Why Are Democrats So Against The Second Amendment because They Think That Guns Are Violent?

It's their ideology. They are wed to government. They are wed to the idea of someone else doing it. They are helpless, spineless, and want to crippled everyone else. They think everyone should call 911 when you have a hangnail. They are truly disgusting.
What do you mean by “being against” the second amendment? Is there a movement to repeal it
Sure looks that way.
Have you noticed that we speak of things like “responsible gun ownership” and “common sense gun control” No we are not against the 2nd Amendment. We are against the conservative interpretation of the 2nd Amendment which is, basically, that it means that anyone and everyone should be able to carry any sort of weapon any ehere , at any time, regardless of whether or not that person presents a risk to public safety.
This is a straw argument.
Remember your complaint about "honest discussion" a moment ago? You just blew it.
The 2nd Amendment is vague and out dated to say the least.
Repeal it.
There is plenty of room for interpretation regarding who should have guns, and under what circumstances.
4 USSC decisions, starting with Heller, have taken care of most of this; more details to come soon.
And that is aside from the fact that the authors of the constitution could never have conceived of the types of weapons that we now have, or the reality of the modern world
Tell us why you believe the 4th Amendment protects your cell phone conversations.
If you really wanted to discuss guns and the law, that’s where you would begin Not with this lame ass :”Democrats hate the 2nd Amendment “ grade school debate team level premise.
Discussing guns and the law, above, and below.
An inanimate object does not have a motive or a purpose of it’s own independent of humans. But humans are violent, and guns are a efficient and deadly way of inflicting violence.
Of course they are. That;s why our right to own and use them is protected by the 2nd.
This helps explain the movement to repeal it, of course.
Your OP is pretty damned shallow and stupid , kid.
Your response to the OP is pretty shallow, and stupid, kid.
This is the kind of shit that just drags down the quality of discussion on this board.
Wait.... didn't you just calls someone a stupid kid?
After deliberately misrepresenting an argument so you could more easily argue against it?
Your poorly constructed tittle and subsequent thoughtless blather constitutes noting more that a strawman logical fallacy....

If democrats were genuinely concerned about the 2nd Amendment they wouldn't have looked the other way when the civilian bodyguard for notorious anti-2nd Amendment political activist Ted Kennedy was arrested trying to enter the Senate office Building armed with illegal weapons. The charges were quietly dismissed and the message at the time was that it was OK for the liberal elite to buy armed protection but not the common people. Democrats should have demanded indictments for the seemingly crazy "Operation Fast/Furious" where the Obama administration shipped thousands of illegal weapons to Mexican cartels and lost track of them until a weapon surfaced in the murder of a Border Patrol Officer. Nobody was indicted and nobody was even fired.
Then again; you’re not all there.

Just consider that other nations with strict gun control laws enjoy the same freedoms without the monthly bloodbaths.

Like Australia?...

Sydney stabbing: 6 dead, suspect killed in attack at major shopping mall​

If democrats were genuinely concerned about the 2nd Amendment they wouldn't have looked the other way when the civilian bodyguard for notorious anti-2nd Amendment political activist Ted Kennedy was arrested trying to enter the Senate office Building armed with illegal weapons. The charges were quietly dismissed and the message at the time was that it was OK for the liberal elite to buy armed protection but not the common people. Democrats should have demanded indictments for the seemingly crazy "Operation Fast/Furious" where the Obama administration shipped thousands of illegal weapons to Mexican cartels and lost track of them until a weapon surfaced in the murder of a Border Patrol Officer. Nobody was indicted and nobody was even fired.
The Democrats are anti-gun when it comes to the regular folks. They want the political elite to definitely keep and bear arms. Their "common sense regulations" are for you, not them.

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