Why should Political Organizations Be TAX FREE?


Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
Why should Political Organizations Be Tax Free........................



Americans know that we now have the best politicians money can buy.....You can receive tax write offs for donating to Political Organizations, you can have a Political Organization such as the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, or etc.............Why is there a need to have classified as TAX FREE AT ALL.............

Since Companies, Unions, INDIVIDUALS, and etc......are just trying to BUY POLITICIANS ANYWAY, why let them get a TAX BREAK for doing so.....................

Just end 527 Tax Exempt Status all together and be done with it.....................

If you want to spend your money to try and get an individual elected, be my guest. Go ahead, it's your money.............Just don't expect to get a TAX DEDUCTION anymore for doing so..................

This would level the playing field for both sides...............No more write offs for buying a politician on both sides of the equation.
Real political power is cheap at any price, not sure closing a tax loophole would help anything. It would be better to require public disclosure of all electioneering activities, if you feel strongly enough to throw money to politicians you should be comfortable letting everyone know you did it.
Top 50 Federally Focused Organizations | OpenSecrets

Top 50 Federally Focused Organizations
527 groups are tax-exempt organizations that engage in political activities, often through unlimited soft money contributions. Most 527s on this list are advocacy groups trying to influence federal elections through voter mobilization efforts and so-called issue ads that tout or criticize a candidate's record. 527s must report their contributors and expenditures to the IRS, unless they already file identical information at the state or local level. The figures below are taken from 527 group filings with the IRS. (To view 527s for state party or candidate committees, such as the Republican Governors Association and the Democratic Governors Association, click here.

For ease of identification, the 527 organization names used in this section are those of the connected organization, rather than the official name of the 527 account. For example, the "NEA Fund for Children and Public Education" is simply listed as "National Education Assn."
State-Focused 527 Organizations Only | OpenSecrets

State-Focused 527 Organizations Only, 2012
527 groups are tax-exempt organizations that engage in political activities, often through unlimited soft money contributions. Most 527s on this list are advocacy groups trying to influence federal elections through voter mobilization efforts and so-called issue ads that tout or criticize a candidate's record. Some, such as the Republican Governors Association and the Democratic Governors Association, spend money to support or oppose the election of state candidates. 527s must report their contributors and expenditures to the IRS, unless they already file identical information at the state or local level. The figures below are taken from 527 group filings with the IRS.
Real political power is cheap at any price, not sure closing a tax loophole would help anything. It would be better to require public disclosure of all electioneering activities, if you feel strongly enough to throw money to politicians you should be comfortable letting everyone know you did it.

I'm not sure either, but why reward political orgs with Tax Free Status. They have absolutely become a Business of buying Politicians. While they have the right to do so, let them do it without the reward of Paying no taxes on their purpose. Let it also go to the Individual as well............

You can give to these orgs, but it would no longer be tax free doing so...............

Stop rewarding those who rig the dang system on both sides of the equation. We know they would continue to spend money on politicians irregardless. Just make them pay taxes on it.

Lobbyist and these orgs have done more damage to our gov't than standing armies.
Real political power is cheap at any price, not sure closing a tax loophole would help anything. It would be better to require public disclosure of all electioneering activities, if you feel strongly enough to throw money to politicians you should be comfortable letting everyone know you did it.

I'm not sure either, but why reward political orgs with Tax Free Status. They have absolutely become a Business of buying Politicians. While they have the right to do so, let them do it without the reward of Paying no taxes on their purpose. Let it also go to the Individual as well............

You can give to these orgs, but it would no longer be tax free doing so...............

Stop rewarding those who rig the dang system on both sides of the equation. We know they would continue to spend money on politicians irregardless. Just make them pay taxes on it.

Lobbyist and these orgs have done more damage to our gov't than standing armies.

It's true, they are a blight upon our political landscape, but trying to stifle them in any way runs up against the various constitutional rights that we enjoy for ourselves. The only recourse left is full disclosure and that suffered a terrible setback a few years ago.
No business should be tax free.

Religion is big business Politics is big business etc. tax them like big business.
Real political power is cheap at any price, not sure closing a tax loophole would help anything. It would be better to require public disclosure of all electioneering activities, if you feel strongly enough to throw money to politicians you should be comfortable letting everyone know you did it.

I'm not sure either, but why reward political orgs with Tax Free Status. They have absolutely become a Business of buying Politicians. While they have the right to do so, let them do it without the reward of Paying no taxes on their purpose. Let it also go to the Individual as well............

You can give to these orgs, but it would no longer be tax free doing so...............

Stop rewarding those who rig the dang system on both sides of the equation. We know they would continue to spend money on politicians irregardless. Just make them pay taxes on it.

Lobbyist and these orgs have done more damage to our gov't than standing armies.

It's true, they are a blight upon our political landscape, but trying to stifle them in any way runs up against the various constitutional rights that we enjoy for ourselves. The only recourse left is full disclosure and that suffered a terrible setback a few years ago.

I'm not saying this action would stifle them. They would still do their thing and spend the money.

I'm just saying Tax them, and not reward them for trying to Buy Politicians and Votes, and thus end the current debate on 501c4's.........
Why should Political Organizations Be Tax Free........................



Americans know that we now have the best politicians money can buy.....You can receive tax write offs for donating to Political Organizations, you can have a Political Organization such as the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, or etc.............Why is there a need to have classified as TAX FREE AT ALL.............

Since Companies, Unions, INDIVIDUALS, and etc......are just trying to BUY POLITICIANS ANYWAY, why let them get a TAX BREAK for doing so.....................

Just end 527 Tax Exempt Status all together and be done with it.....................

If you want to spend your money to try and get an individual elected, be my guest. Go ahead, it's your money.............Just don't expect to get a TAX DEDUCTION anymore for doing so..................

This would level the playing field for both sides...............No more write offs for buying a politician on both sides of the equation.

NO, not one dime should be legally given to any person, political party or political action committee. And, any print, sound or video political advocacy must state who the individual is who paid for the ad, and the nature of their business/employment/interest in the electoral outcome under penalty of perjury to be true and accurate.
Revolving Door Summary: Congressional Staffers | OpenSecrets

Congressional Staffers
After every election, the Revolving Door spins a little faster, as headhunters for lobbying firms and interest groups snatch up departing government officials and aides. The members of Congress shown here have the greatest number of staffers who either came to Capitol Hill after representing private interests or left the member's staff for a lobbying position. A current or former staffer may have developed a lawmaker's political strategy as chief of staff, managed his or her contact with reporters as press secretary or worked in any number of official capacities in his or her office. While some congressional staffers may instead make their way into academia, start a business or have nothing to do with government after leaving it, capitalizing on their Capitol Hill connections to represent private interests has a powerful incentive: money.

List of Politicians from both sides who use the revolving door to reward staffers for their service..............
No business should be tax free.

Religion is big business Politics is big business etc. tax them like big business.

If a business makes no profit, do they pay taxes?

No, they don't.

The people who work there and draw a salary pay taxes, but unprofitable businesses do not.

We tax PROFITS in this Country.

And NON-PROFIT Companies have no profits to tax
Why should Political Organizations Be Tax Free........................



Americans know that we now have the best politicians money can buy.....You can receive tax write offs for donating to Political Organizations, you can have a Political Organization such as the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, or etc.............Why is there a need to have classified as TAX FREE AT ALL.............

Since Companies, Unions, INDIVIDUALS, and etc......are just trying to BUY POLITICIANS ANYWAY, why let them get a TAX BREAK for doing so.....................

Just end 527 Tax Exempt Status all together and be done with it.....................

If you want to spend your money to try and get an individual elected, be my guest. Go ahead, it's your money.............Just don't expect to get a TAX DEDUCTION anymore for doing so..................

This would level the playing field for both sides...............No more write offs for buying a politician on both sides of the equation.

NO, not one dime should be legally given to any person, political party or political action committee. And, any print, sound or video political advocacy must state who the individual is who paid for the ad, and the nature of their business/employment/interest in the electoral outcome under penalty of perjury to be true and accurate.

Typical liberal scumbag -- Against free speech.

Fucking Nazis
Since they make no profits anyway, then why the need for 527's at all.............

They are organizations.........If they spend what they take in to political campaigns and can document every cent of it, then they show no profit whatsoever...............

Which would make it Non taxable anyway...................

So why do we even need the IRS 527 anyway..................

Finally, why should those that donate to these 527's get a write off for donating.............

I'm no lib. Not even close..............But I see the Lobbyist and so called non profits buying and selling politicians just like the rest of the country.............After seeing the attacks by the IRS on Conservative groups, I'd just assume take the IRS completely out of the equation...........They would no longer be deciding who gets tax free status anymore...............It's gone...........It's done..........

No more favoritism either side..............Both sides have abused this in our history............

Just end it and be done with it.
No business should be tax free.

Religion is big business Politics is big business etc. tax them like big business.

If a business makes no profit, do they pay taxes?

No, they don't.

The people who work there and draw a salary pay taxes, but unprofitable businesses do not.

We tax PROFITS in this Country.

And NON-PROFIT Companies have no profits to tax

Religious institutions own property, lots and lots of property. They accept police and fire protection yet pay no property tax. Why is that?
[do they pay for power and water? Anyone know?]
No business should be tax free.

Religion is big business Politics is big business etc. tax them like big business.

If a business makes no profit, do they pay taxes?

No, they don't.

The people who work there and draw a salary pay taxes, but unprofitable businesses do not.

We tax PROFITS in this Country.

And NON-PROFIT Companies have no profits to tax

Yes they do.

If they have employees they pay taxes, they pay property taxes etc.

Since when is the only tax on a business an income tax?

Many businesses are exempt from state sales and property taxes and they shouldn't be.
Free Speech wouldn't be damaged by this.................

Any person, or business could still donate to these orgs or to a political campaign............These orgs can still buy airtime to promote their own specific BS................Either side of the equation........................

Our Gov't no longer serves the will of the people. The people know this...........Which is why the Congress has some of the worst poll ratings in history............We know lobbyist reward those in politics who do their bidding..............Give them money to use to be re-elected.........There are usually strings attached to these funds..........Do this for me, pass this law for me....................

Since they make no profits anyway, then why the need for 527's at all.............

They are organizations.........If they spend what they take in to political campaigns and can document every cent of it, then they show no profit whatsoever...............

Which would make it Non taxable anyway...................

So why do we even need the IRS 527 anyway..................

Finally, why should those that donate to these 527's get a write off for donating.............

I'm no lib. Not even close..............But I see the Lobbyist and so called non profits buying and selling politicians just like the rest of the country.............After seeing the attacks by the IRS on Conservative groups, I'd just assume take the IRS completely out of the equation...........They would no longer be deciding who gets tax free status anymore...............It's gone...........It's done..........

No more favoritism either side..............Both sides have abused this in our history............

Just end it and be done with it.

I'd thank you for this post but for one factual error. The IRS didn't target conservative groups alone - they enforced the law on the wide spectrum of political groups. If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me and I'll offer my mea culpa.
Since they make no profits anyway, then why the need for 527's at all.............

They are organizations.........If they spend what they take in to political campaigns and can document every cent of it, then they show no profit whatsoever...............

Which would make it Non taxable anyway...................

So why do we even need the IRS 527 anyway..................

Finally, why should those that donate to these 527's get a write off for donating.............

I'm no lib. Not even close..............But I see the Lobbyist and so called non profits buying and selling politicians just like the rest of the country.............After seeing the attacks by the IRS on Conservative groups, I'd just assume take the IRS completely out of the equation...........They would no longer be deciding who gets tax free status anymore...............It's gone...........It's done..........

No more favoritism either side..............Both sides have abused this in our history............

Just end it and be done with it.

I'd thank you for this post but for one factual error. The IRS didn't target conservative groups alone - they enforced the law on the wide spectrum of political groups. If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me and I'll offer my mea culpa.

Old news...............the IRS has admitted to this and now is attempting to redefine the 501c4's......................Saying it's the fix............

We will remain on opposite sides of the spectrum on this issue. I believe they deliberately attacked these groups............Nothing has changed in that aspect......

I'm simply looking for a fix.........End the dang thing all together................End the 527 form and stop trying to redefine it...............And let the chips fall as they may.
Since they make no profits anyway, then why the need for 527's at all.............

They are organizations.........If they spend what they take in to political campaigns and can document every cent of it, then they show no profit whatsoever...............

Which would make it Non taxable anyway...................

So why do we even need the IRS 527 anyway..................

Finally, why should those that donate to these 527's get a write off for donating.............

I'm no lib. Not even close..............But I see the Lobbyist and so called non profits buying and selling politicians just like the rest of the country.............After seeing the attacks by the IRS on Conservative groups, I'd just assume take the IRS completely out of the equation...........They would no longer be deciding who gets tax free status anymore...............It's gone...........It's done..........

No more favoritism either side..............Both sides have abused this in our history............

Just end it and be done with it.

I'd thank you for this post but for one factual error. The IRS didn't target conservative groups alone - they enforced the law on the wide spectrum of political groups. If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me and I'll offer my mea culpa.

You're not wrong, you're a lying bitch....

We went through this shit Months ago, replete with graphs, charts and facts from everybody, including the most leftist of leftist LSM sites.

You're a lying fuck, plain and simple.

The liberal groups that got reviewed weren't "targeted", it was just part of the standard process.... SOP (standard operating procedure)

The Conservative Groups....? THEY were targeted.

IRS gave liberals a pass; Tea Party groups put on hold

IRS approved liberal groups while Tea Party in limbo

Only three liberal scumbag groups were examined. And the filth on the left (which includes you) calls that "Targeting".

What a fucking joke. Targeting is when you audit, delay and deny Hundreds of applications from one side of the political spectrum -- ONLY.

And guess what else, scumbag? Of the liberal groups that were 'targeted' 100% were approved.

IRS scoreboard: 100 percent of ?targeted? liberal groups were approved, conservatives languished « The Greenroom

Inspector General J. Russell George said he stands by the report’s “determination that conservative groups were uniquely singled out for special scrutiny by the tax agency, rebutting Democrats’ contention that liberal groups also were targeted,”

“TIGTA concluded that inappropriate criteria were used to identify potential political cases for extra scrutiny — specifically, the criteria listed in our audit report. From our audit work, we did not find evidence that the criteria you identified, labeled ‘progressives,’ were used by the IRS to select potential political cases during the 2010 to 2012 timeframe we audited,” George said.

IRS auditor reaffirms that conservatives, not liberals, were targeted - Washington Times

Lying bitch.

Now make sure you get your butt-hole buddies united to complain to your 'friendly' mod to have this thread moved to the basement where nobody can see it.

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