Imagine If It Was a Jew Doing It In the Name of Their Faith

Superbadbrother high fives George, because he's thinking that George's word's should have been written about America, and the white Christians instead about the JEWS.
Yea, we should just erase the racist past of America.
The problem with George and Superbro's premise or narrative though, is that they can't seem to separate the bad element's that are intimidating and dominating within their own race's, and they won't or can't stop them from dragging them down into the gutter also, otherwise so if they don't agree like the uncle Tom's and Aunt Melinda's do, you know in which gives them independence and liberty instead of slavery in their minds, then they are sell outs etc according to George and Superbro.
WTF are you babbling about? Have you been listening to the Starting Five again?
Do you think the usual suspects would jump out and warn against anti semitism after each terrorist attack if it was done in the name of the Jewish faith?

1993 WTC bombing.
9/11/01 attacks.
2002 Beltway sniper attacks
2013 Boston Marathon bombing.
2014 hatched attacks on NYPD
2015 Draw Mohammed cartoon attack
2015 Gun attacks on US military installations
2015 Company Christmas party slaughter
2016 Orlando homosexual bar mass murder
2016 NY and NJ bombings
2016 Ohio State attack
2017 NYC truck attack
2022 Attack on book author

Nope. While no one is going after Muslims after all these attacks done in the name of their religion, you could bet the Left would not be silent in going after Jews.

Look at today. Jews in Israel get slaughtered and so the Left attack Jews in America.

Israel and the US are both products of settler-colonial societies based on white supremacy, so it's hardly surprising many Americans have a knee-jerk support for racist states like Israel.

"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Population shift from 1947–1951 in Israel–Palestine, plotted with the % of land controlled by what Neve Gordon calls the 'Jewish establishment'

"Zionism has been described as a form of settler colonialism in relation to the region of Palestine and the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.

"Many of the fathers of Zionism themselves described it as colonialism, such as Vladimir Jabotinsky, who said 'Zionism is a colonization adventure.'[1][2]"
Would they be racist if the agitators would just join the human race instead of resisting and working for old beelzebub, Satan, the devil or whatever you want to call him ? Think about it, and know this that Christian's don't bend at the knee for no man, only Christ.
Do you think the usual suspects would jump out and warn against anti semitism after each terrorist attack if it was done in the name of the Jewish faith?

1993 WTC bombing.
9/11/01 attacks.
2002 Beltway sniper attacks
2013 Boston Marathon bombing.
2014 hatched attacks on NYPD
2015 Draw Mohammed cartoon attack
2015 Gun attacks on US military installations
2015 Company Christmas party slaughter
2016 Orlando homosexual bar mass murder
2016 NY and NJ bombings
2016 Ohio State attack
2017 NYC truck attack
2022 Attack on book author

Nope. While no one is going after Muslims after all these attacks done in the name of their religion, you could bet the Left would not be silent in going after Jews.

Look at today. Jews in Israel get slaughtered and so the Left attack Jews in America.

That's the hardest part for me.. Israel's behavior causes terrorism in the United States. It's lunacy. Israel has never listened to the US.
Absolutely not. No one has defended Hamas. They are a product of history.

People often become the thing they hate. Look at what the Nazis did.
Pathetic liar.

You NAZIS can’t even bring yourselves to demand Hamas unconstitutionally surrender and release the kidnapped victims they’re raping and torturing.
Would they be racist if the agitators would just join the human race instead of resisting and working for old beelzebub, Satan, the devil or whatever you want to call him ? Think about it, and know this that Christian's don't bend at the knee for no man, only Christ.
There are only one or two percent of Israelis who are Christians, and the Arab Christians have also had their land stolen by greedy Jews; it's human nature to resist racist criminals stealing land your family has lived on for generations, isn't it?

Christianity in Israel - Wikipedia
Do you think the usual suspects would jump out and warn against anti semitism after each terrorist attack if it was done in the name of the Jewish faith?

1993 WTC bombing.
9/11/01 attacks.
2002 Beltway sniper attacks
2013 Boston Marathon bombing.
2014 hatched attacks on NYPD
2015 Draw Mohammed cartoon attack
2015 Gun attacks on US military installations
2015 Company Christmas party slaughter
2016 Orlando homosexual bar mass murder
2016 NY and NJ bombings
2016 Ohio State attack
2017 NYC truck attack
2022 Attack on book author

Nope. While no one is going after Muslims after all these attacks done in the name of their religion, you could bet the Left would not be silent in going after Jews.

Look at today. Jews in Israel get slaughtered and so the Left attack Jews in America.

Do you believe it's anti-Semitic to blame Jews for their deliberate murder of 34 Americans aboard the USS Liberty in 1967?

USS Liberty Memorial

"On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel.

"The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it. Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public.

"The USS Liberty Memorial web site tells their story and is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died."
Pathetic liar.

You NAZIS can’t even bring yourselves to demand Hamas unconstitutionally surrender and release the kidnapped victims they’re raping and torturing.

What are you talking about? Israel funded and encouraged the founding of Hamas because neither Hamas nor the Israeli hard right want a 2 state solution. I have no use for them.
There are only one or two percent of Israelis who are Christians, and the Arab Christians have also had their land stolen by greedy Jews; it's human nature to resist racist criminals stealing land your family has lived on for generations, isn't it?

Christianity in Israel - Wikipedia

During the Israeli War of Independence (1947-1949), Christians experienced mixed treatment from the Israeli forces. Generally, most Christians were allowed to remain in their homes. In other cases, however, Christian villages were depopulated, razed, and had their residents expelled, such as in Iqrit and Kafr Bir'im.[18]

Massacres of Christians were conducted at the villages of Eilabun and Al-Bassa. Nazareth, at that time a town with a Christian majority,[19] was spared devastation after agreeing to halt resistance and surrender, and because Israel did not want to visibly provoke an outcry in the Christian world.[20]

According to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, since the reunification of Jerusalem after the Six-Day War (1967), the Christian as well as Jewish and Islamic holy sites were opened for multinational pilgrims by the Israeli authorities for the first time since 1948, when the Kingdom of Jordan took over the eastern half of the city.[21]
The rights of people protesting atrocities need to be defended. Those committing violence and destruction of other's property should never receive sanctuary.
There were a lot more Christian Palestinians before 1967. Sad.
The US and Israel are European settler-colonial states built on the exclusionary ideology of white supremacy regardless of their victims' preferred religion.

Palestinian Christians - Wikipedia

"After the war of 1948, the Christian population in the West Bank, under Jordanian control, dropped slightly, largely due to economic problems.

"This contrasts with the process occurring in Israel where Christians left en masse after 1948. Constituting 21% of Israel's Arab population in 1950, they now make up just 9% of that group.

"These trends accelerated after the 1967 war in the aftermath of Israel's takeover of the West Bank and Gaza."
That's the hardest part for me.. Israel's behavior causes terrorism in the United States. It's lunacy. Israel has never listened to the US.
Yes but the US government not only listens to Israel, it is controlled by Israel. There may come a time when saying this in the Land of the Free and home of the First Amendment is a criminal offense.
Do you believe it's anti-Semitic to blame Jews for their deliberate murder of 34 Americans aboard the USS Liberty in 1967?

USS Liberty Memorial

"On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel.

"The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it. Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public.

"The USS Liberty Memorial web site tells their story and is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died."
The fact you call everyone in Israel a Jew simply shows what a racist antisemitic loon you are.
The fact you call everyone in Israel a Jew simply shows what a racist antisemitic loon you are.
Jews deliberately murdered 34 Americans on the USS Liberty in 1967.
Jews planned and executed those murders.
Is it anti-Semitic to blame Jews for those murders?

USS Liberty Memorial: Summary of Events

"Survivors report that the (Israeli) torpedo boat crews swept the decks of USS Liberty with continuous machine gun fire, targeting communications equipment and any crewmembers who ventured above decks.[22]

"Damage control firefighters, who had already risked their lives merely by appearing on deck, had to abandon their efforts because their fire hoses had been shredded by machine gun fire.[23]

"Survivors also report that the torpedo boat crews fired on the inflated life boats launched by the crew after the captain gave the order 'prepare to abandon ship.'[24]

"This order had to be rescinded because the crew was unable to stand on the main deck without being fired upon and the life rafts were destroyed as they were launched.[25]"
Jews deliberately murdered 34 Americans on the USS Liberty in 1967.
Jews planned and executed those murders.
Is it anti-Semitic to blame Jews for those murders?

USS Liberty Memorial: Summary of Events

"Survivors report that the (Israeli) torpedo boat crews swept the decks of USS Liberty with continuous machine gun fire, targeting communications equipment and any crewmembers who ventured above decks.[22]

"Damage control firefighters, who had already risked their lives merely by appearing on deck, had to abandon their efforts because their fire hoses had been shredded by machine gun fire.[23]

"Survivors also report that the torpedo boat crews fired on the inflated life boats launched by the crew after the captain gave the order 'prepare to abandon ship.'[24]

"This order had to be rescinded because the crew was unable to stand on the main deck without being fired upon and the life rafts were destroyed as they were launched.[25]"
Still doing it. Dufus thinks everyone in Israel is a Jew.

Typical NAZI.
Absolutely not. No one has defended Hamas. They are a product of history.

People often become the thing they hate. Look at what the Nazis did.
Does that make it ok to do what they did ? Nope !!!

There can be every kind of excuse made to do evil, but justifying evil by becoming evil due to any excuse shows weakness in character, and just as well being easily duped by Satan who loves that kind of weakness in human beings. Waiting patiently on the Lord is the mark of strength in character, instead of lowering oneself to do the work of the destroyer. It hasn't worked out for Hamas, and they've caused thousand's to perish as a result of their blunder. Satan is smiling all the way to his bank of soul's captured.
Still doing it. Dufus thinks everyone in Israel is a Jew.

Typical NAZI.
What the dufus don't understand is that we shouldn't have breached the line in which was set forth by the IDF, but we had ventured into a war zone to far with a monitoring ship that endangered Israel's mission during that war... This is what the assessment was back then I'm guessing. The U.S covered the incident up at the time by swearing the crew to secrecy.

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