With less than a month.......Where do we stand?

Biden 374 Trump 164

Everyone knows from last election that the Electoral College is all that matters. Trump is losing almost every swing state that he won in 2016. Yes, things can change but Trump needs the type of historic turnaround he pulled in 2016.
The problem for Trump is Americans are already voting, the election is well underway, leaving little time for Trump to turn things around.

I voted yesterday
Millions of people have already voted.

Less opportunity for Trump to change the minds of the voters
I voted Monday in a battleground state.
My wife and I have already voted from Ireland.
Biden 374 Trump 164

Everyone knows from last election that the Electoral College is all that matters. Trump is losing almost every swing state that he won in 2016. Yes, things can change but Trump needs the type of historic turnaround he pulled in 2016.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris both don’t want fracking so they’re gonna lose Ohio and Pennsylvania.. Biden might win Arizona but he’s not gonna win Wisconsin he’s not gonna win Florida.. I’m in urban area and many are voting trump.. I see a red wave. Left wing polls are fake and are used as morphine for the dying Democrat party

Left wing polls like Fox and Rasmussen that have Biden up by ten points?

Biden leads by 8 in Wisconsin
I agree with Gingrich who said the other day that if Biden wins, the Dimm's are going to spend the first 2 years in power turning the rest of our Country into California.

If Dems take Congress, they will end the filibuster in the Senate.


Repeal Trump Tax cuts for the wealthy
Enhance Obamacare with a public option
Rejoin Paris Climate Accord
Pass stricter gun controls
Tear down the wall
Cancel Space Force

Cliff Note Version: Yada..Yada..Yada, America is fucked!
It will make America Great

It will turn America into a Third World shithole, with a defacto One Party State and permanently disenfranchise whites in this country.

And you know it.

Why would whites disagree with things like healthcare and protecting the environment?
Biden 374 Trump 164

Everyone knows from last election that the Electoral College is all that matters. Trump is losing almost every swing state that he won in 2016. Yes, things can change but Trump needs the type of historic turnaround he pulled in 2016.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris both don’t want fracking so they’re gonna lose Ohio and Pennsylvania.. Biden might win Arizona but he’s not gonna win Wisconsin he’s not gonna win Florida.. I’m in urban area and many are voting trump.. I see a red wave. Left wing polls are fake and are used as morphine for the dying Democrat party

Left wing polls like Fox and Rasmussen that have Biden up by ten points?

Biden leads by 8 in Wisconsin
Fox News is run by David Shaw a left winger that donated to Hilary, Rasmussen has trump approval over 50% democrats will dominate the popular vote that’s all this shows.. Electoral college polls is all that matters.. And the only way to find out who wins that Poll is after November 3
I agree with Gingrich who said the other day that if Biden wins, the Dimm's are going to spend the first 2 years in power turning the rest of our Country into California.

If Dems take Congress, they will end the filibuster in the Senate.


Repeal Trump Tax cuts for the wealthy
Enhance Obamacare with a public option
Rejoin Paris Climate Accord
Pass stricter gun controls
Tear down the wall
Cancel Space Force

Cliff Note Version: Yada..Yada..Yada, America is fucked!
It will make America Great

It will turn America into a Third World shithole, with a defacto One Party State and permanently disenfranchise whites in this country.

And you know it.

Why would whites disagree with things like healthcare and protecting the environment?

Your pretense that those will be the defining issues, while you have racist brownshirt killing people in the streets, is a vile lie.

Even if you win, you will not enjoy your victory. People will fight back.
‘I’ve Never Seen It Like This’: Trump Well Ahead Of Biden In Red Wing Bakery’s Presidential Cookie Poll

The bakery says that demand this year has already surpassed what they saw in the last election.

Since 1984, the bakery claims the winner of their cookie poll has matched the winner of the popular vote.

So far, President Trump has a very large lead of 2,576 cookies to 696 for Joe Biden,” said Bill Hanisch. “So, I’ll tell you, in the 25 years I’ve been here, I’ve never seen it like this.
Biden 374 Trump 164

Everyone knows from last election that the Electoral College is all that matters. Trump is losing almost every swing state that he won in 2016. Yes, things can change but Trump needs the type of historic turnaround he pulled in 2016.

You wish.

Oh wait. I forgot. You believe in polls. You know the Polls that said Hitlery would be Madame President in 2016.

Biden 374 Trump 164

Everyone knows from last election that the Electoral College is all that matters. Trump is losing almost every swing state that he won in 2016. Yes, things can change but Trump needs the type of historic turnaround he pulled in 2016.

You wish.

Oh wait. I forgot. You believe in polls. You know the Polls that said Hitlery would be Madame President in 2016.


How about the polls that said Obama/Biden would win big in 2008 and 2012?

Hillary is not running this year
Biden 374 Trump 164

Everyone knows from last election that the Electoral College is all that matters. Trump is losing almost every swing state that he won in 2016. Yes, things can change but Trump needs the type of historic turnaround he pulled in 2016.

You wish.

Oh wait. I forgot. You believe in polls. You know the Polls that said Hitlery would be Madame President in 2016.


How about the polls that said Obama/Biden would win big in 2008 and 2012?

Hillary is not running this year

Sorry. Polls are for idiots.
Biden 374 Trump 164

Everyone knows from last election that the Electoral College is all that matters. Trump is losing almost every swing state that he won in 2016. Yes, things can change but Trump needs the type of historic turnaround he pulled in 2016.

BIDEN is up over Trump by 9.7% as of October 8, 2020. At this point in 2016, Hillary Clinton was up over Trump by 5.2%. Clearly Biden is outdoing Hillary Clinton in 2016 in nearly all areas. There is still the chance that TEXAS could go blue which would mean the electoral college vote would be:

BIDEN: 413
TRUMP: 125
I agree with Gingrich who said the other day that if Biden wins, the Dimm's are going to spend the first 2 years in power turning the rest of our Country into California.

If Dems take Congress, they will end the filibuster in the Senate.


Repeal Trump Tax cuts for the wealthy
Enhance Obamacare with a public option
Rejoin Paris Climate Accord
Pass stricter gun controls
Tear down the wall
Cancel Space Force

Cliff Note Version: Yada..Yada..Yada, America is fucked!
That has been evident since the last primary. What the Democrats offered was no solution, which is only adding to the non-solution presently occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. One side of the duopoly is out, the other side is in. The duopoly continues.
Biden 374 Trump 164

Everyone knows from last election that the Electoral College is all that matters. Trump is losing almost every swing state that he won in 2016. Yes, things can change but Trump needs the type of historic turnaround he pulled in 2016.

BIDEN is up over Trump by 9.7% as of October 8, 2020. At this point in 2016, Hillary Clinton was up over Trump by 5.2%. Clearly Biden is outdoing Hillary Clinton in 2016 in nearly all areas. There is still the chance that TEXAS could go blue which would mean the electoral college vote would be:

BIDEN: 413
TRUMP: 125

The magic popular vote number is 3%
Trump CAN win while losing by 3%, doesn’t mean he WILL

As the popular vote deficit rises above 3% it becomes increasingly difficult.

But it all comes down to swing states
If Biden takes Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin which Hillary lost by a tiny margin......HE WINS
If Biden takes Florida which Hillary lost by 1%.......HE WINS

Every other state is Gravy
What about this story I have been reading about the Trump campaign assigning its own delegates to the electoral college in each state?
It's yet another example of how corrupt and dishonest Trump is.
and the russian hoax?.....duh
I believe a lot of stress/anxiety can be avoided if one prays for "whatever God's will" and accepts the outcome as such.

Maybe God's will is to strike down Neo-Marxist Dimms in the spirit of the abolitionist John Brown? Or maybe, not?
Biden 374 Trump 164

Everyone knows from last election that the Electoral College is all that matters. Trump is losing almost every swing state that he won in 2016. Yes, things can change but Trump needs the type of historic turnaround he pulled in 2016.
Trump and Pence are a hundred times better then Biden and Harris. No matter who wins, that is not going to change. Please do not go into personalities.

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