Why Would Any White Person Vote for Reparations Joe?


May 23, 2014
My county voted 83% for Trump in 2016 and today I saw 4 idiots by the roadside with Biden signs. " Honk if you're for Biden" signs as well. Nobody was honking. Most flipped them the bird. Here's the real kicker...they were white :disbelief:WTF? If you're white why would you vote for Biden? So the Democratic Party in Congress can steal your $$$ and give it to black people who were never slaves?
Who the fuck cares what color you are....

Low IQ Joe is a senile gaffe prone moron, a whore who is wealthy solely from stealing from the American taxpayer, a liar, a plagiarizer, pals with KKK big shots, and we already know what he is going to do.... be LBJ/W's 5th term.....

Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president - Low IQ Joe- to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.

So, if the Mossad had offed homObama (as they did JFK), Low IQ Joe would lie about that (as LBJ did) and start wars over lies solely to benefit Israel. LBJ was slightly more indirect. LBJ started a US war in 'nam for the sole purpose of running US weapons factories to then ship those weapons free of charge to Israel. By 1967, Israel is full of brand new US weapons paid for by Americans to start the 67 war, which LBJ lied about.....

the official CIA dossier....

Helms was awakened at 3:00 in the morning on 5 June by a call from the CIA Operations Center. The Foreign Broadcast Information Service had picked up reports that Israel had launched its attack. (OCI soon concluded that the Israelis— contrary to their claims—had fired first.) President Johnson was gratified that because of CIA analyses and Helms's tip, he could inform congressional leaders later in the day that he had been expecting Israel's move

and then LBJ got on TV and claimed the Israelis were attacked and just defending themselves...
My county voted 83% for Trump in 2016 and today I saw 4 idiots by the roadside with Biden signs. " Honk if you're for Biden" signs as well. Nobody was honking. Most flipped them the bird. Here's the real kicker...they were white :disbelief:WTF? If you're white why would you vote for Biden? So the Democratic Party in Congress can steal your $$$ and give it to black people who were never slaves?
Bix Nood Biden
Any Muslim who votes for Low IQ Joe is voting for more wars over lies against Muslims....


How about....

let's keep Trump and Barr and see what Zionist Traitor John Roberts is blocking until after the election....

Global Warming fraud?
homObama's coup attempt?

maybe Hate Hoax Harris' pal Jussie Smollett will actually be held accountable for his homObama inspired Hate Hoax....
There's simply no accounting for how stupid white guilt monkeys are. The better question is why would Hispanics and Asians support this? They are the least culpable groups but wouldn't be spared by the tax man.
It's ground into their heads in school.
My county voted 83% for Trump in 2016 and today I saw 4 idiots by the roadside with Biden signs. " Honk if you're for Biden" signs as well. Nobody was honking. Most flipped them the bird. Here's the real kicker...they were white :disbelief:WTF? If you're white why would you vote for Biden? So the Democratic Party in Congress can steal your $$$ and give it to black people who were never slaves?

You haven’t heard?
It’s so hip to be “WOKE” right now...the novelty in it is astronomical.
There’s a major competition to be the WOKEST WHITE taking place among filthy white guilters....this shit is so fascinating. Twilight Zone shit!
Read the posts from our resident WHITE WOKERS here...you can’t buy this entertainment anywhere.
Follow JoeB131 Lysistrata rightwinger Slade3200 Mac1958 and laugh along the way....and trust me, there’s many more here.
Why should ANY person, white or not, vote for Joe. The Democratic Party has become ridiculous. If Biden wins and the Dems take the Senate and keep the House, then they'll abolish the filibuster and pack the Supreme Court. And after that it's over. America will be mob rule from then on, one side gets in and has their way, and then the other gets in and does the same. The only way out of that is a 3rd party that prevents the 2 major parties from completely ruining this country.
Fuck them racist Union Army soldiers.... they were WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!

As for reparations, how about these....

1. reparations for descendants of Union Army soldiers
2. reparations to America for the absolute destruction of big cities in America by black Democrats
3. reparations from actual slaveowners (like homObama)
4. reparations from those in Africa who rounded 'em up (like homObama)
My county voted 83% for Trump in 2016 and today I saw 4 idiots by the roadside with Biden signs. " Honk if you're for Biden" signs as well. Nobody was honking. Most flipped them the bird. Here's the real kicker...they were white :disbelief:WTF? If you're white why would you vote for Biden? So the Democratic Party in Congress can steal your $$$ and give it to black people who were never slaves?

In the past decade or so, the Democrat party became the anti-white party. That's why it's stupid to vote for any Democrat if you are white.
Fuck them racist Union Army soldiers.... they were WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!

As for reparations, how about these....

1. reparations for descendants of Union Army soldiers
2. reparations to America for the absolute destruction of big cities in America by black Democrats
3. reparations from actual slaveowners (like homObama)
4. reparations from those in Africa who rounded 'em up (like homObama)

How about reparations to white people for the tens of billions we lost in property value after they moved in?
Fuck them racist Union Army soldiers.... they were WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!

As for reparations, how about these....

1. reparations for descendants of Union Army soldiers
2. reparations to America for the absolute destruction of big cities in America by black Democrats
3. reparations from actual slaveowners (like homObama)
4. reparations from those in Africa who rounded 'em up (like homObama)

How about reparations to white people for the tens of billions we lost in property value after they moved in?
What you typed is true. Many people who do not have much wealth but earns over the poverty level and lived in a home long enough to gain some equity have gotten screwed over as neighborhoods changed and made worse when forced to move for safety reasons.
What you typed is true. Many people who do not have much wealth but earns over the poverty level and lived in a home long enough to gain some equity have gotten screwed over as neighborhoods changed and made worse when forced to move for safety reasons.

I know this because it happened where I live, it happened in the city I grew up in, and it happened in the city I was born in. All wonderful places with increasing property value until they moved in.
ou haven’t heard?
It’s so hip to be “WOKE” right now...the novelty in it is astronomical.
There’s a major competition to be the WOKEST WHITE taking place among filthy white guilters....this shit is so fascinating. Twilight Zone shit!
Read the posts from our resident WHITE WOKERS here...you can’t buy this entertainment anywhere.
Follow @JoeB131 @Lysistrata @rightwinger @Slade3200 @Mac1958 and laugh along the way....and trust me, there’s many more here.

Again, if you are such a broke loser that minorities are beating you out for jobs, that's on you.
What's the deal why bring up white people? is this about race or about what is best for uniting our country? not dividing it into fighting factions based on skin color.
Why the people who get the money would vote for him...........it's a BRIBE.


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