Women: Do you identify with Clinton? Are your values that low?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
For the life of me, what is going on in this world? I thought women were supposed to be moral models for their children. Granted, there may be very stupid women who vote, matter of fact, I know of some women who are going to vote for Clinton and haven't watched a debate or news channel in years.

Have you no moral compass and just look for the Vagina and say, "That's my girl?" Surely you are deeper than that!

i was actually going to make a thread regarding this. something like, 70% of Women actually admire/approve of Hillary? Really? why would any female woman want to look, act, and talk like Hillary? Yikes!!....thats like 70% of all men wish they could be just like dennis roddman
i was actually going to make a thread regarding this. something like, 70% of Women actually admire/approve of Hillary? Really? why would any female woman want to look, act, and talk like Hillary? Yikes!!....thats like 70% of all men wish they could be just like dennis roddman

Poll taken at the local prison?

I can see why they would be envious, she will have a longer sentence than them combined.
i was actually going to make a thread regarding this. something like, 70% of Women actually admire/approve of Hillary? Really? why would any female woman want to look, act, and talk like Hillary? Yikes!!....thats like 70% of all men wish they could be just like dennis roddman

Poll taken at the local prison?

I can see why they would be envious, she will have a longer sentence than them combined.
I doubt it...Obama will pardon her.
For the life of me, what is going on in this world? I thought women were supposed to be moral models for their children. Granted, there may be very stupid women who vote, matter of fact, I know of some women who are going to vote for Clinton and haven't watched a debate or news channel in years.

Have you no moral compass and just look for the Vagina and say, "That's my girl?" Surely you are deeper than that!

I don’t believe you hit the main mark here. From what I can tell…

Most women vote democrat regardless of the sex of either candidate.

More women will vote for Hillary because they are offended by Trump’s past words and behavior than they will vote for Hillary because she is a woman.

More women vote democrat because they believe (do not know) that democrats care more for the poor and the little guy. This is total baloney of course, their methods are counter productive long term. The democrats are only in the business of winning elections and no matter what they have to do to fool the poor or put us in debt they will do.

More women vote democrat because they perceive the republican party is for the rich and also against feminism and women’s needs. There is no convincing that segment otherwise because they either 1) do not follow politics and news shows so will not become educated, or 2) follow the mainstream media only and become misinformed.

I say most of those females who vote for any of those reasons noted should be chastised. None of them hold water.

Blacks may, in large numbers, vote for a black candidate, same with Spanish speaking vote for a Spanish speaking candidate but not quite as large as % that blacks do. But women do not vote for women, they vote for democrats, and almost always for all the wrong reasons. Shame, shame.
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Hilly uses over 50 year old hasbeens to offer free blow jobs for votes! Think about that. The women are used up, living off old glory reducted to offering free blow jobs. And, oddly enough, it's Trump that's called vulgar and classless.

Is there anything more vulgar than Miley Cyrus offering up her ass and her tongue hanging down past her chin?

For the life of me, what is going on in this world? I thought women were supposed to be moral models for their children. Granted, there may be very stupid women who vote, matter of fact, I know of some women who are going to vote for Clinton and haven't watched a debate or news channel in years.

Have you no moral compass and just look for the Vagina and say, "That's my girl?" Surely you are deeper than that!

I don’t believe you hit the main mark here. From what I can tell…

Most women vote democrat regardless of the sex of either candidate.

More women will vote for Hillary because they are offended by Trump’s past words and behavior more than they will vote for Hillary because she is a woman.

More women vote democrat because they believe (do not know) that democrats care more for the poor and the little guy. This is total baloney of course, their methods are counter productive long term. The democrats are only in the business of winning elections and no matter what they have to do to fool the poor or put us in debt they will do.

More women vote democrat because they perceive the republican party is for the rich and also against feminism and women’s needs. There is no convincing that segment otherwise because they either 1) do not follow politics and news shows so will not become educated, or 2) follow the mainstream media only and become misinformed.

I say most of those females who vote for any of those reasons noted should be chastised. None of them hold water.

Blacks may, in large numbers, vote for a black candidate, same with Spanish speaking vote for a Spanish speaking candidate but not quite as large as % that blacks do. But women do not vote for women, they vote for democrats, and almost always for all the wrong reasons. Shame, shame.
Thank you for your input. But it still makes them "low information voters."
Jackson, weren't you the slomo lecturing minorities on race and now you are lecturing women on womanhood.

They are loving at you overwhelmingly, little buddy.
For the life of me, what is going on in this world? I thought women were supposed to be moral models for their children. Granted, there may be very stupid women who vote, matter of fact, I know of some women who are going to vote for Clinton and haven't watched a debate or news channel in years.

Have you no moral compass and just look for the Vagina and say, "That's my girl?" Surely you are deeper than that!

This can only be written by a man. And a man who has absolutely no comprehension of what women are about and what they want and what they do not want. You are the poster boy for the typical male idiot that most women despise.
For the life of me, what is going on in this world? I thought women were supposed to be moral models for their children. Granted, there may be very stupid women who vote, matter of fact, I know of some women who are going to vote for Clinton and haven't watched a debate or news channel in years.

Have you no moral compass and just look for the Vagina and say, "That's my girl?" Surely you are deeper than that!

This can only be written by a man. And a man who has absolutely no comprehension of what women are about and what they want and what they do not want. You are the poster boy for the typical male idiot that most women despise.
I am a woman....and have been all my life!!! :banana2:

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