The Tesla solar plant in Buffalo Paying an anti-American wage of $17.58 an hour- The downfall of the American middle class where are the politicians?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
This is a plant that took over the Bethlehem steel plant in Buffalo New York. And at Bethlehem steel 20,000 Americans of all colors men and women were employed making $35 an hour adjusted for inflation with union benefits and overtime pay.

this solar plant in Buffalo is ugly as can be it’s a terrible anti-American site. A once glorious steel plant is now some nonsense “solar panel producing plant.” They can’t even reach their targeted jobs … they had a target of something like 1400 jobs by April 2022 and they only have about 800 jobs according to one poster here. What a disaster my friends. We have to have change in this country.

I just got off the phone with my dad and I want to report on the massive differences in wages and worker benefits today compared to our great American past. So when my dad retired at Ford in the late 2000s he was making $30 an hour. And that’s not even adjusted for inflation today that rate would be much higher.

In 2008 there was a terrible contract at Ford motor company that said we’re going to pay the new hires $18 an hour and we’re going to give them $30 an hour after something like nine years on the job. Even to this day the starting wage at the Ford motor company plant in Buffalo is about $18 an hour. And so ford right now is known as a two wage company there’s people there who are making their $30 an hour if not more because they started before 2008 and then people who started starting now are not making the same money they don’t have the same contracts not the same benefits.

Now in the 1950s in the 1970s even the 90s if you started at Ford Motor Company you got equal pay for equal work after 90 days on the job. Meaning after 90 days on the job you got the same pay as a guy working there for 25 years. But there were still differences the people with seniority had a better chance to bid for better jobs like out of the production line.

My grandfather worked for Bethlehem Steel in the 1950s the very steel plant that once employed upwards of 23,000 workers the largest steel plant in the world at one time. Today it has been taken over by a tesla solar production panel that is a joke. Tesla starts off at about $17.50 an hour according to a

Tesla has no union no real good benefits… and our government in New York State gave this lousy company as high as $1 billion in a grants to come here to Buffalo to take over the steel plant.

The great recession in 2008 really hurt our country terribly. But it was a lousy job by the politicians they could’ve done something about it. The hope is today that we continue to do change in this country or that we actually start to do change in this country like stop sending jobs to China. And stop listening to lousy CEOs and lousy government officials and unfortunately brainwashed Americans who accept a slave mentality who accept living in a country that’s not like it used to be.

Finally we are told by anti-Americans in this country to be happy to make $18 an hour. Be happy that you can’t afford a house that you have to live an apartment with your family with your wife with your children. What a lousy disgusting way to live that has nothing to do with American values. Wow we had such a better country in the past with great job creators like Henry Ford who had a vision where he could become a billionaire and provide millions of jobs for people. Is he that’s what happens when we let the private sector takeoff. We’re so terrible right now as a country and the Democratic Party is a disgrace they’re not anything like they used to be if they were they would be fighting hand and fist for the middle class jobs instead all they care about is race politics, energy jobs, environmental issues They don’t even care about the people anymore. We can only hope that today’s Republican party starts to act like the Democrats of the past.

Here is a look into the glorious American past take a look here at how the company Bethlehem Steel provided so many jobs do Americans of all colors of all religions to men and women.

Thank you everybody have a wonderful day.
Last edited:
Jan 11

Tesla’s solar factory in Buffalo fizzles

Less than a quarter of the plant's workforce is engaged in solar-related manufacturing, and work stopped completely half of last year. As a result, there's been none of the promised spin-off development. Story updated to include podcast.

When Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced plans in 2013 for what is now Tesla’s factory in South Buffalo, he pitched it as a cornerstone of the “clean energy revolution” and a new high-tech industrial sector for Western New York.

The project would create not only more than 1,400 direct jobs, but spin-off development that would provide a supply chain employing thousands of additional workers. Cuomo proclaimed the project a “game-changer.”

Fast-forward to today. Less than one-quarter of the workforce at the Tesla factory is engaged in solar-related manufacturing. That work was suspended altogether for at least six monthslast year.

Podcast: Shoemaker discusses how he reported the story and what he found

Employees told Investigative Post that the current solar work takes up less than 20 percent of the plant’s sprawling 1.2 million square feet, built and equipped with $959 million in state tax dollars.

A current Tesla employee told Investigative Post that four years ago “every person there was solar … 300 to 400 people are probably working solar now.

This is a plant that took over the Bethlehem steel plant in Buffalo New York. And if Bethlehem steel 20,000 Americans of all colors men and women were employed making $35 an hour adjusted for inflation with union benefits and overtime pay.

And this solar plant in Buffalo is ugly as can be it’s a terrible anti-American site. Or once glorious steel plant is now some nonsense solar panel producing plant. They can’t even reach their targeted jobs cause they had a target of something like 1400 jobs by April 2022 and they only have about 800 jobs according to one poster here. What a disaster my friends. We have to have change in this country.

I just got off the phone with my dad and I want to report on the massive differences in wages and worker benefits today compared to our great American past. So when my dad retired at Ford in the late 2000s he was making $30 an hour. And again that’s not even adjusted for inflation today that rate would be much higher.

In 2008 there was a terrible contract at Ford motor company that said we’re going to pay the new hires $18 an hour and we’re going to give them $30 an hour after something like nine years on the job. Even to this day the starting wage at the Ford motor company plant in Buffalo is about $18 an hour. And so forth right now is known as a to wage company there’s people there who are making their $30 an hour if not more because they started before 2008 and then people who started in 2008 or who starting now are not making the same money they don’t have the same contracts not the same benefits.

Now in the 1950s in the 1970s even the 90s if you started at Ford Motor Company you got equal pay for equal work after 90 days on the job. Meeting after 90 days on the job you got the same pay as a guy working there for 25 years. But there were still differences the people with seniority had a better chance to bid for better jobs like out of the production line.

My grandfather worked for Bethlehem Steel in the 1950s the very steel plant that once employed upwards of 23,000 workers the largest steel plant in the world at one time. Today it has been taken over by a tesla solar production panel that is a joke. Tesla starts off at about $17.50 an hour according to a

Tesla has no union no real good benefits… and our government in New York State gave this lousy company as high as $1 billion in a grants to come here to Buffalo to take over the steel plant.

The great recession in 2008 really hurt our country terribly. But it was a lousy job by the politicians they could’ve done something about it. The hope is today that we continue to do change in this country or that we actually start to do change in this country like stop importing jobs to China. And stop listening to lousy CEOs and lousy government officials and unfortunately brainwashed Americans who except a slave mentality who except living in a country that’s not like it used to be.

Finally we are told by anti-Americans in this country to be happy to make $18 an hour. Be happy that you can’t afford a house that you have to live an apartment with your family with your wife with your children. What a lousy disgusting way to live that has nothing to do with American values. Wow we had such a better country in the past with great job creators like Henry Ford who had a vision where he could become a billionaire and provide millions of jobs for people. Is he that’s what happens when we let the private sector takeoff. We’re so terrible right now as a country and the Democratic Party is a disgrace they’re not anything like they used to be if they were they would be fighting hand and fist for the middle class jobs instead all they care about is race politics, energy jobs, environmental issues I don’t even care about the people anymore. We can only hope that today’s Republican party starts to act like the Democrats of the past.

Here is a look into the glorious American past take a look here at how the company Bethlehem Steel provided so many jobs do Americans of all colors of all religions to men and women.

Thank you everybody have a wonderful day.

You fail to make a point.

Your complaint that the new plant offers a lower wage than the prior plant (making a different product) doesn’t support the claim that it’s anti-America. Neither does the fact that it is having difficulty hiring more employees.

As far as we know, nobody has placed a gun to the head of anyone to force them to work at the plant.

It’s a greater than minimum wage pay scale.

And the beauty or ugliness of the physical plant is irrelevant.
You fail to make a point.

Your complaint that the new plant offers a lower wage than the prior plant (making a different product) doesn’t support the claim that it’s anti-America. Neither does the fact that it is having difficulty hiring more employees.

As far as we know, nobody has placed a gun to the head of anyone to force them to work at the plant.

It’s a greater than minimum wage pay scale.

And the beauty or ugliness of the physical plant is irrelevant.
It's a good thing they're having trouble finding workers.
Because it's obviously a bad place to work. Otherwise it's beyond easy to find workers.
The working class of the political right will have little sympathy for the argument on higher wages, even though it's themselves they punish with their dogma.

They take the side of the very wealthy ruling class in America because they visualize themselves rising to that level by some miraculous imagined fortunes, or even by the grace of the/their god.
The working class of the political right will have little sympathy for the argument on higher wages, even though it's themselves they punish with their dogma.

They take the side of the very wealthy ruling class in America because they visualize themselves rising to that level by some miraculous imagined fortunes, or even by the grace of the/their god.
Passing judgement like Progs do without analyzing every type of employment and union with work rules, injury rules, etc. it insane. Unions have a lot of good ways. They also have a lot of not so good ways. Cities can be held hostage from unions. They can look so much improved.
Passing judgement like Progs do without analyzing every type of employment and union with work rules, injury rules, etc. it insane. Unions have a lot of good ways. They also have a lot of not so good ways. Cities can be held hostage from unions. They can look so much improved.
But in the final analysis, a union with real teeth will be judges to be un-America, or some such trumped up excuse meant to defang the workers.

Let's just call in 'right to work law' that's so obviously meant to ensure 'freedom'! LOL
The Bethlehem Steel plant in Lackawanna was so large that at one point it had its very own police force and fire fighting force. So what this plant did was it provided over 20,000 jobs for Americans of all colors of all backgrounds. My grandfather was trained by a black man and this was back in the 1940s. We had such a better country in that era than we do today our country is a shit hole today in many ways.

And what this steel plant in Lackawanna did was it provided Jobs all over the place. Unlike the Tesla plant which is based on propaganda and lies it doesn’t provide new jobs … back in the American past in Buffalo restaurants would open by the steel plant. We don’t see new restaurants opening by the Tesla plant because it’s a joke and that’s what the green energy sector is it’s a disaster it’s nothing like the industrial factories of the American past that’s for sure. What the industrial factories of the American Past did was provided a way for restaurants to be built around the plants and the workers at the restaurants would get great tips because the steel workers were bringing their families and they would order food and they would leave great tips and this was so good all around for the economy.
Unions are what america is all about.
God bless you brother. This is absolutely the truth. The country was way better in the 1950s we had millions of jobs to offer folks right out of high school. Now we’re told today to shut up and be happy to make $18 an hour if you’re lucky right out of high school just shut the hell up and be happy to be a slave. Fuck that shit. We’re taking this country back
Republicans destroying Unions has worked out so well for Americans
This is a plant that took over the Bethlehem steel plant in Buffalo New York. And at Bethlehem steel 20,000 Americans of all colors men and women were employed making $35 an hour adjusted for inflation with union benefits and overtime pay.

this solar plant in Buffalo is ugly as can be it’s a terrible anti-American site. A once glorious steel plant is now some nonsense “solar panel producing plant.” They can’t even reach their targeted jobs … they had a target of something like 1400 jobs by April 2022 and they only have about 800 jobs according to one poster here. What a disaster my friends. We have to have change in this country.

I just got off the phone with my dad and I want to report on the massive differences in wages and worker benefits today compared to our great American past. So when my dad retired at Ford in the late 2000s he was making $30 an hour. And that’s not even adjusted for inflation today that rate would be much higher.

In 2008 there was a terrible contract at Ford motor company that said we’re going to pay the new hires $18 an hour and we’re going to give them $30 an hour after something like nine years on the job. Even to this day the starting wage at the Ford motor company plant in Buffalo is about $18 an hour. And so ford right now is known as a two wage company there’s people there who are making their $30 an hour if not more because they started before 2008 and then people who started starting now are not making the same money they don’t have the same contracts not the same benefits.

Now in the 1950s in the 1970s even the 90s if you started at Ford Motor Company you got equal pay for equal work after 90 days on the job. Meaning after 90 days on the job you got the same pay as a guy working there for 25 years. But there were still differences the people with seniority had a better chance to bid for better jobs like out of the production line.

My grandfather worked for Bethlehem Steel in the 1950s the very steel plant that once employed upwards of 23,000 workers the largest steel plant in the world at one time. Today it has been taken over by a tesla solar production panel that is a joke. Tesla starts off at about $17.50 an hour according to a

Tesla has no union no real good benefits… and our government in New York State gave this lousy company as high as $1 billion in a grants to come here to Buffalo to take over the steel plant.

The great recession in 2008 really hurt our country terribly. But it was a lousy job by the politicians they could’ve done something about it. The hope is today that we continue to do change in this country or that we actually start to do change in this country like stop sending jobs to China. And stop listening to lousy CEOs and lousy government officials and unfortunately brainwashed Americans who accept a slave mentality who accept living in a country that’s not like it used to be.

Finally we are told by anti-Americans in this country to be happy to make $18 an hour. Be happy that you can’t afford a house that you have to live an apartment with your family with your wife with your children. What a lousy disgusting way to live that has nothing to do with American values. Wow we had such a better country in the past with great job creators like Henry Ford who had a vision where he could become a billionaire and provide millions of jobs for people. Is he that’s what happens when we let the private sector takeoff. We’re so terrible right now as a country and the Democratic Party is a disgrace they’re not anything like they used to be if they were they would be fighting hand and fist for the middle class jobs instead all they care about is race politics, energy jobs, environmental issues They don’t even care about the people anymore. We can only hope that today’s Republican party starts to act like the Democrats of the past.

Here is a look into the glorious American past take a look here at how the company Bethlehem Steel provided so many jobs do Americans of all colors of all religions to men and women.

Thank you everybody have a wonderful day.

I'm glad rightwinger liked a post that correctly pointed out the current Democratic Party is a mistake.

GM is about to gut half it's US workforce.


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