Zone1 Why do Protestants always believe their pastors rather than the 2000 year old CHURCH Christ established?

yeh, I sometimes wonder if I myself am in total obedience. I still haven't figured out what God wants from me. Someone told me years ago that we humans never really figure that out...

LOL but it seems to be true..
Sometimes God is very clear about what He wants. Yet, the other times...Once I was in prayer because I really wanted to do what God wanted, but total silence. Then a small voice. It was my decision and God would be with me on where that journey took me. Don't forget it is your life and your choices. God is with you. Every so often we can be amazed when God steps in and suggests something for us, so keep listening!
Sometimes God is very clear about what He wants. Yet, the other times...Once I was in prayer because I really wanted to do what God wanted, but total silence. Then a small voice. It was my decision and God would be with me on where that journey took me. Don't forget it is your life and your choices. God is with you. Every so often we can be amazed when God steps in and suggests something for us, so keep listening!
Thanks. Your words meant something to me. . which I have to confess somewhat surprised me. Oh, this reminds me of something I need to post, but anyhow..

You don't say what the small voice seemed to say to you. Maybe it's private. But I love stories about how "odd" things happened after praying.. which is not to say I believe every story "about God" is really about God intervening. I mean, sometimes, things just happen because... things were set in motion to happen that way... if you get my drift... (I don't. LOL)
you believe a falsehood.

Jesus promised that His Church (which obviously goes back to the time of Jesus) would not fail. "I will build My Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it"

A lot of theologians have said that the gates of hell is heresy.. Protestantism was once called that. But now we have the very wise Francis to tell us that the ancient teachings were wrong... What did we do for 2000 years before he came along? :uhoh3::dunno:
The problem is you can't identify "the Church."

Your organization ISNT "the Church."

THE CHURCH is composed of the INDIVIDUALS in whom the Holy Spirit dwells.
The problem is you can't identify "the Church."

Your organization ISNT "the Church."

THE CHURCH is composed of the INDIVIDUALS in whom the Holy Spirit dwells.
FYI, The Catholic Church in Western Europe became known as " the church " because before the Protestant Revolution there was no other church.
FYI, The Catholic Church in Western Europe became known as " the church " because before the Protestant Revolution there was no other church.
"The Church" existed before the "Catholic Church" was founded by Simon Magus whom Peter THREW OUT because his heart was wrong.
REMEMBER - - In The Bible, -- Christ established - A bible receiving church.

12 times in the book of Revelation, Yahashua HIMSELF COMANDS JOHN,

Saying, “ "What thou seest, write in a { Bible / Book } and send it unto the churches.

Here - YAHASHUA ALSO NAMED, ( by location), the seven existing Churches - The Roman Catholic Church { Rome Location } the catholic faith was not ever listed in Gods word anywhere nor by Yahashua, at any time anything regarding a church nor church doctrine.

this doctrine, of the Catholic church must be erected and reared up by tradition...... alone. the connection is not made in the bible directly pointing to the faith of the Catholic, - the Catholic must take what is in the scripture and make the great assumption that this passage is not only directly related to their adaption but also was intended to add to, modify, clarify and complete the passage into something the passage and the rest of the passages are not supporting.

Muslims do the same exact thing with the Quran

Islam is a circular system that forces all Muslims to pretend unto themselves

Catholics and Muslims make – believe that they all are messengers and prophets, revealing the completion of prophecy – …… to the failed and incomplete prophecies that Mohammad failed to provide.

Muslims are unsatisfied with the Quran
for Catholics - The Holy Spirit failed to provide answers and doctrine and knowledge

just like - Muslims who are saying that Mohammad failed, his revelation has not been completed and that we need to produce mountains of pages of documentation in HADITH and ISLAMIC LAW that is not a part of Mohammad’ s prophecy to further expound and further prophecy a continuation to revelation of a Quranic message

that has left them distrustful, doubtful and questioning.

for example - while at the same time - Muslims imagine that Mohammad had fulfilled or completed the religion of Islam within the Quran, the Quranic - scripts, texts and sources - in fact - THE QURAN IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR MUSLIMS - Muslims are not satisfied and fulfilled and content and relying upon the Quran for their faith system- THE HADITH ARE NOT THE QURAN - the Quran is not a part of God’ s final message, Muslims need to compile thousands of other books and revelations and prophecies just to construct their religious system. This is what Muslims are telling the world.

- Catholics and Muslims - they must continually compile an additional THOUSANDS of books to explain the missing and OMITTED / LEFT OUT information that God did not include in scriptures, to Catholics and Muslims their scriptures are nothing but uncompleted revelation and unfulfilled prophecies that they have spent hundreds of years adding upon and afterwards inserting their own personal and private never-ending prophecy and revelation,

Muslims have been busy for 1,500 years attempting to complete the Quran with the Hadith to even attempt to compare anything to any previous scripts, texts and sources. Catholics have been busy for 2000 years attempting to complete the Bible with hundreds of thousands of extra catechism

I simply do not understand how a Muslim or Catholic could be interested or prepared to ask a question that has no basis in truthful openness and reality.

I think all of Jesus’ half-brothers and half-sisters were from an earlier marriage of Joseph.
If Mary had had other sons, one of them would have taken care of her - but Jesus had John of Zebedee take care of her - so I think Mary only gave birth to Jesus, and that by immaculate conception.

Mary is the immaculate conception, not Jesus.

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