Will the Catholic church deny Biden communion?

atrocities ... one moment ... "Gräueltaten "... got it

The inquisitions had been in their times of history the most modern systems of jurisdiction. They had been extraordinary acclaimed. Even a so called "advocatus diabolo" existed - a defender of the devil - or with other words today: A criminal defence lawyer. Specially the Roman inquisition was very liked. It was able to happen that a process ended after 2 years with the verdict of guilty and someone was punished with the sentence "now go and do not sin any longer".

Practically are our modern juridical systems branches and enhancements of the inquisitions. One problem of the inquisitions had been for example that they needed an admission of guilt because only this was able to help someone. An indication process only by facts was unknown.
You're insane if you believe modern justice has anything to do with the atrocity of the Inquisition. Which was the total corruption of justice.
Never existed. From time to time pagans murdered a "witch" and Christians tried to correct such problems and to teach them that the belief in witches is a superstition.
I think we pretty much agree. From what I have been able to ascertain, sometimes persecuting witches occurred, but it seems like it was more of a mob occurrence than an organized group, government, church (even pagan) organizing anything specific.

In many battles, hunts, wars on any issue often seems that the actions of a few still are blamed on whatever group is handiest or currently most popular to blame. The histories of such events are a great deal more complicated.

Apparently the Catholic church is debating on whether to serve Biden communion due to his stance on abortion

Bishop John Stowe of Lexington, Kentucky, is among those who worry the USCCB’s emphasis on abortion undercuts Pope Francis’ exhortations also to stress issues such as climate change, immigration and inequality. Stowe also worries that the U.S. bishops are missing a chance to find common ground with Biden.

“If a politician is targeted as a negative example by his own church, that sets a sad context in which the church can deal with this Catholic president,” Stowe said. “It contributes to the polarization of the church and of society.”

Nonetheless, the bishops wanting to send a tough message to Biden are determined to press ahead.

This tells me that either the church does not believe it to be mass genocide like their official teaching says it is, that is, comparable to the Holocaust, or they have no conscience.

It's either or really.

Well, there are 2 Catholic Churches--except that No, there are not 2. There is only one. The one in the Vatican is not the real Catholic Church and hasn't been for a long time. I have studied this issue fairly in-depth.

So yeh, you are speaking of the fake Catholic Church, the Vatican and all the clergy who follow that false sect.

So what do we expect? but that said, there are sincerely Catholic clergy (presumably) even in the Vatican sect.

Real Catholics do not ever support abortion (save ectopic pregnancies where both mother and child would die o/wise)

Then there is this:

I believe it was a novus ordo (new order) priest who barred Biden from Communion in s. Carolina

There's an ongoing war between the old and the new Catholic (or "Catholic") "communities"
You're insane if you believe modern justice has anything to do with the atrocity of the Inquisition. Which was the total corruption of justice.
Are you lumping all inquisitions together? Most were very fair-minded for the times. One man and his persecutions are responsible for the bad reputation that came to Inquisitions because of his own, personal madness. A thorough study verifies this, but most just want to blame the Catholic Church. Shrug.
Yep. And they should fully back contraception practices. No questions asked.
The Church is forever against contraception. Sorry about that. Jesus doesn't bend with the times... like everyone else seems to.

birth control is what led to abortion being legalized. When birth control fails as it usually does (the natural method is far mor reliable), the ones who always have to do whatevr they want regardless of whom it harms screamed for "back up"
I don't think they really believe it is genocide.

Otherwise, it would be akin to them trying to consort with a Nazi while turning a blind eye to the atrosities.
why are you lumping all Catholics together?

that's despicable
A majority of US Catholics support

Birth Control
Legal Abortion
Gay Marriage
Married Priests
Women Priests

You going to throw them all out?

but then we expect such from dumbass (redundancy alert) libs
He has been refused communion by several priests, including the BIshop of Scranton, PA.

His embrace of infanticide is not the only "issue." His support of gay "marriage" is another problem.

He is no Catholic, and hasn't been for quite some time. He can go to church until the knees in his pants wear out, but he is no Catholic.
well said

another Catholic myth

But hey, believe what you want... like everyone else. But I hear most people end up in hell so-------------

Time to put on your big boy pants.


Are you lumping all inquisitions together? Most were very fair-minded for the times. One man and his persecutions are responsible for the bad reputation that came to Inquisitions because of his own, personal madness. A thorough study verifies this, but most just want to blame the Catholic Church. Shrug.
who was that?

Are you lumping all inquisitions together? Most were very fair-minded for the times. One man and his persecutions are responsible for the bad reputation that came to Inquisitions because of his own, personal madness. A thorough study verifies this, but most just want to blame the Catholic Church. Shrug.
https://www.history.com> Inquistion- History Of the shoe fits you must wear it. Can't argue with history. " The Inquisition was a powerful office set up within the Catholic Church to root out and punish heresy throughout Europe and the Americas. Begining in the 12th. Century and lasting for hundreds of years. The Inquistion- is infamous for the severity of it's tortures and it's persecution of Jews, Muslims and Protestants."
You're insane if you believe modern justice has anything to do with the atrocity of the Inquisition. Which was the total corruption of justice.
no, it was not. Protestants get the Inquisition wrong just like they get everything Catholic wrong.

They don't want to give up their Catholic bashing
The elephant in the room:

The Vatican is not the real Catholic Church and hasn't been for a long time. I have studied this issue fairly in-depth.

So yeh, you are speaking of the fake Catholic Church, the Vatican and all the clergy who follow that false sect.

So what do we expect? but that said, there are sincerely Catholic clergy (presumably) even in the Vatican sect.

Real Catholics do not ever support abortion (save ectopic pregnancies where both mother and child would die o/wise)

Then there is this:

I believe it was a novus ordo (new order) priest who barred Biden from Communion in s. Carolina

There's an ongoing war between the old and the new Catholic (or "Catholic") "communities"


no, it was not. Protestants get the Inquisition wrong just like they get everything Catholic wrong.

They don't want to give up their Catholic bashing
See post # 216. Argue with the facts, not me.

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