Why Do We Pretend That Democrat Media Ever Gave Trump a Chance?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This isn't just about Donald J Trump, this is about being an elected Republican President and our left Stream Media has hated EVERY DAMNED ONE OF THEM since Eisenhower.

They submitted legislation to impeach every one of them since 1960, except for Gerald Ford who was not elected anyway.

Nixon, Reagan, Bush the Elder, Bush the Younger, and now Donald J Trump.

They didn't bother impeaching Ford because he was so lame they knew they could beat him with just regular political crap.

The Left Stream Media is so partisan and always has been since 1960 and they will never be fair and even-handed with Republicans, even if the Democrat nominee was a card-carrying Chicom operative.

So can we just cut the bullshit and say it out loud?

Democrats just hate Republicans, nothing more, nothing less.
Allright, we'll cut the bullshit. He shot himself in the foot from Day 1 and Hour Zero. Instead of pivoting and trying to understand the gravity and responsibility of the role he backed into, he went on playing reality TV show host. Goes to the CIA memorial wall and talks about...the crowd size at his inauguration. And it was ALL downhill from there. I'll say it again. Donald Trump MAKES all of his own problems and issues, with the press, with the voters, and with the law. Why? Because he's fundamentally corrupt, and he's a moron. Fundamentally corrupt morons don't have any sense of self awareness. He's the world's biggest teenage narcissist.

Nixon was a very popular President before Watergate. But when those tapes came out, he was cooked. And even his most loyal supporters wouldn't back him. But, that was back in a time when Republicans had honor and integrity. Trump clearly tried to leverage his office to get a foreign power to dig up dirt on his political rival. And then lied about it to cover it up. He should have been done right there if not for all of his Republican sycophants. Since you left out Bill Clinton actually being impeached for lying about a sex act in the Oval Office, I'm going to conclude that your entire whine here is just that.
This isn't just about Donald J Trump, this is about being an elected Republican President and our left Stream Media has hated EVERY DAMNED ONE OF THEM since Eisenhower.

They submitted legislation to impeach every one of them since 1960, except for Gerald Ford who was not elected anyway.

Nixon, Reagan, Bush the Elder, Bush the Younger, and now Donald J Trump.

They didn't bother impeaching Ford because he was so lame they knew they could beat him with just regular political crap.

The Left Stream Media is so partisan and always has been since 1960 and they will never be fair and even-handed with Republicans, even if the Democrat nominee was a card-carrying Chicom operative.

So can we just cut the bullshit and say it out loud?

Democrats just hate Republicans, nothing more, nothing less.
The Lib Media did the same thing to GW Bush, his Father, and Richard Nixon. It was not as intense before Trump took office.
This isn't just about Donald J Trump, this is about being an elected Republican President and our left Stream Media has hated EVERY DAMNED ONE OF THEM since Eisenhower.

They submitted legislation to impeach every one of them since 1960, except for Gerald Ford who was not elected anyway.

Nixon, Reagan, Bush the Elder, Bush the Younger, and now Donald J Trump.

They didn't bother impeaching Ford because he was so lame they knew they could beat him with just regular political crap.

The Left Stream Media is so partisan and always has been since 1960 and they will never be fair and even-handed with Republicans, even if the Democrat nominee was a card-carrying Chicom operative.

So can we just cut the bullshit and say it out loud?

Democrats just hate Republicans, nothing more, nothing less.
I don't know, why did we pretend right wing media ever gave Obama a chance?
Allright, we'll cut the bullshit. He shot himself in the foot from Day 1 and Hour Zero. Instead of pivoting and trying to understand the gravity and responsibility of the role he backed into, he went on playing reality TV show host. Goes to the CIA memorial wall and talks about...the crowd size at his inauguration. And it was ALL downhill from there. I'll say it again. Donald Trump MAKES all of his own problems and issues, with the press, with the voters, and with the law. Why? Because he's fundamentally corrupt, and he's a moron. Fundamentally corrupt morons don't have any sense of self awareness. He's the world's biggest teenage narcissist.

Nixon was a very popular President before Watergate. But when those tapes came out, he was cooked. And even his most loyal supporters wouldn't back him. But, that was back in a time when Republicans had honor and integrity. Trump clearly tried to leverage his office to get a foreign power to dig up dirt on his political rival. And then lied about it to cover it up. He should have been done right there if not for all of his Republican sycophants. Since you left out Bill Clinton actually being impeached for lying about a sex act in the Oval Office, I'm going to conclude that your entire whine here is just that.
No he didn't. Former Clinton campaign staffers met on December 2nd 2016 in Washington D.C and declared that "We must make Trump's Presidency look illegitimate." They have been in attack mode since Trump destroyed their liberal narrative of "Madam President." Must read: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00335631003796719?journalCode=rqjs20
4 to 1 majority of journalist/propagandist identify as Democrats. Liberal bias in media is blatantly obvious
This isn't just about Donald J Trump, this is about being an elected Republican President and our left Stream Media has hated EVERY DAMNED ONE OF THEM since Eisenhower.

They submitted legislation to impeach every one of them since 1960, except for Gerald Ford who was not elected anyway.

Nixon, Reagan, Bush the Elder, Bush the Younger, and now Donald J Trump.

They didn't bother impeaching Ford because he was so lame they knew they could beat him with just regular political crap.

The Left Stream Media is so partisan and always has been since 1960 and they will never be fair and even-handed with Republicans, even if the Democrat nominee was a card-carrying Chicom operative.

So can we just cut the bullshit and say it out loud?

Democrats just hate Republicans, nothing more, nothing less.
I don't know, why did we pretend right wing media ever gave Obama a chance?

Who are you trying to kid. The MSM was in Obama's camp from the get go. They never investigated him yet sent 200 reporters to Alaska to dig up anything they could find on Palin.

They loved Obama and let everyone know it. You're an idiot.
This isn't just about Donald J Trump, this is about being an elected Republican President and our left Stream Media has hated EVERY DAMNED ONE OF THEM since Eisenhower.

They submitted legislation to impeach every one of them since 1960, except for Gerald Ford who was not elected anyway.

Nixon, Reagan, Bush the Elder, Bush the Younger, and now Donald J Trump.

They didn't bother impeaching Ford because he was so lame they knew they could beat him with just regular political crap.

The Left Stream Media is so partisan and always has been since 1960 and they will never be fair and even-handed with Republicans, even if the Democrat nominee was a card-carrying Chicom operative.

So can we just cut the bullshit and say it out loud?

Democrats just hate Republicans, nothing more, nothing less.

Uh, guys, you impeached Clinton over a blow job. YOu really don't get to complain about frivilous impeachments.
Allright, we'll cut the bullshit. He shot himself in the foot from Day 1 and Hour Zero. Instead of pivoting and trying to understand the gravity and responsibility of the role he backed into, he went on playing reality TV show host. Goes to the CIA memorial wall and talks about...the crowd size at his inauguration. And it was ALL downhill from there. I'll say it again. Donald Trump MAKES all of his own problems and issues, with the press, with the voters, and with the law. Why? Because he's fundamentally corrupt, and he's a moron. Fundamentally corrupt morons don't have any sense of self awareness. He's the world's biggest teenage narcissist.

Nixon was a very popular President before Watergate. But when those tapes came out, he was cooked. And even his most loyal supporters wouldn't back him. But, that was back in a time when Republicans had honor and integrity. Trump clearly tried to leverage his office to get a foreign power to dig up dirt on his political rival. And then lied about it to cover it up. He should have been done right there if not for all of his Republican sycophants. Since you left out Bill Clinton actually being impeached for lying about a sex act in the Oval Office, I'm going to conclude that your entire whine here is just that.
What a load of chit, Jack.

BTW, Trump was required to ask the Ukrainians to investigate corruption involving both countries...Biden bragged of his crime on tape--how bizarre that you think he is somehow above investigation. Don't like crooks investigated--want to blame someone else other than the crook biden? Maybe you need to seek help.
If there were very harsh legal consequences for the MSM's lies, things would change, including these big techs.
Once again, Trump is our only hope to get this changed.
I understand freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, etc...,but when it comes to airing a story for example, there should be verification made prior, and if your news outlet is wrong, then retract it with a "ding" on your scorecard, and/or except a huge fine.
Just a thought. Either way, ALL Americans deserve to have accurate reporting.
Allright, we'll cut the bullshit. He shot himself in the foot from Day 1 and Hour Zero. Instead of pivoting and trying to understand the gravity and responsibility of the role he backed into, he went on playing reality TV show host. Goes to the CIA memorial wall and talks about...the crowd size at his inauguration. And it was ALL downhill from there. I'll say it again. Donald Trump MAKES all of his own problems and issues, with the press, with the voters, and with the law. Why? Because he's fundamentally corrupt, and he's a moron. Fundamentally corrupt morons don't have any sense of self awareness. He's the world's biggest teenage narcissist.

Nixon was a very popular President before Watergate. But when those tapes came out, he was cooked. And even his most loyal supporters wouldn't back him. But, that was back in a time when Republicans had honor and integrity. Trump clearly tried to leverage his office to get a foreign power to dig up dirt on his political rival. And then lied about it to cover it up. He should have been done right there if not for all of his Republican sycophants. Since you left out Bill Clinton actually being impeached for lying about a sex act in the Oval Office, I'm going to conclude that your entire whine here is just that.
This hate and vile venom started when he announced he was running for President. After election night the protest/riots started for any reason as controlled by the Progs. The media was subdued for one night and that was the election night. They have been on attack mode at all times. Trump put our an olive branch many times and during the first SOTU. Remember the stupid Prog women with their hands under their azzes dressed in the same colored dresses? I understand protests/riots. But for communism!
Remember the stupid Prog women with their hands under their azzes dressed in the same colored dresses? I understand protests/riots. But for communism!
Are you referring to the State of the Union Address ?, If so, then yes, I thought that was a disgrace for our country.
Uh, guys, you impeached Clinton over a blow job. YOu really don't get to complain about frivilous impeachments.
That is another thing you guys do - keep repeating a lie and hope it becomes the truth.
He wasn't impeached over a blow job. He was impeached for lying to congress, providing false documents and pressuring others to lie for him before congress.
The latter was the biggest problem.
Many people (including me ) never pretended that the media would be fair to President Trump.

The media had already "disliked" him because of his involvement in the birther controversy & because he had refused to apologize for his attitude regarding the Central Park rape case.

So when he shocked everyone (including himself no doubt) by winning, the media decided to bring him down.

And on November 3, their efforts are likely to pay off.

Starting on January 20, the media will become the official mouthpiece of the Democratic Party.
This isn't just about Donald J Trump, this is about being an elected Republican President and our left Stream Media has hated EVERY DAMNED ONE OF THEM since Eisenhower.

They submitted legislation to impeach every one of them since 1960, except for Gerald Ford who was not elected anyway.

Nixon, Reagan, Bush the Elder, Bush the Younger, and now Donald J Trump.

They didn't bother impeaching Ford because he was so lame they knew they could beat him with just regular political crap.

The Left Stream Media is so partisan and always has been since 1960 and they will never be fair and even-handed with Republicans, even if the Democrat nominee was a card-carrying Chicom operative.

So can we just cut the bullshit and say it out loud?

Democrats just hate Republicans, nothing more, nothing less.

Uh, guys, you impeached Clinton over a blow job. YOu really don't get to complain about frivilous impeachments.
Clinton was guilty, and the White House shouldnt be treated as a Whore House.
Frivolous ? You want to compare a phone call that everyone can see in transcript, compared to a President that lied saying "I didnt have sexual relations", and later proved to be untrue.
Phone call vs Blowjob, ????
Allright, we'll cut the bullshit. He shot himself in the foot from Day 1 and Hour Zero. Instead of pivoting and trying to understand the gravity and responsibility of the role he backed into, he went on playing reality TV show host. Goes to the CIA memorial wall and talks about...the crowd size at his inauguration. And it was ALL downhill from there. I'll say it again. Donald Trump MAKES all of his own problems and issues, with the press, with the voters, and with the law. Why? Because he's fundamentally corrupt, and he's a moron. Fundamentally corrupt morons don't have any sense of self awareness. He's the world's biggest teenage narcissist.

Nixon was a very popular President before Watergate. But when those tapes came out, he was cooked. And even his most loyal supporters wouldn't back him. But, that was back in a time when Republicans had honor and integrity. Trump clearly tried to leverage his office to get a foreign power to dig up dirt on his political rival. And then lied about it to cover it up. He should have been done right there if not for all of his Republican sycophants. Since you left out Bill Clinton actually being impeached for lying about a sex act in the Oval Office, I'm going to conclude that your entire whine here is just that.
No he didn't. Former Clinton campaign staffers met on December 2nd 2016 in Washington D.C and declared that "We must make Trump's Presidency look illegitimate." They have been in attack mode since Trump destroyed their liberal narrative of "Madam President." Must read: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00335631003796719?journalCode=rqjs20
4 to 1 majority of journalist/propagandist identify as Democrats. Liberal bias in media is blatantly obvious

Yes he did. And to be honest, if the Russian connection allegations were made more than public by Comey at the the time he released Hillary's emails, Trump would probably have never seen the Oval Office.
Trump does everything to himself. Dishonest, corrupt, narcissist, idiot. His Republican enablers and his own personal Roy Cohn AG allow him to skate on the Mueller Report and then the moron turns right
around and goes straight back to corruption. Trying to leverage a foreign power to dig up dirt on his political rival.

There's no pivoting with Trump. He is and always will be, his own worst enemy.
That is another thing you guys do - keep repeating a lie and hope it becomes the truth.
He wasn't impeached over a blow job. He was impeached for lying to congress, providing false documents and pressuring others to lie for him before congress.
The latter was the biggest problem.

Actually the charges were Perjury, Subornation of Perjury, Obstruction and Abuse of Power.

The House only advanced two of those, Perjury to a Grand Jury and Obstruction of Justice. Except he hadn't actually done either of those things. By the time he got to the Grand Jury, he fully admitted getting the blow job.
Clinton was guilty, and the White House shouldnt be treated as a Whore House.
Frivolous ? You want to compare a phone call that everyone can see in transcript, compared to a President that lied saying "I didnt have sexual relations", and later proved to be untrue.
Phone call vs Blowjob, ????

The phone call was an attempt to shake down a foreign leader using taxpayer funds to find dirt on a political rival.

The lie about the blowjob was so he wouldn't be embarrassed in front of his wife.

Now, I don't think Trump should be impeached for paying off Stormy Daniels... while it's kind of disgusting, it's not a crime.

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