Why don’t you wear a mask?

Safeway told me yesterday when I called them to ask about plastic face shields they ask any person coming in without any face covering to please wear a mask. If the potential customer says they forgot to bring it, Safeway offers them a new mask and if the customer says they are not going to wear a mask they are allowed in to shop. No prohibitions. I wear a face shield just to keep the peace and while I do mind, I know this isn't going to be forever and will be over with when our great president wins reelection. Shutting down communities is all a political ploy to deny Trump a second term which is going to backfire on those anarchists who would rather see people die than a great leader reelected.

Here is what AARP published in mid-June 2020 about face shields and coverings in general:

If this is all about the presidential election, why is the whole world playing along?
Irrelevant. I don't know anyone who got covid19. 60 million people, as per the CDC, got SARS1 in 2009 and 2010. We were not asked to or required to wear anything special, nothing shut down, no jobs lost. But it was Obama in the white house so the media downplayed it. The brown turd in the white house couldn't have done it worse with a full 20% of the entire population of the US getting infected. With SARS2 only 1% of Americans have it, but the left spends 24/7 on every MSM network saying how badly Trump has handled this pandemic.
The 60 million number is an estimate. Find the number of confirmed cases over the same time period as COVID and your argument will hold more weight.
Prove it. I've been self-quarantined for 16 months. Hardly ever go out. Have severe respiratory problems. PROVE to me I'm a risk to you by not wearing a mask even if not coughing, even if social distancing. You're a greater risk to me. Prove to me my REAL death by suffocation and asphyxiation by wearing a mask (I experienced this first hand the other day nearly passing out trying to wear a mask in a store just to be nice) or being rushed to the ER is worth your THEORETICAL peace of mind.

PROVE to me my being made a prisoner of my home and vilification for living and loss of freedom and right to live is NECESSARY just for you to feel good about yourself?

WHAT THE FUCK MAKES YOU THINK YOU MATTER MORE THAN ME, ASSHOLE, that it give you the RIGHT to discriminate against a whole class of society? If I don't want to go somewhere, I don't go. If I think a person risky or unfavorable, I just avoid them. Grow a fucking pair and quite making the whole fucking world responsible for YOUR snowflake paranoid brainwashed peace of mind.
Sorry you are not feeling well, pal. If you will suffocate wearing a mask, then wear a SHIELD. You listen to your grifter and I will take my chances with the medical and science communities. It matters not who matters more. It matters that we get a handle on this virus that is spreading. Wearing a mask does not make me feel good about myself as that is hardly a fun thing to do. It makes me feel somewhat protected which is better than no mask. The Memorial day coming out parties at beaches, restaurants, bars, etc. resulted in this explosion, and from the way you are flapping in the breeze, you didn't learn much.
Prove it. I've been self-quarantined for 16 months. Hardly ever go out. Have severe respiratory problems. PROVE to me I'm a risk to you by not wearing a mask even if not coughing, even if social distancing. You're a greater risk to me. Prove to me my REAL death by suffocation and asphyxiation by wearing a mask (I experienced this first hand the other day nearly passing out trying to wear a mask in a store just to be nice) or being rushed to the ER is worth your THEORETICAL peace of mind.

PROVE to me my being made a prisoner of my home and vilification for living and loss of freedom and right to live is NECESSARY just for you to feel good about yourself?

WHAT THE FUCK MAKES YOU THINK YOU MATTER MORE THAN ME, ASSHOLE, that it give you the RIGHT to discriminate against a whole class of society? If I don't want to go somewhere, I don't go. If I think a person risky or unfavorable, I just avoid them. Grow a fucking pair and quite making the whole fucking world responsible for YOUR snowflake paranoid brainwashed peace of mind.
And we have a winner.....

Safeway told me yesterday when I called them to ask about plastic face shields they ask any person coming in without any face covering to please wear a mask. If the potential customer says they forgot to bring it, Safeway offers them a new mask and if the customer says they are not going to wear a mask they are allowed in to shop. No prohibitions. I wear a face shield just to keep the peace and while I do mind, I know this isn't going to be forever and will be over with when our great president wins reelection. Shutting down communities is all a political ploy to deny Trump a second term which is going to backfire on those anarchists who would rather see people die than a great leader reelected.

Here is what AARP published in mid-June 2020 about face shields and coverings in general:

This is NOT a mere ploy to deny Trump a second term. Yes, of course many partisan-minded Dems are using it for partisan purposes by trying to pin the blame on Trump, but that still doesn't make this just a ploy to get Trump out of office.

This is a massive psyop, on a global scale, being used as a pretext for numerous globalist agendas, all leading to their final goal, the NWO.

They even openly admit that they are using this as the "great opportunity" to make major permanent global changes. (Of course they try to make the changes sound like a good thing, but that's just to sell the public on their agendas.) And make no mistake, they didn't suddenly realize in the middle of this "pandemic" that this is their perfect opportunity, everything they do is planned out. Look into Event 201. Look into the Rockefeller Foundation report on scenarios for the future, written 10 years ago that describes almost exactly what is happening right now, you can see that here.

And I'm really sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it's not going to be over when Trump is re-elected. In fact, I hate to say this, but I'm fairly certain this is just the beginning.
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And we have a winner.....


Toob----at this point it has become a matter of etiquette-----like not spitting on the sidewalk or urinating in the gutter. Unless you are infected with something DANGEROUS-----it will hurt no one----but the whole society is BETTER OFF if no one does it
Sorry you are not feeling well, pal. If you will suffocate wearing a mask, then wear a SHIELD. You listen to your grifter and I will take my chances with the medical and science communities. It matters not who matters more. It matters that we get a handle on this virus that is spreading. Wearing a mask does not make me feel good about myself as that is hardly a fun thing to do. It makes me feel somewhat protected which is better than no mask. The Memorial day coming out parties at beaches, restaurants, bars, etc. resulted in this explosion, and from the way you are flapping in the breeze, you didn't learn much.
Sorry. I won't be wearing a shield either. I guess you just don't get it. You think I'm being obtuse, defiant or stupid. I just like to breathe, and I don't like to waste money on stupid things I don't need that don't do anything but make it impossible to breathe just so that others feel more secure. This is all horsecrap, wear a mask if you want, wear one if you can, don't make a law everyone can't follow, best thing to do is just social distance best you can and wait for the vaccine.
Toob----at this point it has become a matter of etiquette-----like not spitting on the sidewalk or urinating in the gutter. Unless you are infected with something DANGEROUS-----it will hurt no one----but the whole society is BETTER OFF if no one does it
Oh bullshit.

It's behavioral modification and I ain't going to be modified.
That's now! What will it be in a month? 2 months? A year?

Fuck off you dumbass prick!
Duh.........40 million people laid off and told to stay home and you have the nerve to ask that question

I thought you were smarter than that.

You are fucked in the head! There is no mandatory quarantine anymore unless you are COVID-19 positive, shit-for-brains!
Sorry. I won't be wearing a shield either. I guess you just don't get it. You think I'm being obtuse, defiant or stupid. I just like to breathe, and I don't like to waste money on stupid things I don't need that don't do anything but make it impossible to breathe just so that others feel more secure. This is all horsecrap, wear a mask if you want, wear one if you can, don't make a law everyone can't follow, best thing to do is just social distance best you can and wait for the vaccine.

You are being obtuse, defiant and stupid.

What if there never is a vaccine? Are you going to wait forever?

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