Zone1 Why Does God Allow Us to Suffer?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
My fiancee and I currently feel abandoned by God with some real life struggles and are currently feeling miserable about it.

We're both wondering if He loves us so much then why does it currently seem like He's ignoring our prayers and allowing us to suffer without getting any answers whether they be yes or no? Just some kind of acknowledgement at least that He's listening.

I thought that Jesus was supposed to answer when you called on His name, but I called for Him until I was blue in the face last night and still nothing. 😞
My fiancee and I currently feel abandoned by God with some real life struggles and are currently feeling miserable about it.

We're both wondering if He loves us so much then why does it currently seem like He's ignoring our prayers and allowing us to suffer without getting any answers whether they be yes or no? Just some kind of acknowledgement at least that He's listening.

I thought that Jesus was supposed to answer when you called on His name, but I called for Him until I was blue in the face last night and still nothing. 😞
Creator never makes us feel like that.
He hasn't changed, he's always been in your imagination. That which has changed is you and your fiance.

Put your marriage plans on hold and watch he closely to determine if she is a true and literal believer.
My fiancee and I currently feel abandoned by God with some real life struggles and are currently feeling miserable about it.

We're both wondering if He loves us so much then why does it currently seem like He's ignoring our prayers and allowing us to suffer without getting any answers whether they be yes or no? Just some kind of acknowledgement at least that He's listening.

I thought that Jesus was supposed to answer when you called on His name, but I called for Him until I was blue in the face last night and still nothing. 😞

Why Does God Allow Us to Suffer?​

Because there is no god?
My fiancee and I currently feel abandoned by God with some real life struggles and are currently feeling miserable about it.

We're both wondering if He loves us so much then why does it currently seem like He's ignoring our prayers and allowing us to suffer without getting any answers whether they be yes or no? Just some kind of acknowledgement at least that He's listening.

I thought that Jesus was supposed to answer when you called on His name, but I called for Him until I was blue in the face last night and still nothing. 😞
Many believe in Deism as I do. There is a supreme being/creator who does not intervene the daily affairs of his creations.
My fiancee and I currently feel abandoned by God with some real life struggles and are currently feeling miserable about it.

We're both wondering if He loves us so much then why does it currently seem like He's ignoring our prayers and allowing us to suffer without getting any answers whether they be yes or no? Just some kind of acknowledgement at least that He's listening.

I thought that Jesus was supposed to answer when you called on His name, but I called for Him until I was blue in the face last night and still nothing. 😞

You know...........there are 2 parts of a conversation..........talking and listening. Me? I've personally found that God doesn't necessarily speak back to me in a voice, but rather in coincidences, and little occurrences that happen which point me in a specific direction. Yes, I might have to work for my request but I've always found that if i pay attention to what is going on around me after I've prayed about whatever was the problem, I usually get guided towards the solution, BUT I have to be willing to listen for the solutions. And work for them.

Yes, sometimes full blown miracles have happened in my life, but they were rare. Most times I had to pay attention and work for the solution.
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no answer required on this....your suffering....did you cause it yourself? Could this be something that God wants you to learn from. Throughout the Bible, God was silent for a long time.. for whatever His reason.
My fiancee and I currently feel abandoned by God with some real life struggles and are currently feeling miserable about it.

We're both wondering if He loves us so much then why does it currently seem like He's ignoring our prayers and allowing us to suffer without getting any answers whether they be yes or no? Just some kind of acknowledgement at least that He's listening.

I thought that Jesus was supposed to answer when you called on His name, but I called for Him until I was blue in the face last night and still nothing. 😞
God has forsaken you
By the way, it's not really God who allows a person to suffer (yes, Job was the exception, but apparently there is a lesson in that story), but rather our fellow human beings.

I once had a friend of mine who taught me that one of the things God would like of us humans is to be His hands and feet, meaning when we see someplace where we can help, and are in a position to do so, we should. If I see some poor person who looks like they need a meal, and my heart tells me I should help a little, I do. Same with seeing someone struggle with loading something or anywhere I can help. If my heart tells me that I should help, I do if I am able.

When God gently whispers to you that a person needs help and you ignore it? That's not God causing the suffering, but rather the person ignoring Gods suggestion to help.

Why Does God Allow Us to Suffer?​

Because there is no god?
Most human beings obviously do not believe in God.

Just look at how most human beings act every day.

They are not afraid of doing bad things to other human beings (or to animals).

They do not really believe in God or Heaven or Hell.

So we have all the violent crime and all the white-collar crime and all the wars.

We are born, we suffer, and we die.
Most human beings obviously do not believe in God.

Just look at how most human beings act every day.

They are not afraid of doing bad things to other human beings (or to animals).

They do not really believe in God or Heaven or Hell.

So we have all the violent crime and all the white-collar crime and all the wars.

We are born, we suffer, and we die.

Beliefs do not have to fact based.
Post-Christmas disappointments of Christians who were expecting joy coming out of the commercial promises.

Christmas has left all of them in a bad mood.

Here's something to strike out against now that they've been pranked by the jesus thing again.

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