Why Do People Take Up for "Idiots".


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
No matter how many idiot presidents/politicans we have there's always someone who takes their side. does that ole say "You can fool most of the people most of the time" ring true?
The saying goes "You can fool some of the people, all of the time or all of the people some of the time. But not all of the people, all of the time."
our identities become wrapped up so much in our political beliefs and candidates that we refuse to accept their actual failures. by doing that then we admit we ourselves are wrong, and thats one of the hardest things to do as a human being.
our identities become wrapped up so much in our political beliefs and candidates that we refuse to accept their actual failures. by doing that then we admit we ourselves are wrong, and thats one of the hardest things to do as a human being.

If that's true for you, then you are admitting that you're a fucking idiot.
Obama, according to you -- an idiot, became POTUS.

What did you, a non-idiot, become?
I think it's more like cheering for the home team no matter how sucky they play.

Also known as partisan hackery.

Something you're eminently familiar with.

It's like Barney Frank admitted recently in an interview: He opposed some pieces of legislation not because they were necessarily bad but simply because Republicans supported them. He figured if Republicans supported them they had to be bad.
No matter how many idiot presidents/politicans we have there's always someone who takes their side. does that ole say "You can fool most of the people most of the time" ring true?

Why are you demeaning those people who voted for Bush II the second time son?

No matter how many idiot presidents/politicans we have there's always someone who takes their side. does that ole say "You can fool most of the people most of the time" ring true?

No matter who we elect, people will still consider them the be idiots

No president was considered to be a bigger idiot at the time than Abe Lincoln
it seems to be a part of the american psyche to protest. and the electorate is so polarized as it is - most any presidential election is 51% beating 49% - the tyranny of the marginal majority.
our identities become wrapped up so much in our political beliefs and candidates that we refuse to accept their actual failures. by doing that then we admit we ourselves are wrong, and thats one of the hardest things to do as a human being.

If that's true for you, then you are admitting that you're a fucking idiot.

Keep increasing that pathetic post count through attacks and insults. Sad really.
our identities become wrapped up so much in our political beliefs and candidates that we refuse to accept their actual failures. by doing that then we admit we ourselves are wrong, and thats one of the hardest things to do as a human being.

If that's true for you, then you are admitting that you're a fucking idiot.

Keep increasing that pathetic post count through attacks and insults. Sad really.

It's all she has. Do you really want to take THAT away from her?
why are you such a ****? your husband needs to take away your computer privileges.

Because she is a Tea Bagger and hates the fact that people are actually trying to vet loons like Angle and O'Donnell.

I support the ideals of the Tea Party. True.

I don't 'hate' anyone for vetting candidates. I dislike people repeating crap and pretending it's some really important issue for the sake of partisan politics.

If Americans properly vetted it's candidates, Obama would not be President. And we wouldn't have had 8 years of that the idiot son.
our identities become wrapped up so much in our political beliefs and candidates that we refuse to accept their actual failures. by doing that then we admit we ourselves are wrong, and thats one of the hardest things to do as a human being.

If that's true for you, then you are admitting that you're a fucking idiot.

Keep increasing that pathetic post count through attacks and insults. Sad really.

So you're saying that it is not idiotic to allow your own identity to become wrapped up in that of a politician. Good to know.
I think it's more like cheering for the home team no matter how sucky they play.

Also known as partisan hackery.

Something you're eminently familiar with.

It's like Barney Frank admitted recently in an interview: He opposed some pieces of legislation not because they were necessarily bad but simply because Republicans supported them. He figured if Republicans supported them they had to be bad.

Sort of like the entire GOP since jan. 9, 2009. They even opposed things they proposed just because Obama was POTUS.

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