Will Liz Cheney become the first woman president?

She certainly has all the right stuff. Although I don't agree with most of her conservative ideology, I can envision her becoming a traditional Republican president. She is sane, smart and tough. What do you think?
She’s a C@$T.
Exactly. She let herself be used by the Dems. NOT the smartest thing she ever did.

I'm kind of disgusted with her, really.

I don't know if it was more she was used than her priority was getting even with Trump for all the nasty things he said about the Bush brothers. But either way, settle your differences in your personal life and don't bring home to work with you.
and the memory and the dream of queen hillary fades yet just another tad further from view...it's a beautiful thing, thank you for that uplifting image laky
Interesting point ---- still, I would not write off Hillary just yet. Remember the seriously weak bench of the Dems if they can't run Joe.
Interesting point ---- still, I would not write off Hillary just yet. Remember the seriously weak bench of the Dems if they can't run Joe.
I haven't written her off, but it is nice to see the ideologues doing so...I vote democrat but she had and has no place in the party, her entire career is owed to the men in her life including her senate seat where Moynihan stepped aside so she could have the left wing "gimmie" seat.
Exactly. She let herself be used by the Dems. NOT the smartest thing she ever did.

I'm kind of disgusted with her, really.
Liz has bigger balls than the entire repub party....the cowards who let trump lead them around like neutered sheep.
My only real problem with her is that she is a proponent of Nation Building. She wants the US deeply involved in the affairs of other nations. This element of neo-con philosophy should be rejected.
Not a fan of nation building, myself. We haven't shown a talent for it since World War II. Always writing checks with young soldier bodies and the troops pick up the payments, with nothing to show for but bad memories, and sometime broken bodies, if they live through it at all.
I don't know if it was more she was used than her priority was getting even with Trump for all the nasty things he said about the Bush brothers. But either way, settle your differences in your personal life and don't bring home to work with you.
Why would she care about what Trump said about the Bush’s?

Liz Cheney is a supporter of the traditional political establishment. Trump was and still is their biggest obstacle to gaining more power.
Why would she care about what Trump said about the Bush’s?

Liz Cheney is a supporter of the traditional political establishment. Trump was and still is their biggest obstacle to gaining more power.

Because the Bush and Cheney families have been friends for decades since the old man was President and likely even before that.
You know the future? Amazing! You should be a carnival!

What if it turns out trump tried to sell he classified documents to Poootin? You still gonna be a trump humper? Yeah...you probably will cause you repubs have been Poootinized. You want a single party authoritarian regime....like Russia.
God you are an idiot.

When have I backed Trump? A question I have asked you before and one you have failed to answer. I have told you many times I do not support trump but your pea brain cannot handle that everyone not simply swallowing the same crap you do does not make them a Trump supporter.

We are not all partisan morons such as yourself.
God you are an idiot.

When have I backed Trump? A question I have asked you before and one you have failed to answer. I have told you many times I do not support trump but your pea brain cannot handle that everyone not simply swallowing the same crap you do does not make them a Trump supporter.

We are not all partisan morons such as yourself.
Of course....
Ok I'll explain one more time. Liz Cheney is a Bush Loyalist. She, Dick Cheney and the Bushes HATE HATE HATE Donald Trump because he not only drop kicked Jeb out of the Presidency he took down the Bush dynasty. Can you put 2 and 2 together?
Exactly. You may have better luck drawing a picture for that one. I think the reservation school was run by a Slapahoe.

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