Florida no longer celebrating sodomy on its bridges

Why do you always turn same sex relationships into a discussion about sexual acts?

How much of your relationship with your wife is sexual acts?
Is that how you describe your marriage?
You said it was a fear. Not me.
And what is the only difference between a gay person and a straight person.
And you can't bring up sexual preferences.

Why do you always turn same sex relationships into a discussion about sexual acts?

How much of your relationship with your wife is sexual acts?
Is that how you describe your marriage?
It's the sexual acts that make same sex relationships gay. In college I had a roommate the same sex as myself. He was and is a great friend but it wasn't a gay relationship.
Only red white and blue lights allowed to illuminate Florida's bridges.

The idea of saluting men violating each other's buttholes is no longer one that Florida is celebrating.

Governor must have gotten hung of on Cheech and Chongs' Buggery On The High Seas.
The enormous idiocy from all sides concerning this subject makes all discussion equally idiotic.
But it is something that needs to be discussed; otherwise society will continue to slide down a very dangerous slippery slope. The new battle is over transgenderism. I don't really care what adults decide to do. If they want to have their sex organs cut out.... go for it. But large numbers of kids are now being confused about their "gender" and are being put on a path that will ultimately lead to sterilization and life long dependance on hormone treatments.
Who they are attracted to
And what is attraction?

You can play this game, but it isn't a good look for you.
Pride month is the celebration of gay/lesbian/bisexual preferences.
And one day isn't enough. You need a whole month to do it.
And if you don't paint the whole town in the colors of gay sexual preferences - you are a fearful person.

But it is something that needs to be discussed; otherwise society will continue to slide down a very dangerous slippery slope. The new battle is over transgenderism. I don't really care what adults decide to do. If they want to have their sex organs cut out.... go for it. But large numbers of kids are now being confused about their "gender" and are being put on a path that will ultimately lead to sterilization and life long dependance on hormone treatments.
You just said everything there is to be said. Rational people know that and rational people will do what is necessary. The radicals and extremists should be relegated to the ridiculous by the rest of us. They are not serious, even if they think they are.
I'm sure the WH will be promoting sodomy/mental illness as usual.


Well it's main occupant is a mentally ill patient.

So you support promoting sodomy/mental illness?

What kind of American are you?

A gay and mentally disturbed individual.

The oddest thing of all this is that whenever these guys think of gay people their minds always turn to butt sex.

Why do they think of that instead of two naked women going at it with each other?

Because homosexuals can't reproduce.

Was there a sodomy problem on Florida bridges that the governor had to deal with?

Well fucked in the head month is coming up so I'm pretty sure that that has something to do with it.
Why is Florida so afraid of gays?

First it was …Don’t say gay
Now you can’t show gay colors

No one is "afraid" of homos. The state government just wants to let everyone know that homosexuality isn't the Official Sexual Perversion of Florida.

Please note that Florida is taking a neutral position on this. Normalcy isn't being advocated for either.
so that is why you spend your time thinking about butt sex.

Whatever you have to tell yourself is good with me

Its the LGBTQ+ community that is shining a light on the issue and keeping everyone's attention on their practices with their "rainbow light" demonstrations. People just can't forget about homos, they never get out of our collective faces.
Its the LGBTQ+ community that is shining a light on the issue and keeping everyone's attention on their practices with their "rainbow light" demonstrations. People just can't forget about homos, they never get out of our collective faces.

It is you that when they think of LGBT people who chooses to think about butt sex. you could choose to think about two women going at it or you could just think about two people in a relationship and not worry about what kind of sex they have.

When you see a straight couple do you find yourself thinking about what kind of sex they have, or do you only do that for butt sex?

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