Why is the Government Shut Down?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

It’s really easy to see how the budget process works for the executive branch. The president tells the various branches to submit a plan of what they need for the next year. The president goes over it and sends what he wants to the House and Senate. Both bodies have standing budget committees and they go over the figures and decide what can be spent. They write up and pass budget resolutions and send them to the president for his signature.

It should be noted that before President Trump was elected, the US operated for over a decade without an approved budget!

Major events and policy announcements on the budget:

President Donald Trump signed the first minibus, a $147 billion minibus bill that included funding for military construction and veterans’ affairs, the legislative branch, and energy and water, on September 21, 2018.

Notice how congress made sure it had its money to operate. And there’s nowhere on the net that I can find that tells how that money is determined. But, here’s the 2019 budget for the House @ Fiscal Year 2019 Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill Released | Committee on Appropriations, U.S. House of Representatives for$1.2 billion. I can’t find one for the senate.

The judicial branch budget for 2019 is @ https://www.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/fy_2019_congressional_budget_summary_final_0.pdf for $7.22 billion and it includes the entire federal judiciary.

The president signed a second minibus spending bill on September 28, 2018. The $854 billion bill included funding for the Departments of Defense, Health and Human Services (HHS), Labor, and Education. It also included a short-term stopgap bill to fund departments that were not funded through the appropriations process through December 7, 2018.

Legislators are also working on a third minibus spending bill to fund the departments of Interior, Treasury, Agriculture, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development.

Legislators chose not to address funding for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, including Trump’s request for border wall funding, until after the midterm elections.

So, it’s the last budget bill that’s hung up in Congress. The government in the agencies in the 3rd bill are the ones who don’t have money to operate.


And the 3rd included money for DHS, which is the department responsible for building the wall. That’s where the president has said enough. Don’t give him the money and he’ll let that part of the government shut down, sending the employees home.

A big note: 44,000 members of the Coast Guard are still performing their duties along with Border Patrol and I.C.E. agents.

I hope the whole thing now makes sense.

My question is; how long can this shutdown go on?
Simple . Trump knows that things get harder for him when the new Congress steps in in a few days .

He’s causing the shutdown now while he has a few days left of majority GOP in the hopes of getting his wall votes .

It’s really easy to see how the budget process works for the executive branch. The president tells the various branches to submit a plan of what they need for the next year. The president goes over it and sends what he wants to the House and Senate. Both bodies have standing budget committees and they go over the figures and decide what can be spent. They write up and pass budget resolutions and send them to the president for his signature.

It should be noted that before President Trump was elected, the US operated for over a decade without an approved budget!

Major events and policy announcements on the budget:

President Donald Trump signed the first minibus, a $147 billion minibus bill that included funding for military construction and veterans’ affairs, the legislative branch, and energy and water, on September 21, 2018.

Notice how congress made sure it had its money to operate. And there’s nowhere on the net that I can find that tells how that money is determined. But, here’s the 2019 budget for the House @ Fiscal Year 2019 Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill Released | Committee on Appropriations, U.S. House of Representatives for$1.2 billion. I can’t find one for the senate.

The judicial branch budget for 2019 is @ https://www.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/fy_2019_congressional_budget_summary_final_0.pdf for $7.22 billion and it includes the entire federal judiciary.

The president signed a second minibus spending bill on September 28, 2018. The $854 billion bill included funding for the Departments of Defense, Health and Human Services (HHS), Labor, and Education. It also included a short-term stopgap bill to fund departments that were not funded through the appropriations process through December 7, 2018.

Legislators are also working on a third minibus spending bill to fund the departments of Interior, Treasury, Agriculture, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development.

Legislators chose not to address funding for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, including Trump’s request for border wall funding, until after the midterm elections.

So, it’s the last budget bill that’s hung up in Congress. The government in the agencies in the 3rd bill are the ones who don’t have money to operate.


And the 3rd included money for DHS, which is the department responsible for building the wall. That’s where the president has said enough. Don’t give him the money and he’ll let that part of the government shut down, sending the employees home.

A big note: 44,000 members of the Coast Guard are still performing their duties along with Border Patrol and I.C.E. agents.

I hope the whole thing now makes sense.

My question is; how long can this shutdown go on?
You are way over-complicating the facts.

The government is shut down because Trump ran out of other people's money and he wants to borrow more to spend.

Outgo exceeded income.

SHHHHHH! Your propagandists don't want you to know this, so keep it on the down low.
Remember when pseudocons used to huff and puff and get all faux raged that Obama never passed a proper annual budget?

Remember that?

So here's another bitch slap by karma: Trump has never passed one, either.

And another:

Pro tip: You can't be held hostage by the commiecrats if you pass balanced budgets and shit!
U.S. national debt increases $1 trillion in 6 months, surpassing $21 trillion mark

According to MarketWatch, the debt is expected to increase after President Donald Trump signed a debt limit suspension in February. The debt limit suspension allows for unlimited borrowing through March 1, 2019.

The Republicans didn't even put a new ceiling. They blew the roof off. UNLIMITED BORROWING.

And not one single whine or whimper from the pseudocons or their piss media outlets.

2013: "I'm embarrassed!"

2018: "Bring me another fucking trillion!"
Trump wants to blow billions of the tax payers' money, and the Republican Congress won't let him.

That's it. Plain and simple.

It’s really easy to see how the budget process works for the executive branch. The president tells the various branches to submit a plan of what they need for the next year. The president goes over it and sends what he wants to the House and Senate. Both bodies have standing budget committees and they go over the figures and decide what can be spent. They write up and pass budget resolutions and send them to the president for his signature.

It should be noted that before President Trump was elected, the US operated for over a decade without an approved budget!

Major events and policy announcements on the budget:

President Donald Trump signed the first minibus, a $147 billion minibus bill that included funding for military construction and veterans’ affairs, the legislative branch, and energy and water, on September 21, 2018.

Notice how congress made sure it had its money to operate. And there’s nowhere on the net that I can find that tells how that money is determined. But, here’s the 2019 budget for the House @ Fiscal Year 2019 Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill Released | Committee on Appropriations, U.S. House of Representatives for$1.2 billion. I can’t find one for the senate.

The judicial branch budget for 2019 is @ https://www.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/fy_2019_congressional_budget_summary_final_0.pdf for $7.22 billion and it includes the entire federal judiciary.

The president signed a second minibus spending bill on September 28, 2018. The $854 billion bill included funding for the Departments of Defense, Health and Human Services (HHS), Labor, and Education. It also included a short-term stopgap bill to fund departments that were not funded through the appropriations process through December 7, 2018.

Legislators are also working on a third minibus spending bill to fund the departments of Interior, Treasury, Agriculture, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development.

Legislators chose not to address funding for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, including Trump’s request for border wall funding, until after the midterm elections.

So, it’s the last budget bill that’s hung up in Congress. The government in the agencies in the 3rd bill are the ones who don’t have money to operate.


And the 3rd included money for DHS, which is the department responsible for building the wall. That’s where the president has said enough. Don’t give him the money and he’ll let that part of the government shut down, sending the employees home.

A big note: 44,000 members of the Coast Guard are still performing their duties along with Border Patrol and I.C.E. agents.

I hope the whole thing now makes sense.

My question is; how long can this shutdown go on?
You are way over-complicating the facts.

The government is shut down because Trump ran out of other people's money and he wants to borrow more to spend.

Outgo exceeded income.

SHHHHHH! Your propagandists don't want you to know this, so keep it on the down low.
LMAO! Yeah Trump did that. All by himself. In two years.

And BTW, every dime the government spends is other people’s money.
"A shutdown falls on the President's lack of leadership. He can't even control his party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the President is weak."

~Donald Trump
"A shutdown falls on the President's lack of leadership. He can't even control his party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the President is weak."

~Donald Trump

If Trump had any negotiating skills at all this would not have happened. When he implied he had these skills he thought telling his lackys he has worked with all these years what to do or get out was a negotiating skill.
Because the Democrats refuse to give Trump less 1.2% of the federal budget to continue work on the southern border wall. The budget is now about $4.4 trillion. Trump is asking for a measly $5 billion, which is less than 1.2% of the budget.
"A shutdown falls on the President's lack of leadership. He can't even control his party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the President is weak."

~Donald Trump

Hmmm, well, if Trump is not YOUR president, how does that work?
If he is, then Thank you President Trump.

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