Why do Republicans celebrate the failure of Green Energy


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Politics aside, what is to be gained if Green Energy fails as an alternative energy source? Isn't having alternatives to big oil a benefit for this country? Why is it official GOP policy that Drill, baby drill is the only acceptable answer to our energy needs?

All new technologies suffer failures. More money has been lost in this country by speculative oil failures than anything else

Why the celebrations?
Failure is what they are best at. How many threads have been started where we asked Republicans to name a "success"? Most don't even try. And the ones that do? It just highlights their failures. It's what happens when you govern by "asking Gawd" what you should do and relying on a "gut feeling".
Politics aside, what is to be gained if Green Energy fails as an alternative energy source? Isn't having alternatives to big oil a benefit for this country? Why is it official GOP policy that Drill, baby drill is the only acceptable answer to our energy needs?

All new technologies suffer failures. More money has been lost in this country by speculative oil failures than anything else

Why the celebrations?

How is your home heated ?
What's your car run on ?
Who provides your home with electricity ?

You want to replace all that with solar panels, windmills and a Chevy Volt (which isn't worth a shit) at tens of thousands of dollars for installation and maintenance, knock yourself out.

I can't afford to.
It's not the green energy's fault the owners are taking the government stimulus and giving it back to the guy that stole it from the American people to begin with.

I'm all for "GREEN", I just don't think politicians are the ones that should be selling it. Private investors + private money = successful business, Americans win and have real jobs. Government - campaign contributions = business failures, Americans lose and it costs them more than just money.
Politics aside, what is to be gained if Green Energy fails as an alternative energy source? Isn't having alternatives to big oil a benefit for this country? Why is it official GOP policy that Drill, baby drill is the only acceptable answer to our energy needs?

All new technologies suffer failures. More money has been lost in this country by speculative oil failures than anything else

Why the celebrations?

Pure spin of the truth.

The right was well aware that the "green energy" initiatvies were way too early in regard to technology..and to dedicate money and governmental energy to such initiatives during a serious recession and housing meltdown was foolish..

We are celebrating the fact that we were correct in our theory...and hoping that those that didnt listen to us will admit they were wrong and start doing with our tax money things that will help America.
Politics aside, what is to be gained if Green Energy fails as an alternative energy source? Isn't having alternatives to big oil a benefit for this country? Why is it official GOP policy that Drill, baby drill is the only acceptable answer to our energy needs?

All new technologies suffer failures. More money has been lost in this country by speculative oil failures than anything else

Why the celebrations?
I don't know why, especially given that failure is seen by progressive socialists that they need even more subsidies and straigt-up handouts in order to keep their fairy tale "green energy" scams afloat.

Here's an idea....Get left nutters like Gates, Soros, Buffett and 99% of Hollyweird know-it-alls to "invest" their bazillions of dollars in your unicorns and lucky leprechauns.
It's not the green energy's fault the owners are taking the government stimulus and giving it back to the guy that stole it from the American people to begin with.

I'm all for "GREEN", I just don't think politicians are the ones that should be selling it. Private investors + private money = successful business, Americans win and have real jobs. Government - campaign contributions = business failures, Americans lose and it costs them more than just money.
Do you think that oil has never accepted any federal money for development, exploration or transportation? Was the oil business in this or any other country one founded upon and sustained exclusively by private investment?

Is this why Conservatives find carbon fuel so noble? If it is, it goes to prove my theory that Conservatives are poor students of history.
Politics aside, what is to be gained if Green Energy fails as an alternative energy source? Isn't having alternatives to big oil a benefit for this country? Why is it official GOP policy that Drill, baby drill is the only acceptable answer to our energy needs?

All new technologies suffer failures. More money has been lost in this country by speculative oil failures than anything else

Why the celebrations?

How is your home heated ?
What's your car run on ?
Who provides your home with electricity ?

You want to replace all that with solar panels, windmills and a Chevy Volt (which isn't worth a shit) at tens of thousands of dollars for installation and maintenance, knock yourself out.

I can't afford to.

Short sighted and off base.........
It's not the green energy's fault the owners are taking the government stimulus and giving it back to the guy that stole it from the American people to begin with.

I'm all for "GREEN", I just don't think politicians are the ones that should be selling it. Private investors + private money = successful business, Americans win and have real jobs. Government - campaign contributions = business failures, Americans lose and it costs them more than just money.
Do you think that oil has never accepted any federal money for development, exploration or transportation? Was the oil business in this or any other country one founded upon and sustained exclusively by private investment?

Is this why Conservatives find carbon fuel so noble? If it is, it goes to prove my theory that Conservatives are poor students of history.

You're wrong. Conservatives are just "poor students".
It's not the green energy's fault the owners are taking the government stimulus and giving it back to the guy that stole it from the American people to begin with.

I'm all for "GREEN", I just don't think politicians are the ones that should be selling it. Private investors + private money = successful business, Americans win and have real jobs. Government - campaign contributions = business failures, Americans lose and it costs them more than just money.
Do you think that oil has never accepted any federal money for development, exploration or transportation? Was the oil business in this or any other country one founded upon and sustained exclusively by private investment?

Is this why Conservatives find carbon fuel so noble? If it is, it goes to prove my theory that Conservatives are poor students of history.

Cut that out TOO.... there... simple...
Politics aside, what is to be gained if Green Energy fails as an alternative energy source? Isn't having alternatives to big oil a benefit for this country? Why is it official GOP policy that Drill, baby drill is the only acceptable answer to our energy needs?

All new technologies suffer failures. More money has been lost in this country by speculative oil failures than anything else

Why the celebrations?

They were origionally against the automobile as well. Horsey luddites.
No need to be all butthurt.

It's not a celebration, merely a validation of what we figgered all along. You Lefties should listen to us more.
Politics aside, what is to be gained if Green Energy fails as an alternative energy source? Isn't having alternatives to big oil a benefit for this country? Why is it official GOP policy that Drill, baby drill is the only acceptable answer to our energy needs?

All new technologies suffer failures. More money has been lost in this country by speculative oil failures than anything else

Why the celebrations?

They were origionally against the automobile as well. Horsey luddites.
Lefty Lies. What else?
Politics aside, what is to be gained if Green Energy fails as an alternative energy source? Isn't having alternatives to big oil a benefit for this country? Why is it official GOP policy that Drill, baby drill is the only acceptable answer to our energy needs?

All new technologies suffer failures. More money has been lost in this country by speculative oil failures than anything else

Why the celebrations?

i think it's simply become a wedge issue that tv and radio personalities use to separate two parties that are very similar. if we americans were smart, we would be doing everything we could to stop sending gobs of money to the people who wanna blow us up.

and can you imagine how much less political power the middle east would have if we developed something that made their natural resource much less powerful?
Politics aside, what is to be gained if Green Energy fails as an alternative energy source? Isn't having alternatives to big oil a benefit for this country? Why is it official GOP policy that Drill, baby drill is the only acceptable answer to our energy needs?

All new technologies suffer failures. More money has been lost in this country by speculative oil failures than anything else

Why the celebrations?

How is your home heated ?
What's your car run on ?
Who provides your home with electricity ?

You want to replace all that with solar panels, windmills and a Chevy Volt (which isn't worth a shit) at tens of thousands of dollars for installation and maintenance, knock yourself out.

I can't afford to.

Short sighted and off base.........

Not really...

There is a time and a palce for everything.

When unemployment is at 8.5-10% and When middle class America is struggling to keep up with their existing cost of living is by no means the time to expect that those same middle class Americans will invest lots of money now in green energy for long term savings.

To invest 20K for me to have solar panels installed so I can save 2000 a year in heating bills sounds great in the long run......but who wants to take the chance now by letting go of 20K?
It's not the green energy's fault the owners are taking the government stimulus and giving it back to the guy that stole it from the American people to begin with.

I'm all for "GREEN", I just don't think politicians are the ones that should be selling it. Private investors + private money = successful business, Americans win and have real jobs. Government - campaign contributions = business failures, Americans lose and it costs them more than just money.
Do you think that oil has never accepted any federal money for development, exploration or transportation? Was the oil business in this or any other country one founded upon and sustained exclusively by private investment?

Is this why Conservatives find carbon fuel so noble? If it is, it goes to prove my theory that Conservatives are poor students of history.

Where did I say I support Government oil subsidies?? Don't spin my words. This is a great opportunity for a real business person to make some $, with private investors. There's a need, there's a market niche but no one wants to go green without American taxpayers footing the bill.

Do you know when oil companies first started getting subsidies?? I do.

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