Wonder why there is no budget?

SFC Ollie

Still Marching
Oct 21, 2009
Extreme East Ohio
It may be because at least one Senator cannot do simple math........

Quote from the Independence day E-mail sent out by Senator Brown (D OH)

"Two hundred and thirty-seven years ago, farmers, merchants, laborers, and soldiers celebrated a new nation – fixed in freedom and equality. They faced tough odds, but they were armed with the vibrant American spirit and rock solid patriotism that has carried our nation forward since its founding."

2012-1776 = 236 not 237....

Um, Senator, you are looking mighty foolish..........
It's not about math, it's about guts. Having the balls to put your vision out there and show what you want to spend taxpayer money on, how much you want to borrow, and how much you want to raise taxes. Democrats do not have the political courage and integrity to lead; they'd rather sit in the bushes and ambush the GOP.
Out of ALL the stupid sh*t politicians do you chose THAT?


DUH, since I just gave a speech Monday night celebrating 236 years of freedom you would expect a Senator sending out an Email to his constituents would at least get the dates right. I mean, when the email smacks you in the face........ Yes he is weak.
You only pick on him because he's a Dem, but at least he's fighting against the TPP. (Ollie prolly doesn't even know what that is) Hint: It's a NAFTA style Job Killing "Free not Fair" Trade Agreement.
With Proposed NAFTA-Style Trade Deal Threatening to Undermine American Auto and Manufacturing Jobs, Brown Joins Business & Labor Leaders to Announce Efforts to Reform Trade Agreements | Press Releases | United States Senator Sherrod Brown
Brown announced a new bill, the 21st Century Trade Agreements and Market Access Act, which would restore Congressional oversight to trade negotiations and ensure that American trading partners play by the same rules as the U.S. “It’s time for an honest assessment of what our trade agreements have yielded and recognize where changes are in order. After we’ve seen more than five million jobs lost to our ‘trading partners,’ in NAFTA, CAFTA, and China, and with new export opportunities not enough to offset our trade deficit, it’s time for a new direction in trade policy,” Brown said. “The TPP is an opportunity to learn from the past. And that means demanding that our trade partners uphold the same labor, environmental, and human rights standards that we do.
Oh but go ahead and criticize the former Eagle Scouts simple math error instead. That's so much more important than trade and jobs.

Did you make fun of Mitt and his f*ck up a few weeks back when his campaign misspelled America? (Amercia)

Who's the bigger dummy? Sherrod or Romney?
You think maybe he's not stupid and incompetent but that he just confused some one elses birthday in there? Think Ollie, THINK!

Who could that be?
It may be because at least one Senator cannot do simple math........

Quote from the Independence day E-mail sent out by Senator Brown (D OH)

"Two hundred and thirty-seven years ago, farmers, merchants, laborers, and soldiers celebrated a new nation – fixed in freedom and equality. They faced tough odds, but they were armed with the vibrant American spirit and rock solid patriotism that has carried our nation forward since its founding."

2012-1776 = 236 not 237....

Um, Senator, you are looking mighty foolish..........

Maybe he messed up trying to compensate for the freedom lost with Obamacare.
You think maybe he's not stupid and incompetent but that he just confused some one elses birthday in there? Think Ollie, THINK!

Who could that be?

No I think you are too stupid to get the point. A US Senator sent out an Email to probably a million people and in the email he made himself look stupid. And he happens to be a Democrat. BTW, I also received an email from the Republican Senator from Ohio today. He got it right.......

"Today we celebrate 236 years of American independence. Since that fateful day more than two centuries ago, we have been free to exercise our God-given rights, because, as our Founding Fathers famously wrote in our Declaration of Independence, we "are endowed by [our] Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."

So too bad that you want to be an ass about the facts. All I'm doing is posting them.........

Do have a nice day....
Neither side has the guts to do what is needed in a budget.

so they passed the accross the board mandatory cuts thingy, now they are even trying to weasel out of that.

We have the best government that money can buy.
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Neither side has the guts to do what is needed in a budget.

so they passed the accross the board mandatory cuts thingy, now they are even trying to weasel out of that.

We have the best government that money can buy.
Both parties are interested in promoting their own agenda and neither is really interested in the welfare of the American people, which is to compromise and get a workable document. Now it's just a macho game by both sides.
Support the "No pay if no budget" movement!
You think maybe he's not stupid and incompetent but that he just confused some one elses birthday in there? Think Ollie, THINK!

Who could that be?

No I think you are too stupid to get the point. A US Senator sent out an Email to probably a million people and in the email he made himself look stupid. And he happens to be a Democrat. BTW, I also received an email from the Republican Senator from Ohio today. He got it right.......

"Today we celebrate 236 years of American independence. Since that fateful day more than two centuries ago, we have been free to exercise our God-given rights, because, as our Founding Fathers famously wrote in our Declaration of Independence, we "are endowed by [our] Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."

So too bad that you want to be an ass about the facts. All I'm doing is posting them.........

Do have a nice day....


The constitution was not ratified until 1789. Your god given rights did not exist until then.

The declaration is a political document and has no foundation whatever in law.
Wonder why there is no budget?

Nope, Democrats refuse to be held to account for anything.

You think maybe he's not stupid and incompetent but that he just confused some one elses birthday in there? Think Ollie, THINK!

Who could that be?

No I think you are too stupid to get the point. A US Senator sent out an Email to probably a million people and in the email he made himself look stupid. And he happens to be a Democrat. BTW, I also received an email from the Republican Senator from Ohio today. He got it right.......

"Today we celebrate 236 years of American independence. Since that fateful day more than two centuries ago, we have been free to exercise our God-given rights, because, as our Founding Fathers famously wrote in our Declaration of Independence, we "are endowed by [our] Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."

So too bad that you want to be an ass about the facts. All I'm doing is posting them.........

Do have a nice day....


The constitution was not ratified until 1789. Your god given rights did not exist until then.

The declaration is a political document and has no foundation whatever in law.

The Declaration of Indepence was never a declaration of rights. It was a Declaration of Intolerable Acts.
You think maybe he's not stupid and incompetent but that he just confused some one elses birthday in there? Think Ollie, THINK!

Who could that be?

No I think you are too stupid to get the point. A US Senator sent out an Email to probably a million people and in the email he made himself look stupid. And he happens to be a Democrat. BTW, I also received an email from the Republican Senator from Ohio today. He got it right.......

"Today we celebrate 236 years of American independence. Since that fateful day more than two centuries ago, we have been free to exercise our God-given rights, because, as our Founding Fathers famously wrote in our Declaration of Independence, we "are endowed by [our] Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."

So too bad that you want to be an ass about the facts. All I'm doing is posting them.........

Do have a nice day....


The constitution was not ratified until 1789. Your god given rights did not exist until then.

The declaration is a political document and has no foundation whatever in law.

The signing date of the Declaration of independence is considered the Birthdate of the United States. I am truly sorry that some of you can't understand that......
It may be because at least one Senator cannot do simple math........

Quote from the Independence day E-mail sent out by Senator Brown (D OH)

"Two hundred and thirty-seven years ago, farmers, merchants, laborers, and soldiers celebrated a new nation – fixed in freedom and equality. They faced tough odds, but they were armed with the vibrant American spirit and rock solid patriotism that has carried our nation forward since its founding."

2012-1776 = 236 not 237....

Um, Senator, you are looking mighty foolish..........
Because he was one year off?

Seriously, worry about the budget or other more important issues, not a senator who was off by a year.

Give me a break. UGH
And ten bucks some intern wrote the email...

No doubt, but getting the number of years wrong even by one, and allowing it to go out to probably a million people? I mean it's the first thing I saw when I opened the email. I had to go back and check myself because I had just given a speech and cited that we had 236 years since the signing. I thought i was wrong, you wouldn't expect a Senator to mess that up, or his interns.....
It may be because at least one Senator cannot do simple math........

Quote from the Independence day E-mail sent out by Senator Brown (D OH)

"Two hundred and thirty-seven years ago, farmers, merchants, laborers, and soldiers celebrated a new nation – fixed in freedom and equality. They faced tough odds, but they were armed with the vibrant American spirit and rock solid patriotism that has carried our nation forward since its founding."

2012-1776 = 236 not 237....

Um, Senator, you are looking mighty foolish..........
The function is to collapse the dollar.

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