Witness Explains Collusion between White House and Social Media, giving the Who and How

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Skip to :50 for the meat of the video.

WITNESS: We've seen many, many pages of emails between (Deputy Assistant to the President) Mr. Flaherty and social media where he relentlessly badgers them to increase the censorship of ordinary Americans' free speech on social media and he gets results.

He further describes social media platforms objecting to being asked to take down content that is not false and does not violate their policies. Mr. Flaherty would admonish them about "borderline content," and "malinformation" meaning true information that the WH believes will give the ignorant masses the wrong ideas.

I'm not going to appeal to the ethics or sense of fairness of Dems on here. I've seen too little of it to expect such an appeal to get any traction. Why are Democrats cool with this? Because they do not believe that the next Republican president wouldn't do such a thing, so they don't worry that "turnabout is fair play" will be a problem for them.

Likely, they are correct. Republicans don't like Democrats' unethical behavior, and they are loathe to adopt their tactics. Of course they also know that the Demedia would crucify them for doing the same thing that they give Dems a pass on.

My hope is that Republicans will stop worrying about being holier than thou, this next election. Clearly, elections of the future will be won, not by campaigning, but by ballot harvesting in its many forms. If the GOP sticks to being honest and appealing to the interests of the voters, they will not have a chance.
That's the change trump has made to the MAGA/GOP party. While the GOP was once a party that prided itself on integrity, you now focus on being unethical. The MAGA takeover of the party is complete.
Can the GOP survive it the DEM is completely unethical, while the GOP keeps trying to play by the rules?
All of these Republicans need to be thrown in jail to preserve our democracy.

What am I missing here?
The Republicans that are trying to preserve free speech need to be thrown in jail?

That not Democracy, that's a banana republic.

(Not the store, look the term up)
That's the change trump has made to the MAGA/GOP party. While the GOP was once a party that prided itself on integrity, you now focus on being unethical. The MAGA takeover of the party is complete.

Just like the LGBTQP+ has taken over the left.

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