The American ruling class hates socialism, and due to their control of the media has effectively demonized socialism in America,. The American worker after WW2 was the aristocracy of labor. The American worker was the best paid in the world, with the most benefits. For decades, America was the manufacturing hub of the world, especially after WW2. So it was easy to demonize the USSR and the socialists under such conditions. That all changed when capitalism took off its mask in the late 70s, early 80s with supply-side economics a.k.a. "Reaganomics"/Trickle Down Economics.

The American working class has been gutted like a fish. The ruling elite were planning that since FTW's New Deal in the 1930s.
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And there food has turned to shit except for breakfast. It's hard to get eggs wrong.
Every time I do have McDonald’s every now and then I got a headache from it.

Yes the breakfast sandwiches are about the one thing I will still have once every two months or so if that. But those things like the mcchicken or the big Mac you probably seen the documentary about pink slime at McDonald’s but where they get their meat from and how they make it. Yuck.
Every time I do have McDonald’s every now and then I got a headache from it.

Yes the breakfast sandwiches are about the one thing I will still have once every two months or so if that. But those things like the mcchicken or the big Mac you probably seen the documentary about pink slime at McDonald’s but where they get their meat from and how they make it. Yuck.

Yeah. I used to be addicted to fast food, especially McDonald's. I avoid eating out now and most of my diet is "whole" and unpackaged. Wholefood diet. I do most of my grocery shopping in the produce section.
The UAW causes auto companies to increase costs, reducing sales which turns consumers to foreign cars built in the US. I have a Ford built here in the US because no other manufacturer compares. My wife has a Mexican built Ford, bought because it was the cheapest car on the lot when my American built Ford's engine self-destructed on a long-distance trip. My son drives a Toyota, and my son-in-law has a Chevy Suburban but gas mileage sucks so badly and he has a long commute, he also has a KIA.

Your son better have good insurance because Kia's are the hot target of auto thefts now.

Years ago I decided my next car would be a Toyota. My last American made car, my mechanic drove it more than I did after 30,000 miles. I've had three since and not one of them ever seen a tow truck or made me late for work.

My former mechanic gave me the tip. He told me he seldom ever works on Japanese models, they are mostly American made cars. I combined that with my awful experiences at the UAW plants making deliveries. I decided then I don't want these good for nothings making my car.

While the UAW forced manufacturers to pump money into labor, the Japanese were putting their money into quality parts and engineering. That info was also from my mechanic. And why should I be paying for legacy costs? Legacy costs are in the thousands to support UAW workers that retired at the age of 50 with superior benefits.
This is a plant that took over the Bethlehem steel plant in Buffalo New York. And at Bethlehem steel 20,000 Americans of all colors men and women were employed making $35 an hour adjusted for inflation with union benefits and overtime pay.

this solar plant in Buffalo is ugly as can be it’s a terrible anti-American site. A once glorious steel plant is now some nonsense “solar panel producing plant.” They can’t even reach their targeted jobs … they had a target of something like 1400 jobs by April 2022 and they only have about 800 jobs according to one poster here. What a disaster my friends. We have to have change in this country.

I just got off the phone with my dad and I want to report on the massive differences in wages and worker benefits today compared to our great American past. So when my dad retired at Ford in the late 2000s he was making $30 an hour. And that’s not even adjusted for inflation today that rate would be much higher.

In 2008 there was a terrible contract at Ford motor company that said we’re going to pay the new hires $18 an hour and we’re going to give them $30 an hour after something like nine years on the job. Even to this day the starting wage at the Ford motor company plant in Buffalo is about $18 an hour. And so ford right now is known as a two wage company there’s people there who are making their $30 an hour if not more because they started before 2008 and then people who started starting now are not making the same money they don’t have the same contracts not the same benefits.

Now in the 1950s in the 1970s even the 90s if you started at Ford Motor Company you got equal pay for equal work after 90 days on the job. Meaning after 90 days on the job you got the same pay as a guy working there for 25 years. But there were still differences the people with seniority had a better chance to bid for better jobs like out of the production line.

My grandfather worked for Bethlehem Steel in the 1950s the very steel plant that once employed upwards of 23,000 workers the largest steel plant in the world at one time. Today it has been taken over by a tesla solar production panel that is a joke. Tesla starts off at about $17.50 an hour according to a

Tesla has no union no real good benefits… and our government in New York State gave this lousy company as high as $1 billion in a grants to come here to Buffalo to take over the steel plant.

The great recession in 2008 really hurt our country terribly. But it was a lousy job by the politicians they could’ve done something about it. The hope is today that we continue to do change in this country or that we actually start to do change in this country like stop sending jobs to China. And stop listening to lousy CEOs and lousy government officials and unfortunately brainwashed Americans who accept a slave mentality who accept living in a country that’s not like it used to be.

Finally we are told by anti-Americans in this country to be happy to make $18 an hour. Be happy that you can’t afford a house that you have to live an apartment with your family with your wife with your children. What a lousy disgusting way to live that has nothing to do with American values. Wow we had such a better country in the past with great job creators like Henry Ford who had a vision where he could become a billionaire and provide millions of jobs for people. Is he that’s what happens when we let the private sector takeoff. We’re so terrible right now as a country and the Democratic Party is a disgrace they’re not anything like they used to be if they were they would be fighting hand and fist for the middle class jobs instead all they care about is race politics, energy jobs, environmental issues They don’t even care about the people anymore. We can only hope that today’s Republican party starts to act like the Democrats of the past.

Here is a look into the glorious American past take a look here at how the company Bethlehem Steel provided so many jobs do Americans of all colors of all religions to men and women.

Thank you everybody have a wonderful day.

Did/do you approve the Dem recruitment of 20-50 million illegal thirdworlders and their spawn to morph American culture and the expectations of core Americans?
Shit wages across the employment spectrum are all that can come from the invasion of tens of millions of needy, desperate, compliant 21st century slaves.

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