Nuthin' but the truth
So, what is an executive order?
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“An executive order is the most formal of the three executive actions a president can take under Article II of the Constitution,” said Doug Gansler, former attorney general of Maryland.
The second type is an executive memorandum: “For instance, President Obama directing new relations with Cuba,” Gansler said.
And, the third type of executive action is a proclamation, said Gansler, pointing to President Ronald Reagan’s proclamation of National Catfish Day, in 1987.
Gansler said the president is not allowed to create a new law with an executive order — making new laws is the job of Congress.
“An executive order is an official statement and legally binding mandate from the president, about how the federal agencies he oversees are to use their resources,” Gansler said. Executive Orders 101: What are they? And can they be challenged? - WTOP News
Biden making noise about banning guns with an EO, but we in this country seem too stupid to know that it would not effect the population, because a President can not change law on his own, and certainly can't change the Constitution...